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Baby naming in Poland - name chosen by the father?

OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
20 Jul 2016 /  #31
I think maybe he's just from a strict family tradition?
Crow  154 | 9556  
20 Jul 2016 /  #32
But I'm English he's polish

exactly because of that. If you love him stop him from doing madness. For he would regret later. Poles are Sarmats (Slavs). Still. You English (as all Europeans) are ultimately of Sarmatian origin. But, English and many others, at one point of history, cut the continuity with their original Sarmatian culture, due to all kind of reasons. Poles didn`t. See, that is worth to be saved. Its precious. Its so precious.
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
20 Jul 2016 /  #33
You're crazy I love my man
Poleboy765  - | 66  
24 Jul 2016 /  #34
You would be able to pronounce the name, seeing as he'd explain it...
Veles  - | 197  
26 Jul 2016 /  #35
There is no such tradition and I doubt if ever was. Take the Bible away from him, maybe he gets his ridicilous ideas from there.
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
26 Jul 2016 /  #36
We both are Catholic though so I doubt it's from there
Atch  22 | 4299  
26 Jul 2016 /  #37
Oh now that's interesting Dreamergirl. So what are Catholic naming traditions in England then?
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
26 Jul 2016 /  #38
Take the Bible away from him, maybe he gets his ridicilous ideas from there.

What a ridiculous thing to say, maybe you should start reading it so you don't sound so ridiculous.

What if he picks a name I can't pronounce

Most proper Polish names are always shortened by a nickname that you can make up to your liking.
Like my proper name is Sir Johnathan Magic Rebel however everyone just calls me "Reb".
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
26 Jul 2016 /  #39
now that's interesting Dreamergirl. So what are Catholic naming traditions in England then?

You have a name and also the name of a saint too
Atch  22 | 4299  
26 Jul 2016 /  #40
Really? Different to Irish Catholics then.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
26 Jul 2016 /  #41
Name your kid Michał if that is a boy, not Michael mind you, its a silly name. More fitting for a girl. If that is a girl call her Michelle, now that is a nice name.

Michelle Kiełbasa. Classic.
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
26 Jul 2016 /  #42
Lol you're not even taking it seriously. It is a serious issue because my bf is very strict so it's important I understand and get it right for him.

Is it quite common for polish fathers to be to be so strict?
Veles  - | 197  
26 Jul 2016 /  #43
It has more to do with personality than nationality.
Veles  - | 197  
26 Jul 2016 /  #45
Because strictness is a feature of personality, not national trait.

On the other hand, if by being strict you mean being some kind of traditionalist, then nationality may have a slight impact. But there is no rule about what kind of fathers Polish men are.
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
26 Jul 2016 /  #46
It's probably personality as he has views on what food we have, what to do etc and he doesn't speak much English so I have to translate it all on my phone.
Veles  - | 197  
26 Jul 2016 /  #47
I will stop here, as my comment may be considered offensive.
OP Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
26 Jul 2016 /  #48
Veles it's fine I'm not easily offended just trying to understand.

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