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Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

Kochana_Babcia  2 | 70  
31 Jan 2007 /  #61
Death certs and social security apps are helpers KB

because they knew their own parents and they lists parents names

My father-in-law was only 50 when he passed away many years ago..on his death certificate it doesn't have any info about this parents.

My mother-in-law passed away a few years ago but unfortunately we didn't have any
contact with her since 1986..it was her choice not to see us. It's a very difficult situation with my hubby's family..he has 3 younger brothers and a sister. We

see the sister once in a while, last time was in 2005. We see one of this brothers but
the two youngest ones we haven't seen in more than 15 years. We didn't even know
that she had passed away until 2 months afterwards when we received in the mail
a Holy Card with her death information..sent from one of his brothers but no return address was included, not even a note of any kind. I felt so sad for my hubby when he

read the card..but in his heart he knew that it would be this way.
31 Jan 2007 /  #63
You are not Jose Maria by any chance, are you?

Who is Jose Maria? Inquiring minds want to know. josecitomadera translated means Little Joe Wood.
31 Jan 2007 /  #64
Who is Jose Maria

I know that soem Spanish names (yours is Spanish - right?) have two parts, such as Jose Maria, Paco Maria etc. I though it was cute, but I heard it from my friend who used to live in Columbia few years ago:). just wondering:)

I thinkg Little Joe Wood is OK.
My name is Spanish too, I got it after my cat:), which came with the name when I adopted it in Poland - so there are interesting stories behind names sometime:)
31 Jan 2007 /  #65
My name is Spanish too, I got it after my cat,

I noticed that. Miranda is Spanish. Cute story so your parents named you after your cat. That's cool. Yes, Spanish names are quite long. My full name is Josecito Pablo Madera Segarra. Josecito Pablo are the first two parts of my first name. Madera is my father's last name and Segarra is my mother's last name. WOW, that completes a Spanish name correctly.

But since I was born in NYC, American documents demand abbreviation. Are Polish names that long also?

Oh I forgot josecitomadera is the email. It's Josecito Madera.
31 Jan 2007 /  #66
I am silly indeed. Miranda is my nickname here-it's not my real name:)
31 Jan 2007 /  #67
What is your full name? I told you mine:)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
31 Jan 2007 /  #68
but in his heart he knew that it would be this way.

That is so sad :(

well, if I can try to help, somehow, someway. I will do so.
22 Feb 2007 /  #69
I'm Indian male and I did associate with a few East European girls recently (though not Polish) but Slovak, Romanian and Hungarian - they were beautiful and feminine no doubt but what I didn't like about them, they always cringe "money - money - money" and I thought only Indian girls could be greedy.

I just have a question: is the only reason these East European girls would date outside their race when they see their partner who is willing to spend on them. A proud West European girl usually would dump you off if you "kiss their ass" and money is not all that important, but from my experience with these East Europeans, they 'always" want you to spend on them - whether in a restaurant they expect you to pick the tab - they always expect you to call them on phone out of your own money - they always expect you to earn for them. That's really not good.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
22 Feb 2007 /  #70
That's really not good

Indian girls could be greedy

only reason these East European girls would date outside their race when they see their partner who is willing to spend on them.

A proud West European girl usually would dump you off if you "kiss their ass"

they always expect you to earn for them

I hope no good woman meets you. Whether she be even from another galaxy...that is...another inteeligent life form.
serpico  3 | 19  
22 Feb 2007 /  #71
well men are generally expected to pick up the tabs... its the accepted norm in every race, and certainly i wouldn't have it any other way!!

but from my experience.... i've seen beautiful slovaks and polish girls dating horrible ugly foreign guys.... and i can only think they've probably got bulging wallets... or bulging in another department...
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
22 Feb 2007 /  #72
or bulging in another department...

stomachs usually :)
6 Mar 2007 /  #73
Hi, i am polish, i am dating a punjabi guy, and we are going to get married when were ready, but for now we are together, and we love each other very much, we will have a family together, and yes i am going to move in with his family, the traditional way. I just need to finish school, and get a good paying job, as well as him, then we will settle down.
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Mar 2007 /  #74
Well, there goes another polka....
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
6 Mar 2007 /  #75
I just need to finish school, and get a good paying job, as well as him, then we will settle down.

you havent finished school and your talking about getting married??

whats going on in the world....you need to be living a life before settling down.
RazZ  1 | 180  
7 Mar 2007 /  #76
dont want to be rude, but i dont think its gonna work. i agree with king sobieski get to know life the proper way then make the big decision. anyway best of luck
7 Mar 2007 /  #77
Do you think it is possible for Polish boy to have Indian girlfriend?

Look. We eat cows in Poland. Does she accept that?
RazZ  1 | 180  
7 Mar 2007 /  #78
Quoting: MaklerDublin
Do you think it is possible for Polish boy to have Indian girlfriend?

Look. We eat cows in Poland. Does she accept that?

if she has come from a religious back ground, then its considered a bad thing to eat meat.
7 Mar 2007 /  #79
I know. I am just laughing.
RazZ  1 | 180  
7 Mar 2007 /  #80
lets not be too hard on MaklerDublin at least wish him luck. :) :)
7 Mar 2007 /  #81
Best wishes for MaklerDublin:).
9 Mar 2007 /  #82
I have a Chinese girlfrend at the moment and she is great :) Not cultural problems at all or whatever. Her parents asnd siblings really like me, visited her 3 times:)

I don't know why, but Indian girls we not interested in me. Have met many in my life, but they all were just friends. Anyway I wish you good luck with her :)
11 Mar 2007 /  #83
I'm an indian guy in love with a polish girl . I'm really considering a future with her. She too feels the same . Polish girls are better than all the western european girls who are too feministic.They really care about men and they know that they are "women". As a guy, I'm attracted to her femininity.
12 Mar 2007 /  #84
hallo Friends , im South Indian , but born in Germany .
I have a Russian Girl Friend she ist the Great and i love her. but my Parents don't like her ,
what can i Do ????? Please help me
30 Mar 2007 /  #85
my mother is polish, my father is indian
they have been together for over sixteen years
and everything is sweet.
Peter  3 | 248  
31 Mar 2007 /  #86
My brother is married to an Indian girl (since July 2006). One thing, the local Indian community is different to what you will find in the UK. My ex was also Indian.
daffy  22 | 1153  
31 Mar 2007 /  #87
One thing, the local Indian community is different to what you will find in the UK. My ex was also Indian.

howso? wearing shoes in the house, drinking tea in the kitchen only? clothing habits?

v curious to know
Peter  3 | 248  
31 Mar 2007 /  #88
The Indian community in Trinidad (45% of the population) are nearly all descendents of the indentured labourers who came to the West Indies after the abolition of slavery. They would therefore be of lower castes than that of those who emigrated to the UK. Their food is also different to the UK indian food.
irish girl  3 | 23  
31 Mar 2007 /  #89
i'd say curried beetroot would b great!!!
Peter  3 | 248  
31 Mar 2007 /  #90
You mean curried potato. Two of the local indian delicacies are roti and doubles. A UK indian will not have a clue what you are talking about.

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