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Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas?

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
22 Jul 2012 /  #31
I have been approached by classy hispanics (no seriously don't laugh, guess they're trying to climb the race ladder) but they don't meet my height requirement and I feel uncomfortable with them, no white men. Is it unreasonable to give up?

ok.. can I cry?

You can try going to a singles night at a local church.

wow... do you celebrate New Years at a funeral home?

Most likely they will live with you, and get uninterested and move to another girl when they find that you smell after exercising or don't give a good enough hand job.

WTF?!! What man wants a hand job? Your hand is never gonna be as good as his!

Guys who hang out in churches are closet queens, Ted Haggerty comes to mind. Church going is a women's thingy.

mind boggles... I guess those who 'hang out' at IKEA must be pedohile nazi whalers... and yeah it's their thingy

There is a very strange divide of people here. The weird hippies/gays and old yuppies and the baptist country people.

Simple - get the fuck outta there! Those 'weird hippies/gays' will be so much better off...

When there is real chemistry between two people, it is very hard and unnatural to develop a platonic relationship

ok.. maybe all is not lost yet...

Most women your age are far too picky, demanding, spoiled, materialistic, and far from girlfriend material (i could go on with more reasons all day). This is precisely why you're having a hard time finding a man and why most guys are wary of serious relationships with girls your age. You would probably be best off by finding an older man, someone 30+ years old.

fook me, Herbert The Pervert joined PF

And lastly I would like to thank fstop for restoring my faith in humanity
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
23 Jul 2012 /  #32
Most men are far too lazy, infantile, unsuccessful, and wanting to be pleased every second, and far from bedroom material. Most men cannot take criticism or admit when they're wrong, they can NEVER be at fault for anything.

Nice generalisation. Replace "men" with "women", and you've described my ex-girlfriend, but you won't see me suggesting that most women are like that.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 Jul 2012 /  #33

Its a simple fact. Very few guys under 25 want to get married and settle down. Maybe 30+ is too old for you (obviously you care about it more that you seem to want to accept), but try 25-30 year olds, 27 is a good age to get married for guys.

Nice generalisation. Replace "men" with "women", and you've described my ex-girlfriend, but you won't see me suggesting that most women are like that.

Hipis  - | 226  
23 Jul 2012 /  #34
Its impossible to get to know someone when all they're interested in is getting in your pants. period. I try to get to know them and all they keep asking me is if I will give them a blow job.

We have similar problems. I find that the problem with women is that they're only interested in getting into my bank balance. :D
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Jul 2012 /  #35
I have been approached by classy hispanics (no seriously don't laugh, guess they're trying to climb the race ladder)

They are already classier than you by a country mile.
Nothing says class like coming on an internet forum to find a husband.....
BTW, what is your location? Georgia in 1853?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jul 2012 /  #36
Best way to find a husband...ideas?

Do you really have a problem with that? (hard to believe it)
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
23 Jul 2012 /  #37
They are already classier than you by a country mile. Nothing says class like coming on an internet forum to find a husband..... BTW, what is your location? Georgia in 1853?

I didn't come on here to find a husband on the internet lol. Nothing says stupid like making judgements about someone you've never met before.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jul 2012 /  #38

You'll be surprised, Georgia is a beautiful state.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
23 Jul 2012 /  #39
Nothing says stupid like making judgements about someone you've never met before.

however you did make your views on relationships quite clear and based on that you do come across as Miss Conventionality anno 1952
BBman  - | 343  
23 Jul 2012 /  #40

fook me, Herbert The Pervert joined PF

Nothing to "ugh" about, and most certainly there is nothing perverted about it. Just look around, there are plenty of men dating women that are 5-8 years younger (ie: man = 32, woman=25). I even see a lot of women in their mid-late 20's dating men in their late 40s early fifties here in toronto. A little extreme but i think we all know why... ;)

I'm not talking about a 20 yr old dating a 13 year old, this is indeed disgusting.

If you think it gets any easier when they're approaching the menopause, you are sadly mistaken :D

When i said older i didn't mean that old LOL! I'm far too young to have experienced that but I know co-workers that are going through hell with their menopausal wives.

Most men are far too lazy, infantile, unsuccessful, and wanting to be pleased every second, and far from bedroom material. I could go on with more reasons all day, from the video game addictions to the dancing around the truth to the taking everything they want and not even thinking about the woman's needs. Most men cannot take criticism or admit when they're wrong, they can NEVER be at fault for anything.

lol sounds like you've just finished my analysis of women.

I didn't come on here to find a husband on the internet lol.

Nothing wrong with finding a partner online. It's the 21st century people! Some of you sound like my Babcia.
Ironside  50 | 13055  
23 Jul 2012 /  #41
Nothing says stupid like making judgements about someone you've never met before.

Don't mind him; he is totally amped!
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
23 Jul 2012 /  #42
I'm not talking about a 20 yr old dating a 13 year old, this is indeed disgusting.

my bad, misread your post as 30+ older
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
23 Jul 2012 /  #43
I am stumped as to how I can find a guy who is move in or husband material,

Here i go with the motherly instincts.. lol

my daughter asked me the same thing not to long ago, let me just say, love isnt something you force. you have a visual of him

* the guy you want* but think about it, are you putting standards to high that you might wind up missing the right guy?

another thing to know, love is something that grows, its not like when you look at a person and suddenly you want to go to bed

with them, attraction helps, but you have to have something in common with them, other then the bedroom, sometimes the guy for
you might be right there and you havent seen him because you want prince charming.

my daughter was so in love with this boy last year, he liked her for a friend only, she cried to me saying, all I want is to be with

someone, but she finally seen this boy she fell for who he really was. his true colors came out, so she decided to just focus on her

school and friends, and 6 months later, she meets this really nice boy who likes her for who she is, he thinks she is beautiful, he is

a gentleman , he takes her out to dinners and movies and they have fun all the time, And all she had to do was stop trying so hard

to find that one guy,

hes out there, and trust me , hes looking for you, you will meet up soon, but dont analyze every guy, have fun, let them know your

a good girl and keep their paws off and focus on you and I predict you will be married in couple years.

And once your married, remember to try to not change this person, dont try to change a bad boy, let the bad boy change himself

because then it only ends in disaster, if you love someone, you dont need to change them, they should be who they are because thats

what you loved about them to begin with and when you love someone, you love everything about them and there shouldnt be anything
you want to change.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
23 Jul 2012 /  #44
I was just thinking the same thing, I need to lower my standards a little bit and just let things happen instead of scrutinizing and trying to cherry pick my situation. I just have a few reservations that I am not willing to budge on, like that he can't be non-white and he has to be tall. I just know that I can't be attracted to short men.

Nothing wrong with finding a partner online. It's the 21st century people! Some of you sound like my Babcia.

I know for a fact that internet dating doesn't work.
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Jul 2012 /  #45
I know for a fact that internet dating doesn't work.

I have 3 friends that found their mates on internet and are happily married now.

I think your problem is that you expect the worst of people, and often, that is self fulfilling.
Sometimes you have to take a chance.
Most men are not "mature, responsible, ready to settle down adults" until they meet a right woman and fall in love.
You're not going to find a perfect man, often we have to polish one ourselves. No pun intended.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2012 /  #46
I know for a fact that internet dating doesn't work

You are probably not going to find quality guys off the www. However, there are universities or colleges. Have you thought about maybe enrolling and living on campus?
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
23 Jul 2012 /  #47
No pun intended.


You are probably not going to find quality guys off the www. However, there are universities or colleges. Have you thought about maybe enrolling and living on campus?

It's not worth it to me at this point and I am close to getting my degree. I am already 100% sure of what I want to do. Soon I will have a good job in medical office administration. My typing and language skills are better than most, and it's a growth field, so I feel sure I'll be able to find a job. My only hope of meeting somebody at work will be a young doctor someday, which I think isn't going to happen, because doctors have long hours and i require attention. I think if I were a doctors wife, I would need a psychiatrist lol. I would definitely turn into the "crazy doctor's wife" stereotype, because I get so anal. I want someone who is fun loving and isn't too tied down by their job.

I really wish that I had gotten the opportunity to live on campus for a few years when I was 18, but I honestly think it would be wrong to put my parents through such a financial hardship. If I had done that I would have been poorer than ever, because I would have had no money to live on and consequently no life. I applied a few places and was going to get like almost a full scholarship because of my grades, but it didn't pay for everything, and it still would have been almost impossible. I would be stuck with hand me down clothes and frozen dinners every night. If it had have been possible, it would have been a great experience and enriched my life, but everyone is losing their opportunities in this economy. It would have been a great chance to live life independantly and come to some conclusion about what I wanted to do.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
23 Jul 2012 /  #48
meeting somebody at work will be a young doctor someday, which I think isn't going to happen,

trust me there are plenty of young attractive doctors in the medical field. tall ones too LOL

you will be working along with him so you will still see him :)))
Puzzie  1 | 53  
23 Jul 2012 /  #49
I am stumped as to how I can find a guy who

It's hard to comprehend, darling, that a young lady as beautiful and smart as you are can have this kind of difficulty. Who the heck are the men where you live? Are they men at all?

Do you believe in comparing horoscopes? I'm asking seriously; it's been practiced for millenia in the East. The Asians say it's a very effective way of matching couples correctly.

All the very best to you, sweetie.

Ah, and I remember I owe you a reply in the thread on Polish individualism.
Hipis  - | 226  
23 Jul 2012 /  #50
It's hard to comprehend, darling, that a young lady as beautiful and smart as you are can have this kind of difficulty. Who the heck are the men where you live? Are they men at all?

It's not the lack of men, it's PTA's "tick list" that excludes most of them as being suitable. Patrycja19 has written an excellent post and given her some excellent advice.

I need to lower my standards

You're not lowering your standards, you're just giving yourself more people to choose from. ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 Jul 2012 /  #51
It's not the lack of men, it's PTA's "tick list" that excludes most of them as being suitable. Patrycja19 has written an excellent post and given her some excellent advice.

Agreed. Women doing this are making excuses not to be with someone. Waiting for Mr Perfect will guarantee you stay single for ever

Mrs Dead perfect

Quite frankly randomly picking any guy will give you just as good a chance of success. Which is why the Asian's Astrology technique is successful..
Polsyr  6 | 758  
23 Jul 2012 /  #52
the race ladder

I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.

Using language like that puts you in the same place as several groups of scum including but not limited to the Nazis and KKK.
Ironside  50 | 13055  
23 Jul 2012 /  #53
I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.

Using language like that puts you in the same

Ah that is nonsense, just take cold shower.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Jul 2012 /  #54
You'll be surprised, Georgia is a beautiful state.

haha, I know, it looks gorgeous,even crawling with walkers ;)

I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.

Kinda my point,the probable descendent of some bog trotting indentured white slave comes on here proclaiming her racial superiority to a Hispanic....like I said,all the class of KKK pre teens beauty pageant....
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Jul 2012 /  #55
Did she actually say she is in Georgia?
If you are, PolkaTag, get closer to Hotlanta! ;)
Meathead  5 | 467  
24 Jul 2012 /  #56
Most men are not "mature, responsible, ready to settle down adults" until they meet a right woman and fall in love.
You're not going to find a perfect man, often we have to polish one ourselves. No pun intended.

Complete nonsense, women do not change men. Big myth. Also reason for conflict in marriage. If you think you gotta change 'em, don't get married.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
24 Jul 2012 /  #57
I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.Using language like that puts you in the same place as several groups of scum including but not limited to the Nazis and KKK.

Some people don't have a sense of humor. Sorry, but even many of the "best" or most upper class Mestizos are barely as good as average joe Anglo-Americans. Not as well off, not as tall, not as educated, not as attractive. It's just as obvious as the sky is blue, man if you can't see that you are really averting your eyes to a politically correct made up fairy tale land. It's not KKK or Georgia in the early 1900s, its just reality. I don't have hatred towards mestizos, I could care less about them, but I can't help but notice what I notice lol.

Kinda my point,the probable descendent of some bog trotting indentured white slave comes on here proclaiming her racial superiority to a Hispanic....like I said,all the class of KKK pre teens beauty pageant....

And you, the politically correct nazi come rushing to the rescue with your ridiculous, made up stereotypes that don't exist. I never claimed "racial superority" to a hispanic, I just notice that in general hispanics tend to be less well off than anglos physically, monetarily, and intellectually. It's just like the way rich black guys want to date white girls, the black girls are ugly and because they are rich they can get someone who is 8 times out of 10 higher quality.

Did she actually say she is in Georgia? If you are, PolkaTag, get closer to Hotlanta! ;)

I live in NC. I hear the good city with a lot of single men is Charlotte.

Do you believe in comparing horoscopes? I'm asking seriously; it's been practiced for millenia in the East. The Asians say it's a very effective way of matching couples correctly.

Yes! I believe my best bet is a Taurus. Let's see, I've dated other cancers, an Aries, an acquarius, and a capricorn.

smart as you are can have this kind of difficulty

I'm smart? Wow, that's the first time I've heard that, I guess I might not be an inbred hick from Georgia.

If you lived in Poland, you'd be talking about everyone who doesn't speak Polish, In Sweden you'd be talking about the muslims, and in the south, YOU would be talking about Mexicans!
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Jul 2012 /  #58
How about the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill? Is The Triangle still golden?
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
24 Jul 2012 /  #59
I don't want to live in Durham, ugh. Believe me, it sucks, I've been there a lot.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Jul 2012 /  #60
Raleigh? I don't know, Polka, these are no backward little towns - it is supposed to be a research center, has many high tech companies, decent schools... Duke University!

Are you over 18?

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