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Observations and experiences so far about Polish women

Levi_BR  6 | 219  
18 Nov 2014 /  #61
Several things have come to my attention about the characteristics of Polish girls.

For me even the bad characteristics are not so bad. (Except for the pessimist.. My girlfriend is very pessimist with her country even with Poland being a country with such a bright future ahead).

She is also very understanding about some small cultural differences between us (like, unfortunately, my lack of punctuality).

I Think that the worst characteristics of polish girls is that there is a lot of indians and middle eastern guys stalking them, and some of them fell into their lies.
Tonyd  5 | 17  
18 Nov 2014 /  #62
I'm 39 years old, but I can pass for "late 20's, early 30's" due to my baby face. I'm considered "reasonably good looking" and this is by Newport Beach, California standards. I'm tall and reasonably in shape.

Brad Pitt, I am not....but I can hold my own when it comes to attracting women.

Do you guys think I will have a hard time attracting a girl that's 25 years old? Or younger?

I make decent money in America...."really good" in Poland.

I'm being totally serious here.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
18 Nov 2014 /  #63
I make decent money in America...."really good" in Poland.

There are many kinds of Polish girls, you cannot talk about all of them together. They are very different between themselves.

My girlfriend is highly independent, want to have her own company, build her own future, etc...
She never ever even asked about how much i earn. And she even said that i should not buy expensive gifts for her (That made me really impressed).

Some other polish girls, on the other hand, have more a 50's housewife mentality (and i also respect that).

So it depends more of the type of the girl that you like.
trancespottingp  - | 25  
18 Nov 2014 /  #64
Do you guys think I will have a hard time attracting a girl that's 25 years old? Or younger?

I make decent money in America...."really good" in Poland.

Yes you will. I have found Polish girls often care less about looks and even personality in a way and more into 'moldability' and your status in society. However, some things could be a deal breaker - like some PL girls are uber Roman Catholic and won't want a relationship with someone that's say Lutheran. Of course, my generation though is a bit more open minded and liberal than that of my parents and grandparents. There's a big contrast amongst the attitudes, personalities, and often desires of PL girls in the US/Western World and those still in PL.

In Chicago, you will easily find a beautiful PL girl if you're a sucessful male, generous to her, and treat her well. There's a popular Polish club on the N side of Chicago (Martini Club) and you'll find balding 40 year old contractors (one of the most common professions for PL male immigrants) with a young hottie on their arm because they got a 7-series or S-class and a big house in the burbs.. However, a lot of PL people, esp those fresh off the boat or 1st gen in the U.S., like to flaunt wealth they don't really have... that 7-series or S-class could be a salvage title and that house doesn't have much equity in it...

Again, of course I'm stereotyping and generalizing - while there are many relationships I've known that PL girls got into because of the sense of security (ultimately the most important thing to a woman) and left their man when the good financial times soured, there are also those that have stuck by their man through good and bad. I find the latter to be more common in older couples, especially those who lived in PL during Communism.
Englishman  2 | 276  
18 Nov 2014 /  #65
very much still in tuned with the '50's housewife' mentality

I'm surprised you say this. I've found Polish women mainly to be quite strongly feminist, valuing their education, jobs and independence and not accepting sexist/boorish behaviour from men.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
18 Nov 2014 /  #66
and not accepting sexist/boorish behaviour from men.

I don't trust women that wear a man's suit, never smile and have a man's haircut.
trancespottingp  - | 25  
18 Nov 2014 /  #67
The women in Poland typically have that '50's housewife mentality' especially ones that are in their 30's, 40's and beyond...

It's more the PL women who are younger and/or emigrated to the UK, US, etc. in search of better opportunities that are typically more independent. And yes, Polish women in general are often very well educated.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
19 Nov 2014 /  #68
The women in Poland typically have that '50's housewife mentality' especially ones that are in their 30's, 40's and beyond...

Women with '50's housewife mentality' are the women that take care of their man and his children.
They call that "a family".

It's more the PL women who are younger and in search of better opportunities that are typically more independent.

Young women that are independent don't need a man nor have time to pamper one.
They call them, "self serving opportunists." (Not that there is anything wrong with that)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Nov 2014 /  #69
Do you guys think I will have a hard time attracting a girl that's 25 years old?

Dude, you are almost 40 and want to hook up with a 25 year old or an even younger GIRL? How much younger? And what kind of woman do you expect to attract with that kind of (creepy) attitude?
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Nov 2014 /  #70
They call them, "self serving opportunists."

Perhaps you call them that. Most don't.

And yes, Polish women in general are often very well educated.

I'd say that those who stay are often very independent too.

And what kind of woman do you expect to attract with that kind of (creepy) attitude?

19 Nov 2014 /  #71
The women in Poland typically have that '50's housewife mentality' especially ones that are in their 30's

oh right yes because 30s is really 'old' and backward isn't it? and what is a '50s housewife mentality anyway?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Nov 2014 /  #72
And what kind of woman do you expect to attract with that kind of (creepy) attitude?

Well, it happens of course. But, personally I'd feel like I was her dad, even if I did look young. It does seem creepy but society in Tony's city sees things differently perhaps, ie the if you got it flaunt it baby flaunt it, mentality. While I too usually wouldn't care what others thought and believe in carpe diem, I think dating a much younger woman is just too iffy.
trancespottingp  - | 25  
19 Nov 2014 /  #73
Take a younger girl PL girl for the youthful fun, her good looks, and sex.. take a woman you're age if you're more family oriented...

If you want your wife to complain a lot, be pessimistic, and look super hot in her 20's and 30's but then look like a Maytag fridge by the time she's 50 and cut her hair really short - then marry a PL girl..

Personally, I'm not the marrying, have kids type but I respect people who strive for that. By 50's housewife mentality I'm more referring to the women who strive to have families, kids, and are a stay at home housewife as is very common in PL culture even though the women are oftentimes very educated. Although things are changing now and many women want a career of their own.

And I never said 30's is old.. I'm almost 30.. just an observation I noticed amongst that particular age group - more noticeable amongst those who are 40+ though. I think Communism might've had something to do with that.

But yes, if you're 40 why wouldn't you want to hook up with a younger girl? If you've got the means and the ability to date a younger girl and enjoy the things that comes with that relationship then do it, why not. I'd still be dating 20 year olds even if im 60 if she liked me for my personality and not just financial security.. I wouldn't care what people think plus a lot of it might be jealousy - ( How does this grandpa have a girlfriend hotter and younger than mine!?! ) I personally don't mind women that want to be with a rich man. A lot of the 'materialistic' girls would push me to work harder, make more money, advance my position and status. There's a difference between gold diggers and girls like that. The gold diggers just take from you - they don't bother to push you to do even better. It's different to want to be with someone who has cash and it's different to be a gold digger and only like them for their money.

So yeah dude do it. There's plenty of Polish girls that are young and want to be with an older, more mature guy. Just be careful of the ones that are only out for your money. There's a difference between liking nice things and wanting your man to succeed and using him because he gives you a Mercedes to drive around in...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Nov 2014 /  #74
So yeah dude do it. There's plenty of Polish girls that are young and want to be with an older, more mature guy.

Don't forget to bring a boatload of Viagra. Otherwise the chicks will kill you... :)
trancespottingp  - | 25  
19 Nov 2014 /  #75
One last precaution from my previous post :

My friend who's a corporate attorney (also Polish) married this Polish blonde bimbo that was like 10 years younger than him... Yeah, her and her $20k boob job took off with his Porsche Cayenne and half his estate... only took em about 5-7 years... She cheated on him during several of those years fyi.

So perhaps don't get married or get a pre-nub if you're gf is half your age...
Englishman  2 | 276  
19 Nov 2014 /  #76
If you want your wife to complain a lot, be pessimistic, and look super hot in her 20's and 30's but then look like a Maytag fridge by the time she's 50 and cut her hair really short - then marry a PL girl..

One day, when you're old and lonely and many other men your age are living happy lives with beautiful Polish women, you'll think back to comments like this and realize why you're alone. Unless, of course, you recognize the errors of your ways and take a less misogynistic approach to life...
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
19 Nov 2014 /  #77
quote by Johnny Reb

They call them, "self serving opportunists."

quote by jon357

Perhaps you call them that. Most don't.

Really, when was the last time you were with a woman jon ?

If you want your wife to complain a lot, be pessimistic, and look super hot in her 20's and 30's but then look like a Maytag fridge by the time she's 50 and cut her hair really short - then marry a PL girl..

The reason they look like a Maytag by 50 is from extreme depression that causes them to over eat. By 50 their husbands have
become bald, have no sex drive (and when they do the deed is short lived only satisfying himself), have developed a puss gut and become very gassey. I mean can you really blame the woman in such a scenario ?

It only proves that God has a sense of humor.

. There's a difference between liking nice things and wanting your man to succeed and using him because he gives you a Mercedes to drive around in...

Which reminds me what my Daddy told me when I was a boy. He said, "son, a woman can make you or break you."
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Nov 2014 /  #78
Really, when was the last time you were with a woman jon ?

Probably more recently than some here.

The reason they look like a Maytag by 50 is from extreme depression that causes them to over eat.

All of them? 50 is the new 30.
19 Nov 2014 /  #79

I am nearly your age but good genetics in terms of looks. Had ONS with 19 year old recently in warsovia. And she was not drunk before the haters are going to chime in.

You are going to be called a creep only by the mature women and guys who can only dream about pulling young birds (or any bird).

johnny reb  49 | 7888  
19 Nov 2014 /  #80
Had ONS with 19 year old recently in warsovia

Cost $50 to get it and a $100 to get rid of it. Cool
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Nov 2014 /  #81
You are going to be called a creep only by the mature women and guys who can only dream about pulling young birds (or any bird).

Actually, you're more likely to be called a creep by those who aren't so needy that they kiss and tell on the internet.
trancespottingp  - | 25  
19 Nov 2014 /  #82
Englishman - I doubt I'll be lonely because I have plenty of family and friends and I naturally have an extroverted personality and love meeting new people. I don't need a woman to make me happy as I'm happy with myself. Nonetheless, I don't plan on being without partners - just not married or with kids. Everything is sticky and/or broken in my friends' houses who already have kids. Personal choice and it's more career related and I want to be able to travel and work abroad with anyone holding me back. Also, women love misogynistic ********... I'm not Brad Pitt, I'm twice as drunk as the people around me at the club, I get into fights, I make a good living but I'm not super wealthy yet I have better luck with women than my friends who might be better looking or whatever.

I know plenty of people who are single in their senior years and happier than a lot of the married couples. In fact, many of them act more youthful and are more lively. I have a girlfriend now but we're not serious and the relationship is more casual. However, if we needed each other the other would be there in an instant.

And no, of course not all 50+ year old PL women let themselves go... there's many that are still very fit, wear fashionable clothes and high heels, have a healthy sex life with their partner, etc. Remember it takes two... if you're going to let yourself go and not go down on your wife/gf/etc. every once in a while don't expect her to keep up her appearances and do the same for you

If you want an accurate representation of Polish women and how immigrant Polish people act, look, talk, etc. come to Chicago and drive up and down Belmont Ave. You'll notice a difference between those Polish people and the ones in Poland. The ones in Poland are oftentimes much classier, more beautiful, more cultured, etc. In Chicago though you'll see everyone from the balding 50 year old contractor with a gut who still wears socks with sandals (this was a 90's Polish people in Chicago phenomenon it seems like lol) with his wife asking him whether he wants bigos or golabki for dinner to the beautiful tall leggy and busty blonde haired blue eyed Polish girls walking into Jedynka, a popular club for PL people.

Congrats on your experience in Warsaw = )

Also, I don't know if this is still the case now but I know it was common in the city the last few times I was in PL. They called it 'sponsorship' in the US it would be called a sugar daddy, kept woman, etc.. Oftentimes, young beautiful women would be with older successful men, oftentimes exclusively, and the man would help provide for them - clothes, school supplies, etc. They usually wouldn't live together but oftentimes these relationships would last several years like till the woman graduated college or whatever and they'd be loyal to their man during the relationship.
bambi  - | 8  
26 Nov 2014 /  #83
If you want your wife to complain a lot, be pessimistic, and look super hot in her 20's and 30's but then look like a Maytag fridge by the time she's 50 and cut her hair really short - then marry a PL girl..

Love it. And if you want yr wife (or, more likely, partner) to be kind and funny and pretty and still be like that when she is 70, marry an English girl of a certain (albeit quite rare) type.
Tonyd  5 | 17  
27 Nov 2014 /  #84
What's so creepy about it?

I'm into younger women. I like 20 year olds.

I tried dating 30 and older and it just didn't work out for me.

When I'm 50, I want a banging hot young wife.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Nov 2014 /  #85
Tonyd: What's so creepy about it?

  • 77oldman.jpg
26 Dec 2014 /  #86
I am a Polish girl from Wroclaw. I am nearly 30. I sometimes meet English guys at work. Don't know any of them well though. What I have noticed is that they are not interested in women my age or older than me.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
26 Dec 2014 /  #87
In the UK? Unless your workplace is full of very young men, chavs or fusspots over 30, are you kidding? There is huge demand for women 30-40 in the UK in most cities. You need to socialise more widely or join a dating website.
31 Dec 2014 /  #88
No, I meant in Wroclaw.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
31 Dec 2014 /  #89
The very, very few Britons here either run firms or are or were management for some huge multinationals. I am surprised to hear they're looking at women of any age, because all the management ones I know of are spoken for and married to Poles or other nationalities and have been posted here for whatever reason on big salaries. But if they are single and overlooking you, it could just be they assume you're not available. So, if they're single and you're interested, just ask one out straight, "Hard day here, fancy coming for a coffee/beer with me, I could really use some company to chill out with." OK, you'll sound a bit American and cheesy, but better to try and see than wonder. Otherwise, get on over to the UK, because many cities have so many surplus men that you'll be in a relationship before you leave Stansted.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jan 2015 /  #90
Of course there are unattractive girls but even they have great figures.

Maybe they see something besides money and looks but they want values and morals? You need to seriously get out of the mindset that nothing matters but looks and money and no one need to have any substance to them. I applaud anyone who is willing to stay strong and say they won't put up with certain behaviors from others, not for all the money in the world. You should be glad there's still some people like that left in Europe.

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