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Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

11 Jan 2007 /  #1
Do you think it is possible for Polish boy to have Indian girlfriend? Do you possibly know any examples among your friends?
11 Jan 2007 /  #2
helo makerDublin

everythings possible.i'm indian with a polish girlfriend.most my friends are polish and no one has any problems with us.both our families havent shown any disaproval either.so i've been very fortunate.some of my friends (polish) have dated non polish girls.:)

problems will only occur if your friends and family disaprove.
OP MaklerDublin  
12 Jan 2007 /  #3
Thank you Mutley for your opinion.
12 Jan 2007 /  #4
If she's 2nd generation or 3rd generation then there would be no problem on her part.The only problem would probably from her family if they are really traditional.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
12 Jan 2007 /  #5
If she's 2nd generation or 3rd generation

sorry tauas... 2nd or 3rd generation what...?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
12 Jan 2007 /  #6
I see many and know a couple of American men with Asian women. I'm yet to see one with an Indian woman. However, Indian men are often seen with white women.

I work with a very cute Indian girl of 27 - born and raised in the US almost "throwing" herself at young men the office. No takers so far...
14 Jan 2007 /  #7
well i think its possible why not i saw polish male he is my customer if he can have black girl friend polish can have indian girl as well but this kind of example cant be to many if polish girls can have black boy friends then whats problem with the indians ?????

i am pakistani i had 3 polish girl friends in 5 years but its true theh can not be a good house wifes. there is one add on the gum tree polish girl living in netherland loking for pakistani husband check it date is 10-01-07 or 09-01-07 .... every man or woman like different culture and people let them to do what ever they like its non of our problem in this world every one are free like you like me . thanks thats it no hard feelings
15 Jan 2007 /  #8
I object. Polish girls can be good housewifes they can be good friend of yours and they can be good mother it totaly depends on your mentality and who you with.

I am a bangladeshi and i am with my girlfriend over 2 years. I swear to god i have never met any bangladeshi or Indian girls are as nice as her. We love each other so much. You are right every man and woman are different. And we all know pakistanis are totaly different. They are not Indian not arab not english influenced. They are never soft and never flexible and never treat their girsl properly.

And please dont compare indian girls with black girls.
15 Jan 2007 /  #9
uk_  8 | 85  
15 Jan 2007 /  #10
LOL what's going on? Tareq & Imran are after polish girl..

Hey man pakistani & bangali girls are far better then poles. I advise you leave those dirty poles and choose someone from your country
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #11
uk you insult your mother, since your father married outside his nationality....just think before you speak you are half and half......
OP MaklerDublin  
16 Jan 2007 /  #12
Hey, please do not fight here...!

Imran, Tarek, UK if you say Polish girls are wonderful/dirty, or Polish girls are good/bad, please do explain WHY you think so. Why did you (Imran) have 3 Polish girlfriends in 5 years. Why the relationship has ended? Why Pakistani/Bangali girls are better than Polish according to you UK?

And just to remind… I was interested in knowing if a relationship between an Indian girl and a Polish boy is possible… And by relationship I mean something long term… being a couple and then possibly to marry somebody.

Thanks for the comments so far. I did not expect to receive so many responses :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2007 /  #13
Hey man pakistani & bangali girls are far better then poles. I advise you leave those dirty poles and choose someone from your country

You are still here, subhuman ?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jan 2007 /  #14
Yeah...I thought he was banned a while ago.
uk_  8 | 85  
18 Jan 2007 /  #15
subhuman ?

Yea i' still here jungle boy
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jan 2007 /  #16
Tarazn was a jungle boy...he did a-ok :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
18 Jan 2007 /  #17
Wasnt there a film - George of the Jungle! maybe the Polish version was Grzegorz_ of the Jungle!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2007 /  #18
i' still here

Yeah, I see...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
18 Jan 2007 /  #19
Yea i' still here

and still as funny as ever...
18 Jan 2007 /  #20
Polish woman, british woman, indian woman or african woman... a true woman is the one who has a beautiful heart, and a kind behaviour. A woman who can creat, give life and be illumined....

indian or whatever... if you love polish or whatever, then go ahead.....why beat drums about it?.....i mean.....there are more things to disscuss!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
18 Jan 2007 /  #21
well said LS
David_18  65 | 966  
18 Jan 2007 /  #22
I advise you leave those dirty poles

Big P PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Maybe you should start to take a shower and then speak. I can smell you from here in Sweden.
uk_  8 | 85  
18 Jan 2007 /  #23
You guys live in Jungle with animals. So please take shower using shampoo & shower gel before moving to UK

If you don't believe me visit an area called east ham in london where 90% are poles The place is soooooooooooooooo dirty... rubbish everywhere in the street.

Is there any Dustbin in poland? If not we could donate some ...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
18 Jan 2007 /  #24
hahahahahaha... youre soooooooooooooo funny uk_.... the best joke ever...
svengoolie  1 | 112  
18 Jan 2007 /  #25
uk_ Isnt there ever a day that youre not a A_S_S Hole???????
Sparky  - | 92  
18 Jan 2007 /  #26
You guys live in Jungle with animals. So please take shower using shampoo & shower gel before moving to UK

If you don't believe me visit an area called east ham in london where 90% are poles The place is soooooooooooooooo dirty... rubbish everywhere in the street.

Is there any Dustbin in poland? If not we could donate some ...

You sound like somone who has been dumped by a polish girl.
Now your mad and want to take it out on all of them.:)

You English sound just like a bunch of old women. Maybe you should get a King for a change.

Hi my name is U.K. and I live on an island.
Sorry if I am so narrow minded.
It's not a very big island.
svengoolie  1 | 112  
18 Jan 2007 /  #27
Hi my name is U.K. and I live on an island

With my mommy and daddy!
krysia  23 | 3058  
18 Jan 2007 /  #28
With a coconut in one hand, banana in the other
svengoolie  1 | 112  
18 Jan 2007 /  #29
and dont froget his wielblad kolezanka:)
svengoola  - | 69  
19 Jan 2007 /  #30
Me and Svennie
Riding in a cart
He has a penny
I have his heart

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