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Polish girls attitudes towards sex.

ROZ  2 | 93  
27 Dec 2006 /  #31
What do you mean by the attitude toward sex? A woman doesn't have to be "easy" to rock your world. Either they have it or they don't.. Besides, has anyone really had BAD sex? C'MON! :)
27 Dec 2006 /  #32
Besides, has anyone really had BAD sex? C'MON!

nope, but I think a sex, and materialistic oriented society - which in my opinion, we are heading for - like how the media these days totally seems to cheapen the whole idea of finding a partner, understanding and mutual respect.

I look for qualities that last, and if you want to look for something else, fine, I'm not going to preach to you on how to life your life, but I think it's a shame that the media does seem to preach the exact opposite. - mostly by images -

and that the people who choose to be mature, and who choose romance and feelings, often get the label ''prudent'' ''old fashioned'' or ''dull'' stickered on them by our modern media.

sex can be an exciting waste of time and a beautiful thing. :) but for me personally it becomes a cheap and meaningless thing when there's no love involved.

your opinion maybe different, which is cool. :) I only ask respect mine - and people who are likeminded - too. :)

just thought of a decent example, switched on mtv a few times. - yeah, I still do that sometimes! - anyway, maybe someone is familiar with a program about students with a ''virgin diary''..

they actually are being pushed and pressured to have sex. I don't recall the exact name of the program but I've watched it and found the whole underlying thought of the program pretty cheap and disgusting.

this is what I mean with how media does pressure and talk kids into doing things they should do when they're comfortable with it and ready for it.

some learn when they're young, some learn when they're a little older, and some learn really old. there's no shame in that, or atleast there shouldn't be.. just like there shouldn't be any pressure.

okay, my serious two cents. :)
ROZ  2 | 93  
27 Dec 2006 /  #33
your opinion maybe different, which is cool. I only ask respect mine - and people who are likeminded - too.

A woman doesn't have to be "easy" to rock your world.

Our opinion may not be much different at all... I was just questioning motive and stating that there are monagmous women with good values who are fantastic lovers. Women who aren't necessarily "easy" who really know how to enjoy themselves.

Being 37 I have been around the block. I have dated some very hot women who had the looks but lacked substance. While the ride was fun, there was always something missing .

Most important advise I can give to anyone is to choose a partner who has the same goals and interests as you, shares the same religion as you, and has the very close if not the same moral values as you. Also, don't sweat the small stuff and always have the "big picture" in mind. Dissolution of marriage is no fun.
29 Dec 2006 /  #34
i agree, polish women are hot and use their sexy bodies for money and what they want. they are mostly sluts!!!
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Dec 2006 /  #35
And...that's why we all wear diamond rings (big ones mind you), we drive the most expensive cars and live in expensive suites paid for by johns (instead of cleaning them), we all wear mink furs and we don't really have to work for a living. :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
30 Dec 2006 /  #36
Quoting: marino, Post #38
i agree, polish women are hot and use their sexy bodies for money and what they want. they are mostly sluts!!!

And...that's why we all wear diamond rings (big ones mind you), we drive the most expensive cars and live in expensive suites paid for by johns (instead of cleaning them), we all wear mink furs and we don't really have to work for a living.

HHhhhhhhhmmmmm......am glad Marino has such a mature/balance view of womanhood....as for Eurolas tongue in cheek response.....it would be lovely for Polish women if it were true....but not for a while yet...................or do you totally want to ape USA women?
Ranj  21 | 947  
30 Dec 2006 /  #37
or do you totally want to ape USA women?

And just what exactly do you mean by that?:(
Frank  23 | 1183  
30 Dec 2006 /  #38
Ranj...at the risk of offending someone...lol.......well, yes freedom and independence are important, but do all Polish women want to the mirror image of all things USA?

Allegedly...money being the be all and end all........???...???
Eurola  4 | 1898  
30 Dec 2006 /  #39
but do all Polish women want to the mirror image of all things USA?

and what would be wrong with that? They may learn to ask for help in cooking and cleaning instead of thinking that's just their job at home. I still see a lot of married polish women who never have time for themselves. They are expected to bring income and take care of the house as well.

I commend the husbands who do help, but many don't.
19 Jan 2007 /  #40
sorry, should have quoted who i was agreeing with.

sex can be an exciting waste of time and a beautiful thing. but for me personally it becomes a cheap and meaningless thing when there's no love involved.

i agree completely with you. i've been in a relationship for two years and almost 4 months. if there is no love behind the sex, then it is meaningless. i'm not saying that it's wrong, maybe that's what some people are into. but personally, i dont see why you would want to put yourself in a position where you may never have that person again. in my opinion, which i know some of you may not care about, there should be love behind sex. sex isn't just a physical connection; it's emotional and mental. many people see it as only physical, but that's not true. sex should deepen a relationship and unite two persons. i'm not trying to preach to anyone, but that's what sex is. it's not just physical contact.
19 Jan 2007 /  #41
Polish women have no other ambitions than being good housekeepers?

This is the problem with American women. They degrade housework. I think professional women are rotten in marriages. Here in America everyone is either divorced or about to be.
19 Jan 2007 /  #42
Tell me is that ..offending ?

'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' - said by a wise man from the East, of whom I am a fan of (Mr. Gandhi from india). I am really offended (and I am not a moslem). I have not known Mohammed personally, I dont have the right to offend him, or raise my question against his charectar. Yes, I dont like the way islamics behave around the globe, but still, i believe the civilised world and the educated public should refrain from radical minds such as yours. You are nothing more than the same thing that osama is made of. AN EXTREMIST.

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. We should behave like animals, and start behaving in a more mature and civilised manner. Also, it is the MODERATOR's responsibilty to maintain the rooms DIGNITY.

I strongly recommend Wujek_Dobra_Rada 's posts to be removed, for the sake of good taste.

Let the light of tolerance and unity spread everywhere...regardless of class, creed, religion, language or race.

(A Polish man who knows the responsibility that comes with the term 'POLISH' for him).

From my experience polish girls in london and ireland come only to sell there body and make big money, some also marry and divorce quick and make big big money.polska girls have changed

If you have us Polish so bad....please dont bother to get in contact with us through medias such as this site. BETTER AVOID POLES.

I dont know what you are...but you are uncivilised, and no country deservs you....not even humanity deserves you....ur a sick pervert.
scotjock  1 | 40  
19 Jan 2007 /  #43
are polish girls more sexually liberated now than in the past as poland was a very catholic country with strict values before?.i have also heard that prostitutes are widespread in poland,how true is this or is it just another myth about poles?

Poland is still a Catholic country and values have not been devalued. Sexual liberation;
who can judge unless they have experience of 20/30 years ago and also the past five years up to now?

My experience of relationship's with Polish woman conclude that they are no different from other nationalities. A few plonkers on here think they are easy. Absolute tosh. You may have met one or two people in that category, but that does not mean they are all the same. I have met, or known, woman classed as "easy" from a number of countries, and my view it is gender related rather than nationality related.

By the way, the same also goes for men, a few I know who are "slappers"

As to prostition, you find them in most Warsaw hotels and casino's, but you also find them in hotels in other major Polish cities. The majority are not Polish and you can tell that just by looking at them. I also find that bar staff are quick to point out that the girls are not Polish. They are embarrassed that they are in the hotel and want tourists and business visitors to know that they are not Polish.
19 Jan 2007 /  #44
I have nothing against Russia at all.....but these p***t**tes r usually from there.... and always looking out for americans....i dont like it when people think Poland and Russia are more or less same.......they are very very very different
19 Jan 2007 /  #45
You are nothing more than the same thing that osama is made of. AN EXTREMIST.

Thanx, Lone Stranger. The White Nazi nationalists and the Black nationalists are the same crap. Racial supremacy is garbage. Whites and Blacks are both guilty of genocide, i.e. Hutu-Tutsi slaughters and Hitler's genocide, Milosevic's genocide. There is no Master Race. Just simian apelike bipedal hominids ruining this beautiful Earth of ours.

The extremists blanket judge an entire race of people based on the evil of a few. Deal with the criminals and thugs not the innocents.

What use are the scientific and technological advances brought by the WHITE RACE when by the same token they have been able to create weapons which can destroy the planet in seconds? When they brought two world wars which saw the near annihilation of all life on Earth. There is no Master Race only animals roaming around Earth.

It would have been preferable to be living in huts as the Mayans did.. The advances we enjoy as a speiceshave only enclosed in a polluted dying planet.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jan 2007 /  #46
well, yes freedom and independence are important, but do all Polish women want to the mirror image of all things USA?

Frank, Poland is moving towards a New light. women still nuture men because
at times they require this , and play the role of oh poor poor sick me. lol

getting back to the point, here in the US , theres not many women who dont work
and have a career and attempt to do all these needed chores which are
exhausting after long hours at work. Physically, most women can do them, mentally
its frustrating to be the only one doing them when there is perfectly able
bodies adults who can pick up after themselfs and help out when needed.

generations change, it dont mean the values arent there, when a man says
your my princess, does he mean cinderella? do all the house work, and find
the time to get yourself all pretty for the ball?

we do what we can to keep the whole process going, but in all fairness, is this
a fair way for men to think , when women have to in this day and age have to
also work along side her husband and keep up the bills and have the housework
label branded on her, cook, take care of the kids etc.

when men who think this is the only way understand that they need a quick
reality check because this is how we become weary and fed up and say
goodbye and toss in the towel, then divorce rates might go down.

Women are taken advantage of just because of the label "homemaker"
and if you think about it, what kind of life is that for someone who is the
Rock of the family, and keeps it going.

I say ,more power to those in Poland who have gone above and beyond and
made these changes.

no matter what, we will always have those instincts of sensitivity and nuturing
for children and our husbands. its built in like you say.
19 Jan 2007 /  #47
I dont want Poland to look like USA...ever....honestly!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jan 2007 /  #48
Im not talking culture. its a matter of how much one person can take when
married, children, housework, errands, working outside the home as well.

what are you referring to?
19 Jan 2007 /  #49
I would like a woman to make the decision freely, and not be influenced by other women.... because each person has a different set of lives.

If a husband is helpful, earning enough, and completely honest.... and the children are young.....then I AM AGAINST nannies (i guess they call those caretakers nannies).

Children need parents....most specially mother. If the man is responsible, understanding, respectful and devoted to the family......then a wife can also contribute to caring while one person is unavailable (working out) for the cause of the family. I am not talking primitive plz....i am against anything and everything primitive...try and understand my OPINION.

This has a very good economic prospect too. There is a balance. I read one article about this too...and I have one wonderful book 'Father, Mother and Children'.


I dont think a man that either man or woman are dogs if they work for the upbringing to their children together... and the children should also show responsibility to their parents when they are weak and old... and there are many ways to do it without effecting your other responsibilities or personal life.

Its my opinion, and again: 'I' 'Personally' dont want to see Poland be like USA.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
19 Jan 2007 /  #50
If a husband is helpful, earning enough, and completely honest.... and the children are young.....then I AM AGAINST nannies (i guess they call those caretakers nannies).

Its my opinion, and again: 'I' 'Personally' dont want to see Poland be like USA.

I think you'll find that women in the USA work because they have to, not because they want to be away from their children. The cost of living is so high here that a husband's salary is not enough to survive, especially if they have children. And divorce is very common. Single mothers have no choice but to work or else become homeless.
19 Jan 2007 /  #51
If a husband is helpful, earning enough, and completely honest.... and the children are young.....then I AM AGAINST nannies (i guess they call those caretakers nannies).

I used 'IF' ... .

And I am never against the freedom of women to choose... never ever...no way...please kindly dont think that! And....I am in no position to be against of people's will. Also, I dont want to judge anyone. But...I have some opinions as a human...

If you read my post again....you will find that i mentioned about the husbands 'if earning of husband to be enough'.

For single mother....she has her faults too.... trusting an irresponsible man....who didnt have the guts to marry her and take the responsibility before being physical with her. But again, it is unfair on her.

every work is important.... just... sometimes situation does force us.

However....usa is very ambitious.....its not only for survival there sometimes....ur a rich country....Poland is not so rich!...

with all respect to you...and everyone and their way of life.....my opinion REMAINS THE SAME.
David_18  65 | 966  
19 Jan 2007 /  #52
Please dont compare Polish girls/men whit russians, we are different in 1000 ways, And like Marcin sad many russian girls workes as prostitutes in Poland, thats becuse many trucks are driving threw Poland, and most of them enjoy to get some sex, This destroy/destroyed the Polish reputation........ its sad.

kind regards David.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
19 Jan 2007 /  #53
many russian girls workes as prostitutes in Poland

Yes ...I see them along the roads with white hair :) Nasty.....
shewolf  5 | 1077  
19 Jan 2007 /  #54
For single mother....she has her faults too.... trusting an irresponsible man....who didnt have the guts to marry her and take the responsibility before being physical with her. But again, it is unfair on her.

Women who are divorced are also called single mothers here in the US. And often times, the divorce is not her choice.

Although there are definitely some people who are overly ambitious, the majority of the people in the US work for the sake of survival. An old house here in Los Angeles costs half a million dollars. I don't know if you're familiar with US currency.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Jan 2007 /  #55
Yes ...I see them along the roads with white hair Nasty

Not a nice comment! Im surprised
FISZ  24 | 2116  
19 Jan 2007 /  #56
I think hair bleached to the point of being white is ugly to me. Just my opinion.
David_18  65 | 966  
19 Jan 2007 /  #57
think hair bleached to the point of being white is ugly to me

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jan 2007 /  #58
she has her faults too.... trusting an irresponsible man

and she is the one who didnt leave the child, and is working to take care of this
child, many do it here, just like they would in a real family the only difference is
its minus 1 person who was supposed to be there, but decided to leave.

and that dont make her at fault in anyway if she is the more responsible one
who did take on this child and didnt leave like a coward like the husband did
and she is the one who feeds , clothes, supports , nutures, in every way possible.

my opinion REMAINS THE SAME.

I can respect that your opinion is one which seems to lean more towards the
old fashioned, but, europe is changing more and more everyday.

your opinions, and views are very strait, and I am sure you have many women
knocking your door down , we love hearing those words.

I hope that your not the only one in Poland who feels this way.
20 Jan 2007 /  #59

I agree to your entire post....and also the post by She_Wolf earlier. But quoting just one line from my entire post... does that really explain what i wrote there?...

When it comes to the single parent.... then ofcourse you are free and work....even couples......its their decision! I just gave my point of view of a family, where we all work for the whole family and future... not being self centered.

About the 'Single Mother, without the man'. I have mentioned in my post that 'It is unfair to the woman'. But, it doesnt erase the fact that she chose the cowardice kind of man, who dont have the guts to take the womans and his childs rexponsibility. Before commiting so much, she should have been more sure about him. And marriage is the right way...to a deserving person (woman or man).

My post was for a deserving man....not for a coward....or someone who is struggling with enough money to arrange the basic neccessities of the family... and contribute some for future security.

I am not primitive... and moving towards USA lifestyle is not being modern....


True indeed.

But i dont want to accept that russians are so much like that. I mean...go to google....type Russia+woman ..... and it pours in.

Maybe the mafia....but cant happen all by mafia....i guess.... they like money alot....maybe...i dunno....no hard feelings...
20 Jan 2007 /  #60
And like Marcin sad many russian girls workes as prostitutes in Poland

sorry to dissapoint you but there are a lot of Polish women working as prostitutes abroad as well, mainly due to financial reasons. Russian or not Russian I also find it sad that women have to do such work in order to get by. Do you know that a hight % of Russian women don't have jobs in their own country, so they find other way to employ themslelves? The same goes for Polish women or any other women. If you think that prostitution has sg to do with nationality, you are off the track here - it has only to do with economy. I guess having strong moral values when growing up in Poland cannot feed them?

Some people seem to look at what is - a woman standing on the highway - have you ever though about a reason why she is there?


do you have bleached hair David?

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