Seriously doubt it. Instead imagine all the Polish migrants who moved to the UK, multiply it by 100 and then imagine every official phone call you'll ever make having to listen to "For English press one, Na Polski nacisnij dwa."
What's the matter? Your finger gets tiered. Besides, the fact that after half an hour of run around you're still not able to take care of your business or being put on hold dose not bother you, just the fact that you have to press one or two for the language at the very beginning.
Imagine that choosing the language is only one button you have to press, it's the pin number that's the kicker you have to press; imagine that, four, four whole digits and remember them.
Whenever you go to Lowe's or other major retailers you see a sign in English right next to the sign in Polish.

No matter how bad is your eyesight you can't miss the English part, besides people always ignore fine print.
illegals (almost all Mexicans) who've committed serious crimes. Imagine an estimated 10-30% of Poles crossing into the UK bringing in illegal drugs... Imagine...
Imagine that; some immigrant trying to make a quick buck (after all he's just being an entrepreneur) who got caught selling drugs committed a crime, (not some series crime) yet the native who bought the drugs, used them and in his stupor committed god knows how many really series crimes before he got caught, like murder, assault, rubbery etc. because he needed more money to support his habit is ignored 'the Mexican made me do it.' Seriously, you people need to get your priority straight and don't blame whatever ails your society on immigrants. Millions of them are doing some menial job right now that one of you would never do but without it society would grind to a halt or at least experience serious hiccup. If it was not for that immigrant Americans would have drowned in their own refuse long time ago, you would have never been able to produce anything especially your agricultural produce and would have to pay 100 times the current rate, who would fix the roof over your head?, your average Mexican or any other illegal for that matter is just too busy making ends meet then to commit serious crime. Scraping bottom of the barrel for a living is not an easy life but as always it's easier to blame someone else then to take a good look at yourself and be honest about it, one might not like what he sees.