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How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls?

rankalee  2 | 56  
15 Aug 2012 /  #1
I am Polish or rather Upper Silesian, but I was born and I live in Germany. Germany is a very multicultural country, in history and nowadays.

Poland turns into the most multicultural country ever, more than the USA in my opinion, even if there are not living any foreigners compared to Germany, UK, France. The reason are Polish girls, mostly called "Patologia", searching for a man with money or just searching for a foreign man to show their friends "I have a foreign guy" ... more ridicolous then these girls are these men who are in love with them, but thats a other issue xD

I want to know, cause I hear always "He married a Polish girl", "My girlfriend is Polish" .. and thousands of other combinations, how many girls are living in a relationships with foreigners and how many are married?? I guess, almost 4-6 million Polish girls .. thats crazy!!

A other question is, how many Polish boys are married or living in a relationship with foreign girls?? Is it often in the UK? In Germany, Poles are rather assimilated, so they are often in a relationship with German girls, but there are not culture differences, same lifestyle etc.

I was in a relationship with German girls and Turkish girls (too much culture differences) I dated also a Brazilian girl and a few Russians. What about other Poles??

I hope to meet a South Korean girl and I would never even think about it to date a Polish girl, I would be to ashamed in front of my family ... even my father told me as child: "Never date a Polish girl"

Why are foreigners so ignorant in this issue?? Polish girls are dangerous .. if you dont have money for a house or a new car or a kitchen or whatever, she will annoy you .. are you so uneducated like them???
milky  13 | 1656  
15 Aug 2012 /  #2
i think the number is between 3-4000, but I could be wrong.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Aug 2012 /  #3

Why is knowing a number of Poles who marry non-Poles important to you? If you ever got a correct figure what would you do with the information? I can't see any number you get ever proving anything.
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
15 Aug 2012 /  #4
Like I wrote, I was born and grow up in Germany. This country dont have any historical culture nowadays in the big city life. When I was in Poland, I could feel an old European flair. I want to know, when Poland turns into a multicultural place like Germany or the UK? I dont even think multicluti is bad .. I hate Europe to be honest and want to move to NYC or Seoul in 5-6 years, which are rather some multicultural places.

I am just intrested, when Poland turns into the "Little USA" and if only Polish girls are the reason for "destroying" the Polish culture. Cause I guess, 4-6 million Polish girls are living in a relationship with foreigners, what means, 4-10 Million influences from other cultures to Poland ... almost 1/4 of the population.

And just because I was intrested, I asked, how many Polish men are living in a foreign relationship compared to woman. I think the relationship between a Polish man and a foreign woman holds on longer, because these men are hard working and family people, they know, what true love means.
milky  13 | 1656  
15 Aug 2012 /  #5
"Little USA"

they'll never get that fat, Polish women are the slim babes of Europe.
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
15 Aug 2012 /  #6
Polish women are the slim babes of Europe.

Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Aug 2012 /  #7
Like I wrote,

I think you are rather confused dude.
I reckon the ratio of females over males is higher in the Eastern Europe due to war losses. This is not true for western countries. So it may seems that girls from Poland are interested in foreigners very much, personally I doubt that.

Also, I doubt there is any statistic you ask for.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Aug 2012 /  #8

Well, your posting is one of what seems to be a never ending stream on PF about why or how many Poles should go to bed with foreigners. There never is an answer is there?

It's a very odd obsession for so many people (or more likely just a few with multiple profiles) to have. It seems to me as if some just want to discover if there is any reality to their prnographic fantasies. That or there is so much hatred and/or self-loathing for all things Polish that there is a bizarre hope that Poland will be copulated out of existence since so many others have failed in the past to destroy it through war and oppression.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Aug 2012 /  #9
My wife is a South Korean, and I'm a Polish. We also have a child. I didn't meet her in US or other parts of Western Europe, but in Poland where she came on an academic trip. No, this romance was not like hollywood (puke), it was way better and more respectful and a wonderful experience. We are living a good life in Poland, with all good relationships with our parents and inlaws.

I didn't marry her because Polish girls are horriable. Infact, Polish girls are some of the best one can ever come across. But love is something that just happens, and its not explainable.

There are many Polish girls married with foreign men not for money, infact these men live and work hard to make a living in Poland along with their wife to support a decent family. There is nothing wrong with that.

There are some Polish men married with decent foreign girls too, not because our women are horriable, but just because its a new world and we are a part of it. Love is best when it happens for its own sake, and not material boundaries.

Your post seems to be highlighting that you love to date women of different nationalities. If that is true, you are the one with the problem, not the woman. You don't have love, but you are just trailing on your lust.

Be careful.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Aug 2012 /  #10
t seems to me as if some just want to discover if there is any reality to their pûrnographic fantasies.

That would be that, some poor butt ugly, with zero personality jerking off jerk, dreams that by a virtue of being foreigner he will become centrer of attention for swarms of lovely and horny Polish women.

I guess those dreams are hard to kill.
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
15 Aug 2012 /  #11
Your post seems to be highlighting that you love to date women of different nationalities.

Thats not true!! Dating, meeting each other, and having a friendship or more, learning about new cultures, languages etc with respect is something different of leaving a country without any education, any money and any language skills ... with the aim to find a foreign man because of money, pursueing a lazy lifestyle and a fake prestige in front of fake friends.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Aug 2012 /  #12
leaving a country without any education, any money.

Are you talking about your mum?
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
15 Aug 2012 /  #13
My mother came with my father and her parents one year before fall of the communism to Germany cause her grandmother lived here ... I was born one year later. She was almost fluent in German, since her childhood.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Aug 2012 /  #14
Good for her, now that I have your attention.
If you haven't noticed so far, your "observations" are nothing more than generalisations, what more those are uneducated generalisations.
Mixed marriages (I mean marriages between different nationals)are far and between statistically speaking. As for relationships - either people are promiscuous or not, it has nothing to do with ethnicity.

I hope that will help you!:)
Szlachcic  - | 36  
16 Aug 2012 /  #15
Reading through this thread frightens me! I can't believe some of the things I've seeing on here.

I sincerely hope that majority of our people marry each other.

Ethnic Polish children are beautiful and a treasure to our country!

My heart aches upon seeing our women in marriage with a non-European, especially a non-white.

Sorry, but this is my opinion!

I am all for Slavic unity - if Poles don't want to marry each other, then head eastwards and find a different Slavic man/woman to share relationship with.

This is my dream for the future of Poland - to have multi-Slavic nation like before WWII, and not a nation like the UK, in which many cities are now barely recognizable as European!!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Aug 2012 /  #16
to have multi-Slavic nation like before WWII

You know nothing of Poland before ww2. Infact, you might not be in Poland right now either. I can safely assume you are an american.

Polish men and women are citizens of a free country and can make their own decisions. No need for interference.

Yes, inter marriages in Poland are less than it is in UK, maybe because we dont have foreigners that much. But those who come here are so fond of Poland and its people, that they stay here forever and are often found into wonderful relationships. White or not white does not matter, a good person matters. A good person is not a ********* or a casanova.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Aug 2012 /  #17
Ethnic Polish children are beautiful and a treasure to our country!

Except that "ethnic" Poles are likely a melting pot of more than just Poles. You can see, for instance, that quite a few people look rather like ethnic Tatars in Poland.

My heart aches upon seeing our women in marriage with a non-European, especially a non-white.

Tell the truth - it aches because you realise that these guys are better, more successful and frankly cleverer than you. You also realise that Polish women simply don't want to go out with an internet racist.

This is my dream for the future of Poland - to have multi-Slavic nation like before WWII, and not a nation like the UK, in which many cities are now barely recognizable as European!!

Which worked oh-so-well for Poland, didn't it?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
16 Aug 2012 /  #18
My heart aches upon seeing our women in marriage with a non-European, especially a non-white.

Why? It shouldn't as we all descend from one woman - Eve (was she black or white or yellow?).
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
16 Aug 2012 /  #19
My heart aches upon seeing our women in marriage with a non-European, especially a non-white.

Then stay forever in Poland ... one day abroad and you will die because of the aches ...

I never saw a Polish woman in a relationship with a Polish man. That is unbelievable for me.

These women are not worth to get aches, believe me! If you like this Slavic nation so much, watch for Ukrainan, Belorussian or Russian girls. They are wonderfull, they have family imaginations, a warm heart, their whole aura is .. warm ... you can just feel comfortable. Once living together in a relationship, or even a marriage, you can be sure, that she never cheats and that family is the most important thing .. while a Polish woman will be more and more greedy, cause one of her Polish friends who married a German or British doctor or manager, drives with a new car or lives in a big house ... than she will be greedy, also looking for a rich man ... thats typical Polish.

Or look for a Upper Silesian woman, if you are also Upper Silesian .. and I dont mean these one who had a German Shepherd dog in their family, only real ones. I mean Upper Silesian who give a **** to Germany and also to Poland.
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #20
are you so uneducated like them???

Educated you may be but that doesnt make up for the ridiculous original post.

Your rant is pathetic, derogatory, biased and has gross inexperience written all over it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Aug 2012 /  #21
I hope to meet a South Korean girl and I would never even think about it to date a Polish girl, I would be to ashamed in front of my family ...

That's a terrible advice.. especially since your father married a Polish girl..
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
16 Aug 2012 /  #22
Maybe because of that reason? They are both Polish, father and mother, but not typical Polish "goroly" ino "hanysy" ... there are also some differences. But that dont means, they are pro - Germany. Maybe as a gorol I would date Polish girls and dont give a **** about their honorless behaviour?? I dunno .. but in this case .. I can not .. its impossible for me. I never saw a Polish girl in a relationship to a Polish man and there must be reason. Maybe it is in Poland different?? Is all of this Patologia on the way all over the world to marry foreign men and are sophisticated Polish woman staying in Poland to build up the country instead of leaving it?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
16 Aug 2012 /  #23
but not typical Polish "goroly" ino "hanysy" ... there are also some differences. But that dont means, they are pro - Germany

You mean to say they are renegades? That would explain your father standing.

I never saw a Polish girl in a relationship to a Polish man.

So? How many Polish people do you know?

are sophisticated Polish woman staying in Poland to build up the country instead of leaving it?

Unlike your family?
Anyway who cares if you wouldn't date Polish girl? Do you think that you are that special?
Just grow up!
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #24
Maybe because of that reason?

WB makes a mental note to not say anything similar to his daughter (even in jest), it really is amazing the crap that some parents spout and the lasting impact in can have on their children.

its impossible for me.

You gotta fight past that shit
fez0130  1 | 48  
16 Aug 2012 /  #25
What does it matter how many Poles married to people from other nations or how many american married germans or how many mexican married romanians, isn't this forum for usefull and helpfull info
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #26
isn't this forum for usefull and helpfull info

Thing is fez this forum has all sorts - as do many others, many factors come into play with this particular individual. As ludicrous as his post maybe it needs to be heard, if for no other reason than education. Threads such as this serve to notify the world that prejudices and misconceptions such as this do indeed exist.
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
16 Aug 2012 /  #27
So? How many Polish people do you know?

1. I dont understand that sentence, I am studying English since 4, 5 months .. our school English was shite. Renegades in which way?

2. Knowing .. maybe 40, 50 ?? Seeing Polish girls working in Turkish pubs, walking down the street with Germans with thick stomach but also thick wallet .. 20, 30 different every day??

3. No, my family was treaten bad in Poland, in time of communism. While all the money from the west went to Warsaw people in other cities, especially Bytom, Zabrze, Chorzow etc. had a hard life.

Polish girs care, if I date them or not!! Why?? Because they are sitting all over the day in their rooms, watch out the window and say in their mind: "Never a Polish man" I will show you, one day I came back to our osiedle .. with my foreign man and my Mercedes .. then you will see!" They try to insult me with that, they try to insult every Polish man, because they can not love!!. But I will show them, they are not goddesses, like the society and prejudices made them! I show everytime where I can, that I dont care about Polish girls!! I am not even someone who think to cheat them and to hurt them .. nobody can hurt them, cause they dont able to love .. they know, someone can try to cheat them .. but then they are looking for the next, richer guy. I ignore them, I dont say Hello, I dont answer in Polish, I never look at them.

But I have got a little, little, little bit of hope, while registrated on a site with people all over the world .. and I met one Polish girl, who seems to be different. Maybe her roots are in Russia or Ukraina? I dont know .. so I want to get know other experiences!!

Maybe you can not understand this case, without growing up and living in a foreign country, as a foreigner. You see Russian together, Turks together, Greks together .. only Poles are so strange .. especially girls.
fez0130  1 | 48  
16 Aug 2012 /  #28
world that prejudices such as this do indeed exist

It's rediculous that he thinks every Polish girls Just want Money, I know from experience this isn't true, ive dated Polish girls, Of course there are Polish women like this but also in uk, germany , america, norway, france and so on. I find that In poland they are alot less materialistic than alot places and appreciate the simple things in life , if only everywhere was like that
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #29
But I have got a little, little, little penis so maybe thats why

Come on man, head up, im sure you can make up for it in other ways.

Of course there are Polish women like this but also in uk, germany , america, norway, france and so on

Exactly, it all evens out in the end.

Women choose men, its not the other way around. They choose us based on many factors, sometimes money is one of those factors. They have an instinctual necessity to think of their potential offspring.
fez0130  1 | 48  
16 Aug 2012 /  #30
Well i Love Polish women haha, his one sided narrow minded prejudged opinion means nothing to me

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