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Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
23 Jul 2010 /  #331
It sucks when a woman steals your money but at the end of the day you only have yourself to blame for being naive and letting her have it... The communist b*tch! ;-D

Yeah, it's all true. Equality somehow has become a "let's be as bad or even worst than they are" - mantra. Applies to both sides and it is what it is.

I briefly dated a beautiful, black woman. Very inteligent, spoke several languages and I'm glad I got to know her. However, I'm certain that makes me a communist hound dog... Oh well, -> communist hound dogs of the world - unite, the revolution is coming! <- :)

It's not that we're brainwashed or forced into it, if we were hairy, smelly with frizzy hair and spotty faces you men wouldn't like us! :D So maybe men are the brainwashed ones because you don't fancy the cavewoman look anymore ha ha.

Cavewomen? Oh, the good 'ole days of Alpha females ;)

I didn't think y'all were brain washed, I was simply talking about how we all are molded into specific gender roles from very early on in our lives whether we know it or not.

It's always a good idea not to befriend your exes on facebook because all of those unneccesary thoughts and hopes will creep back into your head everytime they update their status. You have to let the past go whether it was a bad decision to break up or a lucky escape! I count mine as a lucky escape, wouldn't waste another breah on the tosser and feel sorry for any females who make the mistake to get emotionally involved with 'it' in the future :)

You're right and I thought about it afterwards. I have no idea how she found me as she didn't have my email address and my FB page is not under my name but my call sign. Yet she did and I thought it'd be very rude of me to refuse an FB invite from her as after all we used to be an item and there were indeed many good memories.

I figured dropping her as a FB friend would be even more rude than not accepting her invite to begin with. It's all good, just feels weird sometimes.

I don't. I agree with what you've written.

Glad to hear that.

You mean hypocrisy?
I don't know, maybe. Well, in general - yes, after all we're all humans.

Paulina - you touched on numerous issues here and overall I tend to agree with you. Yes, the world isn't fair, yes women often face a double standard when it comes to expressing their sexuality, yes, many men are heartless pigs. Hypocrisy? Absolutely.

However, there's also hypocrisy when looking from the opposite angle.

In many countries nowadays when looking for good paying jobs, applying to renowned universities, etc. your experience or your grades do not matter as much as your gender or the color of your skin. Political correctness helps people with lesser experience simply because they're "inies" and not "outies" between their legs or because their skin is darker. Some call it political correctness, some call it affirmative action I call it hypocrisy, or revenge sexism and revenge rasism.

The vast majority of divorce cases where children are part of the household end up with a total victory for the woman. Courts still view the mother as the "more important" parent. Statistics vary somewhat in the western hemisphere and for the sake of our discussion I'm including Poland in that group. Yet no matter which country you look at, in each and every one of them women win the vast majority of all child custody cases. Hypocrisy? Absolutely.

Recently there have been numerous cases of teachers sleeping with their teenage students. For the male teachers it means decades and decades behind bars, often in a he said she said environment where the courts tend to believe the young girl even if there's no other evidence and/or witnesses.

For the female teachers it usually means a suspension; after repeated offenses a few years behind bars where they get out early with good behavior.

Somehow it's less of an evil if a 40 year old female teacher molests a 15-year old boy then if the genders are reversed. What happened to the gender and race blind justice? Hypocritical? Absolutely.

In my view the world is full of injustices, full of hypocritical people. Yet we tend to notice mainly what might affect us the very most. One day I'd like to be a father, a good father. Yet, yes I do worry that if my marriage was to fail and my wife/girlfriend wants me out of our kids' lives all she needs to do is to take me to court and statistically speaking I will lose.

Likewise, you as a woman are frustrated by what you (and I) perceive to be an unfair treatment women get when they date men. Totally understandable and no it's not fair.

Interestingly, women are often their worst enemies and will judge other women more harshly than the men would. Often they also cling to old traditions, old perceptions, etc. Recently I watched a documentary about the horrific practice of female genital mutilation in some African countries. To my surprise it was primarily the women in those tribes who fought to keep the despicable tradition alive.

There are many, many other examples of hypocrisy affecting both genders.

Anyways, my point is that hypocracy exists everywhere you look. All you and I can do is to break the chain of events, you know one at a time and slowly the society will be changing for the better.

I try to see the world from the "other" perspective, even if it makes no sense to me at all. I try to understand but more importantly to respect.

Just because a woman hurt me does not mean I must hurt other women. Similarly, you should try to understand the world from our perspective even if it makes no sense to you at all. Just try and if it still seems totally stupid to you then, well try to respect the other view point. Not always easy and often I fail at it, but I try... Pay it forward you know.

But I appreciate what you, Skysoulmate, and AJ are writing here.
I'm impressed. You guys are cool :)

Not too often but every now and then we get in touch with our softer sides lol Thank you btw.

PS. Self disclosure -> I sent Paulina some money to call me cool, unfortunately the check bounced ;)
Midas  1 | 571  
23 Jul 2010 /  #332
How did British women become involved in a thread about Polish girls dating foreigners?

- oh, fairly common.

It's rather typical of Polish women.

Should You for example ever point out to a Polish girl that the number of Polish women spreading their legs in exchange for free rent in Britain is higher than that of other nations You'll immediately hear stories of disgusting, drunk English females doing god knows what in Cyprus or tales of nasty Ukrainian prostitutes and strippers.

A defensive "mechanism" highly characteristic of Poles in general, sort of like "It's ok to steal cars because my neighbor does it".

somebody sounds like they were screwed over by a few Agnieszkas!

Never dated an Agnieszka. I don't know if You missed it, but I actually have a preference for Jewish women.

Cos the Polish guys are jealous we are stealing their women :D

In my humble opinion the Poles should be thankful to You, British lads. Women that drop everything they are doing and completely change their lives around because a British guy whistled at them while on a drinking spree in Poland aren't usually worth much in terms of morals to begin with.

Poles should be very thankful that You will from time to time choose to import their sluts to Britain. After all, most of such scenarios end up with the slut either staying in Britain or being sent back home after being set straight by a no-nonsense Brit. Polish guys often seem to lack either the will or the ability to set their sluts straight.

When I was at school we were supposed to read "Inny świat" by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński who was born in my region and lived in my city. He was arrested by NKVD and put in a gulag.

- seriously, women from Eastern Europe are the only women in the world that need to involve Gulags, Stalin and whatnot in order to justify why it's ok for some of them to ***** around :-)

Midas isnt my problem..

- well, I have to say I usually get some **** for telling things like they are. But to tell the truth I get waaay less **** from Jews when I say some of our compatriots are a bit too money-grabbing then I get from Poles when I write other things. I guess Jews don't generally take such criticism too personally.

I briefly dated a beautiful, black woman.

Good for You. Great many women from Africa are strong, independent and resourceful.
mvefa  5 | 591  
23 Jul 2010 /  #333
well, I have to say I usually get some **** for telling things like they are

But you are not telling things as they are, you are talking rubbish, dude even i (that i can be harsh) could not generalize the way you do, it's like you really hate polish people, specially girls.

The way you are talking is very, ummm how do i say this...provincial, dude you cannot judge a whole nation by the few "sluts" you have come accross...sluts are everywhere, even in Holland UK Israel, everywhere! so set your head straight up and respect a little bit people...cause being born in certain country (we do not know about urs since you do not dare to put it in ur profile) does not mean per default you are decent and morally-correct, or neither that you are a slutty gold-digger...!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
23 Jul 2010 /  #334
- well, I have to say I usually get some **** for telling things like they are. But to tell the truth I get waaay less **** from Jews when I say some of our compatriots are a bit too money-grabbing then I get from Poles when I write other things. I guess Jews don't generally take such criticism too personally.

so true. Poles don't take any criticism well at all, yet they are so opinionated about anything and everything.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
23 Jul 2010 /  #335
Good for You. Great many women from Africa are strong, independent and resourceful.

She was not from Africa, she was an American woman; this was years ago when I was in training (no, not the Alison kind of training :)

I must say that your posts confuse me sometimes. I believe you're of Jewish faith and you've already mentioned your preference for Jewish women. Good for you and yes, many are stunningly beautiful and are very smart too. However, what purpose does it serve for you to berate Polish women? Do you think the type of language you use will make more people like the Jews?

You know very well there's a lingering distrust there and in order for the relations between the two people to improve there must be a respectful dialogue between the two. Your posts are very condescending toward Polish women and I think you know that.

In my view you'd find it much easier to share your perspective on things if you refrained from the venom you so often use.

Just my take on it.

Kol Tuv
Midas  1 | 571  
23 Jul 2010 /  #336

1. I am both a Pole and a Jew, according to my passports. So when I'm speaking of Poles I speak of my people.

2. Faith isn't something I'm particularly big on. Neither is Jahwe.

3. In real life I'm rather known for telling it like it is.

And You know what?

Should London suddenly suffer an influx of Israeli women with a significant number of whom being ready and willing to **** for free rent I'll say: "There is a visible amount of Israeli sluts in London", amongst other things.

Part of the "Polish issue" in my humble opinion is that Poles have a problem with accepting negative opinions coming from other people. Never mind that I'm not talking about all Polish women but about a certain ( visible if You go abroad and visit Polish immigrant communities ) percentile - they all get offended as if I slagged their Mums.

Apart from that You will not usually hear full blooded Polish people talking about this issue. Polish women, as You might have noticed from threads here, don't really consider prostitution and related actions either bad or anything disgusting. And most Polish men are too ************ to talk about it unless alcohol is involved.
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Jul 2010 /  #337
And most Polish men are too ************ to talk about

It is not like that.In polish forums written in polish polish men complain about Polki in similar way we do,they write even worse things about them.Just they don't want to loose face internationally by writing the same in english but their opinions are the same,there is really no difference between our and their observations.

Anyway I don't complain(I just don't like the IR thing,I mean white money is always better) now I loaded my pockets again and I am going to meet my Polki(who starve as usual).
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Jul 2010 /  #338
3. In real life I'm rather known for telling it like it is.

small correction:
3. In real life I'm rather known for telling it like I think it is.

Midas  1 | 571  
23 Jul 2010 /  #339
mvefa - As I have explained, I'm not talking about all Polish women, only about a certain percentage.

This percentage is high enough that You'll see Polish ladies doing stuff that I wrote about in U.K., U.S. or while they are on vacation in Greece or Italy.

Also, I only see this as logical. Here You have a country ( Poland ) where whole generations of people grew up with little to no real money, were unable to travel abroad ( communism ) and often came to view foreigners as superiors because said foreigners were able to live lives Polish people could not. I'm sorry, it is a sad reality that in, let's say, 1985, if You worked for 2 months in United States on a minimum wage You were able to buy a flat in a Polish city with Your savings.

This country also tolerates prostitution up to a point where it is legal and used to mass- export prostitutes to other places in the 70's and 80's ( Germany, U.K. ).

The richest woman in this country became such by way of marrying well and divorcing smartly.

In addition, it is common in this country to raise women as "princesses" and if You call a Polish girl a "princess" she'll most likely not even understand the negative connotations associated with this. At the same time males in Poland are raised as workhorses, taught not to complain from an early age and to respect their women.

I'm sorry, but it is only logical that the female population of such a country will contain a higher than usual number of:

a) Pro's,

b) Sluts who pull slutty tricks because their men rarely even have the balls to do anything about it,

c) Women who want to marry a rich foreigner in order to get ahead,
A J  4 | 1075  
23 Jul 2010 /  #340
I highlighted the part I disagree with.

Fair enough! Of course you may disagree with that, and so do I, but it shouldn't be a mystery to you that the majority of boys actually are aggressive, jealous and possessive when it comes to girls. (Usually in their younger years though!)

Jealous? Sure, if you have reasons than it's a normal and an anticipated reaction if you have feelings for someone.

I'm never jealous, and I'll tell you why; If she doesn't choose you, or leaves you for someone else, you're probably better off without her. I will be sad, lonely and disappointed for some time though, but when it's hopeless it's hopeless. I accept that.

Aggressive and possessive? Never. Why?

Hey, don't ask me, because I don't know why I should be like that either! I've experienced this quite often though, so that's why I mentioned it. (But maybe that's a difference in culture?)

You answered it yourself in the highlighted section. It's also pointless unless you move her to North Korea to make sure she's all yours. Even then she'll stray if she wants to.


The only true means of being sure is to conquer her heart and to be kind, gentle and loving to her before but especially after becoming partners. Goes both ways.

I don't want to conquer her heart. I just want to be able to be myself with her, but this means I will need to find a girl who's about as crazy as I am.


If she still strays leave immediately as once a cheater always a cheater - she simply wasn't worth your love and your affection. Again, it goes both ways. This comes from a divorced guy so go figure. ;)

I'm very open-minded, and I'll be sure to let her know she can basically discuss everything with me, without having to be cautious about anything or even having to feel ashamed about herself. I'd be happy with a monogamous relationship and I'd be loyal too, but if she has certain desires and wishes then I'd very much like to be the first to hear. (I like to keep things fair.)

You're right but see above.


Absolutely! A relationship is just that a relationship that is being molded each and every day. I guess the key is to sometimes agree to disagree.

I'm pretty creative and diplomatic, and I'm usually fine with a fair compromise, but there are times when I will disagree, and I have to be honest here, I can be extremely stubborn and hard-headed sometimes.

...and we, as a society don't put unrealistic demands on women? Really?

I don't.

AJ, how much time do you need to get ready after you wake up?20-30 minutes? Get up, brush your teeths, shave, quick shower, put on your tshirt and your jeans, quick breakfast and off you go.

I can manage in five minutes if I really had to. Oh, and if you brush your teeth and shave while showering, you can save ten minutes. (I've trained with Commando's, and let me tell you that those guys have no sense of humour!) Hey, I'm no longer in the army, and I'm single, so I take my sweet time these days!


Ladies usually need more time, don't they?

They usually do.

You think women shave their legs and if we're really lucky other areas (yes, I'm selfish here :) just because they want to?

No, I don't think so. Oh, and if she's my girlfriend, I wouldn't mind shaving her you-know-what. (And her legs.) And maybe give her a massage. (But she'll have to be really, really nice!)


Do they put on all that make-up, eye-liners, lipsticks, hair treatments, etc. just because they want to or is it because we as a society put such demands on women from the time girls turn into women?

I think women put these demands on eachother. I usually prefer natural and casual looking girls. I'm not a big fan of make-up. (But if there's a party then go ahead and knock yourself out!)

See my point? They're flooded with images of what's expected of them, tv shows, magazines, friends, etc., etc. from early on.

Not entirely. I mean, I'm sure girls have their lazy days, just like guys, but I happen to know that most girls actually enjoy some of their personal care, and they don't mind recieving the odd compliment from a guy. My mother used to be a Beautician, so I know most women like to take care of themselves. Oh, and of course guys have to deal with certain expectations aswell. (So I guess there's a balance!)


Yes, they do turn down many good guys but we guys turn down many good ladies.

I wasn't talking about turning down. I was talking about rejecting a guy from their
community because of what his parents were, because of who his friends were or because of a mistake he made. Guys don't do that. I can understand it when you turn down someone for a whole lot of reasons, so that's not even an issue.

Every now and then I get a facebook update on a friend, ex-girlfriend announcing the birth of their child or marital status update and I think, what the hell was I thinking? Why did I break up with her? I'm certain you and many other guys have those moments too.

I used to dwell on the past an awful lot when I was younger, and reflected way too much, but these days I accept everything as it happens. I've only turned a few girls down in my time, and I would still turn them down today. They just really weren't my type or they simply didn't understand me. I would never trade a girlfriend for another, so I don't have such regrets.

I'm impressed. You guys are cool :)

Thank you. (Guess what? You're pretty cool too!)

In the end it's what's inside that matters :)

Some people might think it's a cliché, but it's true, although I still wouldn't marry your grandmother!


- seriously, women from Eastern Europe are the only women in the world that need to involve Gulags, Stalin and whatnot in order to justify why it's ok for some of them to ***** around :-)

Dude, she wasn't even trying to justify or condem anything, but thank you for illustrating her point. (You probably don't even see that your reaction has proven her right, do you?)


Have a nice day!
23 Jul 2010 /  #341
Should London suddenly suffer an influx of Israeli women with a significant number of whom being ready and willing to **** for free rent I'll say: "There is a visible amount of Israeli sluts in London", amongst other things.

In Latin America in the beging of XX cent. yes there was such phenomenom among jewish & eastern europeans imigrants.

Part of the "Polish issue" in my humble opinion is that Poles have a problem with accepting negative opinions coming from other people. Never mind that I'm not talking about all Polish women but about a certain ( visible if You go abroad and visit Polish immigrant communities ) percentile - they all get offended as if I slagged their Mums.

I think every nation would be offended if u call "a big procentage" of their women "sluts".

Apart from that You will not usually hear full blooded Polish people talking about this issue. Polish women, as You might have noticed from threads here, don't really consider prostitution and related actions either bad or anything disgusting.

because prostitutes dont kill ppl? You can say that you dont approve what they do, I dont aprove it either, 'cause they don't respect themselves, but I won't throw rocks at them. Grew up, we don't live in biblical times. I think my attitiude is common in every modern society. They throw rocks on protitudes in Africa...

Btw we have to be more clear do we talk about prostitution or about women looking for rich husbend. First case its just like I said above. The second case is diffrent and totally wrong not because its a prostitution but because it is a fraud. A person cheat someone that love another person to get money. And yes this is totally worng.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #342
I know why! because polish women don't have to work like dogs inside and outside of the home if they choose a life without a polish man.

I've married into a Polish family and am constantly feeling the pressure, and constantly berated no matter how hard I work.

I was brought up with a father who worked around 12 hours a day and would still come home and cook and fix up the house!

I suppose you could say that british women are spoilt but nowhere to the extent of bratty polish men who are waited on like kings, it makes me sick.

Seriously I couldn't blame any Polish woman for looking elsewhere - you deserve a break!!.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
23 Jul 2010 /  #343
let's say, 1985, if You worked for 2 months in United States on a minimum wage You were able to buy a flat in a Polish city with Your savings.

Your theory sucks.If it were this way women from Albania and other former communist countries would also prostitute themselves.In my opinion polish girls have been always like that even centuries ago.The same is true for russian girls etc,communism changed very little.

In addition, it is common in this country to raise women as "princesses" and if You call a Polish girl a "princess" she'll most likely not even understand the negative connotations associated with this

A US girl told me she did not like her treatment by me because in US she was treated like a princess.She told me ''in America guys treat girls like princesses'',I told her here is Balkans,we are different.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
23 Jul 2010 /  #344
ha ha yes i need a knight like you to rescue me from my ugly boyfriend ha ha! all my female friends fancy him actually and girls are checking him out on the street so i think i'm not doing too bad for myself :).

Despite your nasty character, you lucky girl!

ohhh it p*sses you off so much that even the mingers get laid doesn't it! it's hilarious that you think you deserve attention and appreciation from women. with your attitude, you don't even deserve a dog.

This is what i mean by nasty.
If hot English/Polish/whatever guys weren't interested in you and only in your ugly female friends, then you also would be sad and angry, if not committing suicide after a while. At least you would complain that it's unfair that you don't get the same as them! And you would say that English/Polish/whatever guys have a bad taste.

And now you see me criticizing hot Polish girls for spreading their legs for even the most unattractive guys and all you have to say is that because of this attitude i am some lowlife that doesn't even deserve a dog!

From all you wrote so far i think i am not far from the truth if i call you a hypocrite!
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Jul 2010 /  #345
Seriously I couldn't blame any Polish woman for looking elsewhere - you deserve a break!!.

Seriously, stop flattering yourselves, we do not prefer foreigners over our men, never ever. That's only in your imagination.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Jul 2010 /  #346
me criticizing hot Polish girls for spreading their legs for even the most unattractive guys

if that was true, you wouldn't have any problems to get laid... but you do... so....
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #347
not flattering myself at all, I said british women are spoilt didn't i? and it's definitely not in my imagination. I know enough Polish women to know that this is true, all i'm saying is that Polish women get it easier with a Brit - that's all
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Jul 2010 /  #348
and it's definitely not in my imagination.

yes it is. I repeat, we do not prefer foreign men over ours. And since I am Polish myself, I know much more Polish women than you do, and I know even better that this is 100% true.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #349
I repeat, we do not prefer foreign men over ours.

OK ok, I was merely suggesting that you could perhaps consider the possibility that you'd be better off if you did, in a light-hearted kind of way.

But your response has confirmed another bug bear of mine... I'll explain...posts above are talking about slutty gold-digging polish girls who sleep with the ugliest dudes for material gain and you are having a go at ME for suggesting an easier life for you girls---- seems you're proving my point,..do polish girls like abuse?....confused
Midas  1 | 571  
23 Jul 2010 /  #350
Unfortunately what the Polish women do isn't really that uncommon for women from the Eastern Block. Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary - they all more or less have the same issue. Albania could be different, since a guy's expected to knife his own sister over there if she starts seeing a foreigner.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
23 Jul 2010 /  #351
if that was true, you wouldn't have any problems to get laid... but you do... so....

this topic is not about me, it's about the weird taste of Polish girls.

Seriously, stop flattering yourselves, we do not prefer foreigners over our men, never ever. That's only in your imagination.


In my experience, Polish girls only go for a foreigner if he really stands out.
For white foreigners, it's either their money or they are very goodlooking or a very interesting personality. For blacks and arabs unfortunately the situation is much better, but i don't think this is the right topic for discussing that.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Jul 2010 /  #352
this topic is not about me, it's about the weird taste of Polish girls.

i'm just proving you wrong... and go away now...
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Jul 2010 /  #353
I'll explain...posts above are talking about slutty gold-digging polish girls who sleep with the ugliest dudes for material gain

And you take all these posts seriously? I mean you actually base your opinion about Polish women on what is being posted on here?

and you are having a go at ME for suggesting an easier life for you girls

I'm not having a go at you. What I'm trying to say is that those who think that Polish women prefer foreign men are wrong. They are flattering themselves, that's it...

do polish girls like abuse?....confused

I can't help you on that one. Obviously abuse happens, like everywhere in the world, but all my friends are happily married to their Polish men, and they are not being abused. Even my Iranian friend fell in love with a Polish man, and she's soon moving to PL to be with him, so sorry, our men are not as bad as you would like to think.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #354
And you take all these posts seriously? I mean you actually base your opinion about Polish women on what is being posted on here?

No I definitely do not base my opinion of polish women on those hideous comments. But wonder why you choose to get offended by my comments enough to reply and ignore the others comments which are just horrible!!

Maybe I didn't make myself clear earlier but I am actually married to a Polish man. In the last 4 years I have really seen a massive difference in culture and his demands never cease to amaze me, all of his male friends and family members seem to hold the same superior attitude, and today in particular I am really really sick and tired of it...hence this whole rant....

What I'm really trying to say is that I admire Polish women and their ability, and clearly judging by your response, desire to put up with it - all power to you.

I still think that overall the polish women/british men alliance would be an amazing force. Unfortunately, and I know all too well, it doesn't work the other way around (british women/polish men)
Midas  1 | 571  
23 Jul 2010 /  #355
^^ I am sorry madam, but it does sound a bit like You're peeved because You had to do the dishes.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #356
hmmm fair point, it does doesn't it ;)
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Jul 2010 /  #357
But wonder why you choose to get offended by my comments enough to reply and ignore the others comments which are just horrible!!

Sorry about that hun. I thought you were just another guy who went out with one Polish girl, and thinks that we just love them foreigners more than anything in the world. Usually this kind of wishful thinking makes me laugh, but today mam wojowniczy nastrój.

In the last 4 years I have really seen a massive difference in culture and his demands never cease to amaze me, all of his male friends and family members seem to hold the same superior attitude

Never easy with mixed couples. You guys have to find the golden middle, he has to understand that you will not act like a Polish woman would, but he won't act like a British man would either, and you have to respect it.

Maybe you are both expecting something else from your spouse, but if you want to make your marriage work, you have to meet each other half way.

and today in particular I am really really sick and tired of it...hence this whole rant....

Really sorry to hear that!

What I'm really trying to say is that I admire Polish women and their ability, and clearly judging by your response, desire to put up with it - all power to you.

naaaah, we just know how to handle them - I'll have to teach my friend ;) -and when we don't know what to do, we go see their mama :)

Anyway, all the best, hope it works out for the two of you.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #358
I'll have to teach my friend

great! is that a promise? God knows I need to be taught - 6 years of trying to figure him out has got me nowhere.....so.........just how do you handle them?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
23 Jul 2010 /  #359
ust how do you handle them?

Don't be tempted to tell her.Slavic males are an exemplar.

and his demands never cease to amaze me, all of his male friends and family members seem to hold the same superior attitude,

Now I understand some things on Polki.It seems polish men train them very good.
bobbins  - | 7  
23 Jul 2010 /  #360
:p get back in your cave

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