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Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
3 Aug 2011 /  #121
Not really it's that when you're a teenager you're growing. Also back then the portions of food were much smaller you got a 8 maybe 12 oz soda, the burgers and fries for instance would be classed as small by todays sizes. You can eat junk food and look good just don't eat like a pig.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Aug 2011 /  #122
I dont see cancer effecting many animals,

Even our dogs and cats are getting cancer and people are blaming it on the vaccines that the government requires. The tumor develops in the spot where they were vaccinated and there's no cure for that kind of cancer so the animal dies within weeks or months.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
3 Aug 2011 /  #123
I despise the advertising industry's targeting of children.

You make a very good point. The Ad business is full of sleazy spoiled young people (exceptions noted); who would sell their mother for money. Advertisings' gross appeal to kids is a kind of 'child abuse'.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #124
Also back then the portions of food were much smaller you got a 8 maybe 12 oz soda, the burgers and fries for instance would be classed as small by todays sizes. You can eat junk food and look good just don't eat like a pig.

Do you realize how silly that sounds?

Ohh my dad used to let me only drink three beers a weak. Come on man its the fcuking seed they are planting.

The tumor develops in the spot where they were vaccinated and there's no cure for that kind of cancer so the animal dies within weeks or months.

Honestly, i dont know anything about that.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
3 Aug 2011 /  #125
my dad used to let me only drink three beers a weak.

Hopefully that was three beers at once.........
rybnik  18 | 1444  
3 Aug 2011 /  #126
Private insurance isnt it?

The poor don't have private insurance. They have "charity care"(taxpayer-care) or Medicaid (taxpayer-care).....
Marynka11  3 | 639  
3 Aug 2011 /  #127
foreigner: if you look anything remotely close to any of those women in the video then you have major issues with your diet.

Who said I look like them? But even though I excercise and watch my diet, I'm not super skinny. It's just not as simple for some people.

I said the girls in the video look decent and they aren't big. They just look normal.

The best part is that our taxes already go into the heavy subsidized crops, which are used to produce the crappy food. And as you mentioned, we will pay jet again for the next stage of the process.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Aug 2011 /  #128
and meat! Cripes! Where did my son get an idea that a meal is not complete without meat?!?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
4 Aug 2011 /  #130
Part of the problem in the US is the preponderance of inexpensive food

Quote Rybnik

I have been hearing more deaths are occuring from prescription pills.. which dont do anything
but mask the problem.
I think more people will die sooner from that then food..but i dont disagree with your statement
I think genetics plays a big role and the foods are the triggers.. but if you look at all the pesticides
on the fruits and veggies * I read* they tested them and some of these good for you foods
had up to 56 different pesticides still in them.. so how can you wash away something that is inside
the food and we are consuming it?

And if they dont use pesticides , then you get bugs up your rump ( literally) lol.

Its the govt fault... someone said dam them all to hell!! yes dam them!!
beckski  12 | 1609  
4 Aug 2011 /  #131
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

(Now's a good time to get this thread back on topic. It isn't supposed to be a thread about overweight people.)

Here's some photos showing how attractive Polish women used to be:

First photo is Miss Polonia 1957, Alicja Bobrowska. She now lives in Southern California. She is in her seventies and keeps busy as a local artist:)

Second photo is Martha Stewart from a billion years ago; when she was a Chanel model.

  • ms_polonia_1957.jpg

  • martha_stewart.jpg
rybnik  18 | 1444  
5 Aug 2011 /  #132
A Chanel model?!
12 Aug 2011 /  #133
yeah unfortunately lately polish girls turned into ******* and that's why so many are single... because they are total ******
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
12 Aug 2011 /  #134
Martha Stewart from a billion years ago; when she was a Chanel model.

Looking good, had the Slavic high cheek bones.

  • marthastewartchane.jpg
Mmontegro  - | 1  
31 Aug 2011 /  #135
My ex girlfriend is Polish, we resulted to break up because we was living far from each other, then we broken up, but I simply love polish women :).. anyone?

maasakrowiec@hotmail add me :)..
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
1 Sep 2011 /  #136
Wroclaw Boy

food for profit

Ah, you often express that English theme that profit is immoral and the cause of all evil. It's just the way the English Upper Class keeps the English Working Class ... Working Class ("Tell 'em making money is evil"). Quite clever of them when you think about it.


and meat! Cripes! Where did my son get an idea that a meal is not complete without meat?!?

Your son is quite right. The reason why Americans are obese is not due to eating too much, it's eating too many processed foods more specifically sugars and carbs. Adkins (Adkins diet) was right, we need more protein. You wanna cut the weight? Eat more meat.

I've just watched a series on PBS about evolution of humankind and they mentioned that man's brain size increased due to the availability of meat in their diet. In other words if we didn't have access to meat we wouldn't have evolved.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Sep 2011 /  #137
Ah, you often express that English theme that profit is immoral

wouldn't that be a Christian concept ?
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
1 Sep 2011 /  #138
You wanna cut the weight? Eat more meat.

No. You are just plain misinformed. It's not your fault but we ought to gain more than a cursory knowledge of how the body uses food before we hand out advice.

Lose weight? Focus on getting in better shape first!

In other words if we didn't have access to meat we wouldn't have evolved.

No. This is also incorrect. Meat is not the only source of protein. Not only that but it's a "theory" or in the case you referenced it is a hypothesis. Point being that no one actually put in lab work on this unless there's a 25,000 year old laboratory that we don't know about. Besides ALLLL that, he wasn't saying "never eat meat" he was correctly stating that meat doesn't have to be in every meal like the fat arses in the states seem to think.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
1 Sep 2011 /  #139
Probably controversial, but just looking at it from a diferent angle, when I was in Poland (twice in the last 6 years) I couldn't help noticing how many underweight women there were. I'm talking protruding hip bones, skeletal jawlines, unnatural gaps between the thighs etc.

If this is so, any gradual increase in curves or bulges that may be happening will certainly be more noticeable in comparison.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
1 Sep 2011 /  #140
^it's more a comment on the younger generation which are getting just plain fat, forget the euphemisms, when it's flab hanging out then a sugar-coating is exactly what the problem is.
tovarisch  - | 9  
1 Sep 2011 /  #141
Lol, I disagree

I live in a mostly Polish area in New York right now, and thus there are quite a bit of Polish girls in my school. I wouldn't call any of them ugly, in fact, they're pretty hot. It's also nice that they can somewhat understand me, because that gives me a slight advantage over the other guys

The thing I learned about Polish girls is; either they are really hot, or they are really ugly, no in between
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
1 Sep 2011 /  #142
Lol, I disagreeI live in a mostly Polish area in New York right now

which invalidates your opinion on the matter, sorry but this is about Polish women (actually younger women and girls) in Poland not American women with Polish ancestry.

It's a question of lifestyle and here in Poland, everyone is getting more and more plump:(
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
2 Sep 2011 /  #143
wouldn't that be a Christian concept ?

No, Christianity is based on charity, love thy neighbor, be nice to your neighbor, etc. The concept that money is the root of all evil comes from Roman Catholicism and they're political relationship with the ruling classes in Europe (How else do you keep the lower classes on the farm?) If money was the root of all evil Communism would have succeeded.

No. You are just plain misinformed.

No. This is also incorrect.

They went back about a million years and used DNA analysis. Eat more meat
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
2 Sep 2011 /  #144
They went back about a million years and used DNA analysis. Eat more meat

No, they think they "went back about a million years" because current dating methods have not been proven to be 100% accurate. Regardless of that, even if they were accurate there is simply too much to assume in making your case. Does protein assist in our development? As far as I know, yes, it definitely does but you're taking that notion and jumping or allowing yourself to be led to a far-fetched, poorly analyzed conclusion.

Here's an example of a misleading way to argue this matter:
Are lions smarter than elephants? No, elephants are smarter, thus vegetarians are also smarter. <- That's every bit a flawed way of coming to a conclusion as what you did. Lions and elephants are different species and of vastly different sizes.

We could attempt to be more objective in posing the same question but using primates- apes to be specific:
Well who's smarter, a bonobo, chimp, gorilla or orangutan (i also spell that one wrong)? What do their diets consist of? Shall we compare species to species or the different groups within a species based on geographic habitat and dietary differences? What do we consider to be smart? Chimps are the most aggressive of the bunch and that includes interspecies predation. Bonobos are more chilled out and Gorillas even mores so, so who's smarter? The species killing eachother or the ones getting along without bloodshed? There is a lot more to consider in making the claims you are than I think you have done.

I agree that predation demands a large degree of team work and planning which causes the brain to develop in ways it MIGHT not otherwise but that is a guess because we can't turn back the clock and run an alternate scenario then check it against what we have today. But I argue it was the act as well as the protein which may have led to an increased neural capacity. Do you have any idea how much protein your body actually needs? If you are active and by active I mean you do exercise for more than 1 hr 3xweek then you need about 1 gram per lb of lean muscle tissue. Westerners eat WAAAAAY too much protein; couple that with increasingly processed foods and you've got an epidemic on your hands. It's sad but the Polish diet is changing towards that direction.

But here's the kicker- our species has passed the stage of development you are referencing to support your conclusion. That phase is over and done with and I've no plans to go back to that level, anatomically, emotionally or mentally. Entirely different endeavors stimulate us mentally now and let me reiterate this for you, WE ALREADY CONSUME TOO MUCH MEAT BASED PROTEIN. Some one lied to you and you bought into the lie because it fit whatever notions you already had or wanted to agree with but it's a lie which you have been positing and you owe it to yourself and others to wise up and stop being duped.
Barney  17 | 1638  
3 Sep 2011 /  #145
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:
Well you must be gorgeous.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
3 Sep 2011 /  #146
Chinese people still look Chinese even if they are born in the USA, so how does being "an American woman with Polish ancestry" make you look different than someone born in Poland?

It's a question of lifestyle and here in Poland, everyone is getting more and more plump:(

So Polish American-born women now look more American, and it appears that Polish-born women are heading the same way. So what's the difference? lol

Well you must be gorgeous.

Have you noticed that all these threads are always started by someone (usually a guy) who won't post a photo of themselves? If one was started by Justycia or Layla, it could be taken seriously!
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Sep 2011 /  #147
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:Well you must be gorgeous

Is it that challenging a task for you to understand the concept of objective observation? Whether I'm considered gorgeous or not is of no consequence. Can only talented gifted singers comment on another's voice?

Chinese people still look Chinese even if they are born in the USA, so how does being "an American woman with Polish ancestry" make you look different than someone born in Poland?

Northern Chinese or Southern Chinese? How many generations removed? You'd be surprised at how quickly features change when in a new environment. Anyhow, to answer your question, it's a question of diet and lifestyle, if you're having trouble wrapping your mind around that then ask and I'll elaborate. Until that time I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

So Polish American-born women now look more American, and it appears that Polish-born women are heading the same way. So what's the difference? lol

Ask yourself if you understand that what I just quoted here supports the observation which inspired this thread. Then ask yourself if you understand how it does that.
Barney  17 | 1638  
3 Sep 2011 /  #148
So you are not gorgeous nor a good singer:(
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Sep 2011 /  #149
sorry to get your hopes up, try the relationship section and you just might land the man of your dreams
Barney  17 | 1638  
3 Sep 2011 /  #150
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:
Right this fading beauty must be due to your degenerating eyesight what could have caused that?

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