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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Dec 2010 /  #211
99% of non-Polish people who tell Polish people that they should "not be offended" at jokes against Polish people, would be the first to be offended at similar degrading jokes against their ethnic background.

Exactly i doubt they'd be so forgiving if their ethnicity was the target, plus its one thing to come back with a joke to get even, and another when it just comes out of no where. But i haven't heard anyone tell them in years, in the media sometimes but in real life people with a brain see it's not funny to laugh at an ethnic group. I work with an Irish guy he says sometimes 'there's my favorite dumb Pollack" i say "and here's my favorite drunk Mick" but it's funny because we're good friends, there's no hatred behind it.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Dec 2010 /  #212
What a bunch of nonsense.

yeah but solving all problems with your fists makes really much sense (lol)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Dec 2010 /  #213
But....MW....that wasn't meant as a funny joke, wasn't it. That wanted to hurt!


How do you know??????????

No it was meant to be funny!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :D

Nothing was meant by it!!!!!! It was just a joke!!!! ROFL LMAO!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

So Bratwurst boy you can read my mind??? hmmmmmm

But I thank you for responding since you bring up a very interesting point.

WHO is to say who the arbiter or judge is to say when something is meant to hurt somebody and when its not??

Well at least its good to know that all those inferior intelligence jokes about Polish people were meant as a term of endearment to Polish people. LOL!!!!

I'll remember to tell those Polish Americans I know who years ago had their windows smashed and house vandalized with graffitti of "Polish jokes" that were said on TV just days before their house was attacked. After they were caught, the perpetrators seemed to enjoy all the anti-Polish brainwashing the TV media was feeding them.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Dec 2010 /  #214
yeah but solving all problems with your fists makes really much sense (lol)

No but it makes a man feel like a man
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
12 Dec 2010 /  #215
yeah but solving all problems with your fists makes really much sense (lol)

Who says anything about fists? If the person has any class, a casual conversation will be enough.

I think Pennboy was joking about using his fists LOL

I know quite a few Russian jokes....but only funny ones...

Like the Russians sinking their submarines by putting them in water?

Go ahead lets hear some of your funny Russian jokes that make fun of Russians as backward mongols.

let's not.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
12 Dec 2010 /  #216

Well...at least I made you laugh! :)

WHO is to say who the arbiter or judge is to say when something is meant to hurt somebody and when its not??

I think mentioning "murderer" or "blood" etc. disqualifies as funny...but then, tastes differ!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Dec 2010 /  #217
Like the Russians sinking their submarines by putting them in water?

I heard that joke many times...but with many different nations being the subject of the joke...

Same goes for the electrician joke i told..the first time i heard it , it was an Irish electrician...

I have heard many a Yorkshireman joke , and quite a few biker jokes , and i can,t say i am offended despite being a Yorkshire biker...

If you tell a joke about fat people , fat people will be offended , if you tell a gay joke , then gay people will be offended...

Can you guess who is going to be offended if you tell jokes about stupid Polish people.???

not normal intelligent Polish people i suspect...!
guesswho  4 | 1272  
12 Dec 2010 /  #218
No but it makes a man feel like a man

So you can only feel like a man when you fight? Pretty poor in my eyes.

I think Pennboy was joking about using his fists LOL

no, he obviously didn't: "No but it makes a man feel like a man"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Dec 2010 /  #219
Why is it - the people most offended by jokes about Poles aren't actually Polish?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
12 Dec 2010 /  #220
So you can only feel like a man when you fight? Pretty poor in my eyes.

I think Pennboy was joking about using his fists LOL

no, he obviously didn't: "No but it makes a man feel like a man"

Well I think if a person is telling a "Polish joke" and he at least has some class or fair mindedness, there is no reason to raise a fist at him. Unless he deserves it! No just joking LOL!!

I find that most Americans are reasonable and the times I did hear an American tell a Polish joke, once I told them about the prejudice behind them, that was it. I didn't hear anymore so called Polish jokes from them. They actually respected me for standing up for Polish people. They would also then go talking about how they had a Polish friend or relative that they liked and how they never really understood why Polish people were singled out in America for these insult jokes.

Its kind of like TV guy Bill Maher in 2001 telling a Polish joke on air and when he didn't get a favorable reaction from his panel he then went onto say in so many words "OK I shouldn't have told that Polish joke" "Although I have always believed that in general there is a basis for stereotypes about people, in fairness to Polish people, I never understood the notion that they are stupid. Where did that even come from?'

As for "Pennboy"

I can't speak for Pennboy, but if I said I would like to punch somebody for telling a joke I didn't like, I would say that as a joke.

I would even admit that if I heard an Anti-Polish Media Bigot got his arse kicked for bashing Polish people, it would be funny. LOL
ender  5 | 394  
12 Dec 2010 /  #221
Why is it - the people most offended by jokes about Poles aren't actually Polish?

We don't hear them much often and we don't bother about ignorant. But you are free to try some joke on your Polish gayfriends.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Dec 2010 /  #222
I would even admit that if I heard an Anti-Polish Media Bigot got his arse kicked for bashing Polish people, it would be funny. LOL

The sad thing is that you seem to be totally unaware of what kind of jokes Polish people make. It's very common to hear jokes about black people, Asians, Germans, Russians, etc here. And these jokes are often quite malicious in nature - many people have no issue with telling a joke with the word "nigger" in it.
nott  3 | 592  
12 Dec 2010 /  #223
It's very common to hear jokes about black people, Asians, Germans, Russians, etc here.

Hardly ever on TV though

many people have no issue with telling a joke with the word "nigger" in it

There's no such word in Polish.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #224
Go tell this to Jewish people who don't want to hear jokes about Jews looking and acting like rats.

Awwwwww, throwing your toys out the pram cos the big boys are picking on you??
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Dec 2010 /  #225
There's no such word in Polish.

They seem to use it quite liberally in English. Certainly, dropping the "n-bomb" isn't seen as unacceptable here.
nott  3 | 592  
12 Dec 2010 /  #226
They seem to use it quite liberally in English.

Seems a fresh import. Wonder where it came from.

Certainly, dropping the "n-bomb" isn't seen as unacceptable here.

Certainly. Hardly any 'n-sensitive' people in this country. What's the social circle you're referring to? Not the GW spheres, I presume?
landora  - | 194  
12 Dec 2010 /  #227
Certainly. Hardly any 'n-sensitive' people in this country. What's the social circle you're referring to? Not the GW spheres, I presume?

I've heard it from Gazeta Wyborcza loyalists, Rzeczpospolita loyalists, anarchists and Radio Maryja fans. Poles are simply not afraid of telling jokes about all sorts of minorities.

Then again, I don't think it's a surprise that it's the Polonia getting upset, not real Poles.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #228
we don't really care what the others think about our likes.

Obviously you all do with all this greetin about Polish jokes.
nott  3 | 592  
12 Dec 2010 /  #229
I've heard it from Gazeta Wyborcza loyalists

Really? The nigger thing? What the world has come to....

Then again, I don't think it's a surprise that it's the Polonia getting upset, not real Poles.

You shouldn't be surprised, Poles in Poland hardly know Polack jokes. But believe me, they would be upset.

Ethnic jokes are an artistic expression of common stereotypes, so you can pretty accurately predict what the 'German' or 'Russian' joke will be about, and only then it is considered funny. If the pictured stereotype falls far off the mark, it just says that the intent is to propagate this particular opinion. Now what would be the reason for Americans to consider Poles so stupid?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #230
Now what would be the reason for Americans to consider Poles so stupid?

Distance and lack of knowledge. But why would a Pole even take into consideration what some red neck yank thinks about them?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
12 Dec 2010 /  #231
Poles are simply not afraid of telling jokes about all sorts of minorities.

So Poles have yet to be politically corrected. This is good. They should do what they can to fend off the creeping, stifling PC dishonesty.

Ethnic jokes are an artistic expression of common stereotypes, so you can pretty accurately predict what the 'German' or 'Russian' joke will be about, and only then it is considered funny.

Yep. Jokes, much like stereotypes, must contain a degree of truth otherwise they are not funny.

what some red neck yank thinks about them

Distance and lack of knowledge.

Lol. The irony...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #232
Yep. Jokes, much like stereotypes, must contain a degree of truth otherwise they are not funny.

SO you would agree with the dumb polack stereotype?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
12 Dec 2010 /  #233
As for "Pennboy"

I can't speak for Pennboy, but if I said I would like to punch somebody for telling a joke I didn't like, I would say that as a joke.

I would even admit that if I heard an Anti-Polish Media Bigot got his arse kicked for bashing Polish people, it would be funny. LOL

Oh i meant it, if a person says it purposely to put me down with a weird smile on his face like he's happy about it, i would, i did it before, no better satisfaction than getting even to see pain in the other person's eyes after he tried to hurt you, i know it sounds evil, but that's life, forgiveness is taken as a weakness.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
12 Dec 2010 /  #234
I agree that it would behoove everyone to be more sensitive about other groups, and unfortunately, people in Poland are not the most open to other races and nationalities. Perhaps it will change with time and exposure to other points of view.

While telling insulting jokes says more about the person telling them than the audience, it does depends on the context. I have friends from other states telling me "Texas jokes," but it's just a friendly bantering, and it would be stupid to get offended.

I can tell you, however, how Polish jokes look from the point of view of an American. In the past (I'm talking the 50s), Polish immigrants used to be predominantly unskilled laborers, couldn't speak English, were Catholic, and tended to do everything to maintain their culture, and would send their kids to work rather than school (for reasons of both economic necessity and low emphasis on education in general), and I'm talking overall, if anyone has an example of their rich grandma with a PhD who came to the US in the 50s, I'm not going to argue. So that's how the stereotype started.

Again, any stereotype sometimes says more about the community propagating it than about the "target" group, so not to say there are no stupid Polish people, it really has no validity any more. I can't say all Americans are open-minded, either but, again, hopefully with time, the notion of a "stupid Polak" will go extinct.

To anyone being offended by a Polish joke - my advice is, say something smart back. Clenching your fists is not going to make you look any more intelligent.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Dec 2010 /  #235
Distance and lack of knowledge. But why would a Pole even take into consideration what some red neck yank thinks about them?

They don't. It's the dumb American Polacks that care so much - and I suspect that it's all because the stereotypes do contain an element of truth - that their forefathers were badly educated peasants. Look at who fled after WW1 - the intelligent ones stayed and built the 2nd RP - while the ones with no hope or future (and who had lost Russian/German/Austrian 'protection') fled.

So Poles have yet to be politically corrected. This is good. They should do what they can to fend off the creeping, stifling PC dishonesty.

But the Polacks are getting very upset with it. Therefore, Polacks advocate Political Correctness.

And anyway, is anyone surprised that the phrase "dumb Polack" is used when most of them can't even pronounce their last name correctly? I've heard "marchewka" pronounced as "mar-chew-ka"..I mean, dumb!
nott  3 | 592  
12 Dec 2010 /  #236
nott: Now what would be the reason for Americans to consider Poles so stupid?

I see. There must be hell of a lot of jokes on stupid Kalmyks too.

But why would a Pole even take into consideration what some red neck yank thinks about them?

Somebody mentioned here that Polish jokes were popular in some media. Doesn't look like rednecks to me.

Lol. The irony...


To anyone being offended by a Polish joke - my advice is, say something smart back.

Doesn't work against TV
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #237
Somebody mentioned here that Polish jokes were popular in some media. Doesn't look like rednecks to me.

Are the polonians gonna cry about racism?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
12 Dec 2010 /  #238
The sad thing is that you seem to be totally unaware of what kind of jokes Polish people make. It's very common to hear jokes about black people, Asians, Germans, Russians, etc here. And these jokes are often quite malicious in nature - many people have no issue with telling a joke with the word "nigger" in it.

For Gods sakes you barely speak any Polish so what would know about what Polish people say.

Your knowledge of what's going on in Poland is so weak.

For people to know what's really going on in Poland, all they have to do is take the opposite of what you say since you purposely distort everything going on in Poland for your own anti-Polish agenda.

You said before that only Polish Americans care about the media lie of "Polish Death Camps" and not regular Poles. It turns out that more Poles care about this issue then Polish Americans based on the signatures on the Kosciusko Foundation website against this propaganda.

You are nothing but a liar and propagandist against Poland while you fight tooth and nail for all things Russian.

All you do is read Russian English language reports for what goes in Poland for your act that "you live in Poland".

Its unbelieveable that somebody with all his anti-Polish criticisms and hatred of a littany of all things Polish that you have would CHOOSE to live in Poland.

You are that same Russian American going onto various national websites fighting tooth and nail for all things Russia with all your phoney aliases including on this website.

You talk about prejudice in Poland, its nothing compared to all the Neo-Nazis running around in Russia beating the crap out of minorities with GOVERNMENT BACKING.

The Nashis in Russia are all over Russia pushing white Russian Neo-Nazism. No wonder they call themselves Nashis.

As for Polish jokes, they barely exist in mainstream America today. They exist mostly only on the internet like websites like this with people like you and you other aliases on this forum.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Dec 2010 /  #239
For Gods sakes you barely speak any Polish so what would know about what Polish people say.

How do you know that?

Your knowledge of what's going on in Poland is so weak.

I'd beg to differ, I think he has a fair amount of knowledge.

For people to know what's really going on in Poland, all they have to do is take the opposite of what you say since you purposely distort everything going on in Poland for your own anti-Polish agenda.

Delph is far from anti-Polish. Why you think he lives there? For the boobies???

You are nothing but a liar and propagandist against Poland while you fight tooth and nail for all things Russian.

Hahaha now you make me **** myself laughing :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Dec 2010 /  #240
Are the polonians gonna cry about racism?

They will, but the American Polonia are pretty damn racist themselves. Of course, it's acceptable to be racist towards others, so long as no-one says anything about you.

For Gods sakes you barely speak any Polish so what would know about what Polish people say.

You know, Polish people speak other languages too. Unless you're saying that Poles are too dumb to speak other languages - which would be in tune with your warped view. Anyway, I speak enough Polish to hear that Poles are hardly politically correct.

Your knowledge of what's going on in Poland is so weak.

This, from you, that thought that Kaczynski was a pro-business candidate.

The Nashis in Russia are all over Russia pushing white Russian Neo-Nazism. No wonder they call themselves Nashis.

You seem to know a hell of a lot about Russia. I certainly didn't know that there was something called "Nashis" in Russia. Most people living in Poland wouldn't know that either - but you did. Weird.

Anyway, for the last time, being anti-Polack doesn't make you anti-Polish. Polacks are NOT POLISH.

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