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Confused about a Pole in the closet?

9 Jan 2012 /  #1
Hey, I'm a little confused about a polish dude I know through work, who apparently is in the closet. Here's the deal, I am a American gay guy, but no one knows about my lifestyle. I am sure people wonder, because I am 37, not married and I don't really talk about chicks, having a family, etc.

Anyhow, I meet this interesting polish guy through work, who starts sending me (not so subtle?) messages that he is interested in me. He's 35, from Poland, living here about 10 years+, lots of family in area (chicago) and does not have a girl friend, although he mentions girls, but nothing specific.

The subtle messages include him telling me in front of others, 'I know you', telling me that he 'wished he could welcome me back in person' after I returned from a long vacation; rubbed his cheek against mine twice, when I tried to tell him something at a party; I told him about a gay area of Miami and he said he would go with me to check it out; asked me if I wanted him to go with me to bathroom; and more ...

I guess here's my confusion: He's 35, polish, not married .. is these things cultural, or is it fairly clear what's going on? Shouldn't he be married at 35 with kids?

Ironside  50 | 12951  
9 Jan 2012 /  #2
Why are you keeping him there ?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Jan 2012 /  #3
If he asked to go to the bathroom with you he is gay.
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #4
Keeping him where ?

yeah, I thought so too.

He also likes to touch a lot, rub legs when we sit at a rest and last month, we were sitting in a rest, eating, etc. He says out of the blue, let's go sit over there. There, was a corner booth, out of sight, etc.

I guess I am not accustomed to a guy 35 years old, polish (dif culture) making these gestures, etc. I would just come out and say something, but I can tell he is scared as hell of the topic.

Thanks for your feedback.
Mozes  - | 7  
9 Jan 2012 /  #5
European guy living 10+ years in US doesn't seem to me like 'different' culture at all. Well... of course it depends with who will you compare.
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #6
So culture has nothing to do with it, is that what you mean ?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Jan 2012 /  #7
He also likes to touch a lot, rub legs when we sit at a rest

rotfl, no this is absolutely normal for straight males in Poland, I do it all the time with other guys.

Man what is you problem? just take him to some private place and feck the sh1t out of him, or the other way round, which ever you like.... have fun... eot
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #8
The reason I don't pull him aside is because he pulls back a lot, and talks about his polish family responsibilities and spending time with his Mom, and cousins, etc. He's constantly over at his family's house on the weekends, which makes it difficult to get time with him, although we manage some time together for dinner, drinks, etc.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Jan 2012 /  #9
he is not into you, otherwise he would have done something by now.
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #10
oh yeah, that's it.
pip  10 | 1658  
9 Jan 2012 /  #11
I think he is probably nervous -being gay in Poland is not widely accepted. There is a pretty big closet over here.
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #12
That's exactly what a buddy of mine thinks is going on ... just frustrating on this end and that's why I posted these questions on this site. The common thread with him is 'family commitments', and at 35, I don't totally understand it.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
9 Jan 2012 /  #13
rubbed his cheek against mine twice, when I tried to tell him something at a party

You're confused? HE LIKES YOU. Invite him out for a beer and see what happens, before he gets tired of dropping not so subtle hints.
pip  10 | 1658  
9 Jan 2012 /  #14
The common thread with him is 'family commitments', and at 35, I don't totally understand it.

it doesn't get better. I don't understand it either, but then again I am not Polish.
OP Mike_M_Chi  
9 Jan 2012 /  #15
Have you had a similar experience? The polish family stuff throws me, and the closest person in his life is his mother. He speaks with her a lot, and really no one else. He's told me he speaks with his mom about everything, and my reaction is, 'Why aren't you speaking with a girl or someone you are intimate with at 35?' ....
Sczur  - | 28  
18 Nov 2015 /  #16
If you happen to be gay and polish you should stay in the closet to prevent shame of your ethnic people
25 Apr 2017 /  #17
Take him to a schwitz (if there is one anymore in Chicago). That's the "normal" place where that type of Pole is likely to get physical. (Don't expect much, though; He may think you're too "out" and is hesitant to get involved; not uncommon)

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