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Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2011 /  #91
Valid point, WB. As a Scot, I should know.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
3 Aug 2011 /  #92
That is just silly, besides fit and skinny are two different matters

I don't know if I understand you right, but you from where I sit it looks like you are saying that women are becoming heavier and therefore less attractive. I agree with this to some degree. Obese and very overweight people are not attractive. But slightly heavier people can still be attractive. And they can be healthy as well. It all depends where skinny and attractive ends for you. The way the world sees the beauty these days disqualifies most women, and if you want to strive for the ideal that the media present you'd better forget about potatoes and bacon. If you are striving for the fit and normal looking, yes, you are right, eating in moderation and exercising will do it for you.

Now, a question. The guys sings "Big girls, you are beautiful" My problem with this video is that the dancers with the colorful dresses aren't big (though some women later in the video are too heavy). They are normal looking girls. Why did the world decide to call "normal" "big?

OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Aug 2011 /  #93
Those "normal" looking girls are big. A few of them are just plain fat and out of shape. Note that I wrote "and" because the two can be exclusive of each other.

They (the ones in the shiny outfits) do not appear to be fit at all. Some were just blessed with the bone structure to carry the extra weight well.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
3 Aug 2011 /  #94
Seriously, if you find all of those those women big, you'd better revise your healthy cooking advice. It should be "steam some kale and have it for dinner".
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Aug 2011 /  #95
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

i remember my girl friends in 8th grade. we all were petite, some a bit taller than others, with long hair, no make up, no tips, no boobs, no pear-shaped bodies. we were just kids.

and then, 10 years later, i saw 8th grade girls, tall, big, overweight, huge boobs, huge asses, too much makeup and tan, little clothing, hair - no comment...

yes, it used to be different.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2011 /  #96
Huge boobs? Is that so bad? ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #97
Whats the nature of fat people? Why was the US a nation of fat people and then a few years later the UK?

What time scales are we talking here, what years were you at school, and sorry i dont know what 8th grade is either, how old is 8th grade?

Huge boobs? Is that so bad? ;)

LOL, proportion's Seanus, nice tits in your gob then a great big friggen ass in your face.
I had a girlfriend with a big ass once, when i walked behind her i was just like this isnt going to last long. I cant be looking at that, you have to physically fancy your missus.
pip  10 | 1658  
3 Aug 2011 /  #98
Unfortunately more money equals more fat if health education doesn't exist.

In my experience those with a lot of money (or the appearance of a lot) and little education are the worst offenders. Why do children have black teeth and are fat- the parents feed them crap foods- and then some, because Babcia is stuffing it into little Johnny too. There are so many people that believe what they see on t.v- it must be true it is on tv!! and they are a marketing companies wet dream. look at what is happening to the kids here. fat fat fat.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
3 Aug 2011 /  #99
Huge boobs? Is that so bad? ;)

Nothing wrong with the devil's dumplings!
legend  3 | 658  
3 Aug 2011 /  #100
and then, 10 years later, i saw 8th grade girls, tall, big, overweight, huge boobs, huge asses, too much makeup and tan, little clothing, hair - no comment...

i agree with the above quote.

grade 8 is roughly age 12.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2011 /  #101
12 years old, hmm. I don't think I'd be looking at those dumplings somehow ;)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
3 Aug 2011 /  #102
10 years later, i saw 8th grade girls, tall, big, overweight, huge boobs, huge asses

Did you observe this in Poland pgtx? Many people claim that this phenomena, in America, is due to bovine growth hormone being injected into dairy cows that then makes its way into the milk young girls drink. Is bovine growth hormone injected into dairy cows in Poland?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Aug 2011 /  #103
8th grade is either, how old is 8th grade

15 yo; well, it used to be when i was in mid school... then, everything changed.

Huge boobs? Is that so bad? ;)

i'm not saying it's bad, what i'm saying is that young girls look more mature these days.

Did you observe this in Poland pgtx?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2011 /  #104
Ah, 15, now that changes things ;) ;) Just kidding. Young enough to be my daughters.

Mature has its pros and cons :)
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Aug 2011 /  #105
In order to gage if you're joking or not I have to ask you how much exercise or activity you do on a daily basis?

Examples please:

Seriously, imagine a group of men with similar body fat percentages and dressed them up in little swimming trunks or spandex bike shorts, I can't imagine such a group being considered anything but overweight.
legend  3 | 658  
3 Aug 2011 /  #106
15 yo; well, it used to be when i was in mid school... then, everything changed.

hmm interesting.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
3 Aug 2011 /  #107
I run 3 times a week 3 miles and put in 1-2 hours of weightlifting.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #108
and in America smoking doesnt cause lung cancer.

Ohh yeah you cant critisize coca cola, its the drink of freedom didnt you know. Accounts for all good times - the media would have you believe. Sorry PIP i said before i hate economists i'd actually momentarily forgot my absolute despise for the advertising industry. Its actually masked complicated scams, nothing more.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2011 /  #109
Spot on, WB. So many victims it has claimed too :(
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Aug 2011 /  #110

if you look anything remotely close to any of those women in the video then you have major issues with your diet. It's either caloric consumption or a lack of nutrients or both. Seriously find a video with men of similar stature similarly clad and you'll see what I mean. One difference will be the men won't have their guts held in via corset.

I'll watch it again and ask my better half what she thinks...


Ok I watched it again and she said, yeah some of those girls are fat. There are 3 that are in fact perfectly normal but reference these points for why I say some are, well, fat:

41 seconds
49 seconds
pip  10 | 1658  
3 Aug 2011 /  #111
well, this we can agree on. I despise the advertising industry's targeting of children.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Aug 2011 /  #112
When I was in grade school (in America) we were all skinny but we were a junk food generation back then, too. The schools fed us junk food and we grew up thinking it was a normal diet. They gave us cookies and potato chips during our breaks and then pizza, hamburgers, french fries, chocolate milk and so on for lunch and then ice cream after school. In high school they added sodas. And we had stores within walking distance so kids went there and bought candy, donuts, ice cream, and fried chicken, but we were all skinny. My friend was even skinnier than me and she ate hot dogs every day when she got home. If the problem is really only junk food, why weren't we fat? Have they added something new to junk food?
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #113
If the problem is really only junk food, why weren't we fat? Have they added something new to junk food?

Its all about the metabolism, many kids from good genes can eat a pound of lard everyday and still be slim by 30, but once that metabolism rate changes ohh boy are they going to be fat.

Who knows the experts arent going to release facts that will undermine McDonalds and all the other shite we ALL eat on a daily basis are they? that's bad for the economy.....
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Aug 2011 /  #114
metabolism helps, but we have to remember that metabolism slows down with age.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Aug 2011 /  #115
The sad thing is that my skinny friend and her sister both got cancer. Her sister died very young. A lot of people got sicknesses. Even our teachers and school administrators died young. I now eat food from a garden that me and my neighbor share because I don't want to die young, too.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Aug 2011 /  #116
I now eat food from a garden that me and my neighbor share because I don't want to die young, too.

it's good to live healthy, but we do not know what the future holds for us.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Aug 2011 /  #117
Some people can eat junk food and feel good but not everyone can and that's a bad sign if you don't. Some people have to make a drastic change in diet.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #118
The sad thing is that my skinny friend and her sister both got cancer. Her sister died very young.

Yeah you see thats the thing SheWolf isnt it. I cant get this whole cancer epidemic out of my head, what causes it, why cant they cure it etc.... I sincerely believe its something found in what we consume everyday. Something that they produced for profit. If it ever came out they'd never admit it would they.

I dont see cancer effecting many animals, i dont want to get into "cancer specific accusation" mode but it could be anything. Deodorant, headache pills, genetically modified foods, anything.

Ive also mentioned before that a cure for cancer would be bad for the global economy, all those oncologists unemployed, all those lucrative chemotherapy treatments obsolete, radio therapy treatment centers gone.

it's good to live healthy, but we do not know what the future holds for us.

Does that mean we shouldnt worry about real life issues which can effect us right now? we can change certain things if the people shout loud enough.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
3 Aug 2011 /  #119
Part of the problem in the US is the preponderance of inexpensive food that is full of calories and devoid of any nutritional value. I'm not a lib but the poor in our country are developing diabtetes at an alarming rate. The thought of all those limb amputations, kidney failures, dialysis treatments, blindness, strokes, heart attacks which will ensue as a result makes me sick. And who will pick up the tab? The taxpayer.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2011 /  #120
God damn those Libs.

Part of the problem in the US is the preponderance of inexpensive food

Advertising of low calorie (fat ****) food for profit. Quick translation.

And who will pick up the tab? The taxpayer.

Private insurance isnt it?

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