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Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive?

MotownBoy  1 | 7  
7 Sep 2010 /  #1
Hello everyone

I've wondered about that for a long time. Do African women find Polish men attractive?

I've always wanted to meet such women but I didn't know what do they think about "us".

There not many women in Kraków and if they are, I don't know them. I didn't have a chance to talk with them.

I decided to post a question here. Any opinions? suggestions? answers?
beckski  12 | 1609  
7 Sep 2010 /  #2
There have been a few black females previously on the forum, who were seeking to meet Polish men. Haven't seen many around lately. Either they've found someone already; or maybe they were scared away.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
7 Sep 2010 /  #3
Do African women find Polish men attractive?

You never know until you try. Next time you see African looking woman try to pick her up and see what happens...I tend to see more African men with white women but not too many African women with white men..not sure if there is a reason for it.
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
7 Sep 2010 /  #4
Well, You have to be very brave or insane:D to pick up woman e.g on the bus stop. It could end very bad.

I tend to see more African men with white women but not too many African women with white men..

Yes, I've seen such couples in Kraków but I haven't seen African woman with a white guy;/ maybe they really got scarred away;/
jamesams1357  - | 35  
7 Sep 2010 /  #5
they gone back to there blackman and haveing lots of babies
paulinska  9 | 86  
7 Sep 2010 /  #6
I actually do know a couple(Polish guy, African woman) here in the UK. How they met...ah well to cut the story short, they're inlaws to either families if that makes sense! The African woman's brother married the Polish man's sister and so viceversa...very interesting stuff indeed! I think firstly you should find a good friend in an African man, then somewhat you'll get the connections OR you could try night clubs afterall the men do it that way!

I genuinely wish you the best of luck...i'm sure someone will come along!
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Sep 2010 /  #7
The African woman's brother married the Polish man's sister

These Polki are crazy.How they go for these third worldlers is beyond my comprehension.Too low self esteem?Anyway Poles prove inferior and succumb to economic realities.This will never happen here the epicenter of Balkan pride.I mean economic realities are indifferent.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #8
These Polki are crazy.How they go for these third worldlers is beyond my comprehension.Too low self esteem?

Isn't this a good thing for you? Means they don't discriminate against you, or?
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
7 Sep 2010 /  #9
Thanks, that's a good way to meet such woman. However, African women don't go to polish clubs (as far as remember and know) and to meet some man is also difficult. Nevertheless, thanks for the advice:)
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #10
Yes, but the vast majority of the Balkans consists of countries with lower economic status than Poland.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 Sep 2010 /  #11
(It is not only the Poles that are guilty of this perversion. America and The British Isles are just as guilty.. You see very little of American men mixing with black women, but the white girls are out of control.. Not all of them but there more than enough.Most of it is drug related..
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Sep 2010 /  #12
Yes,I noticed that in US.White girls with Blacks and Latinos.For me it is quite simple what happens.A 20% of white men get ****** jobs or become unemployed through affirmative action and a 20% of white women go for the minorities who get benefited by affirmative action.
Matt32  4 | 83  
7 Sep 2010 /  #13
I'm going to throw in my two-cents worth here. I think that interracial marriages shouldn't be encouraged. I also think there is nothing which could be done in practical terms to change this trend - its up to females really!

So, I suppose that there is no reason to discus the topic in racial terms - let sleeping dogs lie:)
paulinska  9 | 86  
7 Sep 2010 /  #14
How can someone quite possibly have a meaningful dialog with people like Southern?? Such irrational thinking!
MotownBoy, If an African/Afro-American woman is what you want, then go for it mate!
You'll be amazed by how easy it can be if you approach someone and ask them out. Whats the worst that can happen??
ricky baxter  
7 Sep 2010 /  #15
you can't use things from wikipedia and present them as facts...its like saying 'my mate reckons such and such and he is clever'...sure there are facts and relevant citations but primary sources should be used
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
7 Sep 2010 /  #16
Whats the worst that can happen??

well... I can be slaped in face by women in front of friends or crowd... or she could start shouting out loud that I'm some kind of pervert;/

But nevertheless I will try... We don't live twice:) there won't be a second chance.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #17
well, if you are at uni, there must be some foreign students there, so you need to find out here they hang out and show you face from time to time, don't charge right away. Hang around and become friends first. You might be attracted to them when you see then on the street, but maybe you will not be attracted to their personalities, all women are different, you know:).

Or join an interest group, such as drumming circle or something like that, not sure they have them in Krakow, but if they do, there might be some Afro Americans there. Be patient too.
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
7 Sep 2010 /  #18
such as drumming circle or something like that,

that's a good idea....:D
7 Sep 2010 /  #19
I'm black woman living in Warsaw for the last 3 years. My own opinion is that Polish guys seem at bit cool towards black women - I think they may feel intimidated. They stare but don't go any further than that. For me, Polish guys are not known for their looks. If I were looking for a mate, I would probably be put off by a Pole which is a shame I suppose. I personally prefer my men dark n smooth like me!
grethomory  1 | 155  
7 Sep 2010 /  #20
I went to the Taste of Poland this weekend...and I saw many African American women with good looking Polish men. It just comes down to where people are located and what they are around.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #21
I personally prefer my men dark n smooth like me!

MoteTown time for the waxing and suntaning salon;)
10 Sep 2010 /  #22
I'm black. I don't live in Poland but have had experiences with Polish exchange students at University. I suggest that you forget that the woman is black, and approach her as you would approach any other girl. I have to say that my experience left me feeling a bit "weirded out". I was stared at, and followed, it was very unsettling and unnerving, until the guys finally had the courage to speak to me. Although, I wasn't interested we did speak regularly. Also part of my disinterest stemmed from the fact that I wasn't invited to events with their Polish friends, I was only invited to things with their English friends.
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Sep 2010 /  #23
Do African women find Polish men attractive?

I think black women are finding the concept of shagging, dating or even marrying a white man more and more attractive. Years ago it was quite rare to see black women / white man the opposite was much more common.

In London its very normal to see all kinds of mixed race couples, not so much in Poland, my advice to you would be join a UK dating site, punch in your criteria and hopefully..... I don't like your chances of finding a black women in Krakow that floats your boat.
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
10 Sep 2010 /  #24
I suggest that you forget that the woman is black, and approach her as you would approach any other girl.

Yes, you're right. It's very important to not judge some else or approach because of the skin. I just wanted to underline or specify the question. If i asked about women in general, without specifing, the topic would be pointless.

Someone who judges book by it's cover is a dumb person.
10 Sep 2010 /  #25

I'm black and my husband is Polish, so yes we do find Polish guys attractive. Maybe not all of us, but some of us do. But besides being Polish, the thing that attracted me to my husband was the fact that he is very intelligent, has a heart of gold, and has to be the most passionate person I know, and I love him to death for it. Inner beauty is the most important.

My suggestion, approach her like a normal girl. Be interested and have something to say. If she is American, like me, stay sharp because black American women are a little fiestier than other women. Be yourself. Don't be a Polish guy trying to act black so you can get a black woman (nothing is more annoying). Also, as with any relationship, take it slow and get to know the person. A person can be beautiful on the outside and very ugly inside, so taking the time to figure it out will save you heartache down the line.

Good luck!
routro66  - | 4  
10 Sep 2010 /  #26
Just a brief footnote to the discussion: According to the U.S. Census about 100,000 people who say they are Polish American also identify as bi-racial. That is about 1% of the Polish American Population. I know of a number of young people of Polish-African or African American Ancestry who are part of Polish cultural and dance groups and/or attend Saturday School. But this is not a recent phenomenon. I continually meet middle aged African Americans with a Polish grandparent or grandparents who have achieved a significant status or educational levels. A senior aide to the governor of Michigan proudly claims her Polish babcia. Most include perogi and gołąbki among their soul food choices. During the earliest period of immigration (I write on Polish immigration and have written more on relations between African Americans and Polish immigrants than anyone else) is was primarily Polish males who married or had long term liaisons often with children than not. One of the towering figures of Polish American Catholicism who performed a wedding between an African American man and his Polish immigrant fiancée in 1929 in a sermon that became legendary in his parish, admonished the mean spirited parish gossips that these are both children of God who has brought them together and that their life together will be difficult enough with the added poison of their hurtful words.

If you are interested in Polonia issues and demography check out the Piast institute. It is a research and policy center which contains an official Census Information Center with the special mission to study Polonia. Piast's newly published study Polish Americans Today is based on a national survey of 1400 Polish American Activists. It also contains a through demographic

picture of Polonia today. Its response to Bill O'Reilly's dismissive remark on the Polish Army in 1939 has gotten wide publicity in the last week. It's older international symposium on J.T.

Gross' book FEAR (analysisoffear.org) is still getting hits. On the facebook search bar enter "friends of piast" and "piast institute" to check it out
OP MotownBoy  1 | 7  
10 Sep 2010 /  #27
I'm black and my husband is Polish, so yes we do find Polish guys attractive. Maybe not all of us, but some of us do.

Glad to hear that:) I will try to do as you said. Thank you for clues and suggestions:)

By the way... where did you meet your husband?
11 Sep 2010 /  #28
I actually met him here in Afghanistan. Our first date was spent in a bunker hiding from rockets and then watching military planes take-off from the runway (all his idea, the plane watching part at least). Not the safest first date ever, but definitely the most interesting. :)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
11 Sep 2010 /  #29
Our first date was spent in a bunker hiding from rockets

Ha..Polish guys sure know how to show a girl a good time eh...?
George8600  10 | 630  
11 Sep 2010 /  #30
How many times is this particular question going to be asked?

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