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Why don't Polish women treat education seriously for themselves?

Magdalena  3 | 1827  
16 Oct 2012 /  #121
With all due respect, what a load of absolute tripe.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
16 Oct 2012 /  #122
Goverment office ''jobs'' (we have good word for those in Poland the ''Posada'' or sit-place instead of work-place) takes and encourages the worst from both Men and Women. But older womyn who had to battle the ''discrimination and sterotypes'' or other PC newspeak BS are either beaches or hardworking (often Both) the young ones brought on privillige and AA are worst then most lazy male booms brough on stress free education. Put them on ration 3:2 or greater and you will have henhouse where work is done but two times slower than by male workers. This is one of the main reasons getting any oficial business takes ages in Poland, Biurwy busy with tea, phones and gossips when there're rows of people waiting for one stupid rubber stamp for documents needed for an office two doors away.
Barney  17 | 1641  
16 Oct 2012 /  #123
Is there a hormone that makes men type crap?

I love it when the hormones kick in.
strzyga  2 | 990  
16 Oct 2012 /  #124
With all due respect, what a load of absolute tripe.

No respect due here, I'm afraid.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Oct 2012 /  #125
I have been interested in a long time in testosterone and estrogen.

It is all true. I prefer working with men as well in the office too. Always have and always will. It is a generalization, but Kondzior has some really good points. I also agree on the hormone thingy. It is TRUE. I have made observations over the years. You can all shoot me now, but I don't care. Hard facts against wishful thinking and PC:D.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
16 Oct 2012 /  #126
Hate to admit this ( socially I much prefer the company of women ) but you are correct!!!!
All women companies, schools, labs etc... are not very efficient!!!
Many women have too much going on in their lives to be really focussed on the majority of jobs.
It's nobody's fault, just the way it is and hormones just reinforce this!!
Englishman  2 | 276  
16 Oct 2012 /  #127
I guess all-male workplaces could be criticised too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Oct 2012 /  #128
Is there a hormone that makes men type crap?

I think it's the same hormone that causes him to stay in on Saturday night writing crap about black people rather than getting laid.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Oct 2012 /  #129

Don't you get the feeling that he was bullied by girls?

I bet she was from that so-called "media-controlling" community as well :D

It is all true. I prefer working with men as well in the office too.

I work in a mainly female environment (and I like it that way). Occasionally men are the majority on a shift, but that's always good fun - we can talk about cars and footie and hot chicks for a change - it somehow makes it more fun if manliness only dominates from time to time haha.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
16 Oct 2012 /  #130
Women represent the "paradisaical" aspect of human life. Where man seeks transcendence by thought and action, woman represents divine truth in her being. This is why in ancient times people were so anal about the purity and virtuousness of women, because a garden is only beautiful in so far as it isn't despoiled.

I think it's the same hormone that causes him to stay in on Saturday night writing crap about black people rather than getting laid.

The two biggest sins of liberals:
1) they collect their idealogical enemies into one homogenous blob with interchangeable characteristics and make strawman personal attacks on it instead of making an actual argument

2) they all think the same way

I guess all-male workplaces could be criticised too

If you want to get serious work done you need men, but don't complain if your working environment begins to resemble a god damn barrack, with the boss acting like a field marshal, barking orders and what not.

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