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Are women from Poland scared of good looking guys?

18 Sep 2014 /  #1
Three months ago I relocated to Warsaw for a job. So far the experience has not been great as I have been getting hardly any attention from Polish girls.

I used to live and work in in a few major cities in Western Europe where I did not have any problem attracting good looking and/or sophisticated ladies. They were of different races white, Asian, black but all of them with good jobs/education. I also have traveled extensively on four continents. ONS and sex on almost all first dates happened often enough to keep me satisfied.

I was also getting frequently approached by girls in nightclubs. If not directly approached they would at least give me eye contact, danced next to me waiting to be approached, bumped into me on purpose, touched me with breasts while passing by etc. Make-outs with several girls on a night out and even finger-banging on the dance floor happened.

And then I arrived in Poland which is poorer country with less sophisticated ladies and I have slept with only ONE albeit very attractive girl ( a fotomodel).

I have tried several nightclubs but never got any attention from the members of public. Even pros do not approach me.

Question to the fellow expats. What is going on? Any advise which could help me get laid like I used to everywhere else.

About my looks.
185 cm tall, blond, blue eyes, tanned, slim/athletic build. I have soft facial features (pretty boy face).
I dress for night out in Italian blazer, calf leather shoes, slim fit Japanese jeans and wearing Rolex.
Is my look too much for Easter Europe Girls. (It was OK in clubs in Mayfair London)

I have a very good job probably making 10x the average local salary and staying in a mocern apartment in the city center.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Sep 2014 /  #2


About my looks.
185 cm tall, blond, blue eyes, tanned, slim/athletic build. I have soft facial features (pretty boy face).
I dress for night out in Italian blazer, calf leather shoes, slim fit Japanese jeans and wearing Rolex.

You are reminding me of Elliot Roger. I hope you will not end up shooting.
jon357  72 | 23706  
18 Sep 2014 /  #3
Are polish women scared of good looking guys?

No. Just used to avoiding twerps.
Sparks11  - | 333  
18 Sep 2014 /  #4
Clearly they've sensed that they aren't sophisticated enough for you Italian blazer and slim-fit jeans. Woo! Woo! to you.
18 Sep 2014 /  #5
Because this is Poland, and Polish Girls/Women are not *************, go back to your western countries with ************* in mind. Cheers!
f stop  24 | 2493  
19 Sep 2014 /  #6
Obviously, Polish ladies are smarter and more sophisticated than what you're used to.
OP Sven1985  
19 Sep 2014 /  #7
Dear All,
I was not looking for the comments from Polish haters but constructive feedback from the foreigners staying in Poland medium/long term.
Thank you
19 Sep 2014 /  #8
Nice discrimination. Now we know why they don't want to be with you.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Sep 2014 /  #9
I was not looking for the comments from Polish haters but constructive feedback from the foreigners staying in Poland medium/long term.

But this is exactly what you got. Jon, Sparks, f stop are foreigners living in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
19 Sep 2014 /  #10
And then I arrived in Poland which is poorer country with less sophisticated ladies and I have slept with only ONE albeit very attractive girl ( a fotomodel).

Dear James Bond,
Are you sure this wasn't just a wet dream you had ?
I assure you that the sophisticated Polish ladies have the time however it seems you don't have the change.
Poland may not be as poor as you had hoped for.
Or maybe the one Polish lady that you claim, the (Fotomodel), to have been with put word out about you contracting sex warts and herpes from those other four fantasy continents that you brag of. I mean photo model.

Any advise which could help me get laid like I used to everywhere else.

Put on your Japanese jeans and go back to everywhere else.
jon357  72 | 23706  
19 Sep 2014 /  #11
Poland may not be as poor as you had hoped for.

This is the funny bit. Either the women who want nothing to do with him aren't

less sophisticated ladies

at all (I suspect many or most of the women in Warsaw are more sophisticated than he is), or he's hanging around in suburban dives where

Italian blazer, calf leather shoes, slim fit Japanese jeans and wearing Rolex.

would just look comical.
Englishman  2 | 276  
20 Sep 2014 /  #12
Obviously, Polish ladies are smarter and more sophisticated than what you're used to


Also, didn't the delightful Sven come onto this forum a few weeks back and make some comment about how he thought Polish women were ugly? I seem to remember something about mis-shapen noses and five very overweight women in a lift.

I guess Polish women have somehow managed to resist Sven's flattery, money, and Eurotrash lifestyle. I wonder why?
20 Sep 2014 /  #13
I work within a big international company and there's a Polish man who works on the floor above me who sounds very similar to OP and I wondering if it's actually the same guy. On the whole, I have a lot of time for Polish people as I love the way they are family orientated and hard working people. This guy, however, is what can only be described as completely deluded about his looks.

He has convinced himself that he is some kind of dream to women, and openly says "the reason very hot women don't respond to my advances is because I'm too good looking" nobody has the heart to tell him he is not as good looking as he thinks he is. He dresses exactly as OP has detailed and is so vain that everyone sniggers behind his back - even the Polish women. Physically beauty, be it male or female is subjective, just because you're sexually attractive to one person doesn't mean your going to be sexually attractive to the next person. The vain guy within my company is not attractive to me because he's not tall enough and has a strange shaped face. Being a native Scottish woman myself I do not find Polish men sexually attractive, I like my own kind best. That's not to say they're not attractive to me in other ways, such as personality, dedication to work and family values, I just don't want to go to bed with them.

People like the OP are definitely suffering from some kind of deep rooted delusion, it's sad to see.
jon357  72 | 23706  
20 Sep 2014 /  #14
Physically beauty, be it male or female is subjective, just because you're sexually attractive to one person doesn't mean your going to be sexually attractive to the next person

It isn't just physical - it's a lot of things and if someone's as big a jerk as the OP comes across as and has such a demeaning view of women (calling them girls, discussing his 'finger bang' on the internet) then no wonder he has no takers in Warsaw.
20 Sep 2014 /  #15
Yes I agree Jon.

The guy who committed suicide from the video above repeats "I am beautiful" ...now I'm sure most of us can see that he rates less than average.... So here we have yet another person completely deluded about his looks.
jon357  72 | 23706  
20 Sep 2014 /  #16
Yes. One thing I've often thought about is how an actor or actress can appear either good looking or ugly just by their acting skills - so much seems to be not just about the face but also how we project ourselves and our personality. Maybe you remember The League of Gentlemen on TV - I think it was much more than just the makeup.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Sep 2014 /  #17
It's possible that some wiser women might avoid pretty boys who pay so much attention to their looks. It's a character flaw. ;)
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
22 Sep 2014 /  #18
nobody has the heart to tell him he is not as good looking as he thinks he is

oh no! Please tell him the truth. Straight shot is the most precious thing in the West. Don't become a Pole ;)
OP Sven1985  
22 Sep 2014 /  #19
Dear All,
Sorry for misunderstanding. My question was addressed to players who smash lots of Polish broads.
Thank you
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
22 Sep 2014 /  #20
'clubs in Mayfair' you do know what type of clubs they were don't you?

and as for 'players who smash loads of Polish broads' well just maybe the girls can tell what a psycho are.
Hope that helps
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
22 Sep 2014 /  #21
Sorry for misunderstanding.

Well I am sure you understand now after reading the the responses above.
May I suggest that you grow up and start thinking with your big head instead of your little one.
I would have to say that the consensus is that no one could be as rude and immature toward women intentionally.
That leaves only one option and that is that you are intentionally trying to get a rise out of the people here.
No one could possibly think you are serious with such condescending remarks toward females.
The joke was on us to think you were serious with your sick humor.
If it is not sick humor then it is time you get some professional help with your sexual frustration fantasies.
Do you have anything mature or constructive that you would like to share ?
22 Sep 2014 /  #22
I can assure you Sven is nowhere near as good looking as he thinks he is. I know it's a sad world we live in but very good looking/stunning men DO get approached in nightclubs (cold called as my friends call it)

If Sven isn't getting approached by women he needs to accept he's not as good looking as he thinks he is and just get on with life. It's a very sad state of affairs.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
22 Sep 2014 /  #23
I also have traveled extensively on four continents.

Why don't I believe this fantasy either.
Poland is not a continent.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
22 Sep 2014 /  #24
Three months ago I relocated to Warsaw for a job. So far the experience has not been great as I have been getting hardly any attention from Polish girls.

Hah! everything think you've said makes you sound like a gold platted A-hole. So you've been around Europe where the girls were easy, now in Poland girls aren't interested in you because perhaps they don't go for flashy show offs, and you're throwing you toys out of the pram! Boo hoo. You sound like enough of a dick to be on Warsaw shores, you should apply.

I wonder, when you were born, did the doctor hand you to your mother and say 'congratulations, it's an ego.'
jon357  72 | 23706  
22 Sep 2014 /  #25
This whole thread is a wind up. Nobody's naff enough to use a word like 'smash', and 'broads' hasn't been heard since the days of black and white tv. Or maybe the OP really is that much of a jerk.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Sep 2014 /  #26
Three months ago I relocated to Warsaw for a job. So far the experience has not been great as I have been getting hardly any attention from Polish girls.

You need one of these:)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Sep 2014 /  #27
As above.

  • L_1.jpg
23 Sep 2014 /  #28
Is my look too much for Easter Europe Girls.

You should post a picture to judge, but from description it seems you look like a Christmas tree...
jon357  72 | 23706  
23 Sep 2014 /  #29
You need one of these:)

People (usually female) sometimes say that once you've had a dog nothing else will really do however in this case he's fairly specific about preferring women.
Englishman  2 | 276  
23 Sep 2014 /  #30
smash lots of Polish broads

You think of women as 'broads' and of winning their love, or maybe having sex with them, as 'smashing' them.

You charmer... how could they possibly resist you???

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