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Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her

Lobo  - | 81  
5 May 2007 /  #271
So, if I wanted to go to a disco in Poland, where would you recommend?

This was in the disco.This guy here has a distinct advantage because he is the boss.
Another girlfrined told me that her friend had three boyfriends simoultaneously,one with who she was pregnant,one like lover and her boss.So I believe the boss is in advantageous position.

I suppose it is some kind of an instinct for protection. Several men all with an interest in keeping you going. Probably useful for hard times.
5 May 2007 /  #272
Poland is a difficult teritorry.Polish clubs are full of stunners who sit with their boyfriends or friends.It is almost impossible to approach them.
Lobo  - | 81  
5 May 2007 /  #273
So, I suppose you have to meet them abroad...

suppose it is some kind of an instinct for protection. Several men all with an interest in keeping you going. Probably useful for hard times.

I think it is the same in Russia, etc.

Either that or just a very libertarian attitude as a consequence of a revolt against the Church.

I don't mean it is a bad thing, I am just analizing as usual...
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
6 May 2007 /  #274
Is it common for Polish girls to be confusing? This girl is really confusing me. The other day I got the impression there was no chance with her, the reaction to me was cold and uninterested. Today I got a warm smile and a sparkle in the eye. Maybe I am over analysing things, perhaps she was having a bad day before, who knows.

I would like to give her a flower as a gift, is it a bit soon? We've only really been smiling and saying hi to each other so far. I'm sure she has a fair idea that I like her but making dialogue has been tricky.
6 May 2007 /  #275
Just get her phone number and ask her out.It is simple.

If you hesitate you make a very bad impression.She will think either that you are very weak and worthless or that you are dangerous and strange because you smile to her without asking her out.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 May 2007 /  #276
I tend to agree with 'southern'. Stop messing about and get stuck in. If you don't act now she'll probably be with someone else soon.

Why do men fall apart with Polish women. Don't put them on such a high pedestal otherwise they are out of reach.
Have more confidence. If you have what it takes you'll get that first date.
Lobo  - | 81  
6 May 2007 /  #277

Ken, tomorrow I want you to post here that you got

a) her phone number and
b) a date to go somewhere / do something with her.

No excuses, no buts. Otherwise, me, Wroclaw and Southern are going to have a word with you (mafia style)
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
7 May 2007 /  #278
Here is the deal.
Next time I see her I am going to chat to her, the time for words is over, the time for action is now. I don't care if she rejects me, I need to move on with my life and at the moment I am stuck in no man's land. I don't want to persue other women until I know my chances with her are no more. I can do this. She knows something is up, she is not stupid. There was an opportunity today I did not take, fair enough. I opened the door at work for her being the gentleman that I am. She said hello but held back and started looking at something in the foyer of the office, I expected us to walk together through to the main part of the building. I thought, oh-oh, why is she holding back, this is not good. Is she trying to avoid me. Later, I went into her section of the office , she was busy on the phone to someone, (it could have been home, she was speaking Polish to them) but when I entered the room the two other girls who worked there had a glance over to her. This made me think that they are aware something is up.

Doesn't change anything, I'm still going ahead with the plan. I'm going to grow some balls and find out where I stand.
Lobo  - | 81  
7 May 2007 /  #279
Dito Ken
angel eyes  1 | 131  
7 May 2007 /  #280
I'm going to grow some balls and find out where I stand.

your over analysing ken ,your making presumptions on guess work and if u keep it up you,l end up in a panic and wont make a move at all. take a deep breath and just make the move now!
7 May 2007 /  #281
Next time you meet her you should do a close.That is a phone close,a kiss close or a f-close.Say to yourself I need to do a close.I must close.I must start speaking to het in the first seconds I see her and in 15-20 min I must do a close.If you have this rule in mind,you will succeed.You will close because another one decided that you will close.

Ask yourself what did these people teach me?To close.I need to close.You do not need balls.Just to close.Does a football player need balls to shoot?

Man you need speed.I will tell you an example.
I was in a club full of polish girls.I noticed a guy sitting with two of them.I decided to talk to a loner,a beautiful lady sitting alone.Last second when I was just one meter from her,I hesitated.I stepped back and in next second the man who I had seen with the two girls came and talked to her.She was pleased and he sat with her.I lost the chance with her because I hesitated one second.The man probably had followed me.

So waht to do?Instead of blaming my bad luck,I talked to another young polish woman,sitting next.In 20 minutes my hand had vanished under her trousers and underwear.She was literally sitting on my palm.And the conversation went on.I looked the other guy and he had not made any progress at all.He just stared at me.After a while he left.

Why did I manage to succeed?Because I used speed,was not influenced by what had happened before.
Rejection is in the game.It is totally normal and you should view it as an exercise.
If a girl rejects you,she will be the loser.She will never find out how great you are.You should feel contempt for her.
Hueg  - | 319  
7 May 2007 /  #282
I am going to chat to her, the time for words is over

Does anyone else see the flaw with that plan?

Unless he's using the 'i've got a mute friend, the one waving holding the placard that says will you go out with me, that really likes you.'

Ah, yep that'll be it.

Good luck mate. :)

edit: I really like his narrative style too, it's very Costanza-esque. Looking forward to hearing of a successful outcome soon.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #283
Quoting: Ken Noddy
I am going to chat to her, the time for words is over

Does anyone else see the flaw with that plan?

:LOL: cruel but funny

good luck Ken!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
7 May 2007 /  #284
Haha. Hueg is Dr. Phil's evil twin :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
12 May 2007 /  #285
Ken.. I have been reading this thread with interest and wondered what the latest developments are? It doesnt sound like the signs are good so far.. and of course she knows you fancy her and she has most likely told her mates at work.. sorry to say this, but Im sure its true. Please dont listen to those mysogynist prats Southern and Lobo.. their so called results may possibly get you sex, but I doubt they would lead to a lasting relationship with a woman of any intelligence.. and it seems that you would like more than a quick romp with her.. although I guess that would be better than nothing. I suggest you lighten up.. abandon all strategy, try and make her laugh and flirt with the other girls too, then it wont be as intense for her and she will see you as a fun, happy go lucky guy... otherwise you might have the opposite effect than that which you are hoping for. Also, dont put all your eggs in one basket.. consider other women too.
Pawel  3 | 125  
12 May 2007 /  #286
more than a quick romp

Never heard that before, Must use in near future,lol
sapphire  22 | 1241  
12 May 2007 /  #287
so glad I could be of assistance
12 May 2007 /  #288
Lnaguage barrier likely will prove good because what she will not understad she will imagine.90% language barrier helps in the beggining.

You sound like an expert!! I know from my own experience that language barrier may cause loads of problems in the future. you suddenly find youself with someone you don't really know. If you know what I mean.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
12 May 2007 /  #289
I know from my own experience that language barrier may cause loads of problems in the future. you suddenly find youself with someone you don't really know. If you know what I mean

very true. I had a similar experience... but that can also make it fun as its a long process of getting to know one another..the only problem is when you dont like what you find at the end of it and have invested a lot of time.
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
12 May 2007 /  #290
Ken.. I have been reading this thread with interest and wondered what the latest developments are? It doesnt sound like the signs are good so far..

Yeah...Its all a bit depressing really. She is showing a lot of interest towards another man in the same office. She is always round him. He is a big time charlie, a big flash car and loads of money. He is a complete loser really, but as they say, money talks.

I can't compete with that, I feel really sh*t.
I had been feeling really positive about life and the future but now...I don't know.

edit: I really like his narrative style too, it's very Costanza-esque. Looking forward to hearing of a successful outcome soon.

This made me laugh, good old George.
12 May 2007 /  #291
Polish men supposedely do not face such problems.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
14 May 2007 /  #292
I can't compete with that, I feel really sh*t.
I had been feeling really positive about life and the future but now...I don't know.

Chin up Ken.. you are way too good for her.. believe me that there are plenty of women out there who dont like flashy guys and couldnt care less about cars and money.. sadly maybe she isnt one of them. I know its hard, but try to forget her and look for someone who is worthy of your affections.. Good luck to you, you seem like a nice genuine person and Im sure you will meet someone far better than her soon. Remember life is what you make it and not worth wasting time pining after somebody who isnt interested in you.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
14 May 2007 /  #293
Just want to say that you seem like a really nice and genuine bloke. If she is not the one there will be others. And if she is only after flash cars and money then she is definitely not the one for you. Head up
14 May 2007 /  #294
You should try to ask her.Are you after flash cars and money or do you like sth bigger?
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
14 May 2007 /  #295
Thanks so much guys, that means alot.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
14 May 2007 /  #296
Ken I think you are need of boosting your self esteem.. look after yourself and find happiness within and everything else will follow.. you cant pin all your hopes on others.. many people think they will be happier in a relationship, but its usually not the magic cure you hope for.. you have to cure whatever problems you have yourself before you can find happiness with someone else. Sorry I know its easy to say,but small life changes may help you reach your ultimate goal. I dont know what your job is and if you are happy in it, but it sounds like you could do with some kind of change in your life.
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
14 May 2007 /  #297
you have to cure whatever problems you have yourself before you can find happiness with someone else.

I understand.
How can I expect anyone to love me if I don't love myself first.
14 May 2007 /  #298
Many people loved Kurt Cobain although he did not love himself.
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
14 May 2007 /  #299
Agreed. He was able to express himself through his music which helped people empathsise.
I haven't that level of talent so people don't have a clue whats going on in my head.
To them they probably see a big strong confident man but under the surface its a different story.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
14 May 2007 /  #300
Ken Noddy

have u even asked her yet

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