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Polish women and foreign men

EM_Wave  9 | 310  
1 Apr 2012 /  #1
I'm curious, but why do many Polish women that come to America say they want any man except a Polish man? One theory is that it's considered good luck among Polish parents for their daughters to marry foreigners. Any truth to this?
nynicki  - | 31  
1 Apr 2012 /  #2
None truth to that,it's quite the opposite.Majority of my friends are married to Poles,one to Slovak and another one suprise suprise to a Jew.

Either way I think a lot of Polish parents just don't care,they want their son/daughter to be happy whomever she/he choose to be with.

You have some strange obsession with Polish women and foreigners:/
OP EM_Wave  9 | 310  
1 Apr 2012 /  #3
It's more like Polish women have the obsession. Every time I'm on a date with a Polish woman, she talks about how she's glad she's with an American guy and not a Polish guy.
shelley  1 | 13  
1 Apr 2012 /  #4
Im Irish and married to a Polish guy, i think its for the money, i mean don't pick me up wrong love to of course but they can have a better life with a man from a country that speaks English :/ not all polish woman are the same
Ironside  50 | 12959  
1 Apr 2012 /  #5
Every time I'm on a date with a Polish woman,

hahah you and a date - a good joke !

It's more like Polish women have the obsession

It more like you have the obsession with Polish women - sad.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Apr 2012 /  #6
Every time I'm on a date with a Polish woman

Are you really that stupid to think people here will take it seriously ?
1 Apr 2012 /  #7
I think he is.
1 Apr 2012 /  #8
I would love to marry a Polish man. They are on top of my list. I only have difficulty finding one when living in abroad.

All my Polish friends who married foreigners mainly the brown ones REGRET that hugely. They say they were stupid to do that and if they had such option they would marry their countrymen.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Apr 2012 /  #9
Im Irish and married to a Polish guy, i think its for the money,

Did your husband marry you for money? Or u just mean Polish women?
1 Apr 2012 /  #10
I'm a Polish woman and the more I'm reading this site, the less I would consider to marry a foreigner.

One theory is that it's considered good luck among Polish parents for their daughters to marry foreigners. Any truth to this?

Depends what country the guy comes from. Sons-in-law of some nationalities would make average Polish parents not very enthusiastic about the marriage. But generally average parents would prefer best Polish man for a husband of their daughter, if they had something to say in that matter... they usually don't have, so they must take to the "new family member" ;)

All my Polish friends who married foreigners mainly the brown ones REGRET that hugely.

Why don't they get a divorce?
1 Apr 2012 /  #11
Some got divorced some get amipulated. Sadly they got pregnant or have young children. And when you speak to such women it sound very complicated. I even avoid to talk to them now to save myself stress. Each time I see such women they complain.

I also think: What did you expect? He is an Arab or Nigerian, Indian or whoever and you cannot expect him to suddenly act in a way you are familar to. He is not Polish and never will be.

Another observation I found is that those women were not good at dating anyway. They were not proactive in finding a husband. They were the women who fall in a trap of men who chased after a white women for visa or sex. Initally those females felt like it was adorable and they finally thought they were beutiful to someone. But after some time... it becomes very very sad reality, often in poverty.

So even if they divorce they do not have the skill or courage to decide about their own fate. Because of their social unawarness they got in such relationship in the first place. They would need psychotherapy first of all to become more assertive and confident about themselves.

So my dear Poles, before you say: Oh nie mam powodzenia. Niech bedzie i ten. Tak czy owak to tez facet. Taki nam nie napalony. Chyba nigdy mnie zdradzi.

I would suggest you to do some work on you and go and get the best guys you deserve as you are wonderful and should be treasured by the most caring succesful and hansome cultured gentlemen. And have children who are similar to you and your parents. Get the guy you will be proud to show off.
shelley  1 | 13  
1 Apr 2012 /  #12

i mean polish woman, but some are not like that and some is, its the same with Irish i think its like that all over the world...some!!!
1 Apr 2012 /  #13
That is quite a sensible approach I would say.

I feel like i should reward an ambicious educated white man by marrying him.

And not to lead a stressful life with a man who cannot be botheres to make an effort at work as he prefers to watch TV and dring alcohol.

I think sensible women should choose the weatlhy men firs to show them appreciation for their hard work.
1 Apr 2012 /  #14
What about love? ...oh wait, I get it! Love has not a lot to do with being sensible ;)
OP EM_Wave  9 | 310  
1 Apr 2012 /  #15
When I was in Poland, I noticed the men there were not good-looking at all. I'm sure that must be one reason why Polish women prefer foreign men.
1 Apr 2012 /  #16
Wealthy men tend to be attractive anyway. Obvieously there are men who I fancy more than others and I cannot help it. I find intelligence very sexy. Cleanines, wisdom, manners are very attractive to me. Take a man with such attributes and he is very likely to be wealthy anyway.
OP EM_Wave  9 | 310  
1 Apr 2012 /  #17
In the case of Poland, I hear scientists, mathematicians, and engineers are very underpaid. That probably explains why many of them come to America where they can make a lot of money in those fields.
shelley  1 | 13  
1 Apr 2012 /  #18
polish men are very good looking
1 Apr 2012 /  #19
In the case of Poland, I hear scientists, mathematicians, and engineers are very underpaid.

One can be educated but lacking enough guts and cleverness to make a career.
It's the same in USA really, where a nerd despite being a nerd is usually consider a loser. Have you been watching "Friends"? Was Ross attractive and successfull with women? ;)

That probably explains why many of them come to America where they can make a lot of money in those fields.

How did you come up with this original idea? "Probably"? Isn't it OBVIOUS?! ;-D

I'm sure that must be one reason why Polish women prefer foreign men.

You talk as if half of Poland was married to a foreigner. Don't be silly, I would never prefer an individual like you even if you were the last living man on Earth.

When I was in Poland, I noticed the men there were not good-looking at all.

Post your picture. We will judge how good-looking you are. How about that? ;)
OP EM_Wave  9 | 310  
1 Apr 2012 /  #20
It's the same in USA really, where a nerd despite being a nerd is usually consider a loser.

A nerd who goes into engineering will not be a loser. Plenty of job opportunities and most engineers end up making more than $100K annual income eventually. The same can be said about physicists (but if they get Ph.Ds).
1 Apr 2012 /  #21
In Poland it's different. No university diploma will give you work guaranteed. One needs to have, except an education, the character competence which will lead that person to a success. Poland is a dog eat dog world, not the USA ;)
ihadadream  - | 1  
1 Apr 2012 /  #22
When I was in Poland, I noticed the men there were not good-looking at all.

You are not that one to judge that.

Unless you are gay.
shelley  1 | 13  
1 Apr 2012 /  #23
ture i agree with you
1 Apr 2012 /  #24
I am a Polish woman and I am the most attracted to Polish men.
To me they are hansome, sensible and carying. Who thinks oterwise underestimates them.

I refer to guys that I studied with, not some street alcoholics.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Apr 2012 /  #25
When I was in Poland, I noticed the men there were not good-looking at all.

You're breaking my heart.
Chleb  1 | 25  
1 Apr 2012 /  #26
Maybe they want change; different cultures can be most... interesting.

I for one dislike my own country, England. The people are annoying and care more about popularity than their own good. Then again, I am weird.
rohit21sa  1 | 8  
6 Apr 2012 /  #27
I am back in this forum after 3 years.

I dated 2 polish girls and i must say they are better then other Europeans.

Finally i married a polish woman in 2009. So, 3 years happy marriage life. I been to poland and i loved it. I am fedup of people saying so many thing about polish people. Polish living in poland better then polish in UK LOL !

i made quite few friends even in remote place where people never seen any brown skin people like me

( i'm from bangladesh )

I'm muslim but my wife is catholics. so what? she practice her religion and i practice mine. We all human.

can't wait to visit Poland in the summer.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
6 Apr 2012 /  #28
Every time I'm on a date with a Polish woman, she talks about how she's glad she's with an American guy and not a Polish guy.

Great logic. How many dates are you likely to get with women who hate dating Americans?

And how many of them will you meet in America?
6 Apr 2012 /  #29
Only someone with low self esteem would not like own people.

That woman rather needs help than praise.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
6 Apr 2012 /  #30
Great logic. How many dates are you likely to get with women who hate dating Americans?

And how many of them will you meet in America?

lol... mensa must be missing out on this caucasianally challenged individual.

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