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Brown's 'Bigotgate' and the debate about Poles

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
30 Apr 2010 /  #31
I liked that Brown said what he said :)
Olga  1 | 330  
30 Apr 2010 /  #32
we dont get too many caliente chicas here we get all the 4ft tall by 4ft wide chupacabras pushing strollers

LOL. That's a laugh I haven't had in a while.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
30 Apr 2010 /  #33
I liked that Brown said what he said :)

Me too :)
jeden  - | 226  
30 Apr 2010 /  #34
That's just part of being an immigrant. I pay a serious amount of tax in Poland but apparently have no right at all to even make any comment about how that money should be spent.


You can vote in Local election.

I feel there is some sort of witchhunt going on at the moment, showing furious Brits on the TV and expressing their opinions on the radio about Poles - I really feel that I am unwelcomed here and frankly want to leave England for good. I have a British partner, and it's not as easy as just packing my suitcase, but I really feel like doing just that.


I understand Brits very well. There are a lot of rude an no polite Poles in UK now. Their steal jobs. In crisis the english behaviour is understandable.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Apr 2010 /  #35
"The Debate About Poles". I think that's a gross overstatement by TopicStarter. The old hag mentioned "Eastern European immigrants" ONCE and it's immediately turned into a national debate about Poles by some on this forum. That is pretty sad. Why? First of all, nobody mentiones "Poles" anywhere in the video, secondly I think this whol discussion is mainly due to the fact that some ppl have a great talent to make it look like everything that's said or done is there to put them down, insult them or simply to get back at them. Poles generally exceed in that. God, I'm so tired of that.


M-G (it's Koninginnedag -Queensday- today, so let's just cut the nagging, will we?)
Varsovian  91 | 634  
30 Apr 2010 /  #36
The background to all this is that Brits are BANNED from talking about the I word. If they raise the issue they are immediately branded a racist, regardless of the content of their comment.

That's what happened here. Brown branded her a racist for even raising the subject.

Note his use of the word "bigoted". It's revealing. His father was a Presbyterian minister in Scotland. "Bigotry" there refers to the Protestant/Catholic divide. Not that I'd expect any under-educated Brit to be aware of how Brown was probably echoing his father ...
omalley  2 | 27  
30 Apr 2010 /  #37
I love the fact that we now live in a borderless EUROPE, people should be free to come and go as they please, they should be free to choose where they want to work and live, settle and raise families. It’s so much nicer to be nice, we should just love each other and spend more time hugging and less time moaning. Let a Polish person into your life, you’ll be so much happier.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Apr 2010 /  #38

I told you not to take them drugs anymore.


M-G (now see what happened)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Apr 2010 /  #39
When will all the ignorant retards learn that Poland is, was and always will be a Central
European Country, together with Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia. Switzerland,
Slovenia and Hungary?

Good luck with that fantasy. The term is not geographic its political.

There is no central Europe, only East and West. Nobody in the UK refers to any of those countries as 'central', the dividing line was the Berlin wall anything east of it was Eastern Bloc/communist and now ex-communist bloc.

Eastern Germany was in the East and Austria was non-aligned. Czech Republic, Slovakia are ex-communist and Switzerland is neutral.

2) ? The Polish resettlement act of 1947 was intended for dislocated Polish troops WITHIN Britain. It was meant as a thank you from the British government for the huge Polish contributions to the war efforts. (which makes the entire discussion about the ungrateful British towards the Poles a useless one).

A thank you... right... ********.

The real reason (as documented at that time) was:

we shafted you and now we can't send you back to imprisonment under communism, in fact we can't force you back as you are armed to the teeth and neither the British Army or its officers would obey an order to force the Poles back. The UK was also desperate for workers, German POW's were forced into labour and not repatriated either for YEARS - some chose to stay.

The UK was so desperate for manpower they even recruited my friends Italian father by offering a job at the docks in Palermo - work as a coal ripper for 7 years and you get the citizenship.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Apr 2010 /  #40
if its anything like mexicans in america which its not but if it is im sure the UK is benefiting from cheap/skilled labor, lets hear the good things they bring besides the woman.

The only ones whom benefit from cheap labour are big business and corporations. Oh, and the landlords. The average joe gets shafted.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Apr 2010 /  #41
There is no central Europe, only East and West

And South (we have southern Europe)

they even recruited my friends Italian father by offering a job at the docks in Palermo - work as a coal ripper for 7 years and you get the citizenship.

Why do you say "even"? We've had Italians in the UK since long before WWII.

I liked that Brown said what he said :)

I'll be interested to hear what Nick Griffin has to say when he wins more seats than he would have, had Brown not shown his true colours, there's no clawing this back, Im also glad he said it, but not for the reasons you are - just shows that they havent got a clue how people actually fee about the immgiration problem on my little island.

I love the fact that we now live in a borderless EUROPE, people should be free to come and go as they please, they should be free to choose where they want to work and live, settle and raise families. It’s so much nicer to be nice, we should just love each other and spend more time hugging and less time moaning.

If all countries were equal and offered the same quality of life then it would be great, unfortunately most people in europe dont want to and live in 3rd world countries.

Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
30 Apr 2010 /  #42
Poland, CZ anD SVK will always be central European countries.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
30 Apr 2010 /  #43
the dividing line was the Berlin wall anything east of it was Eastern Bloc/communist and now ex-communist bloc.

What about west of it? Was DDR a western society? ;)

Imagine Mexican migration into the US.

Multiply that by ten.

Seriously doubt it. Instead imagine all the Polish migrants who moved to the UK, multiply it by 100 and then imagine every official phone call you'll ever make having to listen to "For English press one, Na Polski nacisnij dwa." Then imagine every time you take out cash from an ATM you chose English or Polish before you can select your pin-code or the amount to be withdrawn. Whenever you go to Lowe's or other major retailers you see a sign in English right next to the sign in Polish... Oh, imagine 30% of prisoners for violent crimes being Poles... That's the reality we have in North Carolina for example where 30% of Charlotte, NC are illegals (almost all Mexicans) who've committed serious crimes. Imagine an estimated 10-30% of Poles crossing into the UK bringing in illegal drugs... Imagine...

I'll take your legal Polish immigrants over our illegal Mexicans in a heart-beat. Notice I said illegal Mexicans. Those who came to the US in a legal way I have no problem with whatsoever. Also, I say Mexicans because the vast majority of the illegals come from Mexico but my comment applies to all illegal aliens.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Apr 2010 /  #44
Poland, CZ anD SVK will always be central European countries.

When you divide something into two there is no third part, its east or west, left or right.

What about west of it? Was DDR a western society? ;)

It was behind the Iron curtain, therefore East.
jeden  - | 226  
30 Apr 2010 /  #45

If we look on the XX century, Yes Poland is / was east europe Country. No doubt.

But if we look on the whole history ( from IX to XXI) Poland definietly belongs to Western Europe, Western Civilization.

There are free feature :

-Christianity ( mainly catholicism, or protestant)


-Roman Law.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
30 Apr 2010 /  #46
we dont get too many caliente chicas here we get all the 4ft tall by 4ft wide chupacabras pushing strollers.

Que? U talkin' to me, mijo? ;)

What about west of it? Was DDR a western society? ;)
It was behind the Iron curtain, therefore East.

I know, I was being facetious...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
30 Apr 2010 /  #47
Seriously doubt it. Instead imagine all the Polish migrants who moved to the UK, multiply it by 100 and then imagine every official phone call you'll ever make having to listen to "For English press one, Na Polski nacisnij dwa."

What's the matter? Your finger gets tiered. Besides, the fact that after half an hour of run around you're still not able to take care of your business or being put on hold dose not bother you, just the fact that you have to press one or two for the language at the very beginning.

Imagine that choosing the language is only one button you have to press, it's the pin number that's the kicker you have to press; imagine that, four, four whole digits and remember them.

Whenever you go to Lowe's or other major retailers you see a sign in English right next to the sign in Polish.

Home Depot

No matter how bad is your eyesight you can't miss the English part, besides people always ignore fine print.

illegals (almost all Mexicans) who've committed serious crimes. Imagine an estimated 10-30% of Poles crossing into the UK bringing in illegal drugs... Imagine...

Imagine that; some immigrant trying to make a quick buck (after all he's just being an entrepreneur) who got caught selling drugs committed a crime, (not some series crime) yet the native who bought the drugs, used them and in his stupor committed god knows how many really series crimes before he got caught, like murder, assault, rubbery etc. because he needed more money to support his habit is ignored 'the Mexican made me do it.' Seriously, you people need to get your priority straight and don't blame whatever ails your society on immigrants. Millions of them are doing some menial job right now that one of you would never do but without it society would grind to a halt or at least experience serious hiccup. If it was not for that immigrant Americans would have drowned in their own refuse long time ago, you would have never been able to produce anything especially your agricultural produce and would have to pay 100 times the current rate, who would fix the roof over your head?, your average Mexican or any other illegal for that matter is just too busy making ends meet then to commit serious crime. Scraping bottom of the barrel for a living is not an easy life but as always it's easier to blame someone else then to take a good look at yourself and be honest about it, one might not like what he sees.
czar  1 | 143  
1 May 2010 /  #48
rubbery etc.

sry couldnt resist

anyway i would say illigals had a big to do with the housing bubble burst, they are building too many houses and they are not buying any of them or paying taxes at that, thats for another thread, all im saying is that if the uk economy is benefiting from cheap/skilled labor than your whole arguement is wash

the brits are too good to work anyway its a quality of life issue
the ag business in america is rife with ecoli scares and spreading disease but thats lack FDA and another topic.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 May 2010 /  #49
And besides, why are Poles allowed to make nasty remarks about other ppls and yet scream blue murder when sb makes a nasty remark about them?

Have you seen Flower888 making any nasty remarks about other ppls?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 May 2010 /  #50
I fail to comprehend why the debate has centered itself on Poles and not other groups, like Arabs, turks or Pakis?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 May 2010 /  #51
Have you seen Flower888 making any nasty remarks about other ppls?

This was meant as a more general remark, not at flower. Seen this happen so many times. Example (true story): Polish friend: "ah those darn blacks, they're criminal, all of them, they don't wash themselves and they are lazy, I don't like them." (two sentenses later): "...and then he said he didn't like the Polish! Can you believe that? Can you believe that somebody says that?"

Catch my drift?
And besides: she does nag :)

I fail to comprehend why the debate has centered itself on Poles and not other groups, like Arabs, turks or Pakis?

They're the newest Tsunami. Arabs, Turks and Pakistani have been there quite a long time. Also, a lot of Poles like to think that everything is directed at them and meant to insult them.


M-G (tiens)
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 May 2010 /  #52
Poland, CZ anD SVK will always be central European countries.

Don't even try to talk to ignorants bro.21 years ago everything east of Berlin was marked on their maps as a Russia(Soviet Union).Most "Westerners" is so ignorant that you wouldn't believe it. Anyway,who cares if it's east ,west,central or whatever?What matters is what it is,not how someone call it.I don't mind being "Easterner" at all.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 May 2010 /  #53
I know what you mean, but I thought of you as of a person that condemns generalizations. I gues I was wrong.

Now, what would happen if two million Paddys and Brits migrated into Poland over a five year period?

We would all hold hands and dance in circless to emphisize our love and european unity.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 May 2010 /  #54
I know what you mean, but I thought of you as of a person that condemns generalizations

I do, but it happens an aweful lot of times. Of course I know not all Poles do this, but look around you on this forum, it makes it kinda hard not to believe it.


M-G (tiens)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 May 2010 /  #55
True. There is an arrogant side of my people that I didn't nottice before joining this message board.

Still, if I were to generalize about jews, blacks or cyclist i bet that you would call me racist without any hesitation. Or am i wrong?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
1 May 2010 /  #56
What gets me about all this is that this woman was prepared to say this infront of a camera... and yet thinks she can't be criticised for her views. If it had been a flag waving member of BNP people would be demanding Brown had called him a bigot!

Come on, what was brown supposed to have done, said "Shut up you bigotted old cow! Bloody Irish name, Duffy. Loads of your lot came flocking over here too at one time!" in front of the media and press? Imagine the gleeful headlines the next day.

Can we imagine if someone had followed this lady home and recorded her saying, "Bloody Scottish git!", then it would be 'invasion of privacy'.

And all this 'oh, he's so two-faced!' Of course he is, he's a politician... it's part of the job description. Let's face it, next time any politician is in China, Russia, UAE etc for a trade discussion, do you think any of them are really going to give the hosts a grilling about human rights etc? No, they'll smile, shake hands and get the trade agreement. Gordon just did what politicians and normal people do.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 May 2010 /  #57
Still, if I were to generalize about jews, blacks or cyclist i bet that you would call me racist without any hesitation. Or am i wrong?

Racism is a funny thing. People think one can only be racist towards dark people.

But how can someone be racist towards cyclists LOL
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 May 2010 /  #58
Still, if I were to generalize about jews, blacks or cyclist

I'm just bashing the bashers. Of course when you bash on the Jews or the blacks, I'm gonna call you a racist. That is, if you do it consistently. That is because these both groups have been bashed on so often that it's getting annoying. What I was trying to say is that the biggest racists on this forum (and elsewhere) usually are the first accusing you of racism if you bash on them. I don't bash on ppl who don't bash. Simply a matter or what goes around, comes around. I'm fighting them with their own means.

But when you bash on cyclists, then I wouldn't. I hate cyclists.


one can only be racist towards dark people

Well, racism towards dark ppl is inhaerent to the word "racism", negativity towards other races. One cannot be a racist towards one's own race.


M-G (darn those two-wheeled freaks!)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
2 May 2010 /  #59
Well, racism towards dark ppl is inhaerent to the word "racism", negativity towards other races. One cannot be a racist towards one's own race.

What I was pointing out is the fact that naiv white people claim only whites can be racist (which is also racist, btw), whereas non-white persons are actually more intolerant. I know that, for the racism you find in South America is with no doubt more virulent and unashamed than the one which is fought in Europe.
Olga  1 | 330  
2 May 2010 /  #60
I, for one, admire a politician for telling it how it is.

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