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Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl.

OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #31
Perhaps mention you maybe planning a trip to Warsaw and see what the reaction is.

Also ask about her time in the UK where she lived etc, what she remembers, school that sort of thing.

Is it usual to change a surname?

I have mentioned a trip to see her and she said yes it is possible with planning from us and understanding...

She lived in Manchester I wil ask her what she remembers though and it is usual to change the surname if her parents were married then divorced.
strzyga  2 | 990  
10 Jan 2010 /  #32
would you not agree that:Krysia = KrystynaKasia = Katarzyna

that's right, but some girls don't like these diminutives as sounding too childish and prefer augmentative forms: Kacha, Krycha, Gocha.

Someone pretending to be a Pole Might use Krecha.

No, actually, it could be a perfectly good Polish nickname.

The name Pygota doesn't show on the map of Polish names, nor in Google in general.

It should be possible to find the gallery where she works and check if she's really working there, or even confirm that she really writes to you.

Still, assuming that she's a real person, there is an ethical question. Andy, would you be willing to provide her with the same kind of information and be subject to the same kind of check-up?
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #33
Still, assuming that she's a real person, there is an ethical question. Andy, would you be willing to provide her with the same kind of information and be subject to the same kind of check-up?

I see where you are coming from in short yes (I trully want to believe) but past experiences have knocked my faith in people Nigerian scammers have a lot to answer for :(
time means  5 | 1309  
10 Jan 2010 /  #34
(I trully want to believe

Could you not check the IP address from the e-mail?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
10 Jan 2010 /  #35
No, actually, it could be a perfectly good Polish nickname.

I stand corrected.

I haven't met somebody who would want to be referred to in the "argumentative" sense before. Most people I have met either use their proper name or the "pet name" form. Would it be normal for someone getting to know a potential date to want to be addressed in the argumentative form?
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #36
Could you not check the IP address from the e-mail?

Yes i have tried that but with yahoo the Ip is static, i hava a yahoo account too and it shows i registered in the US ?
strzyga  2 | 990  
10 Jan 2010 /  #37
Most people I have met either use their proper name or the "pet name" form. Would it be normal for someone getting to know a potential date to want to be addressed in the argumentative form?

It happens here, I've even seen a Gocha on a TV programme technical cast list.

I see where you are coming from in short yes (I trully want to believe) but past experiences have knocked my faith in people Nigerian scammers have a lot to answer for :(

I understand that and it's fine as long as you're willing to do the same for her.
And I think that honesty and straightforwardness could be the best option. Just tell her about your Nigerian experiences and ask if you could get some proof that she's real. I think she shouldn't have any problem with that. And though she might be hesitant about giving all her personal data to somebody she doesn't know well (wouldn't you be?), an internet camera might be the perfect way out for both of you.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #38
Ask her for a mobile number to text or even call her, it doesn't cost a fortune and at least you'll know in which country she's in. If she refuses to give a mobile, try a fix land line, if she refuses this then she's in Nigeria...

She gave me her mobile No 00485********

I think that honesty and straightforwardness could be the best option. Just tell her about your Nigerian experiences

Thank you you are right on this ;-)
mephias  10 | 296  
10 Jan 2010 /  #39
She gave me her mobile No 00485

Good it shows she is real at least. Still be careful internet scamming is not the only way of fraud.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #40
Does this number match the country please? and i will be careful thanks
strzyga  2 | 990  
10 Jan 2010 /  #41
Does this number match the country please?

yes. 0048 is Poland and we do have a mobile operator whose numbers start with 5.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #42
Thank you so it looks promising then, at least she is where she says she is ::D
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jan 2010 /  #43
She lived in Manchester

I live in Manchester so find out what you can and I will look in to it for you. (aparently Pygota are a type of goat :D )

OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #44
Ok I will do, thanks maybe her last name is not pygota i only got that from her email address
time means  5 | 1309  
10 Jan 2010 /  #45
at least she is where she says she is

It's a start matey :-). Just keep your wits about you and i hope it all works out good for you, good luck!
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
10 Jan 2010 /  #46
I am being very carefull and try not to get to attached to soon untill I know for sure ;-) thanks for wishing us luck I will come back with an update now and again, and thank you to everyone who has helped me out and guided me with my first steps ;-)
strzyga  2 | 990  
11 Jan 2010 /  #47
I will come back with an update now and again

please do :) and good luck!
asik  2 | 220  
11 Jan 2010 /  #48
She gave me her mobile No00485********

What a coincidence, look here, it's a topic "dialing from uk mobile to a polish mobile" on Polish Forum from the last year, it came out when I googled "how to dial Polish mobile from the UK" . I've highlighted the mobile number.

FirestormThreads: 7
Posts: 526
Joined: Nov 29, 06
Gender: Male Edited by: Firestorm Mar 7, 08, 07:22 #6
Just add 00 before the number you dial.

So for example if the number is +485087698
You dial 00485087698

I call a Polish mobile from my British Mobile. And it works for me.

The other thing is when you are giving your number to a person from the other country you just mention 48 and the phone number without zero at the beginning (if a mobile number). Why would she put "0048...'????? as a start? With what you start depends from where you are calling.

If I'm calling from Australia to Poland I'm dialing 001148+number...5087698 ( if mobile the number must start without zero)

Andy call the number she gave you or send a sms if it's a mobile phone number.
f stop  24 | 2493  
11 Jan 2010 /  #49
she's giving him a number to dial her Polish cell from his UK one, and that thread supports it. You supposed to dial 00, and 485 sounds about right for Polish cell. I don't understand your point, I guess.
asik  2 | 220  
11 Jan 2010 /  #50
My point is, if she's scam, she could get the Polish number from google; when you goggle a question: "how to dial.....ect" this side comes out:


Her first name "Krecha" does not exist in Polish, if she meant "Krycha" (why would she misspell her first name??). Krycha is short from Krystyna and means Christine, not as she wrote means Kate.

Something is not really okay here with that "Polish" girl or maybe she's just slow.

You supposed to dial 00, and 485 sounds about right for Polish cell. I don't understand your point, I guess.

I couldn't edit my last answer but wanted to add:
why are so sure what the person should dial before the country code?

When you give your number to others, you normally state your country code (if a person is from outside of Poland) plus the number , why would you want to add what the person should dial before the country code?

What you dial before the country code depends from where you live and from your phone provider and it's up to the caller to find out what specific numbers he needs to dial , when calling abroad
strzyga  2 | 990  
11 Jan 2010 /  #51
The other thing is when you are giving your number to a person from the other country you just mention 48 and the phone number without zero at the beginning (if a mobile number). Why would she put "0048...'????? as a start? With what you start depends from where you are calling.

When giving someone a mobile number many people in Poland start with 0048 or +48 in order not to get it confused with fixed line numbers, where you need to put one zero before the area code. I do it too. And I'd definitely do it this way when giving my number to somebody from another country, just to save them the trouble of looking for the country code. It works for Europe, you don't have to put in any additional codes.

As for the number starting with 5, that's the case with half the numbers in my phone book, the other half begin with 6 and I've got two numbers starting with 7. I think that's about all the possibilities. Two of the three big mobile operators here have numbers starting with 5. So the phone story seems perfectly plausible to me.

Anyway, now that Andy has the girl's number, he can call her and check if she's real, right? :)
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
11 Jan 2010 /  #52
Andy call the number she gave you or send a sms if it's a mobile phone number.

I have been texting the number she gave and she is replying to me too ;-)
strzyga  2 | 990  
11 Jan 2010 /  #53

She might still be a he, have a big black moustache, beer belly and insatiable greed for your money. But at least she's in Poland and not in Nigeria :))
kh siarko sanok  2 | 52  
13 Jan 2010 /  #54
Andy ask her about BOLEK I LOLEK OR PAWEL GAWEL.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
13 Jan 2010 /  #55
and what does that mean please?
mephias  10 | 296  
13 Jan 2010 /  #56
They are some old cartoon characters I guess.But you've already passed that level.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
13 Jan 2010 /  #57
ah right thanks for that, yeah we are passed that one, we are moving along quite nicely at the moment :D

kh siarko sanok

thanks though
Ogien  5 | 237  
15 Jan 2010 /  #58
Knock it off with the Internet dating and find a girl in real life.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
15 Jan 2010 /  #59
Andy ask her about BOLEK I LOLEK OR PAWEL GAWEL.

Andy - Ogien's avatar = Bolek i Lolek...

Yeah, finally something I'm familiar with regarding Poland! LOL
asik  2 | 220  
15 Jan 2010 /  #60
I have been texting the number she gave and she is replying to me too ;-)

In that case good luck to you :) you don't need any other proof.
I'd only be concern why doesn't she want to use video-camera, is she a "he"or something else and plays a "big deal" here?

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