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Are Polish men chauvinistic?

manchun  1 | 5  
17 Apr 2015 /  #1
Hi everybody. :)
I'm in love with a Polish guy.
just want to ask:
Are Polish guys male chauvinism?
For example: Do they like to report where they are to their girlfriends?
What's the "general pattern" of a Polish guy treat his girlfriend?

Veles  - | 197  
17 Apr 2015 /  #2
There are chauvinists, and there are not chauvinists. Personally I don't know many chauvinists. However, we do not like to report - this kind of relationship would be more like eternal control. Pointless.

There is no general pattern though, everyone is different.
OP manchun  1 | 5  
17 Apr 2015 /  #3
Thanks Veles.

I don't mean to control. In fact I'm not kind of controlling girlfriend.

I just feel strange...I couldn't understand what he's thinking.....

Actually I'm in a long distance with my boyfriend. He said he want to try to work out the relationship with me. We promised each other to try on the relationship.

When we were together, everything was fine. However, from the day he left my hometown, he doesn't message me or called me. (But he did replied my messages)

EVEN it was time for him to boarding & he arrived his hometown safely, he just doesn't message me to tell me... !

I think maybe he doesn't like to report or what & I said I'm not controlling type so I DIDN'T send any messages to him.

But....That's...really strange right?????
Atch  22 | 4299  
17 Apr 2015 /  #4
Manchun, you are being quite reasonable in expecting to hear from your boyfriend. It's just basic manners for him to send you a message to let you know he got there safely. This is not 'chauvinistic' behaviour. This is just plain thoughtless and uncaring. Not acceptable. You need to decide if you want to continue to be involved with this guy.
OP manchun  1 | 5  
17 Apr 2015 /  #5
Atch, thank for your opinions.

Yes I think so. That's very basic manner right?

I just haven't met any Polish before so I don't know if it's a very common pattern or what....just want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding him....

I think I really couldn't continue the relationship with him....
17 Apr 2015 /  #6
manchun - I wouldn't consider that behaviour as Polish thing.
It seems to me this guy is not worth your time.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
17 Apr 2015 /  #7
I'm in love with a Polish guy.
just want to ask:
Are Polish guys male chauvinism?


Polish men are not chauvinist. Actually i find them pretty hard working, humble, realistic and honest.

I Really don't understand how so many polish girls don't give the proper value to the Polish manhood.

Probably most of them need to get disappointed after their first "exotic" relationship with a foreigner after see the sad reality.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
17 Apr 2015 /  #8
robably most of them need to get disappointed after their first "exotic" relationship with a foreigner after see the sad reality.

Do you have a complex with women? Have you not been able to keep a woman in your life because of the poor choices you have made in life?

Which woman dreams of "being disappointed" before meeting her real love?

Just the idea that women "need to get disappointed before realizing what they can have" shows me that you are only able to pick up the pieces. You would never be able to date a woman (whether Polish or not) who is successful or has an idea of what she wants in life.

I can't believe that i actually responded to this thread but after reading your nonsense, Mr. Loverboy Levi_Br, i had to.
Marsupial  - | 871  
17 Apr 2015 /  #9
Chauvinistic is 100% a mixture of culture and personality. So when you say do they have this trait it may be handy to compare because everything is relative. I can use a couple of examples. Firstly we can rule out almost all of the muslim world where girls cant drive, cant vote, cant do stuff all, they are all chauvanists to the extreme.

Secondly lets use a western country such as here in oz for the cultural comparison. For example we have a national crisis on domestic violence and again last night on telly the prime minister and various high ranking politicians were discussing a plan. As you drive you will see anti domestic abuse billboards on the side of the road. There may be a specialized court established for this in the future for this. So in this point I ask does Poland have a national crisis?

Lets quickly look at representation in news, say sport. Only 11% of all sport references are for girls playing In oz. Only one sport features and it is netball and occasionally tennis during tournaments. Now lets look at polish news and we see tennis, volleyball and I countef 5 more and well over 30% representation. Three times the amount.

Politics? We had our first female prime minister she has be ousted and labelled a disaster. I see the polish counter part doing well. Atm we have here a female qld premier with a polish name, I wish her luck and add to this science and so on and poland again has over 3 times more representation.

Lets not even go to rape figure cause poland wins by 10 times.
We all know there are still guys there in poland who want to play the knight type that is very rare here.
Culture wise between the two I know what I would be thinking were I female. Personality wise is anyones guess but if you attribute cultural conditioning you could draw some conclusions. I would compare this to your own country which I know nothing about.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
17 Apr 2015 /  #10
Which woman dreams of "being disappointed" before meeting her real love?

No one needs that. I didn't mean that a girl needs to get disappointed (neither a man, neither no one)

Maybe my post was badly written (or your interpretation was), but explaining better what i said:

A Lot of people (girls, man) have the bias of see the other garden greener. I heard, INUMEROUS TIMES, people saying stupidities like " Oh, i don't want to date a Polish, they are dumb and have no future"

Few months later the girl appear dating a Bengali or a Albanian.

I am not saying that the Albanians or Bengalis aren't good, that would be a stupid generalization, my critic here is for the HUMONGUOUS amount of imbecilities that i hear Polish Girls talking about polish guys ("They have no future" "they are uneducated" etc etc etc0 and polish guys talking about polish girls ("They are nuts" "They want money' etc).

Look at this Forum and you will see a good sample of those idiotic statements.

Better now? Understood my point?

You would never be able to date a woman (whether Polish or not) who is successful or has an idea of what she wants in life?

I already have my pair and actually she is pretty ambitious, so... no ;)
Veles  - | 197  
18 Apr 2015 /  #11
Levi, this is actually a reason why I am almost sure, I would be unable to create any kind of relationship with Polish girl. At least it is one of the reasons. However, to avoid any rage, I will remain silent at this on public forum.

Manchun, I thought you were talking about excessive asking "where are you" and "what are you doing right now". If he communicates with you only when you start conversation, I would think that he is not interested. Or simply stupid. Or both. Anyway, it is not a "national trait".

On the other hand, there is also other extremity - too much contact. If someone is constantly writing, calling etc. sometimes it is unhealthy.
OP manchun  1 | 5  
18 Apr 2015 /  #12
Thanks for all the replies.

Veles: Well I don't think I'm talking about excessive asking...in fact, I NEVER ask. Speaking for myself, even your bf or gf didn't ask, you will still tell him/her if you care about him/her. You don't need to send a lot of words messages. Just a few words could show that you put your other half in your mind.

Now I know that it's not the problem of national traits or cultural differences. Just he's not that into me. Glad that I know it before I'm so into him. Thanks all. :)
Marsupial  - | 871  
18 Apr 2015 /  #13
Wow what you are saying is that there's an entire country where the females think the men are useless and males think the girls are nuts. Unbelievable.
OP manchun  1 | 5  
18 Apr 2015 /  #14
Well actually I don't know much about Polish/Poland. I'm fact I don't care about the nationality of my partner. Love is all around. See if you could meet the special one.

I'm asking the question just because I don't understand what my boyfriend is thinking. I try to figure it out in various possibilities. Though looking into the national traits is not appropriate at all but I still need to consider this up to a point....

Now I know what's going on and I should deal with it.

18 Apr 2015 /  #15
Witam! Some ARE and some ARE NOT. Poles are not any special, they are just anybody else and the other way round. People in PF love generalizations ;). They know 1 or 2 persons of a certain nationality and that's it, they KNOW how the whole population is... Amazing!!! ;).

In ANY social group, people are different from each other. As a result, saying that Poles are like this or like that show plain stupidity. Learning languages and traveling a lot are the answers.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
18 Apr 2015 /  #16
Wow what you are saying is that there's an entire country where the females think the men are useless and males think the girls are nuts.

No, i didnt said that there is a entire country like that. There is no place in my phrase where "entire country" is written and i made no generalization, i even said that i was referring to the examples that we see on THIS FORUM, and not extending that to the entire population (what is kinda obvious by the way)

I am responsible for what i wrote, not for what your mind understand.

Actually if you had a minimum text interpretation skill, you would realize that i am saying exactly the opposite of what you think, and criticizing idiotcs that make generalizations about poles.

But i am too tired to explain such basic things to people that are lazy to read carefully.
Mr. Grunwald  
18 Apr 2015 /  #17
A true Polish man that marries a women shouldn't be chauvinistic, at least not towards the wife ;)
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
18 Apr 2015 /  #18
This is the kind of stupidity that i am talking about.

I am not even pole, but it is pretty sad see poles making this kind of ridiculous statements about themselves. And then some of them think that the guy from Albania or Bangladesh is better and then when they realize that it is not, well... it is gone.


Translation of the pic: " TYPICAL POLISH MAN: all time drunked, jobless, fat, treating women objective, spending his life infront of tv, when they watch him 99% of polish man think its not about them"
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
18 Apr 2015 /  #19
We are all human beings being stupid, not hard to comprehend. :D
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
18 Apr 2015 /  #20
Translation of the pic: " TYPICAL POLISH MAN: all time drunked, jobless, fat, treating women objective, spending his life infront of tv, when they watch him 99% of polish man think its not about them"@ Levi_BR

You could tag ANY man from any ethnic back ground with such a title, not just Polish men.
All 'Chauvinistic' men have the same common causes Manchun.
When picking a man for a partner that is going to meet your expectations (take care of you) both mentally and physically
you must do your home work. Same goes for picking a woman for a mate.
Things to look for right from the get go to invest your life with are "is he a momma's boy" or a "daddy's princes" who is use to being spoiled by their parents and expect to continue to live that same life style once they are out of the nest and on their own on a starting salary which doesn't pay enough for what they are accustomed to.

Parents that provide things for them that they themselves are incapable of providing for you because they refuse to lower their standards and want to live on a budget that mommy and daddy have provided for them and expect you to wait on them and support them where mommy and daddy left off. (Spoiled, selfish, mannerless brats)

Such as being budgetly impaired because of their parents pampering them, not well grounded on reality, lack Christian morals and values, no manners, self centered (selfish), uneducated, negative attitude, not a go getter, not willing to sacrifice to get ahead in life, and not having the same goals and values that you do.

THEN you have weeded out the men from the "momma boys" or women out of "daddy's prince's".
That is the start of saving yourself needless misery and heartache with a loser.
Finding a mate with that you have the same common values and goals is the ticket.
And one last thing, "Don't ever think that you can change a person to your liking", it just doesn't work.
Don't sell yoursef short as you deserve all that you have to offer and more through your growth together.
So see, "chauvinistic" has many underlying causes in every country, not just Poland.
OP manchun  1 | 5  
18 Apr 2015 /  #21
Johnny reb:
I can't agree more. What you said is so true.
Finding someone with the same value and goal is difficult yet it worth to wait.
Yea I'm sure - I won't. I can't. And don't want to change someone.
And you're right - Maybe I just need to do my homework.
Veles  - | 197  
18 Apr 2015 /  #22
Manchun, I've send a PM to you. :)
Yoursir Grenwod  
18 Apr 2015 /  #23
Poles as men are more gentlemen (Mr) then others in Europe. Nothing to do with chauvinism... Just knowledge that other guys aren't.
jon357  72 | 23516  
18 Apr 2015 /  #24
Poles as men are more gentlemen (Mr) then others in Europe

No different really and not everyone is the same. Still a long way to go to equality though and having doors held open is a poor substitute for abortion rights and easier access to certain professions.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Apr 2015 /  #25
abortion rights and easier access to certain professions.

Those 2 things has nothing to do with the thread title
jon357  72 | 23516  
18 Apr 2015 /  #26
A great deal to do with male chauvinism.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Apr 2015 /  #27
Abortion rights is the law, there are women who make the law too.
jon357  72 | 23516  
18 Apr 2015 /  #28
When there's gender parity in the Sejm and as many women bishops as men, feel free to repeat that.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Apr 2015 /  #29
even women vote for men when it comes to politics, do you think women will vote for Ogórek for president? if they were she would be the president easily but it simply won't happen.
jon357  72 | 23516  
18 Apr 2015 /  #30
even women vote for men when it comes to politics, do you think women will vote for Ogórek for president?

That doesn't actually make any sense but does however display chauvinistic traits.

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