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Why a polish girl would prefer a relationship with a foreign man?

cool11  3 | 18  
14 Feb 2013 /  #1
What the reasons would be?
What characteristics of a foreign guy would attract a polish girl over the standard Poles?
Generally speaking, what are the advantages of foreign men in contrast to the men of Poland?
Lenka  5 | 3543  
14 Feb 2013 /  #2
Why would you look at this from that angle?
Girl meets a guy that is special to her and she falls in love. End of story.
But if you really want to :
Maybe some girls find foreign men more interesting. When they meet Polish man they know what to expect, know their culture. Foreign man offers more misteries :)
Korea my luv  - | 2  
14 Feb 2013 /  #3
For many reasons
And i think your question is wrong..the right question is
why wouldnt polish girl prefer a relationship with a foreign man?
some women are interested in foreign cultures and languages.
Some are prefering foreigner men maybe because they had bad experience with polish men
And lenka said..ir doesnt matter where he comesfrom !!
the most important is to be good enough for her
pedromiguelppin  - | 17  
14 Feb 2013 /  #4
Maybe the same reason men from everywhere or women from everywhere... just because foreign are simply different!
About the look I can give you an example. When my polish friends saw some pictures of my Portuguese girl friends they get crazy about them...and it was just some average looking friends, nothing I would expect someone will get excited about. The same happen when my Portuguese friends saw some of my polish friends! So what's the reason!? Just because it's something different, something you are not use to see everyday...

I just don't understand why in here almost every time the questions are made like if there is something pre-programmed inside a polish girl/women
OP cool11  3 | 18  
14 Feb 2013 /  #5
I think that it is rather not a very serious explanation, that a this dating is caused mainly because other nationalities seems more exotic.
grubas  12 | 1382  
14 Feb 2013 /  #6
So what's your opinion?And what (nationality) are you?
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
14 Feb 2013 /  #7
I think Lenka is closest to "reality" for those looking for real relationships.

Although, there are so many different motives for dating than love, the reasons are countless. Some date for money, some for sex, some for showing off, some to hide their true sexuality, some for publicity, some for.......blah, blah, blah.

People looking for lasting relationships look for a person, not a nationality.
grubas  12 | 1382  
14 Feb 2013 /  #8
What characteristics of a foreign guy would attract a polish girl over the standard Poles?

His foreignness but only until novelty wears off.
APF  4 | 106  
14 Feb 2013 /  #9
- prestige in front of her friends
- beeing "different"
- money
- the chance to get out of Poland
- living for free, take advantage of a guy who can not find a girl in his country
- love
- weakness
- they were bought in the internet
pawian  226 | 27539  
14 Feb 2013 /  #10
Polish men, brought up in the catholic cult of Virgin Mary, are too gentlemanly and well-mannered towards Polish women that is why the latter get so bored they eventually prefer brutal boorish types from other countries.

Fortunately, foreign women are attracted by Polish men`s characteristic. Poland premier
Richfilth  6 | 415  
14 Feb 2013 /  #11
My mother is over 1000 miles away. For a Polish woman, that's a massive plus point.
Englishman  2 | 276  
14 Feb 2013 /  #12
Some people think mixed-nationality marriages can be good for bringing up children - they get to learn from and appreciate two cultures.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
15 Feb 2013 /  #13
I really don't see why these types of threads are so common on PF. It seems like an obsession bordering on perversion.

The underlying theme is always to undermine and denigrate Polish men while treating Polish women as mere objects.

However, when a poster suggests that Polish women should prefer foreign men it is actually an admission that the women from his own country are so inadequate that he is forced to look abroad. That or these foreign men are also so lacking that their own women don't want them either so these men go off in desperation hoping Polish women will overlook their many personal flaws by seeing them as "exotic".

Alas, that novelty wears off really fast.

People who think mixed marriages don't face problems ranging from boredom, to domestic violence, to failing health including sexual dysfunction, to financial stress, to infidelity are fooling themselves.

Men and women fall in love for a whole host of reasons and yes many still fall in love and remain faithful with their own kind.
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
15 Feb 2013 /  #14
Ah, they're fascinating to some folks.

And, FWIW, I agree you are right that some are trolling Polish men trying to pick a fight or provoke a reaction while others are dealing with some mental issue of their own as they try to justify that some Polish gal will fall in love with them.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
15 Feb 2013 /  #15
My mother is over 1000 miles away. For a Polish woman, that's a massive plus point.

My wife's mother is over 1000 miles away. For a foreign man, that's a massive plus point!
landora  - | 194  
15 Feb 2013 /  #16
Do you really think women are choosing their men according to their nationality? I met my now-husband, he was nice and funny, we had a great deal in common. I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. He could just as well be Polish, it just happened thbhat he isn't.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
15 Feb 2013 /  #17
Obviously there are some genuine 'love matches' between different races and it's great to see them

That or these foreign men are also so lacking that their own women don't want them either so these men go off in desperation hoping Polish women will overlook their many personal flaws by seeing them as "exotic".

I'm afraid this is often the case, silly little men who wouldn't get a look in with ladies in Bradford or New Orleans etc.... find themselves a pretty foriegn lady and strut around thinking they're 'stud of the year!'.

Really sad when they wake up and realise that people are just people whatever their ethincity.
Worse still when Katya/Agata/ Magda is aging just as quickly as Doris /Nolene/Celine down the road.!!!
People may have particular ethnicities that they lust after but when you start saying that you only want to have a relationship with a particular nationality you're looking at a very sad person!
OP cool11  3 | 18  
15 Feb 2013 /  #18
I still don't have a clear opinion about the topic we discuss here. I think it like an investigation.
Nobody told that polish men are not that 'good'.
Nobody told that polish women desperately seeks a foreigner for relationship.
Is that clear?

I just say that in every nation, some women, and men also, seek their match, in other nationalities. This happens for several reasons I think. Not just because of the attraction of a 'new'/stranger person. Such a simplistic approach seems silly to me.

Let me mention here, an example, it is just an example. I have some friends of mine in Russia, and this thing happens there for sure. So, there in russia, there are: 1) many areas that for historic reasons have many women and far less men, 2) there are areas that russian men drink a lot, and this have many negative consequences in any relationship with women, 3) there are lots of russian areas that men have not good manners, generally speaking, so an eclectic women will find them uncouth. 4) some women would like to live in warmer climate areas (think of Siberia for example) 5) and so on...(the catalog of reasons goes on...)

So, there are specific reasons for many areas there in russia, that women do prefer a foreigner for a long term relationship, instead of choosing a local guy.

Do you get it?

Nobody told a bad thing either for polish women or men. This is not the case.
And please, I do not want anybody to feel any offense, because there is not any blame for anybody.
We just discuss, we just want to find out.

If a woman do not look at me, there is no problem, we just don't match. It does not mean that I am an awful guy! I reject women too, we cannot force a relationship to exist! So, no problem! Sometimes we reject, sometimes we accept! This is the love game.

All I asked here, is it to find out, why a polish women would prefer a foreign guy to make a relationship.
I said about the russia example. No money reasons, no 'prestige' reasons, nothing common. Although I can understand that there are women who fall in the very useful catalog APF posted above.

It is just the russian reality, as some russian women feel it.

Maybe there are other social reasons in Poland, that make some women to look for a foreigner to be together.
I don't know if the polish men know such reasons or if they want to contribute here, maybe polish women here in this topic could help us better with their opinions, based on what they know from themselves or other friends they have.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
15 Feb 2013 /  #19
I have in the past worked with around 1500 Polish ladies, where there were genuine love matches , they often spoke about how considerate and kind their English partners were. There were some women who had less alturisic reasons for being with Non Polish men but I've never experienced life as a Polish woman so who am I to criticise.

I know more about why the men chose to be with Polish women than vice versa,sometimes it's for good reasons, sometimes for bad. I do think that some of the men on here objectify Polish women. It would be interesting to read what Polish women have to say.
pedromiguelppin  - | 17  
15 Feb 2013 /  #20
This example about Russia are a bit non sense.... some women like more warm country/place to live, so what?! For sure there are Russian men that desire the same, so why they can't as a Russian couple just change the country together... or even why the woman just don't change the country by her self? She need a foreign partner to do that? To make it look funny maybe she will change country and she will meet some Russian guy in this new country that did the same! Some men are not pleasant guys because drink problems (etc.) in some places or Russia! And what? All the women there are a pretty nice little lady? As you see none of this reasons are a real reason for choose someone just because different nationality.

The only thing I would to say is that I would never accept a relation, knowing that someone is with me because she was looking for foreign guys or guys from specific country... for me is just something ridiculous, I see its ok/acceptable (or even good) thing for a lot of people here, but just sound weird to me...
grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Feb 2013 /  #21
There were some women who had less alturisic reasons for being with Non Polish men but I've never experienced life as a Polish woman so who am I to criticise.

Here we go again.Do you think that it has anything to do with them being Polish?If so you need to go out some more and stop branding INDIVIDUALS according to their nationality/citizenship.Part of the reason for which one of my American (born and bred) wifes dated me was that she could move out from her father's house and be on my support for some time until she stood on her feet.I learned that later but at the begining she was telling me that she wants me because all American men are dorks.And guess what, there is plenty of American women who date men for "less than alturisic reasons" but it has nothing to do with their nationality or their lives "as American women".
kaz200972  2 | 229  
15 Feb 2013 /  #22
there is plenty of American women who date men for "less than alturisic reasons" but it has nothing to do with their nationality or their lives "as American women".

Quite agree with you, there are British ones too! Polish women were mentioned because the title of the thread is about Polish women.
As I pointed out plenty of Polish women marry for love too, I was much more critical about the men more than the women!!!
grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Feb 2013 /  #23
Quite agree with you, there are British ones too! Polish women were mentioned because the title of the thread is about Polish women.

Fine.I just had a problem with this sentence

There were some women who had less alturisic reasons for being with Non Polish men but I've never experienced life as a Polish woman so who am I to criticise.

Maybe I am wrong but you seem to associate "life as a Polish women" with some kind of hardship or misery.Being with a native in a foreign country has its advantages but who do you think those Polish (or non Polish) "non altruistic" women would (given the opportunity) choose, Polish millioner/lawyer/executive officer or a British factory worker?
kaz200972  2 | 229  
15 Feb 2013 /  #24
Some of the women I worked with did say that life as a Polish woman is very hard but in reality I don't know if that was true? Most of the Poles I have mixed with have been 'blue collar' workers all their lives, even in Poland I didn't meet many educated Poles, not because they didn't exist, it was just the connections I had. I think life for anyone who has a good job is obviously easier in some respects. Yeah we would choose the Polish millionaire if we were marrying for financial security.I don't think that all Polish women marrying foreigners for money but every race (including mine) and gender has it's mercenary types.
grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Feb 2013 /  #25
Some of the women I worked with did say that life as a Polish woman is very hard

I do not understand,very hard like what?Do you think that Polish man plows his field with his women or what?I had lived in American resort town something like 7 or 8 years.Every summer there were students from EE coming there.Many of these women were dating Americans or Eastern Euros like me who already lived there for some time rather than their fellow students.Why?It's simple, we had cars,we knew what,where and how and we were making more money.We were simply more useful as dates.The only advantage an American had over me was that he was a novelty and I understand that because the same advantage my first 2 American gfs had over average Polish women.They were novelty to me.Now you see where I am coming from?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Feb 2013 /  #26
I do not understand,very hard like what?

living with lazy entitled men mostly..:)
kaz200972  2 | 229  
15 Feb 2013 /  #27
I do not understand,very hard like what?

I only know what the ladies told me, no money, long hours, few material commodities, problems with alcohol?
I stayed in Poland several times, the housing that I stayed in was very cramped and there were certainly very few consumer durables etc.. money was tight, this was true of most of the block. I think most Britsh people would see the conditons as being indicative of poverty. That said we can be quite spoilt as a nation.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Feb 2013 /  #28
I think most Britsh people would see the conditons as being indicative of poverty.

Some snobby British people may see it like that, but for most of us we instantly understood that its a normality for the majority of Polish people.

In fact i cant think of anybody (and i have some snobby English friends) that may think it was associated to poverty.
grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Feb 2013 /  #29
Some of the women I worked with did say that life as a Polish woman is very hard

I only know what the ladies told me, no money, long hours, few material commodities, problems with alcohol?

So,are you talking about life of Polish women or life of some women in Poland?These are 2 different things.Is living in UK making them suddenly not Polish?

I stayed in Poland several times, the housing that I stayed in was very cramped and there were certainly very few consumer durables etc.. money was tight, this was true of most of the block

I don't know I must have lived on some other block.What you are talking about is some minority.I am not coming from any well off family.My mother is a teacher in a state school.She ,lives in a townhouse built in 81 with garage and a little garden, doesn't makes much money (5k PLN) but if you told her to go work in some factory for 3 times the money she makes now she would tell you,you must be mad.All her neighbours live like her or better. Also, my father had problems with alcohol so my mother divorced him and kicked him out.I am aware there are cases like the ones you are talking about but again that's minority.

Some snobby British people may see it like that, but for most of us we instantly understood that its a normality for the majority of Polish people.

Oh come on brah,I am from town way poorer than Wroclaw yet I didn't see what you saw.
noreenb  7 | 548  
17 Feb 2013 /  #30
Because different language sounds sexi.
Especially English with an Australian accent performed by a frontman with a very deep, nice voice from a rock band I felt for some years ago :)

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