Sheer comedy! Found a woman yet Jarnowa? Or do they still flee from the sight of you to (in one of the whitest countries in the world) the embrace of men from as far away as possible?
yeah, why not ignore my statement and get personally again?
never heard of the shortage of women in India?
never heard of the fact that white women are seen as the most attractive women in the eyes of many black/indian men?
and the fact that Eastern Europe and India/Africa don't have a shared past and yet hundreds of Indian and African males find their way to Poland/Eastern Europe doesn't ring some bells?
and if it were for other reasons than women, then tell me why independent Indian/African women hardly choose for Poland?
these males are jealous of white men. "if white men can have all these beautiful white women, why can't we? let's try our luck too, let's give the finger to white men and grab their women!"
i see it, now maybe you see it too.