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Polish-American soldier and his wife murdered by four marines

Warsaw8  4 | 126  
9 Nov 2008 /  #61
Protect us from predators..

And 99% of the time the predators are non white.

Anyways the 4 murders were black, wheres the Jewish and Black community screaming hate crime?......
z_darius  14 | 3960  
9 Nov 2008 /  #62
And 99% of the time the predators are non white.

do you have a source for this?
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
9 Nov 2008 /  #63
Yea its called living in America everyday! Dont give me that, I need a source bs. Dont believe it, I care not....
z_darius  14 | 3960  
9 Nov 2008 /  #64
Yea its called living in America everyday!

Do you live in Southern Brooklyn, the middle of The Bronx or Downtown Detroit?

Dont give me that, I need a source bs.

You don't. But others may need it. Without it you wrote.. well... bs.
pingwin  2 | 117  
9 Nov 2008 /  #65
My prayers go out to the families. I heard about this story on the radio. The motive for the murder was "financial gain." Yeah, right!! It seems to me more like racial hatred and prejudice. In a perfect world, their marriage would be accepted and celebrated. However, this world does not look at all marriages as love between two people without regard to their race and two innocent people lost their beautiful lives. How sad. :(
OP Qacer  38 | 125  
10 Nov 2008 /  #66
Here's another link with a news video:
Svenski  1 | 159  
10 Nov 2008 /  #67
white people also have guns, but we do not use them to murder each other?

what utter rubbish!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #68
I agree with Svenski, Franek. Do you have guns to commemorate the Wild West? Do u fire off a shot when u greet each other? Do u say, 'mine's bigger than yours'? Come on, ever watched COPS? Even then, that's only TV but u know the reality as well as we do.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
10 Nov 2008 /  #69
why is it that countries like the UK and Australia have low rates of gun crime per capita?
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #70
I agree with Svenski, Franek. Do you have guns to commemorate the Wild West? Do u fire off a shot when u greet each other? Do u say, 'mine's bigger than yours'? Come on, ever watched COPS? Even then, that's only TV but u know the reality as well as we do.

I am not supportive of Franeks racial issues but Seanus....you have a typical and very uninformed view of the USA and it's gun culture. I find the most vocal opponents are people like yourself they really don't have any first hand experience with the USA or guns. It is extremely common here and I find it a bit pathetic that so many Europeans think they have this issue figured out.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #71
U r just provoking gtd, so I won't take the bait. If u hadn't already noticed, I was just joking above. Nobody could interpret what I wrote above as a serious attempt at a debate.

The reality is that white's murder one another too. To say otherwise would be ludicrous.

I don't claim to have "figured out" the gun issue. U r just being defensive. U criticise Poles for being defensive but u r acting in the same way here.
Svenski  1 | 159  
10 Nov 2008 /  #72
many Europeans think they have this issue figured out.

Maybe it is because of news like this?

gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #73
Maybe it is because of news like this

Do bad things happen? Yeah.

Is it the norm or even common? No

Spinning events to try and make them more frequent or out of control than is real is propaganda plain and simple.

U r just provoking gtd, so I won't take the bait. If u hadn't already noticed, I was just joking above. Nobody could interpret what I wrote above as a serious attempt at a debate.

Not provoking at all...just restating my view on the issue. Your's is the standard European reply that is based in what you "hear" not what you know about this issue. That view is not rooted in anything but emotion and perceived righteousness.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #74
Not righteous at all, just a desire for personal safety.
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #75
just a desire for personal safety.

Me too. And I feel much safer in a room full of responsibly armed citizens than in a room full of defenseless citizens and bad guys who ARE armed.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
10 Nov 2008 /  #76
standard European reply

I'm curious, what is a "standard European reply," and is there such a thing as an "American standard reply?"
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #77
Of course (said to gtd). Well, one thing's for sure. Heston and his NRA have made sure that guns are here to stay. It's big business in America.

Yeah, Filios is European. He might not share the same view as I do. I don't think u can assume a 'European' position. In fact, it's quite insulting due to the diversity we have in almost every aspect of life. Why do u think that EU bureaucrats have such a hard time getting legislation passed?
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #78
Of course. Well, one thing's for sure. Heston and his NRA have made sure that guns are here to stay. It's big business in America.

I have a feeling your sum gun knowledge came from watching Michael Moore movies ;P

I'm curious, what is a "standard European reply," and is there such a thing as an "American standard reply?"

Yes Idiot....it means it is the most common reply from Europeans on the gun issue. Nice try.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #79
Oh, I knew about the NRA LOOOONG b4 Fahrenheit 9/11 came out. I read a fair bit about guns around 1995/6, sorry, please forgive me, in a 'European' country.

Please clarify, does European mean 'European on ma boots' 2 u? LOL
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #80
Here you go buddy ;)

Filios1  8 | 1336  
10 Nov 2008 /  #81
Yes Idiot....it means it is the most common reply from Europeans on the gun issue. Nice try.

You are a rather rude creature, aren't you?
Tell me, in a continent as diverse as Europe, you believe there is one 'typically European' reply?

Hmm, so did they forget to teach you that Finland was part of Europe in geography class?

The widely cited Small Arms Survey 2007 by Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva Switzerland[4] claims there are some 3 million firearms in Finland, or 56 per 100 civilians.


And you still havn't answered me. Since you generalise a continent of 731,000,000 people, with over 50 countries, what is your generalisation for gun laws for all of North America?
IronsE11  2 | 441  
10 Nov 2008 /  #82
Oh, I knew about the NRA LOOOONG b4 Fahrenheit 9/11 came out.

I think he's referring to Bowling for Columbine. Good film that.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #83
Yeah, I saw that film too but that was more like having a dig at Heston. I knew about Heston long b4 this film came out
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #84
And you still havn't answered me.

It's because I don't like you :)

Finland is also reactive and tightening gun laws because of TWO psychos in the last few years that killed some people. It still has more restrictive rules than the USA.

Nice effort but once again falling short.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
10 Nov 2008 /  #85
I saw that film too but that was more like having a dig at Heston

What they havn't told you, is that Heston wasn't even around that NRA meeting during that little girls death by shooting. That fat slob manipulated that whole part and made Heston look like a old, senile, psychopath. Heston was far from being 'all there,' sure, but antagonizing him like that by entering his property and then making things up is rather cruel.


What a pathetic reply. So even though they do not have identical gun laws to America, you put them in the same bag as other European nations? I hope you realize how idiotic you look.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #86
There was a rally in Flint, Michigan. Heston really stepped over the line on that one. Still, Moore went too far.
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #87
I hope you realize how idiotic you look.

Yes I do...I have a funny shaped head and a bit of a limp. I also have horrible fashion sense.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
10 Nov 2008 /  #88
Do bad things happen? Yeah.

Is it the norm or even common? No

how many high school/college shootings this year?

more than 1 is more than enough in my book.
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #89
Well thankfully you do not legislate in the USA :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 Nov 2008 /  #90
Look at the song Jeremy in Pearl Jam. That was a tragic day, gun-related of course. A vital lesson wasn't learned and multiple killings ensued.

A gun is just too much of a bargaining tool.

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