Dude. It's not his fault that she chucked you. Why all the anger at him?
You really need to ask this? I think the guy's as human as the rest of us, but he unrelentingly attacked something I thought was special until it was destroyed. He repeatedly hurt her before she and I even met. Yes, she let it happen. He also repeatedly stalked me in the process. I can understand all that but don't ask me to like it. If you had someone you cared about, who was in a bad relationship with a guy, who dumped her twice, and she went back a third time hoping it'd be different, would you not tell her she's being insane?
A little humility in this situation wouldn't go amiss, along with a bit of self reflection and wisening up.
Of course this is my fault, but I'm just telling you the situation. She would cry when discussing her self-confidence problems. When I'd say she's amazing, that she needs to learn to trust me and the people who care for her, she'd insist no, she's not worth anything to anyone. Yes, I did really like her friends, and I think they felt the same. Her two best friends have since contacted me saying they feel terrible and is there anything they can do. Both of these friends hated the ex. She would always talk about how much like her true self she felt around me, and how much she had hated pretending to be someone else before. I won't brag about kisses or orgasms but we did have some beautiful times together. Is that wrong to say? I can look back and confidently know that I didn't do a terrible job... sure, a man can always do better, and I'm sure I f#&%ed it up in the end by being too demanding and not immediately getting my own place, but I won't accept you saying I'm up my own ass if I tell you there was a lot of good in what we had. I can say that with confidence still knowing everything else that was wrong.
She probably prefered the polish kielbasa at the end.
British Kielbasa, apparently. The ex was no more Polish than I am.
She wants you as a reserve in case the other guy stops the flow of money.She will also bang you from time to time but not more than once a month.
This repeated focus on money is bizarre. Can any of the sane people here explain it? Income is not a problem for anyone involved and we certainly weren't competing in gifts.
Send her a photo of your nob and ask if she'd prefer that instead? :D
This is so insane it might... just... work.