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Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting?

latino83  1 | 2  
15 Oct 2011 /  #1
Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting?

I mean, before living in Warsaw I was living in other big towns in Poland and I feel that Varsovian women are the worst Polish women that I've met. They just feel too much uninteresting, perhaps exaggeratedly European, which is a pity because IMO what is the most fascinating on Polish women is their culture, their tender attitude.

When I party in any club in Warsaw I really feel how disgusting they are, too arrogant, too much money flashing before you can actually get something (which is kinda an interesting situation, I work for a very big company and women there are very nice with me (they know that if i work for that company i should earn good money), but when they don't know you it is different).

Please note that I'm quite successful to pick some women in other towns, that's not my problem. But Varsovian women really are disappointing, it is really hard to meet interesting women there...
lusia  - | 17  
15 Oct 2011 /  #2
Polish women is their culture, their tender attitude.

pathetic stereotype, i'm glad that Varsovian women put your feet to the ground.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2011 /  #3
Polish women are the same everyhere.Very important is to look powerful true beauty Balkan power never chew your testes etc.
lusia  - | 17  
15 Oct 2011 /  #4
where was your balkan power when turks invaded your country?
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2011 /  #5
It is a sad story.Can you imagine that we first brought the Turks in Balkans to serve as mercenaries in our armies?A terrible mistake.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
15 Oct 2011 /  #6
Sounds like Latino 'picks a lot of women' succesfully. What he's asking is why can't he get in to women's pants in the capital as easily?
pawian  226 | 27539  
15 Oct 2011 /  #7
=latino83]Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting?

You probably meant they are disinterested in you.

All in all, it reminds me a fable by La Fontaine about a fox and sour grapes.
Wedle  15 | 490  
15 Oct 2011 /  #8
You probably meant they are disinterested in you.

You are probably fishing with the wrong bait, Warsaw women have seen it all and they are not impressed by your business card. They want to know what you stand for. If you don't like Warsaw gals, plenty more fish in the provinces.
OP latino83  1 | 2  
15 Oct 2011 /  #9
pathetic stereotype, i'm glad that Varsovian women put your feet to the ground.

Or not. I'd say most of them are really nice. Perhaps my 2.5 years weren't enough to get to know them.

Sounds like Latino 'picks a lot of women' succesfully. What he's asking is why can't he get in to women's pants in the capital as easily?

It is as easily but in Warsaw girls are much more material. While the way in the province is more genuine, in Warsaw it's about money.

You probably meant they are disinterested in you.

I'm also disinterested in most of them (Varsavian women) for the reasons I mentioned above.

You are probably fishing with the wrong bait, Warsaw women have seen it all and they are not impressed by your business card. They want to know what you stand for. If you don't like Warsaw gals, plenty more fish in the provinces.

You're getting me wrong. Business card works, but I wished I didn't have to flash it as almost everywhere in the rest of Poland. Geeee.

Polish women are the same everyhere.Very important is to look powerful true beauty Balkan power never chew your testes etc.

No, they aren't the same. Well, at least Varsovian compared to all the others, the mental difference is HUGE.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Oct 2011 /  #10
I've heard the same thing as the OP mentioned but I can't really comment as I've only really once been in Warsaw for any appreciable length of time.
Wedle  15 | 490  
15 Oct 2011 /  #11
You're getting me wrong. Business card works, but I wished I didn't have to flash it as almost everywhere in the rest of Poland. Geeee.

I think you are getting me wrong here, your business card is useless to the money hungry fillies of Warsaw, they want you to have a Bentley, Porsche , top end Merc. or at worst a nice BMW outside. The days of flashing your business cards in Warsaw as a ticket to a ride back at home are well gone. Most warsaw girls/women are tuned in to the poor expat that turns up trying to get a free ride of the back of being a foreigner. Changing times latino83, work hard and buy some toys to mingle with the local hoo hars,
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2011 /  #12
Probably in Warsaw they are a little less gullible.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Oct 2011 /  #13
WTF??? Some folks are weird. Business cards to impress women ffs.............how tragic.
Have you ever tried,I dont know,looking for decent women not amature hookers? Or maybe tried being yourself not a business card?
hythorn  3 | 580  
16 Oct 2011 /  #14
I was going to say something along similar lines but I knew that sharper minds would do a far better job than I could

what would really impress them would be if you put a job title like 'Galactic Junior Product Manager' on your business card or 'Interplanetary Assistant to the VP of Marketing'
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Oct 2011 /  #15
Why not just carry around your last pay slip and a recent Bank Statement?
Said it for years, Money alone never brings Class.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
16 Oct 2011 /  #16
Definately an odd thread to make. He says it is easy to get a woman in to bed but finds the women in Warszawa are uninteresting and wanting money. So basically he only likes to have a one night stand with an interesting women. How about you stop looking for girls to bed latino and act like more of a gentleman?
hythorn  3 | 580  
16 Oct 2011 /  #17
When I party in any club in Warsaw I really feel how disgusting they are, too arrogant, too much money flashing before you can actually get something (which is kinda an interesting situation, I work for a very big company and women there are very nice with me (they know that if i work for that company i should earn good money), but when they don't know you it is different).

indeed, it is a problem that I used to suffer from until I had a bar code tattooed across my forehead with my cash flow projections for the next five years.

when meeting a young lady I would just hand her a bar code reader which I had stolen from Tesco and stand back and wait for her to be mesmorised by my credit rating. Meaningless and unemotional exchanging of bodily fluids would then ensue.

you really ought to try it
OP latino83  1 | 2  
16 Oct 2011 /  #18
WTF??? Some folks are weird. Business cards to impress women ffs.............how tragic.
Have you ever tried,I dont know,looking for decent women not amature hookers? Or maybe tried being yourself not a business card?

I defy you to quote me where I had said I was looking for hookers or where I said that I was a business card.

Definately an odd thread to make. He says it is easy to get a woman in to bed but finds the women in Warszawa are uninteresting and wanting money. So basically he only likes to have a one night stand with an interesting women. How about you stop looking for girls to bed latino and act like more of a gentleman?

I also defy you to quote me where I said I was merely looking for a one night stand. Did I also say that I was doing something that I wasn't a gentleman? Quote me if I did. And BTW, even if I was looking for a one night stand, would that make any difference for women who is also just looking for some fun?

Just between brackets, in fact I'm looking for a girlfriend but it's so hard because I don't have much time outside my job and so when I want to meet people I go to some clubs but in Warsaw chicks are DISAPPOINTING (well, for me!).

Anyway, you people are getting the idea WRONG. Perhaps you guys didn't even understand the credit card metaphore. I will (try to) explain:

In any other town/city in Poland women are nice, chatty, interesting, open to anyone. In Warsaw, I feel a HUGE DIFFERENCE when it comes to approach women. To paint you a picture, if I'm wearing my formal clothes from my work and/or if I'm spending huge amounts of money at a club they do look at me, they even do come to me, whatever. But if I'm wearing just humble (by humble you should understand it as just "normal" for somebody who is @ a club) they don't give a damn, they walk like arrogant and so on. Did you guys get it now? How come just by my look I can be the prince of England and in the next day I can be a jackass? This is the difference!! In other cities, it doesn't matter how much power I'm showing at the moment, girls are just the same, but in Warsaw this doesn't happen!

Anyway I just opened this thread to see if somebody was thinking the same. Perhaps it's just my problem. But if you care enough to reply, make sure you don't make ASSUMPTIONS, just base yourself in FACTS!
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Oct 2011 /  #19
Generally in slavic countries one needs to be overdressed to distinguish himself as the fly in the milk.
Anyway Polki can smell relative superiority and though gullible now through international experice I hope that they gradually gravitate towards the reasonable inevitable choices.A Polka will always prefer a pimp to a serious businessman.Just kidding.
Wedle  15 | 490  
16 Oct 2011 /  #20
Your thread title: Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting
Should read: Why are Varsovian women NOT interested in me.

where I said that I was a business card

When I party in any club in Warsaw I really feel how disgusting they are, too arrogant, too much money flashing before you can actually get something

I work for a very big company and women there are very nice with me (they know that if i work for that company i should earn good money), but when they don't know you it is different).

Latino83, just be yourself, there is too much competition for you to play the big man in Warsaw, you are just another latino trying to play the slime ball game. Change tactics, let your female colleagues know you are on the market, if they think you are a good guy they will be lining up to give you an intro to their friends,
time means  5 | 1309  
16 Oct 2011 /  #21
Your thread title: Why are Varsovian women so uninterestingShould read: Why are Varsovian women NOT interested in me.

Wedle may have hit the nail on the head.

Latino perhaps you should try a different club. If you frequent the ones where golddiggers abound then it's no surprise that these are the type who keep blowing you out.
pip  10 | 1658  
16 Oct 2011 /  #22
do you really want a woman that is only interested in how much money you have?
perhaps you should keep wearing your humble bumble clothes and the right girl will come along and want to get to know you. Or perhaps you should find some more stimulating conversation that stupid blokersi girls dressed in cheap clothes that look like hookers and only want you for your bank statement--that is who goes to bars.---bleached blonde, botoxed, fake and bake tans wearing too tight clothes.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
16 Oct 2011 /  #23
latino I got the idea that you are only interested in a one night stand, from you. When I said ealier that you are having problems getting in to girls pants in the capital you said it was easy, well you tried to say that. Here is what you wrote.

It is easily but in Warsaw girls are much more material. While the way in the province is more genuine, in Warsaw it's about money.

So basically you can get in to their panties in other parts of Poland, but there, only if you prove that you have money.

The bottom line is, as most of the peeps on here have said, girls do not seem to be interested in you so you think there must be something wrong with them. You blame it on them. It must be they are only interested in money. Perhaps you're not as charming and nice as you thought. In the capital there are less naive girls. They have seen a lot. I know there a lot of shallow ones too, but they have a big choice. In other areas you might seem quite an exotic choice, being a latino. By the way if you want a long term girlfriend how about not going to clubs where a lot of folks just go to have fun for one night, very few of them are interested in finding a long term partner. I rarely here of 2 people who are married, saying they met in a night club.

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