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Polish girlfriend told me we cant have sex because I'm not religious

jon357  72 | 23513  
12 May 2015 /  #31
for me nothing's wrong with having sex while dating, but if it's not ok in your culture then I respect that opinion

Love's a powerful thing, and yes, love sometimes hurts. Sexual frustration too is pretty hard to deal with ('scuse the pun). She's obviously blowing hot and cold, letting you go part of the way but not all. Maybe she understands the effect that is having on you, maybe she doesn't. Maybe she gets off on leading men on, maybe she's just naive.

My suggestion is not an easy one but might be for the best. That's to seem less desperate, less interested and let her do all the work. If she really does want to go further, then she will. If she doesn't, then that's a sign to move on.
12 May 2015 /  #32
It is also worth mentioning that sex is not taught in Polish schools and as a result kids "learn" from their peers and then we see the result ;)
OP I love Poland  
12 May 2015 /  #33
@Levi_BR: are you slow in the head or what??? let me make myself clear: if she doesn't want sex because of her religion and culture then I respect it, and I don't want to dump her because it will probably hurt her and make me feel bad!!! no brainer try to read before comment!!!

"force a woman to have sex"??? no my friend seriously you are just purely stupid, lol
12 May 2015 /  #34
I suspect OP is married!
OP I love Poland  
12 May 2015 /  #35
no I'm younger than 25 and I don't consider getting married until I'm 30.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 May 2015 /  #36
so you have no intention of marrying her, you just want her for sex?
that is nice.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
12 May 2015 /  #37
There's an old saying 'if you're good enough to bed, then you're good enough to wed'.
If the lady wants to remain a virgin until she's married,that's her right and all respect to her.
If you don't want to marry her, then go and find someone who wants sex before marriage.
You are being totally selfish for trying to get her to have sex,if I were the lady I would be introducing your bum to my foot!!!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 May 2015 /  #38
yeh if you are that desperate for sex, use a 'lady of the night' not this girl.
OP I love Poland  
13 May 2015 /  #39
what's wrong with you people???? I'm not gonna rape her! and she didnt say the reason is she wants to remain a virgin until her wedding, if she did, it'd be easy to understand. can we just love and enjoy our youth, I didnt force her to do anything, right from the start we all knew that our relationship is no material for marriage and she had no problem with that, I don't see no reason why you guys think of me in such a negative way.
Riasu  - | 2  
13 May 2015 /  #40
Don't listen them. I think she is just not ready and you need to give her some time. If she won't set her mind about this you will have a hard time.

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