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I fancy a polish girl from my school!

addz93  3 | 22  
26 Jan 2008 /  #1
Hi I'm new to these forums so please be kind!!

I've just been on a residential trip with my school and I met this beautiful Polish girl there. I really want to get to know her more and want as many tips as possible if you can help me please! Thanks!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Jan 2008 /  #2
well, we dont know her so cant tell anything about her, I think speaking to her would be a good way...
starchild  2 | 120  
26 Jan 2008 /  #3
We need more info!

You met her on the trip, but she does go to your school? Is she in your year?
OP addz93  3 | 22  
26 Jan 2008 /  #4
Yes she is in my school and my year. We went on this walk together and she kept smiling at me and laughing at the things I said but she couldn'tnreally understand me too much. I was just wondering if you have any translations of things like do you want to go out at the weekend, you are beautiful and anything like that. Thx for rplying.!
starchild  2 | 120  
26 Jan 2008 /  #5
Well... if you want something specific then just post it up in the English-Polish Translation section. There are some great people on here who are really helpful with the translations.

Another good idea is to just look through the thread and use soem of the messages other people have asked for, or search some key words in the translation section. There's tonnes of good stuff on here if you dig about and I know my guy really liked it when I first starting sending him messages in Polish, so hopefully she'll be impressed!

As for general advice.... well, I'm not sure, other than, as you have found out sometimes communication can be difficult, but don't let it stop you! It doesn't take too long to get over this hurdle as long as you keep trying!

Good luck :-)
OP addz93  3 | 22  
26 Jan 2008 /  #6
Thank you so much, I'm going to do the things you said and report next week if I pluck up the courage... Wish me luck!
starchild  2 | 120  
26 Jan 2008 /  #7
Oh cool!

I'll have my fingers crossed for you and make sure you let us know how you got on!
OP addz93  3 | 22  
28 Jan 2008 /  #8
I pussied out... I just looked at her n i couldnt say anything so i just said hi...

osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Jan 2008 /  #9
Hi is all too easy to say, but not as easy as saying nothing.
Did you get any of the pronunciation for the things you wanted to say?
If you want to keep it simple at first, she might be impressed if you just say 'Cześć' - a simplified pronunciation would be something like 'Cheshch'. To stop yourself from forgetting this word, remember it's a bit like the word 'chest'.
28 Jan 2008 /  #10
To stop yourself from forgetting this word, remember it's a bit like the word 'chest'.

But don't look at her chest when you say it, rather, look at her eyes. I hear they are almost as beautiful as my wife's.

edit: the simple addition of an apostrophe. I will never admit to having more than wife in a public forum.
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Jan 2008 /  #11
almost as beautiful as my wifes

The correct plural is 'wives'.
28 Jan 2008 /  #12
But I only have one wife.

How about "wife's" as in belonging to my wife?
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Jan 2008 /  #13
I think I'd opt to say something a bit cheekier than cześć, but you'd probably guessed that.

But I only have one wife

Hang on - I'll just put a hoof over one eye - oh yes just the one. I thought they looked very similar... and slightly blurred.
OP addz93  3 | 22  
28 Jan 2008 /  #14
I will try again tomorrow! FOR SURE this time!

I will let you know how i get on if i dont chicken out again!
matthias  3 | 429  
28 Jan 2008 /  #15
Dude just do it, its never going to be easy. the longer you wait the harder its going to be.
OP addz93  3 | 22  
29 Jan 2008 /  #16
Okay, tomorrow - for sure!! I SWEAR this time.
matthias  3 | 429  
29 Jan 2008 /  #17
Your last chance if not Im going to fly to England and do it myself.
starchild  2 | 120  
29 Jan 2008 /  #18
Haha... matthias is right tho addz93... the longer you leave it the harder it's gonna get and you'll regret it if you don't try!
kman67  2 | 79  
29 Jan 2008 /  #19
It's tough for any guy to ask a girl out for the first time. Every guy here knows what's going through your head.

That being said, ask her tomorrow. If you don't, she might set up her own weekend plans and then you're boxed out for another week. And you give any other guy a chance to do what you want to do.

And don't look at the floor when you ask her!
starchild  2 | 120  
29 Jan 2008 /  #20
Oh, I thought he just wanted to start talking to her! Yeah, asking someone out is nerve-wrecking, esp when you don't talk the same language!

Good luck either way :-)
kman67  2 | 79  
29 Jan 2008 /  #21
Maybe I read too far into it? Usually, I was only THAT shaken up by girls that I wanted to ask out. I was always Mr. Tongue-Tied. Don't know why... Even happened at 30+ years old when I finally met my wife and wanted to ask her out the first time.
osiol  55 | 3921  
29 Jan 2008 /  #22
Oh, I thought he just wanted to start talking to her!

That can so easily happen.
She thinks he just wants to talk.
He wants so much more!
OP addz93  3 | 22  
29 Jan 2008 /  #23
i dont know what i want anymore or if its just a crush. i think i should get to know her more first before suddenly asking out of the blue. I just get REALLY embarrased when i talk to her, but I will tell you how i get on. siiiigh... what am i doing...? What is she just plain doesnt like me? i'm so sad. :(
starchild  2 | 120  
29 Jan 2008 /  #24
I'm not sure what to suggest because its been a long time since I was at school! But when I first met my Polish friends I had to try hard to get them to just chat with me, as they found small talk difficult and the thing that always worked really well was to ask them questions about Poland and the language, oh and be interested in the answer!

They were really impressed when they realised I was starting to learn the language. Maybe its worth approaching her with an interest in her Polishness (I think I made up that word?!) rather than her cuteness?
osiol  55 | 3921  
29 Jan 2008 /  #25
its been a long time since I was at school

You're too modest.

I had to try hard to get them to just chat with me

You should have met my mate Darek. If hind legs could really be talked off donkeys, I'd have been in a wheelchair for the last 8 or 9 months.


Maybe, but I've just invented the word Polonitude.
starchild  2 | 120  
29 Jan 2008 /  #26
You're too modest

Nope, we're in the same age bracket now donkey! Goodbye 20's! haha
osiol  55 | 3921  
29 Jan 2008 /  #27
Goodbye 20's

What? This is the 1930s now?
matthias  3 | 429  
29 Jan 2008 /  #28
addz want you to know I bought an airplane ticket to England. Either ask her tommorow or pick me up from the airport. Your choice : )
plk123  8 | 4120  
29 Jan 2008 /  #29
well, we dont know her so cant tell anything about her, I think speaking to her would be a good way...

i agree but then he should just run away.. lol
OP addz93  3 | 22  
30 Jan 2008 /  #30
lol!! i'm not askin her out just out of the blue!! i'm gettin 2 know her! I did start talking to her today and she was smiling at me! we could be onto something... oh and matthius, cancel your plane ticket please!

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