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You are Polish if...

PLAT  1 | 23  
6 Mar 2010 /  #241
you have some idiotic delusion that Russians are worse thn Polish, you hate on the germans while admiring and wishing to be them in secret.

Overall I think most bad Polish traits lie in the general character, you might compare the Polish to say..... Koreans, yes good example. or maybe better example Hong Kong
thebear45  1 | 66  
6 Mar 2010 /  #242
-u cleen the public restroom at airport in england... u scrum toilet in bathroom anywhere, lol.
-waitress in u.k bar
-construction worker
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
6 Mar 2010 /  #243
Did you mean Scrum rather than Scrum...are you saying Poles like Rugby?

You are just envious that you're dont have free movement "teddy"
thebear45  1 | 66  
6 Mar 2010 /  #244
envious that

envy? envy of what? lol, miserables like poles/??

Scrum rather than Scrum

sry, meant scrub
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Mar 2010 /  #245
PLAT makes a good point. My wife told me that many Poles see Russians as somewhat inferior. We watched part of the film about the Polish-Russian war and she told me that then. What an absurd generalisation!
6 Mar 2010 /  #246
-u cleen the public restroom at airport in england... u scrum toilet in bathroom anywhere, lol.
-waitress in u.k bar
-construction worker

More honorable and useful than selling drugs to children in front of schools, robbing as a career and raping women like your Albanian compatriots do.
thebear45  1 | 66  
6 Mar 2010 /  #247
useful than selling drugs to children in front of

drugs? who sells thes things?? ;O

i kno of now drug dealer from albania.
beelzebub  - | 444  
6 Mar 2010 /  #248
i kno of now drug dealer from albania.

Yeah she was confused...Albanians are into human trafficking and sex trade not drugs.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
6 Mar 2010 /  #249
You are Polish if.... you take food out of the fridge....stuff it up your nostril , before stuffing it up the nostril of a relative or guest , and then returning it to the fridge....
Eurola  4 | 1898  
6 Mar 2010 /  #250
wildrover, what did you drink last night? Spirytus?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
6 Mar 2010 /  #251
Nooo i am sober...honest... I have seen a friend of mine do this on a regular basis....! I guess they are checking its fresh and edible , but i have never seen anyone from another country pass it around to others to confirm its ok to eat...?
Nika  2 | 507  
6 Mar 2010 /  #252
You are Polish if.... you take food out of the fridge....stuff it up your nostril , before stuffing it up the nostril of a relative or guest , and then returning it to the fridge....

hahaha, now you gave a relly good laugh!

I guess they are checking its fresh and edible , but i have never seen anyone from another country pass it around to others to confirm its ok to eat...?

Yes, it is to confirm it's fresh and ok to eat. OK, I confess - I do it as well! Maybe not up the nostril of a guest (unless I know the person very well) though.

Very good observation wildrover!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Mar 2010 /  #253
you overuse the imperative form, whether giving a command or not

you fuss over little things by using the imperative, e.g close the door (zamknij drzwi), sit down (siadaj), be quiet (cicho bądź or zamknij się) etc etc.

you constantly harp back to the past. Present realities appear to be too hard for some here.

you are overly focussed on internal matters (understandable to an extent). Poles tend not to care enough about extraneous matters.
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
27 Aug 2010 /  #254
You are Polish if...

...you complain all the time!
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
27 Aug 2010 /  #256
so Scottish men complain and wear skirts? OMG!

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
27 Aug 2010 /  #257
so Scottish men complain and wear skirts? OMG!

Hey, I know you love the auld kilt ;) :P

And trust me, I've seen what you Texans like to wear to wallmart!!!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 Aug 2010 /  #258
so Scottish men complain and wear skirts? OMG!

No, they wear skirts and that's why they complain.

must have something to do with finding the right shade of rajstopy to go with tartan.
OP pgtx  29 | 3094  
27 Aug 2010 /  #259
must have something to do with finding the right shade of rajstopy to go with tartan.

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
27 Aug 2010 /  #260
must have something to do with finding the right shade of rajstopy to go with tartan.

Ah, though nothing goes on underneath ;) You're thinking of the English and that totally gay art of morris dancing ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
28 Aug 2010 /  #261
You are Polish if you have the guts to fart while taking a pee!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
28 Aug 2010 /  #262
fart while taking a pee

involuntary action amongst men... ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Aug 2010 /  #263
you believe Maluchs and potatoes are exclusively Polish ;)
monika87  - | 55  
6 Oct 2010 /  #264
I agree with everything.

that one should perhaps add.

you think saying kurwa repeatedly

you constantly harp back to the past.

And a few more things.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Oct 2010 /  #265
you bring up a controversial point that's bound to bring about the daggers being brandished (many Poles aren't like this in the English classroom)

you make out that there is some enigmatic mystique to being a Pole when there really isn't

you make yourself ill with negative thoughts and general weakness.

you seek to carve out a Polishness in your life

I really get on with many Poles. Many are close to my heart and I'd do a lot to help them. Some are just downtrodden :(
nunczka  8 | 457  
18 Jul 2011 /  #266
Polish People Are Great!

You know you're Polish if...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Jul 2011 /  #267
You love toilets without locks on the doors

You love talking about bums

You have complexes that leave even the most advanced mathematicians unable to unravel the riddles of your life

You believe peasant food trumps high cuisine like French food

You enjoy a good political discussion, tempered with reason

You pass drinks round the table in order to stimulate discussion
pawian  219 | 24806  
18 Jul 2011 /  #268
It seems while you have posted your data, the thread was moved or closed and your data cannot be posted. Sorry!


Wow, some things are a revelation to me. Do American Poles really do them? :):):):) or you exaggerate on purpose to strengthen the satirical impact on the reader?

“Saint Hedwig,”

You occasionally add the suffix “-ski” to English words for no apparent reason (e.G., “I’m gonna go put the car-ski in the garage-ski”)

Your family likes to play card games like hearts and pinochle, and this often culminates in full-scale brawls.

Your dad has forced you to eat horseradish, claiming that it will “put hair on your chest” (even If you’re a female!).

You like to put sour cream, horseradish, and/or beer on everything you eat.

You walk into a crowd of people you don’t know and talk to them like they’re your best friends in the whole world.

Here are things which also Polish Poles do:

Your grandparents and other rela tives habitually kiss everyone they meet.

You have at least one relative who plays the Accordion.

You are inclined to blame all the world’s ills on Germans and Russians.

You like to go “mushroom hunting.”

You hoard vast amounts of money in your house.

You can out drink all of your friends.

You have waited in line at a church or bakery to buy pierogi or paczki.

You often visit cemeteries, light votive candles for dead relatives, and generally spend an unhealthy amount of time obsessing about death.

You like to gossip and generally talk too much.

Your relatives show constant devotion to saints, the Blessed Virgin, the Pope,

18 Jul 2011 /  #269
if you constantly comaplain about too hot summers (in the summer) and too cold winters (in the winter)
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jul 2011 /  #270
everybody does!

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