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Polish girlfriend going back to Poland if I dont buy engagment ring

nomaderol  5 | 726  
20 Oct 2009 /  #31
2 years of togethership. Already considered a long time marriage for them. Ring or paperwork? Who cares them.

Seriously though. All these unhappy relations everywhere whether marriage or togethership. Has only one reason. Stupidity based on false criteria.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Oct 2009 /  #32
I think we both now how that works sometimes.

Not amongst English people it doesnt, but Im sure in some countries these pressures are still there...quite sad really.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
20 Oct 2009 /  #33
Not amongst English people it doesnt

I didn't mean Western Europe. But your right, it's sad.

People have to stand up for their opinions and feelings. But it's not so easy if you have your family against you.
plk123  8 | 4119  
20 Oct 2009 /  #34
You can't grow to love someone. It has to already be there.

that's just rubbish..

First off, one doesn't threaten to leave a relationship over an engagement ring?

agreed... and that's why my opinion is that she needs to go.. i wouldn't put up with an ultimatum. that is NOT love.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
20 Oct 2009 /  #35
Love mentioned here? Say it sex and the money.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
20 Oct 2009 /  #36
Middle ground solution:

Buy her a ring
Tell her it's an eternity ring
Stress that's how long she'll have to wait for you to show any commitment.
plk123  8 | 4119  
21 Oct 2009 /  #37
lol.. that'll go over well.


good point
Avalon  4 | 1063  
21 Oct 2009 /  #38
Remember, there are three rings!!!!
1) The engagement ring.
2) The wedding ring.
3) The suffer-ring
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
21 Oct 2009 /  #39
LOl - don't forget the bicker-ring
Richfilth  6 | 415  
21 Oct 2009 /  #40
of course this ultimatum isn't about the physical ring itself but the promise of marriage; we might be cynical but there aren't THAT many gold-diggers in Poland who would wait 2 years to demand an Elizabeth Duke special (someone mentioned Argos.)

But this odd social pressure to get married is something that, as a man trying to have a relationship with your average Polka, you will have to either fight stolidly against or give in to at some point. I'll die fighting, but you might have a less negative attitude towards marriage than I do. If she's worth it, give her what she wants to feel secure. If she's not, let her go and find someone else so that she can find her own doormat Polish husband to settle down and abuse for the rest of her life.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Oct 2009 /  #41
Oh, and the badge-ring too, ;) ;)

This is a favorite of women :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
21 Oct 2009 /  #42
Oh, and the badge-ring too, ;) ;)

True - but then we all make up and get a rodger-ring so it's OK;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Oct 2009 /  #43
We get or they get? Sth you are not telling me, my Scouse friend? ;) ;)

I seem to get the badge-ring and the peste-ring at the same time :)
Albanaich  2 | 31  
8 Nov 2009 /  #44
The guy thinks this sort of attitude is especially 'Polish'

The girl wants some commitment - and if you can't make you're history. That goes just about anywhere in the Western World
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Nov 2009 /  #45
The girl wants some commitment - and if you can't make you're history.

You think so.They keep coming back.
OP master  17 | 22  
10 Feb 2010 /  #46
Feb 10, 10, 18:34 - Thread attached on merging:
i bought my polish girlfriend engagment ring but she says it was to cheap

bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
10 Feb 2010 /  #47
yikes, that is not a good sign, best of luck
Lenka  5 | 3546  
10 Feb 2010 /  #48
It depends.If you get her a ring for 20 zł and you get 3000 zł per month it's really too cheap.And it's not about the money-it's about how much you value her love.If it was expensive for you then you should run away as fast as you can.
adamoadamo  - | 2  
10 Feb 2010 /  #49
Polish girls have much more respect for themself than any others - the diserve only the best jewlery. No matter how expensive it was if you didn't starverd for months to get it - it will be to cheap in her opinion :D
rtz  - | 46  
10 Feb 2010 /  #50
If you are seriously meaning this and posting on this forum for advice ... you're far from prepared to getting married my friend - don't spoil your future ... go out with at least 20 girls before making your next proposal :)
10 Feb 2010 /  #51
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap

Never mention it again. Don't buy a more expensive one and don't dump her. Just carry on enjoying the good things about Polish girls and know that you now have the perfect answer to the complaint "You never want to get married": "No, you didn't. I asked you but you said no."
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Feb 2010 /  #52
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend

Sounds like a fair exchange to me.
Crow  154 | 9561  
10 Feb 2010 /  #53
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap

maybe ring was really cheap. Anyway, never mind as long as you penis works properly. But, if you aren`t sure in your sexual potentials, then this is just the beginning of troubles
Honest George  1 | 105  
10 Feb 2010 /  #54
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap

Materialistic madam !

End the romance.
f stop  24 | 2493  
10 Feb 2010 /  #55
I like the idea of getting nice, big cubic zirconia or another stone engagement ring and then, years later, when the couple is more comfortable financially, replacing the stone with a real diamond.
10 Feb 2010 /  #56
i bought my polish girlfriend engagment ring but she says it was to cheap

if it starts like that, I suggest to replace your girlfriend man lol
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #57
That is a bad bad start...
krysia  23 | 3058  
10 Feb 2010 /  #58
Materialistic madam !

End the romance.

I agree. A ring is just a symbol of marriage. There are more important and valuable things in life than how much you paid for a stupid ring. She is materialistic, you will have financial problems with her in the future. If she loved you, she would accept whatever you give her as a symbol of love and understand that it is the love that counts not a piece of jewelry.
Arien  2 | 710  
10 Feb 2010 /  #59
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap

If the ring was expensive for you, and if the ring is all she really cares about, then I'm sure you'll be better off without her.

It depends. If you get her a ring for 20 zł and you get 3000 zł per month it's really too cheap.

..and ofcourse that's also true.

Ironside  50 | 13046  
10 Feb 2010 /  #60
bought engagment ring for my polish girlfriend she says it too cheap

my advice:
If ring is really expensive, sent it to me ...
if is cheap, well, can you afford broadband to pester us about your problems (real or not) nobody care about....now go back to school for a spelling lessons !

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