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3 Apr 2011 /  #211
He's actually 32, but that's a minor detail - saw another clip of him in which it says so.

On the clip you've posted they say he's 25 but yeah it's just a detail.

I fully agree with you. I have nothing against his stand-up comedies.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Apr 2011 /  #212
I also feel upset by comments like this.


Here we see more stereotypes.The ones about Russians are the worst.We see that the poorer a country is the worse the stereotypes.

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
3 Apr 2011 /  #213
The fact of the matter is that the French are nowhere to be seen and that means - no arguing please - the Russians are the worst tourists in the world. Of course, they spent most of their childhood eating concrete and trying not to be tortured so who can blame them for exploding onto the world's beaches in a tizzy of frills, Versace sunglasses and extraordinarily tight Speedos.

The only problem is that they all look so sinister with their pastry complexions and their special forces tattoos. You get the impression when they look at you that they're imagining what you would look like with no head.

A lout from Liverpool may vomit on you and that's nasty. But a Russian would happily garnish your pizza with a dash of polonium. And that's so much worse.

Daisy  3 | 1211  
3 Apr 2011 /  #214
The more people complain that Clarkson has upset them, the more Clarkson will do it

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Apr 2011 /  #215
the sad thing is that he acnoledged that Germans looks down on Poles...

and plenty of Poles look down on everyone love,your point is?

Here is what Dietmar Wischmeyer has to say about the British:

had me laughing from the first line...the inversion of our thankfullness for being an island keeping nasty european types out lol

I actually quite enjoy the british humour

Ever seen Blackadder goes Forth ? ;) Coz Im getting a real funny image of you as the Red Baron in that :)
especially after ;

(Toilet humour anyone?).

The more people complain that Clarkson has upset them, the more Clarkson will do it

Aye, he's a Donny lad after all ;) In a nation of p!ss takers we carry the largest pots :)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
3 Apr 2011 /  #216
I like the German portrayal of the British but I do not like that of the Polish.
sascha  1 | 824  
3 Apr 2011 /  #217
I like the German portrayal of the British

Enlighten me pls? Sth new?

that Clarkson has upset them, the more Clarkson will do it

Now he more than an 'insider tip' and his show on TV which was actually not so bad, besides the part about cars. Boring to the bone. But like with any, we say Bauer, who is actually not stupid, he's using the media attention for his insults and gets even more attention by that. Narcism definetily and the need for conflict by provocation....at the end of the day he's just a little smarter islandmonkey. ;)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
3 Apr 2011 /  #218
Enlighten me pls? Sth new?

Humor tends to be good-natured and not insulting. I think that the English would find some truth in it.
sascha  1 | 824  
3 Apr 2011 /  #219
Germans think sometimes that they are something better [than Poles].

Not only than Poles. That's part of German culture, at least of the minor educated ones. Unfortunately and unfortunately that the same group is still driven by the old prejudices for Poles.

Humour builds bridges and accelerates acceptance of each other and as far as I'm concerned, he's doing a great job.

I am not following 'comedian' since Germany isn't known for that. If he is really good, that he is an execption. For lauging Germans usually go in the basement...

There are some smart comedians in Germany who actually try that what you describe MG like Helge Schneider f.e., but his generation is slowly fading out, tired or just saturated.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Apr 2011 /  #220
The weak countries get a lot of bashing in comedies.I remember one greek comedian in the 80's who told sth like this in stand up comedy:"Poland?What Poland?People are hungry there.I went with 1000 drachmas in my pocket(3 euro) and I bought 3 pairs of Adidas,five trousers,two T-shirts and I got change back!People are hungry there.The women don't wear serviettes.With one Kolynos(toothpaste) you pull out a girlfriend!"

The last line has remained.With one Kolynos you get a girlfriend.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Apr 2011 /  #221
Humor tends to be good-natured and not insulting. I think that the English would find some truth in it.

about 40 years ago maybe :) But we can still laugh at ourselves normally because when something outlandish is said we just presume they are talking about all the other english but not ourselves, where as I feel Poles feel everyone is talking specificaly about them no matter how bizzare the topic.probably helps that our whole nature involves taking the mick out of everything and everyone,ourselves the most.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
4 Apr 2011 /  #222
they are talking about all the other english but not ourselves

No matter how bizzare the topic, Dietmar is equally taking the mick out of everyone: from the 'royals' down to the lowerest classes. So he fairly treats all the English.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Apr 2011 /  #223
Im sure he does.
I may not have explained myself clearly?
To paint a better picture i'll paint a bizzare one;
Say im painted blue and sat in a room with ten other people also painted blue. A joke is told that takes the mick out of idiots who paint themselves blue. I as a british person will look around the room at the people painted blue and think,"yeah,what a bunch of idiots painting themselves blue" because of course I might be painted blue but Im not an idiot so he cant be making the joke about me.....

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Apr 2011 /  #224
This so called Polish comedian does not make fun of the stereotype of Polish people having subhuman intelligence. Instead he embraces it.

If he were to make fun of the stereotype of Polish people having subhuman intelligence he would make fun of other people who imply Polish people have subhuman intelligence.

And why characterize me as "dragging in the Jews" when all I'm merely saying is that Jews would not be ridiculed to this degree.

If my merely mentioning Jews to you is "dragging in the Jews", then the mass media in America with its weekly if not daily mentioning of Jews and Israel, must be "dragging in the Jews" all the time.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Apr 2011 /  #225
You do not understand German. So pls don't make comments on what he is trying to do if you don't understand what exactly he is saying.

If he were to make fun of the stereotype of Polish people having subhuman intelligence he would make fun of other people who imply Polish people have subhuman intelligence.

No, because that would give feeding ground to any existing antipathy. By making ppl laugh with jokes about your fellow countrimen you will get other ppl to think about the subject much easier and quicker. But I guess you still don't get the point. Or you only see the point you want to see. As usual.

And why characterize me as "dragging in the Jews" when all I'm merely saying is that Jews would not be ridiculed to this degree.

Because you are dragging in the Jews once again. Jews are being ridiculed just as much by Jewish comedians as any other ppl on Earth. Don't hear you shouting blue murder about that.

The topic at hand was a Polish comedian making fun of stereotypes. Nowhere there was any mention nor any connection to Jews in what shape or form. You are to be credited for bringing them in once more.
sascha  1 | 824  
17 Apr 2011 /  #226
You do not understand German.

Who does? ;)

The topic at hand was a Polish comedian making fun of stereotypes. Nowhere there was any mention nor any connection to Jews in what shape or form. You are to be credited for bringing them in once more.

Stereotypes+Jews=Comedian, right? Legitimate topic...

Polish people having subhuman intelligence

That sort of stereotype can easily projected on any nation. Just look westwards. ;) I wouldn't be so picky on that.
Crow  154 | 9552  
17 Apr 2011 /  #227

former Slavs of Germany (also known as Germans) who now live their germanized lives gather to praise their idol - one can`t be sure how to understand German masses, as result of idol`s fart or eventually as result of idol`s kaka

German caliphate

take it fat
sascha  1 | 824  
17 Apr 2011 /  #228
Vorsicht crowie. Don't pass the yellow line... ;)
Crow  154 | 9552  
29 Nov 2011 /  #229
these Germanics are really stubborn

yesterday, Austrian troops on Kosovo vs. Serbian woman

Another Germanic invasion onto Slavic ground.
sascha  1 | 824  
29 Nov 2011 /  #230
they are 'just' the executors of those via Atlantic, what doesn't make the act understandable...very complicated...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
29 Nov 2011 /  #231
Another Germanic invasion onto Slavic ground.

By the looks of it they all cower behind all that armor because of one single Serbian lady blocking their way ;) look they even turned the gun turret her way!

Brave soldiers indeed.
sascha  1 | 824  
29 Nov 2011 /  #232
they are called NATO models, those who serve in Kosovo. angsthasen with a uniform ;)
Crow  154 | 9552  
29 Nov 2011 /  #233
they are 'just' the executors of those via atlantic

they aren`t just executors. They passionately fight against Serbs/Slavs. These German troops were sent by NATO command to replace Polish Kosovo troops. Poles didn`t want to fight against their brotherly Serbs but these German devils passionately doing their dirty job in creation of ethnically pure Islamic Greater Albania- deeply anti-Slavic creation.

i present these pictures just to show how German hate on Poles/Slavs back in Germany prepared Germans for another `drang nach osten`. German army moved against Slavs again. Yes, that`s what we see here. Today Serbs, tomorrow Poles... fights for survivor >>>

German army perpetrated repression over native Slavs. It was back before WWII, it was during WWII and it is so now
sascha  1 | 824  
29 Nov 2011 /  #234
Poles didn`t want to fight against their brotherly Serbs

??? if uncle sam says poles go, they go. punkt.

they aren`t just executors. They passionately fight against Serbs/Slavs.

thats not true and you know that. your enthusiasm is ok, but in massen ;)

German devils


creation of ethnically pure Islamic Greater Albania- deeply anti-Slavic creation

sth i cannot understand. they used albanians in ww2 as allience and it seems that history is repeating, BUT that is imo very shortsighted. the bill will be huge and paid afterwards...we had that already...because of stupid alliences.
Crow  154 | 9552  
29 Nov 2011 /  #235
i blame Russia for this. Russia shouldn`t allow Germany to re-unite after annihilated all those Slavs back in WWII. Eastern Germans (minimum Eastern Germans) are anyway former germanzied Slavs. Now, with new totalitarian regime in Berlin/Bon they are proud Germans again. Proud and crazy, full of hate on Slavs.
Natasa  1 | 572  
29 Nov 2011 /  #236
Crow, no no no no !!!!!

German demons, not devils (Devil is one and only , wink wink ;)) and German and Demon are synonyms in Serbian language ;))
sascha  1 | 824  
29 Nov 2011 /  #237
Now, with new totalitarian regime in Berlin/Bon they are proud Germans again. Proud and crazy, full of hate on Slavs.

i think that is too much of a generalization. like in every society you have those andersdenkende which are probably more critical about the course of the german admin. their voices have to be considered, too.

there is still the balance in europe, due the support of the uk by the big brother usa and france being somewhat in the middle. they would not allow some alleingang of germany.
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Nov 2011 /  #238
I see again Serbs beating and shooting Germanics in Kosovo.It seems traditions die hard.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Nov 2011 /  #239
Sascha, do you feel allegiance to the German state in any way? You seem to be caught in the middle of this clash. It's natural that Germans are up in arms about the recent influx of foreigners. However, they must ask themselves the question of how they want their country to be in the face of a rising Islamic influence. I'm not saying it's a bad thing per se, just that it's an emerging reality.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 Nov 2011 /  #240

it might help if contributors to this thread start by reading the first post. thank you.

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