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Polish Man being with English Woman - he insists on paying for EVERYTHING

13 Aug 2013 /  #1
How come you never hear of Polish men in relationships with English/British women?

I have recently met a Polish guy (in England) and we have been out a few times, but looking on the net for some advice, there is hardly anything about Polish men and English women...

I just wondered since he insists on paying for EVERYTHING, is very thoughtful and keen and has laid his cards on the table from the off (something British guys never do) is he expecting me to put out soon??
janieski  1 | 3  
13 Aug 2013 /  #2
you talk utter rubbish, I am a result of an English mother and Polish father, what a stupid question
Wulkan  - | 3136  
14 Aug 2013 /  #3
How come you never hear of Polish men in relationships with English/British women?

I have personaly seen more Polish men with English women than the other way round. I have seen more Polish women with foreign men than the other way round in total but they were mostly with blacks and pakis .

I am in relationship with an English woman and we have a toddler boy.

has laid his cards on the table from the off

It's something that Polish men often do, my girl doesn't have to worry about anything either.
OP Seraphim  
14 Aug 2013 /  #4
you talk utter rubbish, I am a result of an English mother and Polish father, what a stupid question

I mean in this day and age, not post-war Britain.

And go on, search these forums, the majority of posts are about Polish women and foreign (often British) men.
14 Nov 2013 /  #5
I am english and i am in a relationship with a polish man, i doubt he is expecting you to "put out " ... every man is different, it isnt from where they are from, But if it helps you from the off my boyfriend took me out for a gorgeous meal at a fantastic restaurant and insisted on paying, he paid me compliments that were sincere and not over the top, he is honest and very open with me about his feelings and everything about him. He did not rush me either to put out, i explained from the start that i wanted to wait... and he did. He asked once a month on if i was ready and i said no.. i wanted to see if things carried on good.. and they did :) We are only 6 months into our relationship but i can honestly say i have a deeper connection with him than i did with a previous partner of 3 years, i have started to learn polish as most of his family speak limited english, if any. and i have found this to of strengthened our relationship as i have taken a keen interest in to his culture and nationality.

I have found that more people need to be open minded when interacting with polish men, it saddened me to find out girls didn't bother with him once they found out he was polish.

And his friends agree and are really happy our relationship works and i couldn't be happier! It doesn't bother me in the slightest that hes polish , im proud of it, it makes it more interesting and if in the future things work out i would be more than proud to have english/polish children who speak both languages and know both their cultures. I just hope the society we live in then is more accepting and racism is on the decline.

But to the ignorant girls that were so racist to not bother, in one way i thankyou. My boyfriend is GORGEOUS, funny and loving.
5 Feb 2014 /  #6
That's how it works in Poland. Man pays the restaurant bill... Always... If not... Stay away. Source? I'm Polish.
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
6 Feb 2014 /  #7
Until it's a business meeting I usually put out my share with 10% all tip
rocky2124  1 | 10  
6 Feb 2014 /  #8
How come you never hear of Polish men in relationships with English/British women?

It is inhumanely impossible for two nutcases to date each other.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Feb 2014 /  #9
You didn't read correctly, it's not about Pakistani guy dating Euro girl.
McDouche  6 | 282  
7 Feb 2014 /  #10
It is inhumanely impossible for two nutcases to date each other.

To us American guys, we find it very beautiful when a woman talks in an angelic English accent.

Most English women I've met are far from nutcases anyway. :-\
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Feb 2014 /  #11
Most English women I've met are far from nutcases anyway. :-\

yes, my gf is great
local_fela  17 | 172  
7 Feb 2014 /  #12
Some day you can land up with this..

he insists on paying for EVERYTHING, is very thoughtful and keen and has laid his cards on the table

there was one thread on this forum (I couldnt find it now)... The girl had similar situation like yours, she is a Brit and the guy was a Pole! the guy was nice in the early stage of the relationship and basically like doing everything, after few months, the guy took all her money and admitted that he has a kid and a wife back in Poland.

he paid me compliments that

Polish people dont really compliment others... be careful if he is doing so!

No offence to anyone. Koz everyone is different! But be careful of scammers! Specially in your situation- It happened lots of time and it would be difficult for you to find him if he ran away with everything you possess....He could be in Poland, Germany, Russia or anywhere! Ask for advise on Forums in Britain! here you will find people saying only good things about their compatriots! :)
7 Feb 2014 /  #13
I am an English woman and I have been with my Polish boyfriend for 4 years. I also know two other English women who are with Polish guys. It does happen :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
7 Feb 2014 /  #14
basically like doing everything, after few months, the guy took all her money and admitted that he has a kid and a wife back in Poland.

I remember that thread.

But be careful of scammers!

Yes, it happens. If anyone fancied me here I'd be very suspicious. That said, I did get the eye from a 75 year old grandma in Piotr & Pawel the other day.

I know, perhaps I should appreciate anything these days

12 Feb 2014 /  #15
Well here is my update: after a 7 month relationship, it's more off than on at the moment due to his jealousy. He is otherwise a lovely lovely bloke but has some serious trust/jealousy issues. My cousin dated a Polish girl who told him that Polish men were extremely possessive. Is this true?

I really love him but I cannot abide this level of jealousy/control.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Feb 2014 /  #16
My cousin dated a Polish girl who told him that Polish men were extremely possessive. Is this true?

No, it depends on individual.
17 Feb 2014 /  #17
Maybe my cousin's Polish girl used to go out with my Polish man lol
23 Jul 2014 /  #18
I'm an English girl, I've been dating my Pole for 5 years - he has lived in England for 10 years. We own a house together and a cat and dog. We met on a dating site, on our first date he took me to a romantic restaurant and straight away told me what his long-term goals were in a relationship, I admired his honesty and practical nature, it was refreshing, I'd only dated English men before him and they never seemed to know what they wanted, luckily me and my Pole's long-term goals matched.

I admit I had prejudice against Polish men, I thought they were sexist and traditionalist, in-fact most of his Polish friends DO have traditional relationships with the girl doing all the housework and child rearing and the man going out to work, but not all Poles are like that. My Pole does half the housework and expects me to work and pay half of everything, which I like. He is also an atheist, which is very unusual for a Pole. I love his Polish accent and I love listening to him speak Polish. I know quite a lot of Polish nouns, but I find the grammar extremely difficult to grasp, speaking in full Polish sentences is very hard for me. Me and his mother get on very well, communicating in body language. My boyfriend says it's better that way, because if we understood each other he doesn't think we'd get on so well... lol.

We spend every other Christmas with his family in Poland, I love Polish food and architecture, his mother lives in the countryside and the houses are beautiful, each house has its own huge garden, it is so spacious and beautiful in Poland. I've been there 4 times and visited Krakow and Warsaw and Sanok. I love Poland, I'm trying to persuade my boyfriend to let us build a house on some land there and live there half the year, but my boyfriend, being very practical, points out that this in unrealistic for us work-wise and he, unfortunately, doesn't like Poland as much as I do.
10 Nov 2014 /  #19
Update for me, i have now been with my polish boyfriend a year and a half, last time i wrote it had only been 6 months.

I moved in with him pretty quickly and the relationship is still as great as it was at the start.
He has in the last few months moved away to go University but comes back every weekend or other weekend to see me.
He is very honest as am i, i have learnt more polish and try communicate with his family as best i can (usually after a few shots of vodka)

You cant ask "are polish men honest" blah blah blah, not every man in england is the same and neither the polish or anyone else.

It is the individuals values and personality.

My experience has been amazing. I love being in a relationship with my polish boyfriend. I am the only english girl i know with a polish boyfriend. All our friends are either all polish with other poles or they may have english boyfriends.

But it does happen!

Source... My life <3
Janet j  
8 Aug 2016 /  #20
Hey im a english girl dating a polish guy he is so caring and understands me more and very loving we have been dating over 2 months
Ziemowit  14 | 4034  
8 Aug 2016 /  #21
And nothing has changed in your relations after the Brexit?
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
10 Aug 2016 /  #22
Just a quick one, why are polish men more dominant than other men?
Dan80k  - | 1  
15 Aug 2016 /  #23
I dont think Polish men are dominant.
Its just that woman dont push back
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
15 Aug 2016 /  #24
Dan so ishould argue back at my polish man?
Omnivore  - | 3  
15 Aug 2016 /  #25
Why start with arguing? Ask for the reasoning first and argue back only when his reasoning doesn't make sense.
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
15 Aug 2016 /  #26
I don't like arguing. I like my man being dominant so I don't think I should argue
26 Feb 2017 /  #27
I am an Aussie woman with a polish boyfriend, I am still getting to know him as it's very early stages. I find his honesty, and being upfront about his feelings and intentions very refreshing, but a little full on. He is very affectionate, and talks very openly about his feelings, this is taking some adjusting.

I was drawn to him one because he is so honest, and sincere. I love his accent so much. He has talked about taking me to meet his family in Poland in the future.

Is there any advice others can give me? I am happy for any productive advice that will help' to adjust to this relationship.
21 May 2017 /  #28
Hey I'm looking for English women please contact me, my KIK daras116
Redwings  - | 1  
19 Apr 2018 /  #29
There is this polish guy who ive started dating. He is insisting on us living together already. He doesnt own an apartment but once he moves out wants me to pay the rent as well which I don't want to. Im starting to doubt his intentions because I think he is more interested in leeching money from me so that he can get his own apartment
Slavictor  6 | 193  
21 Apr 2018 /  #30
they were mostly with blacks and pakis

Sad if true.

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