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Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US

mochadot18  18 | 246  
7 Jun 2013 /  #61
Iron you're such a SEXIST. Really cause men are better than that, Well I sure don't think you're better than me. Once again you are classifying women as being all the same. Girls are just as capable as guys of having meaningless sex and meaningless relationships.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jun 2013 /  #62
In an ideal world it should. There are young couples who mutually pledge to save themselves for marriage. In actuality, it has long been the custom and practice that men should be experienced lovers whlst women should be innocent. Of coruse that's not fair. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

An interesting development in Sweden (according to press reprots) is where not prostitues but their male customers are prosecuted.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
7 Jun 2013 /  #63
because men are better than that.

Better than what?

The can have a relationship with hundreds of women in a row and would be less affected that a woman after ten relationships.

Like they catch fewer STIs and never become seedy sleazebags, right? Are you effing kidding me? I sincerely hope you are!
Lenka  5 | 3484  
7 Jun 2013 /  #64
A guy that REQUIRES girl to be "pure" doesn't deserve her "innocence". At least I, when I was pure and innocent, would put a guy like that on my "no way" list in a second. Especially if he'd not be a virgin anymore.

because men are better than that.
The can have a relationship with hundreds of women in a row and would be less affected that a woman after ten relationships.

So this is as Harry said simple fear of competition? Pathetic.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
7 Jun 2013 /  #65
At least I, when I was pure and innocent, would put a guy like that on my "no way" list in a second. Especially if he'd not be a virgin anymore.

^ and THAT.

He could be handsome, he could be well off and it wouldn't have turned my head.
When I was still in the unopened package I would have wanted a pure (or 99.9% pure) partner and ...EMOTION. He would have been refused by me too in my un"known" days . Even now; I would not knowingly consider a "man-ho".

It takes a very predatory young lady to use her viginity as a commodity only. And that kind of takes the whole out of wholesome requirement right there.

And for the sort of girls that might take his offer, he has not listed any benefit fo rher? what living in USA... oh gee how thrilling. I mean I love my native country, a land of many opportunities even in these crappy times... But I sure wouldn't take an offer like this when I used to dream of living in Australia or Japan.

Honestly... seems like he wants to control her by visa and by advantage over her inexperinced youth. This ain't the stand-in-lines- for-meat iron curtain days anymore...

Dude, if you have any class you would help him no further in this endeavor...
his KIND of people is what moves the wheels human trafficking. But he is not in a country to get away with it scott free, nor has the kind of money to buy fresh goods. This whole thread gets more disgusting to continue assisting such behavior.

So far you have not been able to describe anything of trueness in intentions with this guy. This is not even matchmaking ....

Let him take his chances in the real world and get some chit off the Polish hearts date site or some such!!
If he has any personality whatsoever he should be able to obtain his perfect match eventually...

In actuality, it has long been the custom and practice that men should be experienced lovers whlst women should be innocent.

I think I wil disagree here:
in the timeline of humans and practice of marriage..it has not been that long accepted. And it can be pointed at as the start of deterioration of morality. That is one of those blanket excuses you hear... like guys who are anti-darwinist until they talk of bestial desire "men were meant to have many women as women were meant to have one mate " based on apes...bobonos in particular.

Yet when prehuman remains are found the clan groups are very closely related but in a linear fashiopn with occasional inbreeding.. sound like practice of sharing the love?

In today 's society all seems fair for both genders..though a big movement among many of the kids born after 80s is keeping viginity longer on a basis of self respect not connected to any particular religion.

The percentage of man-hos in older times was not that high a percentage anyway. But if you want to hold "back when " as a standard...only entitled guys several classes higher than a girl. Most of their action was outright and borderline rape of these poor country girls. (Not seeing a big call to return to such practices) and through position could avoid shotgun weddings or afford palatable courteseans. and the wives these entitled jerks got were often practically sold to them in arranged marriage and were not exactly allowed to put up a fuss if she didn't want some old reprobate. Country folk and the poious still pretty much had for partner who they had tasted the fruit with. The 1950's american businessmen with mistresses sowed the seeds & gave way to the loose sexuality of the 60s. Great traditions.
7 Jun 2013 /  #66
I have a question to Ironside and Polonius3: is a virgin who watches adult movies or/and masturbates chaste?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jun 2013 /  #67
Dunno. Such things never even crossed my mind. Probably as long as the hymen is unviolated. If the girl burst it riding a horse, she's got lot of explaining to do.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Jun 2013 /  #68
oh for Gods sake Polonius get real, get a life, whatever
7 Jun 2013 /  #69
I was always baffled by this phenomenon: men dreaming of a sultry impassioned modest chaste virgin... I guess they're chasing a delusion :)
Lenka  5 | 3484  
7 Jun 2013 /  #70
If the girl burst it riding a horse, she's got lot of explaining to do.

Really? I mean seriously- really? I was an acrobat and I could tell you few things about that!!! If I would have heard something like that from my man I would slap his silly face.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2013 /  #71
So this is as Harry said simple fear of competition? Pathetic.

What competition? There is no competition between men and women and if there is its sick.

have a question to Ironside and Polonius3: is a virgin who watches adult movies or/and masturbates chaste?

I have no idea. Check definition of the word chaste.

Better than what?

Better than that.

Like they catch fewer STIs and never become seedy sleazebags, right?

Well I meant affected mentally.

The 1950's american businessmen with mistresses sowed the seeds & gave way to the loose sexuality of the 60s. Great traditions.

I would rather think that 60's was deliberate attempt at destroying society by introducing so called sexual revolution.
7 Jun 2013 /  #72
I have no idea. Check definition of the word chaste.

Is virginity a state of mind or not? If it is not, what is all that fuss about then?
mochadot18  18 | 246  
7 Jun 2013 /  #73
Is virginity a state of mind or not?

That would be my question??

Probably as long as the hymen is unviolated. If the girl burst it riding a horse, she's got lot of explaining to do.

So what if someone was raped would she no longer be worthy of being pure???? And has she lost her innocence??
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2013 /  #74
Is virginity a state of mind or not? If it is not, what is all that fuss about then?

Why are you asking me? I have no idea, it is not my field or interest.
I'm posting here from my own angle, which has nothing to do with virginity.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
7 Jun 2013 /  #75
Better than what?

Better than that.

Great answer. :-/

Like they catch fewer STIs and never become seedy sleazebags, right?

Well I meant affected mentally.

I don't even know what to answer to that. You must be living on a different planet.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2013 /  #76
Great answer. :-/

better than being a stud who is ******* everything that moves and do not run fast enough.

don't even know what to answer to that.

Never though about that?

You must be living on a different planet.

Why? Are claiming that having over hundred different partners do not affect a woman mentally?
7 Jun 2013 /  #77
Why are you asking me? I have no idea, it is not my field or interest.

I ask you because you supported Polonius in his view that women should maintain their virginity until they get married.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2013 /  #78
Did I? Could you provide a quote of mine where I have said that?
7 Jun 2013 /  #79
Why? Are claiming that having over hundred different partners do not affect a woman mentally?

Mentally? Are you a psychologist?
Regardless gender, the only thing which is disgusting in being promiscuous are STDs. We all hear about famous actors bragging on how many women they've had, but I find it just repulsive, makes me think that they must have all the STDs known to the medicine!

Did I? Could you provide a quote of mine where I have said that?

Indeed, you didn't.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
7 Jun 2013 /  #80
Great answer. :-/

better than being a stud who is ******* everything that moves and do not run fast enough.

I don't think you remember what your answer originally referred to. I asked whether the requirement of virginity at marriage also applies to men, and you said:

And does that apply to men as well? If not - then why not?

because men are better than that."

Which seemed to hint that men are "better"(?) than women in the sense that they do not need to keep their virginity, but I was not sure, so I asked.

don't even know what to answer to that.

Never though about that?

No, I was simply stumped by your frankly unintelligent answer.

Are claiming that having over hundred different partners do not affect a woman mentally?

I never said that; you, on the other hand, seem to claim that having over a hundred different partners would NOT affect a man mentally. In my opinion, having that many partners would affect anybody, male or female, mentally - on the other hand, most people never have that many partners, nor do they want to. Prn stars and prostitutes excepted, of course - to them, it's all simply a job.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Jun 2013 /  #81
Mentally? Are you a psychologist?
Regardless gender, the only thing which is disgusting in being promiscuous are STDs

Really? Do you think that psychological effect are to be neglected?

Which seemed to hint that men are "better"(?) than women in the sense that they do not need to keep their virginity, but I was not sure, so I asked.

I was implying that it do not affect men that much one way or the other.

never said that; you, on the other hand, seem to claim that having over a hundred different partners would NOT affect a man mentally

I would say that it would affect a man to a lesser degree than it would affect a woman.

No, I was simply stumped by your frankly unintelligent answer.

8 Jun 2013 /  #82
Really? Do you think that psychological effect are to be neglected?

I don't know anyone who slept with 100 people, however I can't imagine what psychological risk that might bring.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Jun 2013 /  #83
Sparks11  - | 333  
8 Jun 2013 /  #84
Wait... I think I know who this fellow that is searching for a wife is... Is it....by any chance... BORAT....... !!!!???? "She had golden hairs, teeth as white as pearls and the a**hole of a seven-year-old." :)
8 Jun 2013 /  #85

It looks more like a symptom of a mental problem, not a cause of it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jun 2013 /  #86
Whether it appeals to anyone or not, the hymen (błona dziewicza) has traditonally been the symbol of virginity. Don't kill the messenger. I didn't invent this, it's just the way it has traditionally been. At times premaritally fornicating couples would smear their wedding night sheets with chicken blood and hang them out in the morning for all the neighorus to see. Again, I didn't invent this.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
8 Jun 2013 /  #87
Ok Polonius- it has been that way but :
1- it's not middle ages

If the girl burst it riding a horse, she's got lot of explaining to do.

Magdalena  3 | 1827  
8 Jun 2013 /  #88
I was implying that it do not affect men that much one way or the other.

And pray why not? And why would loss of virginity affect women so much?

I would say that it would affect a man to a lesser degree than it would affect a woman.

Again, why exactly? Women use men sexually too, you know. Do you think men are too dense to realise that they are basically somebody's throwaway toy? A dildo on legs, to put it bluntly?

Or do you really live in a world were women have no sexuality to speak of and their only role is to lie back and think of England?


I was trying to be kind.
To my question whether you think promiscuous men never or rarely become seedy sleazebags (which to me is also a description of their mental makeup), you answered that men are not affected mentally. Your answer shows you did not even try to understand my question.
mochadot18  18 | 246  
8 Jun 2013 /  #89
Whether it appeals to anyone or not, the hymen (błona dziewicza) has traditonally been the symbol of virginity.

Do a little reading Polonius en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hymen

only 43% of women reported bleeding the first time they had intercourse

Just because they don't bleed doesn't mean they have had sex before. Do some light reading.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jun 2013 /  #90
Neverhteless, statistics and surveys notwithstanding, the bloodied bedsheet has traditonally been the symbol of marital consummation.

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