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Do the Polish girls like foreign boyfriends or they just prefer local boys?

johnny reb  49 | 8058  
19 Oct 2019 /  #31
If the popular media were any indicator, I think I'm right.

Careful as the media has been proven to be mostly 'fake news' so are you sure you want to use it as an indicator to yourself .........

Just saying........
Of course Polish gold digger women are just as toxic as any other money grubbing women of the world.
Bottom line is if a Polish guy was a hard worker and had a good paying secure job the Polish girl would get her hooks in him before she would a foreigner.

All women want financial security and to be pampered.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
19 Oct 2019 /  #32
I belive in... what is it...? O! "arranged marriage"!!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Oct 2019 /  #33
All women want financial security and to be pampered.

True, but it needs a comment... Women are as much egoists as men, except that men very often happily hop away after the sperm is deposited safely where it can have a date with an egg and look for another place to make another deposit. Later, they will tell us how many times they "fathered", but skip how many checks they write to support their children, which is totally excusable without the current address. For some reason, blacks are especially good at it.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
19 Oct 2019 /  #34
I was referring to mainstream Hollywood cinema from the 30's on down through the '60's, when even one with
relatively modest earnings, but hardworking (not-shirking) and even plain to good-looking could nonetheless
hook the girl of his dreams!

Priorities were somewhat less skewed or warped back in those days. Poland, it seems, is following Germany, Italy,
and the rest of the Continent in mainlining (contemporary) US "values"....whatever they're worth.LOL

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Do the Polish girls like foreign boyfriends or they just prefer local boys?Archived