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Good looking Polish women with ugly men

pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Dec 2010 /  #91
well, first of all he's a Jersey boy....so....
wildrover  98 | 4431  
1 Dec 2010 /  #92
how do all these ugly Polish men have such pretty daughters?

don,t put ideas in their heads...they will all be asking for blood tests....
1 Dec 2010 /  #93
I know that part! :p But how do all these ugly Polish men have such pretty daughters?

Maye ugly male features looks well on female faces. How about that? ;)

Lol! Compared to them you Polish boys are all a bunch of model studs! :D

He menstioned also "US" (or maybe he meant "us"?)

well, first of all he's a Jersey boy....so....

there is a special name for them but I forgot...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #94
there is a special name for them but I forgot...

Guido, Italian American juice head gorilla, usually from New Jersey or New York
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Dec 2010 /  #95
there is a special name for them but I forgot...

tępe marchewy? ;)
1 Dec 2010 /  #96
Guido, Italian American juice head gorilla, usually from New Jersey or New York

spot on!

tępe marchewy? ;)

guesswho  4 | 1272  
1 Dec 2010 /  #97
One thing that has always struck me as rather odd there is the abundance of beautifully attractive Polish young women in relationships with, let's be honest, quite horrifying men

I can only agree with you. Sorry guys, but most of the Polish guys are ugly. I'm not attacking or bashing anyone here, just being honest.
almer  1 | 9  
1 Dec 2010 /  #98
bcoz they believe handsome boys hangout with them only couple of days than will separate on the other hand lets say ugly boy will never let them alone bcoz ugly boys know that they can not find that beautiful girl !!
jarnowa  4 | 499  
1 Dec 2010 /  #99
Lol! Compared to them you Polish boys are all a bunch of model studs! :D

are you gay? ;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
2 Dec 2010 /  #100
Girls seam to like footballer Jakub Jesionkowski so they all can't be ugly

guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #101
Matter of taste. I don't think that this guy looks good. Maybe average. OK, in Poland he might be considered handsome. Besides, I never said that all Polish guys are ugly.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Dec 2010 /  #102
bcoz they believe handsome boys hangout with them only couple of days than will separate on the other hand lets say ugly boy will never let them alone bcoz ugly boys know that they can not find that beautiful girl !!

You're not the first person here to mention this. Do you think this is really a concern for Polish girls, truly a conscious decision?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #103
Do you think this is really a concern for Polish girls

good question. I personally believe that they don't have much choice and get what's available.
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Dec 2010 /  #104
Matter of taste. I don't think that this guy looks good.

I think you'll change your opinion when you're fourty.

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
2 Dec 2010 /  #105
Matter of taste.

well what's yours type then? any examples?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #106
I think you'll change your opinion when you're fourty.

You mean, change my personal taste as far as guys? I'm not so sure about that.

well what's yours type then? any examples?

Sorry, don't have any pics. Besides, it's the whole person that makes one attractive. Alone the cover doesn't count anyway (well, it helps a little, :-)).
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
2 Dec 2010 /  #107
I just want to know why this is the case.

Do you think it is wasting of their beauty? ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Dec 2010 /  #108
Matter of taste.

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Dec 2010 /  #109
Besides, it's the whole person that makes one attractive. Alone the cover doesn't count anyway (well, it helps a little

So all these uggy Polish dudes scoring the hot chicks must all have great personalities?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #110
Not necessarily. I repeat myself, "I personally believe that they don't have much choice and get what's available". (talking about Polish girls)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
2 Dec 2010 /  #111
So all these uggy Polish dudes scoring the hot chicks must all have great personalities?

In my village the girls , who are all quite pretty go for the guys who are not drunk every night , have a car of some kind that works , and have money to spend on them..

Looks don,t come into it....
Jonas_m  - | 9  
2 Dec 2010 /  #112
Not necessarily. I repeat myself, "I personally believe that they don't have much choice and get what's available". (talking about Polish girls)

OR, they can do what my missus did. Go abroad and find a boyfriend! (talking about me of course!) ;D
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #113
OR, they can do what my missus did. Go abroad and find a boyfriend!

yep, it happens a lot.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Dec 2010 /  #114
Not necessarily. I repeat myself, "I personally believe that they don't have much choice and get what's available".

In my village the girls , who are all quite pretty go for the guys who are not drunk every night , have a car of some kind that works , and have money to spend on them..

Looks don,t come into it....

Of course not every girl can land the cream of the male crop, but all this making do with what they can get and settling for what is available is all somehow very saddening.

Nice, genuine, pretty girls, be they in Poland or wherever, deserve better.
No wonder so many of them try to get outside of P-Land...

Go abroad and find a boyfriend!

yep, it happens a lot.

peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
2 Dec 2010 /  #115
Hmm guys I rarely noticed here (PF) threads like that how to repair Polish lock, tap, radiator, shower etc but plenty of lets say gossip threads (obrabianie dupy). Big noses, bald heads etc Maybe due of 50 years of deep freeze we are still more masculine than Western guys?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
2 Dec 2010 /  #116
Yup..Polish guys have more male hormones...thats why your all as bald as a badgers ass...!
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Dec 2010 /  #117
we are still more masculine than Western guys?

hm, I don't think so, sorry. I lived in Poland long enough to be able to compare. Maybe you need to come over here and then we'll discuss about it again.

thats why your all as bald as a badgers ass...!

and I was told, it's a fashion in Poland.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
2 Dec 2010 /  #118
There are possibly more "handsome" women than men on this planet. But you guys wouldn't have it any other way ;).
There's very little you can do with the male form except to fill it out a bit and tan the outside.
I guess the best bet in Poland is to try to have daughters if you want handsome children.

But yeah, there are recognised elements that make up good looks in women and men. I think physique is an important part, as well as facial structure, eyes and hair. Nice smile, ethnic origin???

If Polish women are with bruts well maybe that's because there are just too many soft faced, conservative Polish men who'd rather be reading Mackiewicz than experience any of the godly delights of a woman's body... I call them mumma's boys.

For me there are 3 main catagories of Polish male, and these include:

the educated man versus the uneducated man
the spiritual man versus the non spiritual man
the tolerant man versus the non tolerant man

I find it better if they possess more of some and less of others...
wildrover  98 | 4431  
2 Dec 2010 /  #119
and I was told, it's a fashion in Poland.

The shaved head is to disguise the fact they are going bald..not because they think its cool to look like a Russian gulag prisoner...
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
2 Dec 2010 /  #120
Maybe you need to come over here

no way ;)

I never heard anyone of my friends dare to judge which nation has more handsome men than other.

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