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Polish Girls vs Russian Girls

wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2010 /  #481
Well there you are...! thats the opinion of the two posters on the forum that know least about women , but are in there spouting about something that is still a mystery to them...As soon as any thread has any possible connection to any form of sex , there are two people who are just certain to appear...God knows what they will be like if they actually get to have sex with some dumb woman one day....?
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
7 Jan 2010 /  #482
God knows what they will be like if they actually get to have sex with some dumb woman one day

Can you give me your wife's phone number?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2010 /  #483
Why not..? she really needs a stalker...and she is not my wife yet....
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
7 Jan 2010 /  #484
and she is not my wife yet....

Well, you are not as unlucky as I thought!
jl1  - | 6  
7 Jan 2010 /  #485
women from both contries are pretty. however there are more pretty girls in Poland than in Russia. in Russia 90% of pretty girls live in Moscow (Moscow ladies are very pretty though)whereas in Poland they live in every city.from my personal experience i can say Polish women are more family oriented,they want to get married and have children.Russians , the vast majority of them, are after money or other benefits (eg. having EU citizenship,Polish girls don't need that),Russia has the highest number of abortions per woman of child-bearing age in the world according to UN data.

Polish girls dress better and have more class. i find them better educated . never search for a girlfriend on websides with russian brides.

my personal choice is POLISH GIRLS.although i believe there are nice Rus too .i love Polish look

though it must be said the best Polish girls live in Poland.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2010 /  #486
never search for a girlfriend on websides with russian brides.

I agree...they are truly terrible people these Russian women....
jl1  - | 6  
7 Jan 2010 /  #487
no, they are cheaters. Russian women who look for foreign men in such websides. why are they looking for foreign men? aren't there enough Russian men in their country? it's alright to meet Russians ,become friends and later date them but it's stupid to look for wife on such webside
king polkakamon  - | 542  
7 Jan 2010 /  #488
In this case I am no racist to make distinctions.Both russian and polish girls fit me.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2010 /  #489
stupid to look for wife on such webside

I will try to remember this when i marry my Moscow lady...that i met on the internet...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
7 Jan 2010 /  #490
No,I just arranged a weekend trip.It is not very expensive.I know men who spend about 5000 euro for one-week holiday in Ukraine.
I am low budget.(Christmas,New Year Eve I bled dry because of girls asking for presents,when will summer come?).

But do you see?Slavic girls are moved by the man who sacrifices himself and is generous.They don't like the counters.

For example you are in Poland.You can get your Harley and invade Ukraine anytime you want and bring the booty to Polska.(jealous of your strategic position).
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2010 /  #491
You can get your Harley and invade Ukraine anytime you want

I have already been to the Ukraine on my Harley...i would not do it again...the roads are terrible , but the people and the beer is nice....
bullfrog  6 | 602  
7 Jan 2010 /  #492
aren't there enough Russian men in their country

Precisely, that's one of the pbs..Because of much shorter life expectancy (russian men: 62 years vs russian women: 74 years), ,there is an acute shortage of men in Russia (only 86 men for every 100 women). So lets' go guys!!

king polkakamon  - | 542  
7 Jan 2010 /  #493
Because of much shorter life expectancy (russian men: 62 years vs russian women: 74 years), ,there is an acute shortage of men in Russia (only 86 men for every 100 women). So lets' go guys!!

Yes,there is acute shortage of men in the ages of 62 to 74 in order to satisfy same age women.
jl1  - | 6  
7 Jan 2010 /  #494
Russian men drink too much and die too quickly.

there's one girl in the video i met last summer
king polkakamon  - | 542  
7 Jan 2010 /  #495
Polish girls dancing.


Eastern block magic.



Polish beach.
Ogien  5 | 237  
8 Jan 2010 /  #496
I don't know dude, but your country is the one who started with the prno thing and I don't want to guess how many girls you know have been in a prn film, even though your country is so rich and powerful LOL

America does have its fair share of dumb sluts. I have no shame admitting that.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
19 Jan 2010 /  #497
Polish girls are more beautiful,kinder,softer,sweeter and more decent.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
19 Jan 2010 /  #498
And both Polish and Russian ones smarter than one from LA.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
19 Jan 2010 /  #499
No there are a few dumb ones.You dont have silicon valley or the best hospital in the world like LA doesn so layoff.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
19 Jan 2010 /  #500
Honestly, I feel safe as long as we don't have the dumbest lady I've ever beheld in my life. I've always tried to ignore your posts but looks like you went a bit too far this time. Btw writer, what's the language you write in?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
19 Jan 2010 /  #501
Aha, the cold war is hotting up again;) I'm moving to New Zealand.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
19 Jan 2010 /  #502
The US is fine, Szar. People are very nice over there, but... there's a black sheep in every flock, you know... So stay where you are. :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
19 Jan 2010 /  #503
True. It's amazing the amount of generalisation that goes on here at times.
Crow  154 | 9556  
19 Jan 2010 /  #504
Polish Girls vs Russian Girls

to tell you frankly- most appropriate words here would be `mortal combat`
LAGirl  9 | 496  
20 Jan 2010 /  #505
Polish girls have more class and looks nice. Russians have barley any morals and are the biggest users on earth. I agree with what most people say on here about Russian girls.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
20 Jan 2010 /  #506
Russians have barley any morals and are the biggest users on earth

Oh...so my Russian lady was lying then....?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
20 Jan 2010 /  #507
Are there any Russian girls on this post or is it just Polish women slagging off their physically superior Slavic Nemesis?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
20 Jan 2010 /  #508
I only know of Natalia on here who is Russian , and a couple of Russian guys , but most are Polish i think...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
23 Jan 2010 /  #509
Guest - I must say I'm not sure what you're asking about. So let's say you're a 40, 45, 50, or whatever old man looking for love. Will it really matter to you (be honest) if she's Polish or Russian, or American, British, Asian, etc. when you turn 65 and need/hope someone will help you to change your adult diaper? Insteadof worrying whether you should date a Polish or a Russian lady let's face it - anyone who loves us at our "worst" will be great. You act as if you're a "God's gift" to Slavic women - if that was the case you wouldn't be looking for a wife in an online "catalog".

I'd like to rephrase your question - "I was wondering what is the difference between a Russian or a Polish woman being willing to consider dating me?"

"I know they all are beautiful, but in more details - why would any of them choose me?"

"should any of them choose to date me - which one will stay with me for the long run???"

The answer is - the one who falls in love with you!!!

Love knows no borders, religions, nationalities, etc.

Realize you're the lucky one where top notch, well educated and classy women even consider looking at you, much less dating you!!!
George8600  10 | 630  
23 Jan 2010 /  #510
Do Russians get into Japan for free??

Absolutely not...

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