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How do I make a Polish girl cry?

lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39  
14 Jun 2010 /  #1
Since there are so many threads requesting relationship advice on the absurd assumption that all Polish women (and men for that matter) are exactly the same, I offer this discussion:

How do I make a Polish girl cry? My new Polish girlfriend (who, by the way, is named Kasia, is Catholic, smokes cigarettes and likes all things American), is always upbeat and cheerful. This is highly annoying. I've tried everything to upset her, but nothing seems to work. Help?!
scottie1113  6 | 896  
14 Jun 2010 /  #2
Make her peel onions for an hour.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2010 /  #3
I think if you buy for her a mobile with an inferior camera she will cry.
opts  10 | 260  
14 Jun 2010 /  #4
How do I make a Polish girl cry? My new Polish girlfriend (who, by the way, is named Kasia, is Catholic, smokes cigarettes and likes all things American), is always upbeat and cheerful. This is highly annoying. I've tried everything to upset her, but nothing seems to work. Help?!

Screw around with her and she will leave you one day.
Then you will be asking this forum how you can stop crying. :)
Allison  4 | 117  
14 Jun 2010 /  #5
Tell her Obama died. lol.
OP lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39  
14 Jun 2010 /  #6
I think if you buy for her a mobile with an inferior camera she will cry.

This reminds me of something hilarious I saw on Nasza-Klasa.pl. You know how everyone's profile page has a field for their first and last names, age, location, email address and phone number? The last field is labeled "Telefon" right? I was looking at this one girl's profile, and under "Telefon", she actually wrote "BlackBerry 8300". Can you say "fail"?
opts  10 | 260  
14 Jun 2010 /  #7
Allison, Miguel, et al.

I see we have brilliant foreigners making their contributions.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
14 Jun 2010 /  #8
I see we have brilliant foreigners making their contributions.

Always welcome.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Jun 2010 /  #9
I find the easiest way to make them cry is to smack the sh*t out of them. Makes me feel good too. To get them to stop crying, just tell them to stop whining and smack them again.

Might take some practice to get it down well. Practice makes perfect.
Allison  4 | 117  
14 Jun 2010 /  #10
Allison, Miguel, et al.

I see we have brilliant foreigners making their contributions.

It said she was fascinated with everything American. There was this one guy who went to Poland and he said everyone was asking about Obama when they found out he was American.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
14 Jun 2010 /  #11
Tell her you prefer English women, because they're better in bed and have bigger behinds :D
pgtx  29 | 3094  
14 Jun 2010 /  #13
The last field is labeled "Telefon" right? I was looking at this one girl's profile, and under "Telefon", she actually wrote "BlackBerry 8300". Can you say "fail"?

maybe it was a joke and the one who didn't get is you...

You shouldn't make Kasia cry, because if you do, she's gonna be on your ass night and day and you'll be back here whining about some other stupid stuff... think of some better threads...
wildrover  98 | 4431  
14 Jun 2010 /  #14
Beat up her boyfriend...she is bound to have one hidden away somewhere....
George8600  10 | 630  
14 Jun 2010 /  #16
How do I make a Polish girl cry? My new Polish girlfriend (who, by the way, is named Kasia, is Catholic, smokes cigarettes and likes all things American), is always upbeat and cheerful. This is highly annoying. I've tried everything to upset her, but nothing seems to work. Help?!

Why would you want to do that? Your girlfriend sounds awesome, I wish I had a Polish girl like that which I only dream of having been single my entire life...

lol anyway, read her this poem of mine, I read it at a poetry reading and it made some people cry:


To be a plain Polish [original verse English] woman-over the hill, scrawny,
not a very good poet; to live in the countryside
with a man who is cooling (weak heart, renal cancer-
the reasons do not matter). To carry up the staircase
(the musty, narrow staircase) a tray with his breakfast,
and yourself. Write: It's your birthday
king polkakamon  - | 542  
14 Jun 2010 /  #17
They usually cry when you leave them at the airport.I remember one who cried on phone because she was in Poland and I was in Germany.Really bad to cry on phone makes the guy feel terrible.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
14 Jun 2010 /  #18
They usually cry when you leave them at the airport

tears of happiness...
OP lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39  
14 Jun 2010 /  #20
The last field is labeled "Telefon" right? I was looking at this one girl's profile, and under "Telefon", she actually wrote "BlackBerry 8300". Can you say "fail"?

maybe it was a joke and the one who didn't get is you...

I did consider this - but judging from her pictures, I'm guessing it was her that didn't get it.

Why would you want to do that? Your girlfriend sounds awesome

Mate, I don't have a girlfriend. Kasia is fictitious.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
14 Jun 2010 /  #21
Kasia''the in many sinns fallen woman''.No greek woman would give this name to her daughter.
George8600  10 | 630  
15 Jun 2010 /  #22
Believe it or not I have met Greek girls with the name Kasia or Tasia.

Anyway, why was your girlfriend crying tears of happiness when you left her at the airport?

Also how is it that you get Polish girls to cry for you over the phone with your shrewdness and for my poetry to not get a single girl to have ever even touched me....lol.... phenomenal.


Wow Southern Polkakamon how nice of you to confess...
Marek11111  9 | 808  
15 Jun 2010 /  #23
tell her hat your unit is 1 miter long but to make her happy you will cut half off, she will cry then
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
15 Jun 2010 /  #24
When she tell you that she has secret BF back home, tell her that you found out 3 months before and since then have been secretly filming all her slutty bedtime crap ;)
scottie1113  6 | 896  
15 Jun 2010 /  #25
read her this poem of mine, I read it at a poetry reading and it made some people cry:

It made me cry, because it was SO terrible, and I like good poetry. Yours was free verse at its worst.

Free verse isn't poetry. It's just prose, and that was pretty poor prose.

Don't despair. If at first you don't succeed (and you didn't) try, try again. In your case, try, try again. MANY times. Maybe you should go back to "roses are red, violets are blue,...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
15 Jun 2010 /  #26
but nothing seems to work. Help?!

You could show her a post by ZIMMY
George8600  10 | 630  
15 Jun 2010 /  #27
It made me cry, because it was SO terrible, and I like good poetry..

Well it is one of my first...

Also I am aware that it is prose...no need to be so harrowing about it.
Peeka Boo  
15 Jun 2010 /  #28
I think i saw a bill board "if you dont beat your woman then who will?"
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
15 Jun 2010 /  #29
You could show her a post by ZIMMY

Or one by southern.
ALEX1  - | 2  
15 Jun 2010 /  #30

For sure she'd cry if she's not too mean a girl.

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