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Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..)

10 Apr 2011 /  #31
Honey, ditch that male (?) *****. And just walk off from the problem.
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Apr 2011 /  #32
Ok, one issue at a time here before I go to sleep:

1) You shouldn't be making generalizations about all Polish ( or Russian, English, Jewish, etc. ) men based on how one particular "member of the species" is acting. Most Polish guys ( at least ones that were born and raised in Poland ) don't even consider beer an alcoholic beverage to begin with and can consume copious quantities of it without getting drunk.

2) After reading all You wrote - forget that boy genius, lose the number. One of the two things happened:

a) He was looking for an excuse to dump You a and pulled this "You're not Polish"
thing out of his ass because he figured it might work.


b) His family are a bunch of hardcore traditionalists, who happen to be hypocrites to boot. They won't tell You anything to Your face, but once You're out the door they really start talking. That's regardless of how many times You stayed over for tea and how much You thought his mom adores You.

Both are entirely possible and I've seen b) in action ( not only amongst Polish people ). In my humble opinion making one's kids only date/marry people from their own "circle" is a dick move to pull off on one's offspring, but it still happens. The person that ultimately suffers most is the one being forced to limit their field of choices, in case of Polish guys it is quite sad, since a visible number of Polish girls aren't exactly marriage material to begin with.

But hey - none of this is Your problem, You need to react to the **** his pulling off.

Best reaction = telling him to pound sand.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Apr 2011 /  #33
don't even consider beer an alcoholic beverage to begin with and can consume copious quantities of it without getting drunk.

I consider it as an alcoholic beverage.

His family are a bunch of hardcore traditionalists, who happen to be hypocrites to boot. They won't tell You anything to Your face, but once You're out the door they really start talking. That's regardless of how many times You stayed over for tea and how much You thought his mom adores You.

Its not because they are hypocrites, but because they are polite enough and feel that no matter how inconvenient they thing the matter is, they have no right to insult or hurt someone. They have the right to make a strong opinion in traditional Polish homes, and son's (like I had) welcome and work on their opinion in their favor with logic. If our logic ends, they should either win or we rebel. However, sometimes we prefer not to rebel against those who raised us and know more about and whom I can rely most at any given point in life.

since a visible number of Polish girls aren't exactly marriage material to begin with.

You low down sick moron ... it is YOU who is a hypocrite! What do you think of your women? The loosest of the loose! You have no right to generalize like this you humanoid. Had you been here infront of me I would tell you how Polish men with dignity react when their women (of whom they have mom, sisters, friends as the platonic and respectable way which you must be unaware of) are verbally demeaned by scums like you.

Hey you moron! ... listen up! ... Heard enough of your sick disgusting trash ... its you who have the value to meet up the sluts whether they be Polish or of your own community. There are wonderful Polish women but they will never come across creeps like you who think they know all about the world ... but the only thing they know is their own confined little planet in which they dwell with all the unpleasantness they are created off.

Go die somewhere under some rock you ****.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
10 Apr 2011 /  #34
and now he is acting like an idiot and big KID.

How does he act? I mean, specifically.
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Apr 2011 /  #35
I consider it as an alcoholic beverage. -

You do and a Polish subcontractor of mine used to hire lads from Poland who could, I **** everyone not, drink 12-15 pint-sized lagers at a party and be relatively sober. They didn't consider that much of an accomplishment either, they said vodka was where the real drinking started.

Its not because they are hypocrites, but because they are polite enough and feel that no matter how inconvenient they thing the matter is, they have no right to insult or hurt someone


Assuming the dude's parents are really the problem ( dunno if that's the case ) they're behaving like first class ******** - having her over for tea, smiling and laughing, then telling him to dump her as soon as she closes the door. Sure, they're not "hurting" her. Not at all. I mean it's not like the time she's spending ( and wasting, due to their influence ) with their son she could actually spend with someone else....

I find hypocrites to be the worst bastards around. When I was a lot ( I do mean a lot ) younger and not quite financially well-off I was courting a Jewish girl in the U.K. and quite quickly her father flat out told me I wasn't good enough. Pretty much along the lines of "bugger off lad, this ain't Your league".

I was really pissed off then. Now many years have passed and I actually think he did me a big favour that day - it would have been a lot worse if he said nothing to me, yet kept whispering in her ear how she really deserved someone better/other. Such **** can really ruin a relationship in the long run. Poison in the well, so to speak.

rant about how annoyed you are, how you'd hit me if I said that in front of you, that there are wonderful Polish women around, blah, blah, blah

Seriously, mate, cut down on the coffee and even if You don't - bark at some other tree. I have my opinions, You have yours, I'm most likely the one with a greater amount of life experience yet You don't see me calling You a **** or telling You to go and die because You think things work differently.

Addressing some of the points You made while not too busy frothing at the mouth and shouting out names -

0) For a questing Polish white knight on a shining horse who will challenge any and all who'd dare to insult the honor and virtue of Polish women You've made quite a curious choice of a life partner, I need to say. Why go Korean if You got all these lovely, faultless Polish women around? Lol...

1) Jewish women rarely have a bad opinion in the world. Polish women in the UK have a downright bad opinion. What is surprising - UK has been "invaded" countless times in the past, by people from India, Greece, Pakistan, Africa - some of these places are poorer than Poland. Yet Indian, Pakistani or even African women don't have such a bad opinion. You don't hear BBC DJ's saying Pakistani women make good prostitutes.

Same goes for America, especially some areas of Chicago and New York, Polish women don't exactly have the best opinion ( to be fair though - neither do many other "Catholic" girls, for some reason they are considered much "easier" than Protestant or Jewish ones ).

If You don't believe me - please tell me why every twice a month or so there's a boyo living in the UK but hailing from Pakistan, India, Africa or fracking Mauritius over here who's offering a thinly veiled ass-for-rent deal? Why don't they do it on jewishforums.com?Or irishforums.com?

Simple, the women over there would laugh them off the face of this planet. But not some Polish women.

IMO that opinion is not due to all Polish women being "sluts", "immoral" or however You want to call it, but due to a rather visible minority. I'm talking, for instance, about a visible amount of Polish women in London who will give it up for any guy promising them a rent-free life in a more desirable part of town. And since women belonging to this minority are often considered "success stories" back in Poland, someone has to break it down to the Polish that in the UK a girl who does that isn't considered much different from a one that's turning tricks in a cat house.

2) With that said - I do not think all Polish women are bad. Some are surely wonderful, as You said. But the fact that I'm calling a ***** a "*****" does not consitute verbal demeaning. Please keep in mind that I never claimed to say anything about all Polish women.

If the same number of Indian girls was behaving as a visible amount of Polish girls do ( talking London town specifically now ) I'd surely throw in a few jokes about Indian sluts every now and then. But they don't, so I don't - it is that simple.

3) Right now I am quite happy in a fabulous ( albeit at times distant ) relationship, so You'd be spending time better if You took care of Your Korean princess instead of ******** how eeeeeeeeviiiiiil I am.
Ogien  5 | 237  
10 Apr 2011 /  #36
Polish parents in America usually don't care if their children date non-Poles.
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Apr 2011 /  #37
Polish parents in America usually don't care if their children date non-Poles. - that's why I think this is more a case of option a) - dude looking for a "suitable" excuse to dump the threadstarter.

Either way, she should tell him to go pound monkeys in the zoo and get with someone else.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Apr 2011 /  #38
of your women? The loosest of the loose!

Jewish women are not exactly loose though kinky I would say.(and there is this nose either you take it or not).

since a visible number of Polish girls aren't exactly marriage material to begin with.

I agree here.With many polish women you get horns on your helmet.I mean you will get them for sure it is obvious.However morals in slavic world are a bit loose and this behavior is tolerated since it is accompanied by the man's pleasure as well.I really don't have a problem with that unless they start talking about their guys etc(which they do to make you jealous).

This is one of the main reasons that many polish girls end up with third worldlers in my opinion.That a normal white man does not even think of marrying them when they display such behavior.So they are left with the colored who

1.Control every step of them and are always close to them
2.Suffocate them with money
3.Marry them despite their bahavior since their alternative are the butt ugly colored chicks and some goats.
In this way what a colored is ready to provide far exceds the maximum patience and will of a white man and polish women managed to understand that by being continuously dumbed by white western,mediteranean men etc.
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Apr 2011 /  #39
there is this nose

Just one word... rhinoplasty...

In regards to the "third worlder" issue, since it's been mentioned... Actually I'd say ( don't have much to do with "third worlders" ) that if we "were to blame" a given group for the fact that some Polish women are, as Southern put it, "loose" ( and since we can't blame these women themselves, because they're faultless through being Polish and thus the next incarnation of Holy Mary as LTB will surely tell us ) I'd hesitantly point towards English blokes. In my bachelor circles in London it became quite fashionable in the last few ( 5 or so ) years to "do a Polish girl".

The way it was usually done was through going to this or that club, acting really, really English ( accent and all ), buying a few expensive drinks and saying how one had a pad in a more fancy part of town ( according to a friend of mine "Notting Hill" was really a hit, since there was a movie and all ). That was supposedly enough and ( also supposedly ) one did not really have to repeat the procedure more than twice to find a Polish girl for the night. To be fair though - I doubt all of the lads I talked to ( middle/middle-upper class boys all of them ) about it were able to distinguish Polish from Lithuanian or Czech.

So yeah, let's blame the evil English ( again ) for spoiling Polish women's morality.

Now with "third worlders' I can vaguely recall ( will google it ) a case of a certain Cameroonian immigrant in Warsaw that was a real hit with the ladies over there, so Southern might be a bit right. Simon Mol, wasn't that the lad's name? Got dozens of Polish women infected with HIV because when they asked him to wear a condom he said they were being "racist". Worked like a charm, every single time...LOL....

Lodz the Boat, care to comment on Mol's case? ( in other thread, not to expand the offtopic discussion ) Why don't we hear about African immigrants wrecking such havoc on local women in France or the UK, :-)
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Apr 2011 /  #40
Yes,polish women drop their resistance quickly but if you don't get engaged to them in 6 months they turn away.This is a method to get as many propositions as possible in a short time.In the same time they may get sponsored by others.

I guess Greeks,Italians,English men have done a whole lot of damage to their reputations by banging these girls and then leave them exploiting the situation.So paradoxically some more disadvantaged folks like Arabs and other unspecified have gained a better opinion since for them it is a dream to get and keep a white girl.

I guess that lots of Polki simply got disappointed when the english bloke threw them out after one month of continuous shagging in his pad in order to replace them with the next eastern european girl.

The same disppointment they got from the mediteranean man when they found out that he kept a private harem of every current and ex.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2011 /  #41
Worked like a charm, every single time...LOL....

If I recall, what made Mol particularly nasty was that he targeted the gullible types who would fall for such a line.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
11 Apr 2011 /  #42
You cannot argue with blind and reckless people who have no background. They dwell with the unpleasant, they imagine the unpleasant, and they meet the unkind.

Southern and Midas, as well as their likes are used to women who are too ambitious and would stray loose. I agree that such women exist from Polish backgrounds, and I have nothing to do with them. However, I have a decent upbringing and a respectable set of friends who I can definitely look at being ideal citizens and human beings.

No use really, it is just that Midas is an unfortunate person. I wish the person he is in relationship with would have better luck.


As for my "choice" in finding a life partner, I think this is insane of someone to relate that to an absence in decent and reliable Polish women. Instead it is just about love. Love doesn't occur through plan or logic ... it is an abstract feeling which just "happens". It was the same in my case, and I am a content man.

All of Midas's arguments revolve around the "loose" and the "cheap". He brings a "Simon Mol" into the equation of Polish women going for a different race. Why? Because simply he wants to look at the whole scenario from one angle and demean a particular group of people. Something specific to a particular kind of people ... sadists.

I respect the Indian and Pakistan people. Specially I had interactions and still maintain interactions with them. I respect the Bangladesh people and have been into that country for my job with ex-employer! I have also been in UK and I have met Irish and Americans. I know that the Indian, Pakistan and Bangladesh women have good reputation in your country Midas ... I will not go in to blame or speculate it into an oppressive culture of theirs (because I personally do not believe it, I think they are reasonably free and their behavior is often their own choice), but I would say that it is a mark of their "way of life" that they are more conservative. Whereas, Poles are not always so conservative specially in a foreign land because our family fabric is not as it used to be. We are turning more westwards, and specially while being in west, some of our people stray in their obligations. They lack a "guiding force" which those communities often are surrounded with (in forms of supportive family structures, which keep an opinion attached to them). However, saying that, still there will be women and men of such backgrounds who will stray. You cannot discount that.

You brought in Simon Mol? A reckless individual who went to bed with women who would also go to bed with you and southern. However, I know some Americans, Irish, Indians and Bangladesh or Kashmir, or Persian men too who married into some of the best, bright and reliable Polish women, live with them in Poland with beautiful babies and a flourishing life. How is it possible that our experiences are so different? - Perhaps because internally we are different kinds of people, and thus our interactions externally are induced and managed differently by our behavior through our attitudes.

You met a racist, I met a human. You met sluts, I men women with purity and simple dreams (among which two of my friends with whom I grew up through young age ... and now they even have babies :D, and are having a best lives :) in which they are content).

Mr. Midas you have no seen or lived in the world where I come from. Yes, we live in the same planet, but our worlds are different. You unfortunately will not know where I come from, and I just cannot relate to the opinions which come from you.

... Last but not the least ... stop blabbering about British women not being in relationships with Eastern men (so called third worlders, which I never symbolize anyone with. Its about my respect...). There are considerably many. It is foolish to think otherwise, because I have myself witnessed it. Perhaps more than Poles. Yes, they have successes and failures, but it depends on which kind of choices they make. I hope they have more success than failures, because this is what should be. Love should not be measured by the differences created by greed, pride, ego and distrust.

Go and be happy with your woman, but try not offend others with your words. I know it will not work for you, because perhaps you have already shaped your personality in that way. Quite simply unfortunate.
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Apr 2011 /  #43
You brought in Simon Mol? A reckless individual who went to bed with women who would also go to bed with you and southern

He is not my taste.
Midas  1 | 571  
11 Apr 2011 /  #44
Southern and Midas, as well as their likes are used to women who are too ambitious and would stray loose. I agree that such women exist from Polish backgrounds

I don't think You fully understood what I meant by loose up there, old chap.

No use really, it is just that Midas is an unfortunate person

know it will not work for you, because perhaps you have already shaped your personality in that way. Quite simply unfortunate

Cut the personal ****. I don't go around the forum telling everyone who'd listen that You hump donkeys for chump change just because we have different opinions on some matters.

Simon Mol

I brought Mol into the fold after Southern mentioned "third worlders". Since he's off-topic here and since You seem to be so hung up on comparing and contrasting him with so many great polish girl/third world male couples I started a new thread, just for you, about Mr. Mol where we can exchange our opinions.

Here's a link for You, address the question I ask there plz:

Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries?

will not go in to blame or speculate it into an oppressive culture of theirs (because I personally do not believe it, I think they are reasonably free and their behavior is often their own choice)

Yeah, sure, in Pakistan these chicks pour acid on their own faces out of their own volition...

but I would say that it is a mark of their "way of life" that they are more conservative.

See above.

Poles are not always so conservative specially in a foreign land because our family fabric is not as it used to be. We are turning more westwards,

Spreading for a guy who'll pay Your London rent or "falling in love" with a local who'll pay the bills and help to find the job two days after one get's off a Ryanair ( activities in which visible amounts of Polish women participate in ) isn't really too "Western", if You catch my drift.

Personally I don't know what You're so pissed off about. I'm not talking about all Polish women. I'm talking about a visible group that is doing quite a bit to show themselves in a bad light. Now, You being Polish ( and for some reason married to a Korean despite being so utterly smitten by Polish women ) instead of telling them to clean up their act You b.itch at me for telling it like it is.

shewolf  5 | 1077  
12 Apr 2011 /  #45
Seriously, what does he say and do that makes him an idiot and a big kid?
anvanh  - | 5  
12 Apr 2011 /  #46
wow! so much wisdom here....;-))

as for this Polish "Kid" guy- dump him my dear!!!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Apr 2011 /  #47
I think he already DUMPED her ... lol ... :D ...

But then as she boasts that she is so good and experienced in bed that any man would want her! ... I guess then it should not be a trouble for her ... so many man waiting! ...

I guess that poor Pole will end up getting married to a nice, family oriented Polish girl who will be stupid enough to please his parents and be a support on a reliable base for him :S ... who wants those kinda girls anyways? ... so unfortunate for him :) ... let him rot in that life! ... YOU GO GIRL ... rest of Europe is waiting :) ... don't you spoil you "taste" for this "kid".
OP blueeyedbella84  1 | 10  
13 Apr 2011 /  #48
when he is drinking he will will randomly text my cell or go online and message me and ask me repeatedly to come over or if he can come over here and get me so we can "hangout and have some fun and drinks" and if i say no to sex or coming over because to him sometimes hanging out is sex because we are not 16 anymore sex is ok even though his parents want to beliweve he is a virgin but his mom found like 5 of my broken bras by his bed in a bag because he kept them after ripping them off me lol....if i say no he will be like oh well then grow up dont talk to me anymore ever again like a child would when they dont get there own way or he will sit there with a long sad facw and sulk until you give in or i get pisssed off and get up to go home......and i am sorry i do agree not all polish woman are bad it depends on the woman itself not the culture.

as for him and me not being polish makes me laugh he was telin me his cousin is marrying an idian girl and his family almost got a divorce based on that but didnt because they love eachother and are hoping the son and her call it quits but i think its dumb you love someone because you love them not the culture i told him that too, you live in canada we live in a world where cultures collide your bound to have a mix of cultures in every family.

we are not even speaking right now at all. and i am good in bed lmao ive never had any complaints....i am from canada but i am scottish( my dad was born and rasied in scotland and moved here when he was a teenage and then met my mom and then married and had me lmao) i lived in scotland for a year after i was done school. and yes i do hope that he wakes up and sees that what he is doing is just being an yes man to what he thinks his family wants and it is sad. thank you!!!
shewolf  5 | 1077  
13 Apr 2011 /  #49
if i say no he will be like oh well then grow up dont talk to me anymore ever again like a child would when they dont get there own way or he will sit there with a long sad facw and sulk until you give in or i get pisssed off and get up to go home......

He's not a true friend. You should find someone else.
Midas  1 | 571  
13 Apr 2011 /  #50
LTB - way to go, diss her, it's all her fault.

BlueEyed - when I first replied I wrote about 2 options. Unfortunately, based on what You wrote, I believe that while the guy is a bit of an immature dumbass, his family is the main problem.

This is a really difficult obstacle to clear and You'd be much better off finding somebody from a family where a son's choice of life partner doesn't cause threats of divorce amongst the parents.
OP blueeyedbella84  1 | 10  
14 Apr 2011 /  #51
i agree, he and i are no longer speaking...i am a very opinionated, strong woman and was raised to do what i think is best. yes my families opinions matter but to an extent when it comes to whom i date or marry in the future. i dont want a man that thinks that his parents or what his siblings did should reflect what he does. i am done with him time to find me a real man haha.., thank you for your comments they helped alot.

funny enough though he only ever acted like a big kid when he was drinking if i was to of said no to fooling around he would whine a bit but stop when he was sober or we were out, it is very weird. i am scottish and can hold my liqour very well lol.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
14 Apr 2011 /  #52
i am scottish and can hold my liqour very well lol.

Good for you ...

i agree, he and i are no longer speaking

Good for him ...
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Apr 2011 /  #53
Blue Eyed -

thank you for your comments they helped alot.

Madam, I'm glad I was able to help.

I do believe that the guy himself surely wasn't the main problem and that he would have matured rather quickly, had he met the right woman. Unfortunately for him, it seems it will be his momma who'll be making decisions in that matter ( and she of course considers being Polish a number 1 requirement ). I'm afraid he won't exactly be happy with her choice in the long run, but that is no longer any concern of Yours.

Actually I think it could have been worse, You could have tried a longer relationship with him and then every time something wouldn't work out his mum and dad would continue to blame You behind Your back while politely smiling while You were in the room. That wouldn't have ended too well and would have been a waste of Your time.

However, please do not make far reaching assumptions about all Polish people based on this, I've seen such "family" issues in Italian, Irish, Jewish and English families as well.

Lodz the Boat - yeah, sure, diss her some more because the guy's family are a bunch of *******.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
14 Apr 2011 /  #54

I am not dissing her ... but he is fortunate that he will be into something he can sustain perhaps. His family sounds like a good one.

By the way I would like to tell you that families with values do not just say "NO" as an impulse. There must've been a valid reason, and they care for their child. Plus, probably he couldn't show them logic, and hence he also decided to go with them. SIMPLE.

longer relationship

I dunno ... maybe that wouldn't have happened anyways. You know ... Polish men :) ... in your dictionary anything Pole is a... no no!

would have been a waste of Your time.

Thanks to her for saving her time. Thanks alot!

However, please do not make far reaching assumptions about all Polish people based on this

:-o .... unbelievable ... Midas are you OK?

yeah, sure, diss her some more because the guy's family are a bunch of *******.

You dont know them ... neither do you know her. You only got her version, and that too sounded like that of a person too experienced to take as a wife. Thank you. If I said something that didn't sound just "right", consider it an honest opinion which is not meant to please all :)
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Apr 2011 /  #55
Generally one has to understand slavic mentality.Read some Dostoyevski Bulgakov etc.See some polish or russian films.I am not crazy to judge polish behavior by local criteria.
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Apr 2011 /  #56
Lodz the Boat - take your quasi-cheeky comments, curl them into a ball and shove them where the sun don't shine :-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
14 Apr 2011 /  #57
What do you think of your women? The loosest of the loose!

they are polite enough and feel that no matter how inconvenient they thing the matter is, they have no right to insult or hurt someone.

JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Apr 2011 /  #58
he said he only has serious relationships with polish girl because it is hard and to him rude to have to translate alot

ha ha what a sad excuse. he got what he wanted and now he wants a 'decent' Polish girl like his brothers' wives. he'll use any excuse not to get serious but he'd love to hang out at the same time, while using a dating site to collect more scores. get rid and forget. what a loser! sad truth is, when you get friendly with the family of a douche like this, it's always that bit harder to let go cos you feel like it was something special. not to him it's not.

5 of my broken bras by his bed in a bag because he kept them after ripping them off me lol

some men will never figure out how to work the bra clips :P
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
14 Apr 2011 /  #59

No ... :) ... because my second comment was probably for someone else, maybe for the parents :) ... but the way, I respect the English women, but this girl coming on and hurling these comments on him and his family is not at all respectable. Its "her only" version. I cannot accept that his parents wanted bad for him :).

I guess ... I guess this boy was not sincere, as it seems he did use her. But this girl is not new to such stuff. As she proudly presents her DEEP EXPERIENCE in the field of her expertise (sex), I think the boy being reckless is still having a mind which knows that having a wife is a long term thing, and such experience might be too much for him or his parents to handle.

... about the bras ... well I guess ... go ahead buy more ... many more will hand on them in future I suppose :).

Lodz the Boat

MIDAS ... ... How does this feel my dear man? Good?

Oh no ... NOO!!! ... the post says that this girl is NOT POLISH!!!! ... Not a girl of my country! ... Still ... so many bras she needs to buy man! .. Midas you must help!... You are the man who makes money ... do something, open a bra shop in which you donate bra to English and Scottish women who got their broken by reckless Polish boys ... that is before they left...

You are a good and concerned man... you help people. This will earn you great blessings :) ... go ahead Midas ... you can do it!
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Apr 2011 /  #60
ome men will never figure out how to work the bra clips

Or maybe he wanted to keep them for him.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..)Archived