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6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her..

southern  73 | 7059  
17 Oct 2011 /  #181
I mean, many women are moody by nature but it really takes the biscuit here

We need to raise their moods by giving them chocolates at least.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2011 /  #182
Flowers too :)
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Oct 2011 /  #183
Buquet of flowers with pienadze inside.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2011 /  #184
Yeah, you can't predict their mood from one day to the next. One day up and the other, down. I should buy my wife a see-saw :)
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Oct 2011 /  #185
If you saw Ukrainki you would regard Polki as exemplars of stability.
Natasa  1 | 572  
17 Oct 2011 /  #186

Good way.


No. You are too Scottish Seanus ;)

Buquet of flowers with pienadze inside.

Too Greek Southern, everything can't be bought ;)
Marek11111  9 | 807  
22 Oct 2011 /  #187
after seven years I did not understand my ex-wife SO I quite ans now I understand everything no more games or quilt trips.
margerytka  - | 8  
23 Oct 2011 /  #188
there maybe all of you guys are losing sight of the big picture: many, many of Polish women, so easily labeled "moody" by you, they have grown in families suffering from abuse of alcohol and violence. There is the whole generation of DDA and DDD women and men in Poland. Myself coming from a family like those. Still trying to fix my wounds and become a completed, confident and satisfied person. Am I unstable and act irrational way on many occasions? Yes, even though things changed for better along the way. But inside of me I keep a great sadness and have to fight my own demons. Women like me are supposed to be fighters in order to survive and adapt to life. I survived so far ... and I love my Slavic moodiness: every holy day I question my existence and therefore I need to learn how to live again. It is the amazing circle of sadness and joy, hopelessness and belief. So next time you'll meet a nice but a bit temperamental Polish woman, maybe she's not a spoiled rotten *****?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Oct 2011 /  #189
She is 28, I am 30.

I've dated a Polish girl for the past 3 months and I've decided to leave her this weekend. I've found a local American girl instead. I dunno if it's me being in this country for 20 years and having a different mentality, but alot of things bothered me when I was with her. Very demanding, wanting to be in control ('m rebelious by nature lol) kind of boring.. it was always coming from me and hardly ever from her, if that makes any sence. With the American girl is different, a better different.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
23 Oct 2011 /  #190
If men were suddenly able to understand women, they might not like what they found out. Viva le mystère, I say. That's why I won't use the unisex toilet at work. There are some things I just don't want to know.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Oct 2011 /  #191
Not everyone likes Slavic moodiness, that's the point. It can be intrusive.
margerytka  - | 8  
23 Oct 2011 /  #192
Good for you. However, 3 months is not enough time to get know well somebody or be able to work out some communication problems. During my stay in Palermo I had to revise the opinion we Poles have about ourselves. Italy with its sheer joy of living learnt me to smile more often, approach people easily and in general it softened me up. We Poles tend to be so depressed and boring to others. We expect others to hurt or disapoint us. Okay, we can blame our history or lack of vitamin D:) I learnt that being open-minded, appreciating the simplest of things, and smiling, being kind and respectful towards people is the very powerful tool to feel good and keep going on. I am sorry PennBoy for your failed story with Polish lady, but I am sure you would be better with a girl of yours.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Oct 2011 /  #193
Not everyone likes Slavic moodiness, that's the point.

Now that I think of it it has to be a Slavic trait. I guess I like the American girls being easy gowing and spontaneous.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Oct 2011 /  #194
I like easy going. Heaviness makes my blood boil, more for the encroachment aspect.
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Oct 2011 /  #195
makes my blood boil,

Save this for Balkans.Anyway slavic women are extreme and drive to extreme exciting situations.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Oct 2011 /  #196
I am sorry PennBoy for your failed story with Polish lady, but I am sure you would be better with a girl of yours.

I'm Polish too margerytka it's just that I've lived here in the US since I was a kid so I guess I think the same way.

I like easy going. Heaviness makes my blood boil, more for the encroachment aspect.

Well I think British and American girls are similar. The openness, friendliness, being talkative and outgoing. The Polish girl reminded me of my mother, it was like I was a teenager all over again and had a million rules to live by.
pawian  219 | 24592  
23 Oct 2011 /  #197
Are there any Polish guys or other guys out there who understand how Polish women think? Its driving me nuts.

It is not the case of her being Polish or any other nationality. Most probably, you have a problem with women in general.
20 Jan 2012 /  #198
lm grow up with many polish girl in uk still dont understand wt they want may u just loss ur time or just play want u till need u
rtz  - | 46  
10 Feb 2012 /  #199
If anyone succeeds in understanding women, he would be surely taken for research in NASA labs ...
Billie  - | 1  
18 Mar 2012 /  #200
Can't understand polish girl?! Ask for help my boyfriend, he's an expert. Whatever I am trying to say he stops me and finish sentence instead of me, because as he says "I know you" "I know what you meant" ... really... he knows me too well :|
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
18 Mar 2012 /  #201
I still don't know what she wants ????

You are old enough to know what a sh!t test is. That is what she is giving you and you seem to be falling for it.

Women are women and it doesn't matter what nationality they are. They attempt to foster a false sense of mystery and that is why you are asking the old "what do women want" question. Another poster already told you. They want "everything".

If you continue to cater to her then that is what she will expect throughout the relationship with you.
Assert yourself and give her some thoughts to ponder about you. Every now and then deny some of her requests. She'll respect you for that.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
11 Apr 2012 /  #202
Are there any Polish guys or other guys out there who understand how Polish women think? Its driving me nuts.

This is called "double jeopardy"... Polish and Female... if you think you can understand one then the other bit will screw you up.
f stop  24 | 2493  
11 Apr 2012 /  #203
As long as being ambiguous gets the desired results in the relationship, a person will keep being ambiguous.
It's got nothing to do with gender, or nationality. It's a stupid game, both sexes do it, to keep the other one trying harder.

It also means that they prefer ambiguity in you, so make yourself more mysterious, pronto! ;)
Or don't put up with it and teach her how to communicate directly.
natasia  3 | 368  
12 Apr 2012 /  #204
"My Polish princess you are making me feel uneasy and strange in my head, because we aren't communicating, please tell me what your worries are and what you want or need. I love you and just need to figure out how we are doing."

Polish women are generally fairly focused and self-sufficient. They have been brought up not to moan/sob/lay all their emotions at your feet and wait for you to scoop them up in your arms, dry their tears, tell them how lovely they are and that it will all be OK. I have seen families where if a child falls over and hurts itself, instead of being comforted, the child is smacked (while still wailing/bleeding/whatever) for having not taken care - having run too fast, having not looked out - and therefore having hurt itself. (I also have Polish friends who are horrified at this approach, but just to say, it is one common approach you will find - and that treatment of a child makes for pretty hard adults, I can tell you.).

If she is telling her friends she is happy, and if she is still with you, then stop worrying, and stop bothering her to tell you 'what she wants'. What does she want? Someone to love her, appreciate her, be with her, have sex with her, have fun with her, build a life with her, and occasionally honour her with, for example, a nice birthday present. You don't need to micro-manage her emotions - she will do this for herself, in private.

She is a very very different kettle of fish to us nitwits who were positively encouraged to say how we feel and be 110% honest at all times ... and that is something of the appeal for a lot of guys, I'd guess. That and the great bodies that most Polish women have.

The real gem is, of course, a woman like a couple of my Polish friends - one with a fine intelligence, warmth of heart, and balanced approach to life, along with a very light touch, and practically zero requirements in terms of emotional maintenance. She will tell you if she has a problem, and she will be hugely affectionate and share everything with you. And also get back her washer-board stomach within 3 days of giving birth. But that is the Holy Grail ... ; )

[And now I sound like I am discussing the characteristics of dog breeds, so I will stop] [Especially since if I run with that, the British women come out as tired spaniels on special offer ...]
4 Dec 2013 /  #205
rofl. that's all women mate.
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Dec 2013 /  #206

It is all in the wiring....
vladik  1 | 4  
24 Jan 2014 /  #207
Who can understand any women !
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Jan 2014 /  #208
I do .... as throngs of my female fans will attest. (lol)
Sure, many dislike me at first since I point out information that doesn't jive with what they believe nor wish to believe. I offer counter intuitive facts which are often "politically incorrect" hence, the feminists and their flunkies

the subservient 'white male liberals' mentally hick-up when presented with such reality.

So, what do women want? Security and to be adored. (that's the short answer)

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