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Are Polish men dominating, controlling and emotional?

23 Aug 2010 /  #1
I`m a non-Polish woman and I`m in a long term relationship with a man who was born and raised in Poland. He was extremely controlling when we first met and very emotional. He`s not as controlling now but he is still very emotional. I was wondering if it is a culturally accepted practice for men to dominate and control their girlfriends and wives? And are Polish men very emotional also? I know Italian, Latin and Middle Eastern men are!
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 Aug 2010 /  #2
Middle eastern men are not controlling they just expect a woman to be their slave(s).
23 Aug 2010 /  #3
I was wondering if it is a culturally accepted practice for men to dominate and control their girlfriends and wives?

If you feel abused you should go away from him

Middle eastern men are not controlling they just expect a woman to be their slave(s).

"Middle eastern" lol ;DDD
We don't speak about Arabs... xD
tow_stalin  - | 57  
23 Aug 2010 /  #4
And are Polish men very emotional also?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 Aug 2010 /  #5
....extremely controlling when we first met and very emotional.

Are you sure that he is not a she? Perhaps he somehow consumed too much estrogen and this build-up affects him.
jeden  - | 226  
23 Aug 2010 /  #6
Dominating - only when it is needed.
Controling - rather not maybe when we are very jealous.
Emotional- definitly yes
23 Aug 2010 /  #7
Its all individual thing. Some are some aren't. its not a matter of culture. In Poland there's not certainly a macho cultre. Its more often that women rules and manipulates men.
OP TVonTheRadio  
23 Aug 2010 /  #8
He`s totally all man. He was raised by a single dominating, brow-beating mother, does that count Zimmy?
OP TVonTheRadio  
23 Aug 2010 /  #9
Zetigrek, the bit about women trying to rule and manipulate men sounds like his mother! haha. And it`s good those control issues not cultural. But my boyfriend is a good guy at heart, aside from some bad qualities. Besides, Polish accents sounds sexy so I can forgive him.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Aug 2010 /  #10
he is still very emotional

what does he do? is he crying like a little girl? yeah, that's normal...
siarnaq  - | 5  
23 Aug 2010 /  #11
Besides, Polish accents sounds sexy so I can forgive him.

amen to that :))
A J  4 | 1075  
23 Aug 2010 /  #12
Are Polish men dominating, controlling and emotional?


No, but I am. Not at all possessive, jealous or controlling though. Not too emotional either, maybe sometimes! Hey, I'm clearly her superior in each and every way possible, but I will never treat a woman as my lesser. I guess that's what you get when you call me sexist when I'm just trying to be friendly, cheeky and flirty; More macho talk then. (Are you going to say sorry yet?) Edit: No, of course this wasn't directed at you, or anyone else in particular!

;P ;P ;P

Not emotional of course!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Aug 2010 /  #13
Polish women are the most aggressive in the world!

Women stab a knife into the hearts of friends , crab them and setting a swine. The jobs are jealous and vindictive . Man forgive every dirty trick , a woman does not forgive even petty annoyances . The study of the American Psychologist that solidarity among women is a myth , and the most aggressive in the world are women .

oh geez... :)
A J  4 | 1075  
23 Aug 2010 /  #14
Polish women are the most aggressive in the world!

I don't taming wild animals.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Aug 2010 /  #15
The wild control the wild :)
23 Aug 2010 /  #16
I don't know about Polish men, but I can tell you about Polish-American men. I grew up in a large Polish-American family in Chicago: my mother came from a family of 10 children and my father came from a family of 4 children. And I can tell you that, with one exception, my father and my uncles were NEVER dominating or controlling of their wives. (And the one exception was my uncle who was a mean, verbally-abusive drunk.) If you mean by emotional, did they cry like babies all the time? No, they didn't. However, my dad was never afraid to express affection for me, and he did cry at his brother's funeral.

Now my mother and my aunts were a different story. I would say that my mother and the majority of my aunts were dominating and controlling of their husbands. My poor father put up with a lot of crap from my mother. She was always criticizing him and complaining about every little thing. It seemed that nothing he did made her happy. I swore that I would never treat my husband the way my mother treated my father. I hope that I've succeeded so far. (You'll have to ask my husband about that, I suppose. He's not Polish, though, if that makes any difference. :-) ) We just celebrated our 20th anniversary in May.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Aug 2010 /  #17
I`m a non-Polish woman and I`m in a long term relationship with a man who was born and raised in Poland. He was extremely controlling when we first met and very emotional. He`s not as controlling now but he is still very emotional. I was wondering if it is a culturally accepted practice for men to dominate and control their girlfriends and wives? And are Polish men very emotional also? I know Italian, Latin and Middle Eastern men are!

I am not controlling but I am very emotional and try to dominate my women.

Fortunately, my wife has been tolerating it for the last 15 years because she loves being dominated and my emotional twists give her food for thought which she likes as she is very intelligent.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
23 Aug 2010 /  #18
I`m in a long term relationship with a man who was born and raised in Poland.

Therefore you should know better than us. Or are you looking to date another polish guy just to confirm your suspicions?

Geeez, If some people actually spent time on working on their relationships rather than asking dumb questions about it and asking other strangers opinions on it, then....just maybe...they might not have these problems...Sometimes i think some people deserve a big slap across the chops :/
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Aug 2010 /  #19
It seems that way. I know plenty Polish men who are not that way. Many tend to be easy-oasy without a care in the world, many get stressed. Just like anywhere.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
23 Aug 2010 /  #20
I don't try to dominate I give women plenty of space,many greek women stick,call their bfs every hour on mobile so I prefer slavic comfort.
grethomory  1 | 155  
24 Aug 2010 /  #21
I`m a non-Polish woman and I`m in a long term relationship with a man who was born and raised in Poland. He was extremely controlling when we first met and very emotional. He`s not as controlling now but he is still very emotional. I was wondering if it is a culturally accepted practice for men to dominate and control their girlfriends and wives? And are Polish men very emotional also?

I can only speak from what I see from the guys from Poland here in America...they don't seem to be controlling at all. It's the Polish women who appear to be very controlling and dramatic.
24 Aug 2010 /  #22
Yes and bitter. Haha.
George8600  10 | 630  
24 Aug 2010 /  #23
And are Polish men very emotional also? I know Italian, Latin and Middle Eastern men are!

Shouldn't you know since you were with one? Stop generalizing. I have met men in those ethnicities who were as cold as ice....
OP TVonTheRadio  
24 Aug 2010 /  #24
From what I`m hearing from many of you is that you have negative feelings about Polish women. Not surprising since most of you are male. Another thing, while it is not good to generalize about groups of people, there really are common shared behaviors and traits of people in a cultural group, that is where we get stereotypes from. Even if its dumb to stereotype people, it happens anyway and sometimes things are true. But I do not go around believing and acting on stereotypes. I don`t let stereotypes hold me back from getting to know people for who they really are! But frankly you have to ask "dumb" questions to learn things you want to know about. I`m an open minded person who loves learning about cultures and meeting new friends from every walk of life. In my over simplifed generalized question I was hoping to get some real opinions on if there was any culture specific attitudes I should be aware of. So thank you for insightful, interesting responses along with the rude, indifferent ones as well. Rest assured that I`ll be sure not to judge other Polish guys based on my boyfriend quirky behavior. Come on now, I know better that! My boyfriend was the one who expanded my horizons to a whole segment of possibilities in Polish and Slavic type guys that I never thought of before. So I`m greatful to him and love him even with his quirks and sexy accent!
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
24 Aug 2010 /  #25
So thank you for insightful, interesting responses along with the rude, indifferent ones as well.

PF mirroring life... insight and insults;)

So I`m greatful to him and love him even with his quirks and sexy accent!

Right result then;)
24 Aug 2010 /  #26
So thank you for insightful, interesting responses along with the rude, indifferent ones as well.

Where are the rude ones? We have some wacky trolls here, so don't take it personal - they mock in every thread not only yours.

The polish culture is not so different than UK, really.
tow_stalin  - | 57  
24 Aug 2010 /  #27
Emotional- definitly yes

eeee, really? i'm not too emotional- the same like all friends of mine...
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Aug 2010 /  #28
from many of you is that you have negative feelings about Polish women. Not surprising since most of you are male.

So you think foreign women have positive feelings about Polki?
24 Aug 2010 /  #29
normally what i see from my market shop, is sour faced polish women, moody as hell, and the man, saying nothing while she is shopping, or browsing, but i have been in there house and the man is lazy, smoking, beer, tv, internet, women cleaning, but very moody
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Aug 2010 /  #30
sour faced polish women, moody as hell,

what?? they should be happy about that:

the man is lazy, smoking, beer, tv, internet


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