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Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

Macduff  9 | 69  
14 Nov 2007 /  #91
I thinkits just becuase we are bigger and better in bed than the Polish men :-))
sapphire  22 | 1241  
14 Nov 2007 /  #92
I dont think nationality has anything to do with how often you shower. My partner showers twice a day normally.. he told me that when he was growing up they only had a tin bath in front of the fire and you were only allowed in it once a week cos of water shortages.. so guess hes making up for that now
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2007 /  #93
Polish women prefer polish men.The ones who cannot easily get a polish boyfriend find a foreigner to marry them.This is the most common.Or the foreigner maybe rather good looking.

I do not regard polish men as dirty,less intelligent,less mannered or less hardworking.I regard them as real competition.
14 Nov 2007 /  #94
Works both ways, I've seen on this board a fair few Brit women looking for a Polish guy.
ebdpp  - | 12  
14 Nov 2007 /  #95
as for the clothes aspect - say "hey lets go shopping" and guide him towards the mens stores - and pic up things you think will suit him :)

I haven't met a man who thinks it's a great idea going shopping on the third date. Most men hate shopping malls, and he certainly is not really into that. Also, I don't want to seem to bossy by suggesting a new wardrobe. He may think I 'm one of those who want to change him right away, and men don't like that. Shelley you and me are women that's why, going shopping might seem the solution, but from a man point's of view....(specially at the beginning of the relationship) . Also it's not the right time to start buying things for him like clothing.

Buy him some nice smelly stuff, thats about the biggest hint you can give

Then again it's not the right time to buy a perfume , and actually that won't solve the problem, I don't want him to be covered by perfume, I want him to shower everyday!!!

How can I tell him guys? I really like him but.... remember we been out for only 2 or 3 times.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
14 Nov 2007 /  #96
How can I tell him guys? I really like him but.... remember we been out for only 2 or 3 times

I dont think you can at this early stage without hurting his feelings and possibly putting him off you.. I would suggest taking a shower together before you sleep with him..

As far as the clothes thing goes, remember its whats underneath that counts. I do remember my bf having a pair of jeans that were horrible and I just used to look at them in disgust til he asked me what was wrong and I said that I was sorry but I didnt think they suited him and he looked much better in another pair. At first he was adamant that he liked them, but after one more wear I never saw them again. When I asked him why, he said that he appreciated my fashion advice. I then started buying him clothes that I liked or pointing out other guys who looked good in certain things, either on TV or friends or even in the street. However, be careful what you wish for as in my case he is now even more obsessed with clothes than me and is wardrobe is constantly expanding.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Nov 2007 /  #97
Then again it's not the right time to buy a perfume , and actually that won't solve the problem, I don't want him to be covered by perfume, I want him to shower everyday!!!

I meant some shower gell type stuff, not aftershave - but agreed it is a bit too soon to be buying him personal things like that - its a bit of a no brainer because he might just be one of those people who doesnt really care about his appearance - if you really like him as you say, stick with it and in time you can tell him he's a bit of a stinker :)

I do remember my bf having a pair of jeans that were horrible

Hmm I know where you are coming from my b/f brought a pair of white jeans up one weekend - I offered to iron then and accidently got a rather large black mark on them, they havent seen the light of day again!
sapphire  22 | 1241  
14 Nov 2007 /  #98
my b/f brought a pair of white jeans up one weekend - I offered to iron then and accidently got a rather large black mark on them, they havent seen the light of day again!

nice tactic.. if I didnt hate ironing I would try it. Theres always the charity shop when you live together.. you just say you have no idea what happened to that particular item of clothing :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2007 /  #99

Dude, you must have a small dick complex to start a topic like this one.
ebdpp  - | 12  
14 Nov 2007 /  #100
Shelley and Sapphire !!!!

You two are terrible. You really made me laugh. How could you dare to do that to those lovely jeans. Next time I see him I'm gonna start to think about your tactics and if I start laughing for no reason (apparently) , it's gonna be all your fault!!!! (I'm gonna keep the iron in mind anyway)

Any other suggestions guys?

Dude, you must have a small dick complex to start a topic like this one

Grzegorz!! Cavalier is not here anymore!! Why you dont give me an advise. I want to know a man's point of view in regards my situation. You are a man so you can give me some advice.
14 Nov 2007 /  #101
survival of the fittest smartest leanest meanest whith the best geanome and polish men come last after least

1st we rule your women then we rule your country then we take over the world ha ha ha ha all white woman are going out whith brwon plack forign men the west has nothing to offer them exept an outdated bible sex drink and one night stands

we have a new world a new order more money bigger houses bigger faster cars curry dumplins tortillas ha ha ha ha did i get you thinking did i **** you of did i make you angry truth hurts tut tut tut.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2007 /  #102
Maybe because they can easier recognize the darker skin through icecream.

14 Nov 2007 /  #103
brwon plack forign men

Not them Brwon plack Forign men, anyone but them!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Nov 2007 /  #104
all white woman are going out whith brwon plack forign men

ha ha with who? say that in english? are you a brown plack forgin man? you said you were british, make your mind up! ha ha

the west has nothing to offer them exept an outdated bible sex drink and one night stands

and your koran or whatever is so up do date, its so great to be a woman in a muslim society isnt it...

we have a new world a new order more money bigger houses bigger faster cars

really? i thought you still rode in little carriages or on donkeys

curry dumplins tortillas

yes thats true, but not so sure about tortillas, thought they were mexican

truth hurts

it does doesnt it
14 Nov 2007 /  #105
ha ha with who? say that in english? are you a brown plack forgin man? you said you were british, make your mind up! ha ha

I think their some kind of umper-lumper mexican munchkin mix or something, either way their lucky their not A1makji thats for sure.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Nov 2007 /  #106
umper-lumper munchkin mexican mix

hmmm this is very puzzling...
14 Nov 2007 /  #107
This is, but im sure they must be more British then A1makji, I've got more British in my little finger then him, although he trys hard to convince himself...jealous much?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2007 /  #108

Here is a pedophile you worship. atheisme.org/mahomet2.jpg]
14 Nov 2007 /  #109
*EDIT* you did it anyways lol
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2007 /  #110
I edited because wasn't sure how this crap is called.
14 Nov 2007 /  #111
Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence :):P
14 Nov 2007 /  #112
crap is called.

sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Nov 2007 /  #113
Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

Thats all you see in the States Polish women with American guys,

I guess we just treat them better:)
14 Nov 2007 /  #114
I guess we just treat them better:)

yes, as long as cheese in a fridge, it's all great! lol
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Nov 2007 /  #115
as long as cheese in a fridge

Well I have plenty of that:)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Nov 2007 /  #116
i suppose that maybe foreign men seem more 'exotic' and interesting, and the curious creatures that we are, we want to see what its like being with somebody from a different country/culture. you can learn so much, and teach them a lot about yourself and your customs, too.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Nov 2007 /  #117
ebdpp  - | 12  
15 Nov 2007 /  #118
survival of the fittest smartest leanest meanest whith the best geanome and polish men come last after least.

Go home and have a nap!!!!!, nobody needs you here loser!!!
15 Nov 2007 /  #119
i suppose that maybe foreign men seem more 'exotic' and interesting, and the curious creatures that we are, we want to see what its like being with somebody from a different country/culture. you can learn so much, and teach them a lot about yourself and your customs, too.

or soemtimes its the fact that you interact with these people more, for example in my office there are some people from north england who are dting southerners, how come, its because the norther gentleman lives here in london hence he is with a londoner.... i dont hink there are women in poland who are waiting for their dream exotic tanned man.
16 Nov 2007 /  #120
cuzz we got bigger fatter longer thicker co(ks than you tiny sized white Baztards

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