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Love without chemistry? (Asian in love with a Polish woman)

Natasa  1 | 572  
24 Jun 2010 /  #31
Are you successful in your life, career, relationship?


Most people have some problems.
Yours is lack of insight.
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #32
And I think I am strong/smart enough not to ask strangers on a forum for advice in these matters

So, why are you here for? For giving advice? For joking? Boasting? Successful people are usually humble, unless you are some kind of a tycoon, are you?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2010 /  #33
Love without chemistry ?

a relationship without friendship and chemistry won't work...
David_18  65 | 966  
24 Jun 2010 /  #34
What kind of fish do you like? Each type of fish has different manner, habit of eating, area of habitat. If you donot know about this, you can't go fishing. Or you just get out throwing the net, and eat whatever got caught in that net. In such case, the fish you want is most likely not in there. Unless you can eat any fish.

I like a special fish that you only can find in a special lake and this lake can be found on a special place and this place is so special that this special fish needs a safetycard to enter it and this card is made of wood and the wood is drinking water and the water drinking wood and the fish breaths water does the fish like water? no he like coke but the coke is for humans so the fish has to pretend that it is a human the fish goes into the store to buy a coke but nono the human sees right through the poor little fish and kills him................................................................... ...

noreenb  7 | 548  
24 Jun 2010 /  #35
a relationship without friendship and chemistry won't work...

I agree that a good chemistry is a base of a good beginning.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #36
Generally with polish women it is better not to appear very macho only slightly more macho than the average Pole.Also not very artistic they are mostly village girls.As an Asian you don't have these problems.

It is always better to downplay yourself because slavic women always want to take the upper hand AFTERWARDS while appearing submissive before,so you have to balance between gay-macho,dominant-submissive according to their mood and circumstances and never pay any attention to what they tell you but only look at their eyes because polish women lie 99% of the time(but their boobs fortunately don't lie,you need to concentrate your attention).Of course some money can always turn you from a frog to a prince and it is a given that you have to be a frog to attract.
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #37
I like a special fish that you only can find in a special lake and this lake can be found on a special place and this place is so special

Sounds disorganized.
David_18  65 | 966  
24 Jun 2010 /  #38
It was meant too!!!

My story got a very very deep meaning though!!!
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #39
I really do understand how frustrating things like this can be

So you did have experience about the situation. Great. Hope you already over it. Forget the negative experiences, keep the positive ones. Keep going for a better life, not becoming disorganized and hateful. Be patient, and soft. I used to think softness is only for women. I am changing my mind through out changes.
Natasa  1 | 572  
24 Jun 2010 /  #40
You wish.

You also wish you had less problems.

Time to turn "Croatian-mode" on.

I know for your problems with insight. Working experience.

Mine are compared to yours minor.

Are you testing your humorous side? It's weak.
David_18  65 | 966  
24 Jun 2010 /  #41
So you did have experience about the situation. Great. Hope you already over it. Forget the negative experiences, keep the positive ones. Keep going for a better life, not becoming disorganized and hateful. Be patient, and soft. I used to think softness is only for women. I am changing my mind through out changes.

You got me...

But time heals wounds right!?!?!?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
24 Jun 2010 /  #42
But time heals wounds right!?!?!?

of course it does ;)

I agree that a good chemistry is a base of a good beginning.

Agreed 100%, you must be able to act like friends as well as lovers to be able to fill in the gaps ;)
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #43
Generally with polish women it is better not to

You sound like quite experienced.

I am interested to know: whether patience and care (not simply money) could turn a close social relation into a long term relationship. Without physical attractiveness and chemistry at the beginning, it's likely not possible. So, why I am trying? Why do I not move on and look for other fish? Testing my hypothesis? Going for my goal, my love? Or am I too much emotional? Too much chemistry towards her? She's a witch? I am too weak?

The answer may not be clear until some time later.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #44
Being handsome also has some disadvantages.For example a girl may think how come this handsome guy not have a girlfriend or he will leave me soon since he will find another gf so it is double sword being handsome it does not mean one thing per se just facilitates the first seconds of interaction.Then you play ball I guess southerners know their stuff better.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
24 Jun 2010 /  #45
You sound like quite experienced.

Hahahaha If only you knew the WHOLE story :D
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #46
whether patience and care (not simply money) could turn a close social relation into a long term relationship.

Totally wrong.You count on polish women gratefullness.Polish women are not grateful at all,they will never reward you,what are you saying?You will be just a friend they will take advantage of.Women estimate power not oblivion.
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #47
You got me...

But time heals wounds right

Wow! I am proud to get you right! Thanks for being sincere. Any way, if you did try with all your heart, spent your time, it's a nice memory to keep. You'll appreciate these memories (wounds) later in life. They make your life romantic, worth to live, worth to love. And fight for love (no violence)

Women estimate power not oblivion

That's what most people think. Let's see what will happen. I will most likely fail, yet I will learn sth real from the experience.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #48
It is important what you have to offer.Can you offer sth valuable?Or indespensable?Of course my balkan exotic presence is usually enough but I need many times to offer more.You also give according to response.You have to make them develop a Pavlov's reaction only good behaviour is rewarded.Of course there are polish women who like to be punished for their out of order behaviour but they usually prefer german dungeons(who are more appropriate for these things).But I can comfort them as well(as much as possible of course).
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #49
Being handsome also has some disadvantages

I don't mind having that disadvantage
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #50
Usually ugly guys are familiar with their ugliness and know girls' response to it and handsome guys are familiar with their attraction.Of course being handsome does not win you points in men's world where other features are more appreciated.So an ugly dominant male among his companions has more chances to be prefered by women chasing status than a handsome man more effeminized by his long companionship with women.

So the way you handle the other males is important because if you don't have respect by them,girls do not have respect for you and don't feel attracted.This is an advantage with polish girls they fail to understand the local social dynamics which could in mediteranean countries put you in beta positions since the alphas protect the betas so by confronting betas you have to deal with alphas which is frustrationg and heightens competition boosting local females arrogance and demands.
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #51
I was studying in Olsztyn

So, how're Olsztyn women? Nice, soft, strong, submissive, demanding, beautiful, not so beautiful, family oriented, party typed, ....?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #52
I had a married polish woman from Olsztyn.They are and look very polish there they are completely polish.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2010 /  #53
You sound like quite experienced.

he's just full of it... a virgin with huge imagination...

Being handsome also has some disadvantages.F

please, start talking about something you've got some idea about...

Of course my balkan exotic presence is usually enough

LOL... southern, please, drink your milk, eat your cookies and it's bed time!!
OP gg4  
24 Jun 2010 /  #54
I had a married polish woman from Olsztyn

What's the traditional food from Olsztyn? What do women from Olsztyn appreciate? Like all other women? Any specific idea? Thanks
king polkakamon  - | 542  
24 Jun 2010 /  #55
What's the traditional food from Olsztyn?

I think bigos.

What do women from Olsztyn appreciate?

In my case it was kiolbasa.
beckski  12 | 1609  
25 Jun 2010 /  #56
Yet I am not sure about Polish women.

I know I'd never live with a guy, if we didn't share a physical chemistry. It would be completely pointless, along with a waste of each other's precious time.
Matowy  - | 293  
25 Jun 2010 /  #57
Why the need to catagorize her as a woman from X place? Is it so hard to comprehend that she might actually be an individual with individual tastes and feelings?
OP gg4  
25 Jun 2010 /  #58
I know I'd never live with a guy, if we didn't share a physical chemistry.

Thanks for sharing. That's true with most people. In certain cases, however, you may want to go with the flow, or make decision with your brain, not your heart. How about your dream guy is still hiding somewhere, and you're getting to 40's, have no kids yet. How about you'd been with several guys with great chemistry, yet all these relationships last only for a while. And now you want to settle down with a family, have kids and a stable life. You may then look for something else in a man, not physical chemistry. Ofcourse it would be better with than without. But life is usually not that perfect. It's a compromise, isn't it?

It would be completely pointless, along with a waste of each other's precious time

I guess you're a beautiful, successful woman, determined, work hard, overcome obstacles, pursuing goals, strong character. Other women may not be that lucky, and they may look for security in a relationship, not satisfaction.
David_18  65 | 966  
25 Jun 2010 /  #59
But life is usually not that perfect. It's a compromise, isn't it?

In most cases yes.
terri  1 | 1661  
25 Jun 2010 /  #60
I could never understand (and will never ever understand) why women marry men ONLY for security.
Many women find their partners totally repulsive, but still stay with them because they want a nice house, car, position in society.

Give me a man that I fancy like hell, one that when I look at him I just want to devour every minute of every day and where I can't get enough of him - and I really don't give a damn about a nice house, car, society - at least I will ALWAYS find him attractive and want to be with him.

Unlike the ones that married for security - that 'security' will one day make you feel repulsive with yourself, how low can a woman get?.

But then again, I never needed a man to depend on - I can earn my own living, thank you.

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