Why are Polish men so scared of women? And why do they think every woman wants to get married and have children?
Why are Polish men so scared of women?
Polish men are like the Polish football team. Great on defense but cannot score to save their lives.
My dating experience is limited, but basing my own perception on that, the warnings of my friends, and seeing the experiences of my friends, things just seem to be different here. Not in a bad or good way, per se, but definitely different. Serious relationships seem to work great, but casual dating seems to be tricky for some reason.
I don't think it's a fear of women, I don't know what it is.
My dating experience is limited, but basing my own perception on that, the warnings of my friends, and seeing the experiences of my friends, things just seem to be different here. Not in a bad or good way, per se, but definitely different. Serious relationships seem to work great, but casual dating seems to be tricky for some reason.
I don't think it's a fear of women, I don't know what it is.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
25 Jun 2012 / #3
Why are Polish men so scared of women?
because Polish women are scary and want to get married and have children? Possibly?
25 Jun 2012 / #4
because women play mind games
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
25 Jun 2012 / #5
Because of the cultural values of the country. It's a Catholic country. Catholic church is all about marriage and family. They frown on casual dating and promote abstinence unless married. Polish men are taught to look for the girl they want to marry and focus on this without wasting time on the ones they aren't so sure about.
Come on baby,I am not scared.We can have some good time and I don't want to get married.
You are funny.You are right about this part " without wasting time on the ones they aren't so sure about" though.I like to know rather quickly wheter chick wants me deep inside or not and I won't wait till we get married.Hell,It's fine if she's already married.It's a turn on to bang other guy's women.I am Polish and I am Catholic.
You are funny.You are right about this part " without wasting time on the ones they aren't so sure about" though.I like to know rather quickly wheter chick wants me deep inside or not and I won't wait till we get married.Hell,It's fine if she's already married.It's a turn on to bang other guy's women.I am Polish and I am Catholic.
And why do they think every woman wants to get married and have children?
Don`t they?
Some of us women are more afraid of babies than men are.