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Anti-Corruption Bureau investigates Warsaw city hall

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Apr 2016 /  #1
CBA agents have been examining documents at Warsaw city hall as a result of audits which have revealed suspicious irrregularities. Among other things, the personal asset declarations of senior officials are being checked as well as reprivatisation activities involving real etsate worth hundreds of millions of złotys where a huge potential for abuse exists. Gronkiewicz and her top muncipal brass are shaking in their boots at the thought of what the inquiry may uncover.
jon357  72 | 23518  
26 Apr 2016 /  #2
CBA agents

Another case of the current regime abusing state organs against political rivals.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 Apr 2016 /  #3
And you should perhaps open a thread about the recently revealed tapes where Sławomir Graś of the former PO government talks to Jan Kulczyk about how difficult it is for the government to read the FAKT newspaper full of anti-government (in his view) articles. Jan Kulczyk allegedly "finds" a way to inform the widow of Axel Springer, owner of the company to which FAKT belongs, about the "inconveniences" felt by the PO government. Six weeks later the chief of FAKT is allegedly forced to leave his post in the newspaper.

Sinc then FAKT becomes a paper which points out the mistakes of the then opposition party PiS rather than the mistakes of the PO government still in power.

All this with the sell-out of CIECH shares to Jan Kulczyk in the background.
jon357  72 | 23518  
26 Apr 2016 /  #4
the mistakes of the then opposition party PiS

So many mistakes to point out, and very worth mentioning that PiS have their own, deeply untrusted, mouthpieces.

Jan Kulczyk

May he rest in peace. A very good man.
G (undercover)  
26 Apr 2016 /  #5
Jan Kulczyk allegedly "finds" a way to inform the widow of Axel Springer

A part about "Merkelowa" was quite interesting too...

Another case of the current regime abusing state organs against political rivals.


he rest in peace.

I really doubt it :))))))))
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 Apr 2016 /  #6
A part about "Merkelowa" was quite interesting too...

Yes, it is. But Merkel is mentioned in this conversation only (obviously the name sticks to the memory) while they are discussing "Springerowa" mainly. Jan Kulczyk says he saw her (Springerowa) twice at some parties. It seems he didn't know her particularly well, but on the tape he says he would find someone who can get him through to her (btw, Jan Kulczyk had very good contacts in the German establishment).

Sławomir Graś and other former PO government have declined to make any comments on the contents of the tape so far. In my view this affair is a terrible blow to the image of PO as not only does it show their readiness to suppress the freedom of speech in Poland, but also that the freedom of speech in Poland is being suppressed with the German hands.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Apr 2016 /  #7
CBA agents have been examining documents at Warsaw city hall as a result of audits

Strange that they should do that a few days after Warsaw made it clear that they will respect the judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal, isn't it?
26 Apr 2016 /  #8
a few days after Warsaw made it clear that they will respect the judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal

And while the authorities in Warsaw refuse to let the finest street in the city be polluted with a monument to the reckless killing of 96 people by the ego of one man.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Apr 2016 /  #9
but also that the freedom of speech in Poland is being suppressed with the German hands.

Gerries didn't buy all that media for nothing.
24 Jun 2016 /  #10
Merged: Warsaw City Hall suspected of comprising NATO summit security

GW has reported a circulating email containing such classified inforamtion as the dates and times of pyrotechnical inspections at sites where the NATO summit's most important guests are expected to be, the location of security forces, army, secret service and gendarmes, VIP travel rotues and cellphone numbers of commanders in charge of secuity operations."It seems the military had too much confidence in the Warsaw municipal authoriies. The PO's Madam Deputy Chairman and her administration will stop at nothing, even threatening the security of Poland and Poles to achieve their poltical goal," interior min. Błaszczak explained.

jon357  72 | 23518  
24 Jun 2016 /  #11
And while the authorities in Warsaw refuse to let the finest street in the city be polluted with a monument to the reckless killing of 96 people by the ego of one man

Basically something that we'll hear a lot of, especially the resistance to it.
25 Jun 2016 /  #12
Harry - finest street in the city

It behooves the finest street in the city to pay its respects to the finest president to rule Free Poland since 1989. The spiteful, vindictive loser-party Lady Mayor should benefit from the opportunity to remain silent in the matter.
jon357  72 | 23518  
26 Jun 2016 /  #13
the finest president

Except that he was a lame duck president, universally unpopular and about to lose an election.
ender  5 | 394  
26 Jun 2016 /  #14
the reckless killing of 96 people by the ego of one man

lame duck president

Strange that they should do that a few days after Warsaw made it clear that they will respect the judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal, isn't it?

Nothing has change still polonophobs. Delphi you sure you Belgian Cookie not English Fruit Cake?
mafketis  38 | 11199  
26 Jun 2016 /  #15
Except that he was a lame duck president, universally unpopular and about to lose an election.

Not universally unpopular (he always had the hardcore PiS block) but yeah, most likely to lose the election. Which brings up a point.... Russia had nothing to gain from engineering a plane crash and neither did anyone connected with the PO government. Who had something to gain? Who's in power now?

That's right. I'm halway convinced it was an inside PiS job - sacrifice the unpopular president for a return to power down the road.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2016 /  #16
the Constitutional Tribunal

You are aware of the fact that the so-called Constitutional Tribunal was yet another commie front group thought up by the Jaruzelski regime in a futile bid to achieve some semblance of respectabiltiy. And with Rzepliński at the helm it remains an anti-Polish organisation serving to perpetuate the commie-KORite round-table clique rather than the Polish nation. Jaruzelski also created PRON, the so-called Patriotic Movement of National Rebirth, and put compliant Catholic author Jan Dobraczyński at its head. The Solidarity underground reacted with the slogan: Stare PRONcie na nowym froncie!
jon357  72 | 23518  
26 Jun 2016 /  #17
You mean it's a court that can and does overrule decisions you personally dislike.
27 Jun 2016 /  #18
jon357 - court that can and does overrule decisions you personally dislike

No, I mean commie-created institutions set up with an ulterior motive which did not have the good of the nation at heart. Overbureaucratised Poland has no need for additonal structures manned by bureaucratic parasites to feed. Many countries make do with a Supreme Court and that should suffice in Poland well.

Any true reformers would first of all cut the Sejm back to 150 - 200 members and the Senate to 50 for starters, Then they could start in on town councils, some of which are monstrously bloated.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
27 Jun 2016 /  #19
Many countries make do with a Supreme Court and that should suffice in Poland well.

More nonsense in the great Polonius style we all love and mercilessly ridicule.

Face it, your'e a party hack who wants rule by party leader, just like the commies you pretend to despise.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2016 /  #20
May he rest in peace. A very good man.

Kulczyk and your other heroes Soros, Michnik, Kiszczak and Biedroń will all burn in the same corner of Dante's inferno.
jon357  72 | 23518  
1 Jul 2016 /  #21
Face it, your'e a party hack who wants rule by party leader, just like the commies you pretend to despise

Sad but true, nothing left in life except to demonise people who have done a lot of good for Poland, philanthropists, campaigners, jailed dissidents, soldiers, as well as committed public servants.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2016 /  #22
done a lot of good for Poland

You forgot the torturers, executioners, conspirators, schemers, connivers and mad geniuses using their billions to try their pseudo-utopian experiments out on humans.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
1 Jul 2016 /  #23
Why would he write about PiS?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2016 /  #24
about PiS

The reference was to the judaeo-commie KPP, PPR, PZPR and their SLD successors. I don't believe Soros, Biedroń or Michnik are in PiS.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
1 Jul 2016 /  #25
The reference was to the judaeo-commie KPP, PPR, PZPR and their SLD successors

No it wasn't. You were describing PiS (which even you don't trust in your heart of hearts).

I don't believe Soros, Biedroń or Michnik are in PiS.

Is there any political party that all three of those individuals belong to?
jon357  72 | 23518  
1 Jul 2016 /  #26
You forgot the torturers, executioners, conspirators, schemers, connivers and mad geniuses

You've described a particular Italy-based religion rather well.


You really don't have any shame, any standards, any ethics or values, do you.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2016 /  #27
You really don't have

Nor you any knowledge of Polish. If you did, you'd know exactly what it means. Michnik once said of his ancestry: "Jestem żydokomuną". It can't get any clearer than that.
jon357  72 | 23518  
1 Jul 2016 /  #28

A perjorative term, deliberately used by you (on the basis of your 'comments' here and not only, a person about whom many perjorative terms may also apply) used to demean philanthropists, campaigners, jailed dissidents, soldiers, as well as committed public servants.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #29
campaigners, jailed dissidents, soldiers, as well as committed public servants.

Campaigners and soldiers included Nazi activists, SS, Wehrmacht, Abwehr, Bolsheviks, NKVD, Red Army. Jailed dissidents included Hitler and commie torturer Dzierżyński and both the Nazis and Soviets stood out for their legions of loyal and committed public servants, assorted obedient yesmen and stooges. What does that prove?
2 Jul 2016 /  #30
Is this the thread for discussing "Anti-Corruption Bureau investigates Warsaw city hall"?

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