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Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English?

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Oct 2011 /  #31
I've never played the race card at all.

You automatically did that when you mentioned racism..

I ... KNOW I will be accepted, 100%

Then why ask?

I Also did history as well so I know about the whole involvement of Poland during WW1/WW2 and USA and so on.......

What about France or Holland? Their involvement was integral to our winning...Maybe start with a visit there if you're that interested in WWII...Arnhem or visit these places if you're that interested in WWII:


It's ACTUALLY legal for me to work behind a bar, so long as I'm being supervised WHILST pouring drinks, I can serve them without supervision. You need to update yourself knowledge sir.

you wouldnt be allowed to serve alcohol.......supervised or not! Please read carefully what you are googling!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
14 Oct 2011 /  #32
He's talking complete and utter tosh...

Trust me, I know he is ;)

It's ACTUALLY legal for me to work behind a bar, so long as I'm being supervised WHILST pouring drinks, I can serve them without supervision.

Sorry its legal for you to serve drink behind a bar when you are being supervised, as long as that person isnt supervising you??? Are you daft? I know alcohol laws, 18 or nothing mate, tell me what bars were u serving in?
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
14 Oct 2011 /  #33
I'm not going to Poland solely for the woman


There's hardly any Polish woman my age in London.....

14 Oct 2011 /  #34
King, I suggest you improve your reading comprehension if you think that second quote is supposed to contradict the first quote.
antheads  13 | 340  
14 Oct 2011 /  #35
Intruiged just be aware that a fair number of posters on this thread are trolling and baiting you. If you hang out here longer you will be able to sort the chaff from the wheat. Just be aware not to take everyone here seriously. btw the legal drinking age in poland is 18 :) And yes there is a small percentage of poles who are skinheads and will not like you much but the vast majority are cool as long as u don't crack onto anyones girlfriend.
Wedle  15 | 490  
14 Oct 2011 /  #36
And I still think I'd be a hit with the ladies my age because I'm quite attractive, and I'm mixed race. But I'm not going for just the ladies, I go because I love the country :)

As posters previously pointed out, you are about 10-15 years to late for the novelty act. Polish girls may like you if you are good person and they enjoy your company, as for your skin colour. Would you really want to be with a woman who was interested in your skin colour over you. C'mon show some common...
Wedle  15 | 490  
14 Oct 2011 /  #37
I know they will be intrigued by my skin,

They will be more hospitable than the white cliffs of Dover.

  • British hospitality.
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
14 Oct 2011 /  #38
As posters previously pointed out, you are about 10-15 years to late for the novelty act. Polish girls may like you if you are good person and they enjoy your company, as for your skin colour. Would you really want to be with a woman who was interested in your skin colour over you. C'mon show some common...

I understand, it's not me that's saying my skin will give me a boost, it may turn heads. But it's other saying that it's " exotic " not me...

Thanks though,
14 Oct 2011 /  #39
No good reason at all other than the fact that he's obviously disturbed by the idea of a non-white man dating a Polish woman so he hopes you're a troll.

Why he should bother since isthatu2 is British? Don't use a word fact if you don't know the facts.
14 Oct 2011 /  #40
Ok, my bad. He's disturbed that a non-white man wants to date a white woman. Better?
hythorn  3 | 580  
14 Oct 2011 /  #41
I understand, it's not me that's saying my skin will give me a boost, it may turn heads.

you will do fine. A good opening line is always 'do you speak English'

the local girls are just bound to fall for your charms

if all else fails there are ladies towards the upper end of the 17 to 23 age bracket to be found congregating on ul Poznanska in Warsaw

oh to be young again...
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Oct 2011 /  #42
Ok, my bad. He's disturbed that a non-white man wants to date a white woman. Better?

Not really ,but,if you want to think that,knock yourself out,I should care what another ID of the OPs thinks......
Pathetic really, I tell a pretend cocky young half caste that A, he will not be the first non white to set foot in Poland and that B, if he acts like the total prick, Mr smooth as Black man he comes across as on here in a Polish bar or club he is going to get a nasty surprise from a local skin head.............he might have the protection of ultra sensitive PC PCs in england, aint going to happen anywhere else in europe,especially Poland.
hythorn  3 | 580  
14 Oct 2011 /  #43
I tell a pretend cocky young half caste

oh I say Sir, there is really no need for this approach is there?

leave the young gentleman to his own devices and I am sure he will prevail

He was asking a rather sensible question. I have had black friends ask me if Somerset is safe
and as he is only 17 years old, he can be forgiven a certain amount of bravado
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Oct 2011 /  #44
oh I say Sir, there is really no need for this approach is there

Doesnt matter that much, I see its not only my Bull Sh!t radar working over time with this one. If it had been switched on in the first place Id never have got bogged down with this pointless thread :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Oct 2011 /  #45
I was going to say, 'some do, some don't' but quite a few speak some English as they learn it at school.
hythorn  3 | 580  
14 Oct 2011 /  #46
If it had been switched on in the first place Id never have got bogged down with this pointless thread :)

but it is never pointless. it gives an opportunity for witty banter and the exchange of views.
hopefully the young man in question will return to the forum and give us an account of his knock backs
mafketis  38 | 10912  
14 Oct 2011 /  #47
Intrigued asked

Do they learn English in school?

Many to most young people have English classes in school now. Whether or not they _learn_ English (or have any real interest in using it after school) is a separate question.

Just remember any Pole that chooses to speak to you in English is doing you a favor. Even if they speak the language they're under no obligation to do so.
hythorn  3 | 580  
14 Oct 2011 /  #48
Just remember any Pole that chooses to speak to you in English is doing you a favor. Even if they speak the language they're under no obligation to do so.

precisely, hence the opening gambit to allow our 'smooth' young friend to mingle with those ladies
if they do not want to take him up on his kind offer they simply have to feign a non-understanding of the Queen's English
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
14 Oct 2011 /  #49
if they do not want to take him up on his kind offer they simply have to feign a non-understanding of the Queen's English

This applies to everyone in the world lmao

If I don't want to speak to someone, I won't. Same applies everywhere.

And yes, I will feedback when I have gone to Poland in a few years. But for now I wil lcreate another thread, and hopefully I won't get trolled.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
17 Oct 2011 /  #50
King, I suggest you improve your reading comprehension if you think that second quote is supposed to contradict the first quote.

my comprehension is fine, the op is interested in polish females whether they be in poland or the uk.
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
17 Oct 2011 /  #51
my comprehension is fine

It's not, the two quotes you used did not contradict at all, you just don't seem to be able to decipher such minuscule information properly.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
18 Oct 2011 /  #52
well, they do....you say its not all about polish women but then go on to post that you would not be averse to meeting polish women and that there is no polish women in your area in the uk.

you want to meet polish women? thats fine, just dont bs your way about it.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Oct 2011 /  #53
there is no polish women in your area in the uk.

Which frankly is bollox, to paraphrase Southern, I could cast a fishing line in any direction from any point in the UK and hook myself a nice Polka or some Polki :)
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
18 Oct 2011 /  #54
Which frankly is bollox

There IS Polish woman here, but there's hardly any aged 17-22, the sort of age I'd go for if I'm going to date. I only see families and older woman 27 + years old, with kids and stuff. No girls my age.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Oct 2011 /  #55
Yes, sorry, I forget that part....being 30 plus Ive a wider range of cute Polka's to look at round here :)
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
18 Oct 2011 /  #56
Yes, sorry, I forget that part....being 30

I know Hammersmith, London is highly populated with Polish people, been there a few times... hmm
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
18 Oct 2011 /  #57
Do they learn English in school?

When I was 1 year in Poland I was teaching myself English + German
(private school tho)

I'm looking to go to Poland when I'm 18. I love everything about Poland and the history has always interested me, I also love the woman.

You shouldn't have a problem

- I'm mixed race, Lewis Hamilton skin color, I know they will be intrigued by my skin, but is racism high?

probably not from hatred/dislike/jealousy
One of the few places Poles had contact with people having African ancestry was on Haiti and U.S.A that is known by some people (probably even more lot's of Poles around in the world ;)) so only thing is curiosity... Behave ok and then they should behave ok I guess
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
18 Oct 2011 /  #58
probably not from hatred/dislike/jealousy
One of the few places Poles had contact w

Thanks f or the genuine advice and feedback :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
18 Oct 2011 /  #59
No problem, half Polish myself, went on vacation to Poland 2 times a year when i was a kid. Since I speak Polish quite well most think I am 100% Polish and living there, but if they ask where I live or where I am from they get surprised but, even so never anything negative.

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