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Polish Girls vs Russian Girls

Donkeys Penis  
10 Dec 2006 /  #241
Toilet duck. And yes Krisikroso, I have met the icon that is lynda, and we remain friends. Every summer we share a 3 birth together in the peak district. Her favourite tipple is Oozo served in a petit filou tub with a small plastic troll on the top
14 Dec 2006 /  #242
Hi Hobbitual and everyone else.
I was just browsing the internet on my lunch break and came accross this blog.

I hope you dont mind me replting to your discussion?

I am a british male and i must say the the vast majority of brits, actually like poles. I infact have a polish friend and i must say. you are kind, caring, intelligent, and hardworking people.

You probably got the idea brits dont like poles from the tabloid press,
I must stress (and this is soming who works for a proper paper (the Times)

Tabloids print sensationalised nonsense that has little bearing on actual fact.
Tabloids such as Sun, Mail, Mirror etc. are similar to the US national Inquirer paper (total nonsense)

You are good people you helped us immensley in world war 2. You are welcome.

Regards x
krysia  23 | 3058  
14 Dec 2006 /  #243
Now here is a sensible guy!
Good people see other good people. Bad people see only the bad.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
14 Dec 2006 /  #244
i just went shopping in asda and the place was full of idiots... does that make me an idiot...?

sorry... rhetorical question... im obviously an idiot for shopping in asda on a thursday afternoon...
Mr S Welsh  
14 Dec 2006 /  #245
It’s OK we all have moments of madness, I went to Ikea last Sunday, and really I am old enough to know better a sofa, bought it spent 2 hours trying to fit it in the Discovery, then took it back out and paid the 30 pounds delivery charge that I had been trying avoid.

That doesn’t make me an idiot, just stupid.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Dec 2006 /  #246
Ikea is the biggest eye sore.
14 Dec 2006 /  #247
Russian are batter. Let's fuce the truth.
14 Dec 2006 /  #248
. Let's fuce the truth.

How do I fuce, and there any health risks?

I'm only joking, I understood
17 Dec 2006 /  #249
Hi, you sound lovely. I am looking for a Polish wife. Do you have any pics. Chris - London

In a world of hype and stereotypes, the Dove brand provides a refreshing alternative for women who recognise that beauty isn’t simply about how you look.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
17 Dec 2006 /  #250
The Dove brand works for men too, you know... :)
dziwna_gruszka  - | 197  
17 Dec 2006 /  #251
i love dove brands i mean my dad uses dove soap and everyone in my family and it's works perfectly fine for everyone you know..
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
17 Dec 2006 /  #252
I find that Dove soap just melts away. I mean it never seems to last more than a day or two.
17 Dec 2006 /  #253
In a world of hype and stereotypes, the Dove brand provides a refreshing alternative for women who recognise that beauty isn’t simply about how you look.

I think that he had the advertisment of Dove with women models who were not skinny, just regular gals(as Brits say), with all the curves and such. It has been very popular since it came out because it does not support the model look for women anymore.

However, Dove's profits went up really hight and I am wondering if it has anything to do with promoting real looks for women or making money in advertising (again)?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #254
Well I have sensitive skin and Dove soap makes me itch - Advertising miranda thats how a product sells.
17 Dec 2006 /  #255
Advertising miranda thats how a product sells.

I have nothing against it. I know how it works. The problem I have with Dove is that they try to sell, using various images, nowdays, regular looking women under the pretence that they support that look.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #256
I think the ads are very good and yes they got the message across that women come in all shapes and sizes, it still makes me itch so Im not going to buy it regarless what the ad shows.

Whilst on this point, in England they are going to be putting obecety warnings in clothes size 16 and up....not a good marketing ploy since the average size in the UK is 14 / 16
Syrena_04  2 | 88  
17 Dec 2006 /  #257
Ah, yes, as if only obese people were at risk of developing health problems. I know obesity is a factor in some health problems but so is jogging, playing tennis, hunting, shovelling snow, raking leaves and driving. I don't know about you but I see plenty of thin people in hospitals' emergency rooms, too.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Dec 2006 /  #258
they are actually putting a help line number along with the warning, I have a friend who would be classed as very over-weight, she has a thyroid problem which she has had for many years she cant help being over weight, she goes to the gym regularly and doesnt eat a massive amount, I think its disgusting. Whist I am all in favour of people eating healthy and looking after themselves there are those out there with medical problems which means that they will never be a size 8

put health warnings on damn McDonalds and all those other fast food places
dziwna_gruszka  - | 197  
17 Dec 2006 /  #259
That is so mean what if people can't loose weight because of a condition that is horrible to say oh your obese because your size 16 ... so they want like anorexic chicks and guys watlking around the city...
Carlos  - | 3  
27 Dec 2006 /  #260
Well I was looking some information about Poland and I find this blog, a lot of insults degradation and superficial concepts in my own personal opinion all this is mierda, because you don’t need all this to find someone special, Russian girls vs. Poland girls that not exist, they are simply different, and yes the men is insecure, I was, but now I don’t give a ****, the last weekend I was in Acapulco und I known a Polish girl, i'm fascinating with her loveliness but most important with her person, then we had an delicious and tropical weekend together and you know what?...........i want to repeat.,,,I love polish girls. =-)
29 Dec 2006 /  #261
polish women give better sex
2 Jan 2007 /  #262
Im english with a Polish GF and i must say..i love it!!!
ps. English women are not fat!!!
uk_  8 | 85  
2 Jan 2007 /  #263
polish women give better sex

So you often visit red area?

put health warnings on damn McDonalds and all those other fast food places

What Mcdonald's did to you.? I love their food. visit makeupyourownmind.co.uk
dziwna_gruszka  - | 197  
3 Jan 2007 /  #264
Ewww Macdonald's is disgusting...p.s. i like fries and hamburgers but only homemade... lol
sledz  23 | 2247  
3 Jan 2007 /  #265
Have you ever been to White Castle??? mmmm Slyders!!!!
David_18  65 | 966  
4 Jan 2007 /  #266
I think that girls that are 100% Polish are really hot or maybe mixed whit some german or italian gens. But not these russian mixes.when the russians anexed Poland they threw over many russians in poland so the population specially in the eastern regions are very russian but not so much ass in white russia.

For me it should be a 100% Polish hot girl.:)
8 Jan 2007 /  #267
I am surprised at the level of racial characterization. Say in that Russian women are this, and Polish women are that and so on is meaningless. Nationality has anything to do with physical attractiveness or personality for that matter. Yes, ethnicity does have some level of influence on a given individual, but to say that it’s a social characteristic of valuation is purely racist, i.e. Polish women are hotter then Russian women. I have met many hot Russian and Polish women and for that matter many other East European women. There are attractive and "hot ", if that's what you want to call it in all nationalities. I found many beautiful women from all ethnic backrounds. Why? Because we are a;; just human beings, sentient beings with feelings, hopes and desires.
uk_  8 | 85  
10 Jan 2007 /  #268
The 'Polish girl' rumour of being good looking might come from the fact that the polish girl is more popular in the sex industry (i.e. a larger supply) than their minority colleges, the english girls. English girls arent often workin in the sex industry.

English girls (from what i heard) give a lot about their buisness and career, n so this comes first, n the dating n family can come 10 years afterwards. Therefore english girls apparently dont style themselves up as much as polish girls. Men here invest a lot into their polish girl's looks. Polish men here dont look the best, because a polish girl is more easily gotten (im doin it too now) through the green paper than through a man's looks. Ive seen it happen that the ugliest men here have the nicest girls.

Girls here style themselves up like crazy and are willing to let themselves go for money, so thats how they get popular. But with english girls... they dont let themselves go, they are too concentrated about their career n so they dont let themselves go the way polish girls here in poland do.
10 Jan 2007 /  #269
is ther any nice sexy polish like to go on a day with me i am 22 from uk
Frank  23 | 1183  
10 Jan 2007 /  #270
How come there are no guys asking for an average to ugly girl to go out with....who isn't in heat nor a bunny boiler....?

Innocent q guys!!

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