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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #181
No it's a sign of self respect.

Self respect is also about taking things with a pinch of salt. If you cant rise above it then you're too weak hearted.

David many of those jokes are really aggresive and tells me that I'm genetically mentally disabled. And I should laugh from it?!

They don't tell you anything but that the person making them don't deserve your interest. If you are overly offended by them then take issue, but generally it just means that you don't have much self confidence or respect, as people who do have wouldn't give too much of a toss about them.

Problem is also that Poles wouldn't find that kind of joke funny

Do they not? Strange cos the vast majority of Poles I know did.

Btw. Will I find a African American laughing from jokes about backs? No they would consider it racist. Even if it was really funny.

Some of the best African American comics will and do often make jokes about Black people and their attitudes.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #182
Dave is right here, Zeti. People will say as people will say, you have to let it slide. Many Poles seem to constantly need to prove themselves which implies that they are not content letting others judge them.
11 Dec 2010 /  #183
Some of the best African American comics will and do often make jokes about Black people and their attitudes.

They wouldn't laugh from the jokes I know...

David if you let people to offend you they will do that. If you "show" them, then they will stop.
The only funny ethnic jokes are those who have a little truth inside. I like the German jokes about Polish thieves as I know that many Poles are indeed thieves and "streetsmarts". If you tell ethnic jokes they must play with stereotypes.

Dumb Polak is the stereotype existing only in these jokes and spreaded by those jokes but not real stereotype existing itself. Thanks to these kind of jokes people are tend to believe that Poles are really backwarded dumbs and they really fought during WW2 with tanks by sabers...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #184
If you know and are happy with the truth, what's the problem? I know many Aberdonians are mean and that gives other Scots a bad name. However, I also know that many of those stingy ones are from the oil&gas business which houses many foreigners. Some Poles are dumb, some aren't.
11 Dec 2010 /  #185
I know many Aberdonians are mean and that gives other Scots a bad name.

But stinginess is not really negative feature. Stinginess can be associated with thriftiness. What if there was a stereotype about not very bright Scots?

Some Poles are dumb, some aren't.

Just like in any radom population...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #186
No, stinginess is a negative feature. Thriftiness is the positive equivalent. Then there would be a fair bit of truth in the stereotype :)

Exactly right :) There's your truth :)
11 Dec 2010 /  #187
What I mean is that one joke is not equal of some other joke. I don't find jokes that Germans are too much dilligent and tied with instructions as being offensive...The same with stinginess.

If there were jokes about Poles wearing funny moustache I would laugh
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #188
If you "show" them, then they will stop.

Paying them no attention also works, are you that worried about your own standing that you need to respond to that? Do you have such a low esteem of yourself that you feel the need to prove to yourself and others that they cannot make jokes about ur country?

as I know that many Poles are indeed thieves and "streetsmarts"

Now if I was Polish I would take issue with that particular comment.

Thanks to these kind of jokes people are tend to believe that Poles are really backwarded dumbs and they really fought during WW2 with tanks by sabers...

Have you ever lived outside Poland Zeti? I think you will find that hardly anyone actually believes that. They just know that Poles will be overly sensitive to that comment so they use it, and by yourself being overly sensitive to the term only proves to them more cause to use it.
11 Dec 2010 /  #189
Paying them no attention also works, are you that worried about your own standing that you need to respond to that? Do you have such a low esteem of yourself that you feel the need to prove to yourself and others that they cannot make jokes about ur country?

Yes and yes. Next question. ;)

Now if I was Polish I would take issue with that particular comment.

You wouldn't because Poles know that's true in many cases.

Have you ever lived outside Poland Zeti?


They just know that Poles will be overly sensitive to that comment so they use it, and by yourself being overly sensitive to the term only proves to them more cause to use it.

Aha, so you acknoledge that they tease us deliberately? That means there is antipolish sentiment somewhere and I shouldn;t laugh from jokes that are tend to offend me...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #190
You wouldn't because Poles know that's true in many cases.

Do they? Really? Which ones?

so you acknoledge that they tease us deliberately?

If you "bite back" then yes and they will continue to do so until you learn not to be so super sensitive with those jokes. Better would be to turn it around and for Poles to play on the dumb Polak stereotype.

That means there is antipolish sentiment somewhere and I shouldn;t laugh from jokes that are tend to offend me...

NO ZETI, it means there are some idiots everywhere who dont really care if you are a Pole or not they will still use whatever ur weakness is to offend you. If you had tiny tits and a face like a badgers ass after it had been raped by a Rhino they would use that in place.
11 Dec 2010 /  #191
Do they? Really? Which ones?

Most outside this forum.

If you "bite back" then yes and they will continue to do so until you learn not to be so super sensitive with those jokes.

I don't need to bite back. I would just stop smiling and stop talking with that person. If someone doesn't know how to behave in my acompanionship then it means he is not a best material for a friend...

If you had tiny tits and a face like a badgers ass after it had been raped by a Rhino they would use that in place.

we are not in middle school, are we? ;)

You say your right and it doesn't persuede me. Sorry.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #192
Most outside this forum.

Yeah, just seems to me that every Polish friend I have would disagree, or the hundred of students of mine would also going by what was talked about in classes.

I would just stop smiling and talking with that person. If someone doesn't know how to behave in my acompanionship then it means he is not a best material for a friend...

Well done Zeti, you have managed to agree with exactly what I was saying from the start. Took your time eh? :D

You say your right and it doesn't persuede me. Sorry.

Strange, for you to have such an opinion based on experiences of living in what country....Poland. When you eventually spend enough time in a particular country, maybe then you can come back and give an opinion about its natives views on Poles...
11 Dec 2010 /  #193
Yeah, just seems to me that every Polish friend I have would disagree, or the hundred of students of mine would also going by what was talked about in classes.

They would disagree that every Pole is a thief (as they wouldn't like to be treated as potential theives). But they would agree that Poles fairly earn that stereotype. Just yeaterday they showed how Polish road constrution workers sell gas from the trucks and gravel which was to build a road. In Poland people steal even railway tracks!

Strange, for you to have such an opinion based on experiences of living in what country....Poland. When you eventually spend enough time in a particular country, maybe then you can come back and give an opinion about its natives views on Poles...

Contact with foreigners via the Internet doesn't count at all?

Well done Zeti, you have managed to agree with exactly what I was saying from the start. Took your time eh? :D

Women can say more by a mean glimpse than a word... ;>
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #194
Contact with foreigners via the Internet doesn't count at all?

Not really no.

Women can say more words by a mean glimpse than a word... ;>

Unfortunately for you Polish forums doesn't have a built in web cam application ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #195
Zeti, it all comes back to the fact that Poles only ever wanna hear good things about their country to boost their frail egos and justifications are given to mask defensiveness. I joke non-stop about the Scots being stingy but I always remember to throw in the truth at the end.
11 Dec 2010 /  #196
Poles only ever wanna hear good things about their country

No. It's just rude to say a native citizen of some country that his country sucks. This rule applies everywhere. If I was to critisize Scotland you'll be probably first to defend it.

I joke non-stop about the Scots being stingy but I always remember to throw in the truth at the end.

Would you tell a jokes about dumb Scots?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Dec 2010 /  #197
If I was to critisize Scotland you'll be probably first to defend it.

The whole point Zeti is that we aren't being critical.....we're telling jokes. gee wizz.

Would you tell a jokes about dumb Scots?

If they are funny, why not. Unlike Poles, Scots like to tell jokes that perceive them in a negative manner. It's why "banter" is so popular here. We already know our pros and cons but we aren't that that wimpy that we cannie take it.
11 Dec 2010 /  #198
The whole point Zeti is that we aren't being critical.....we're telling jokes. gee wizz.

but Seanus mentioned that Poles don't like to be crisized. So my reply was to him not you :)

Unlike Poles, Scots like to tell jokes that perceive them in a negative manner.

Not true. We in Poland also tell jokes about Poles (the famouse 3-nation jokes starting with:"There was a Russian, German and a Pole...") but our Polish-Russian-German jokes are far more funny! Those jokes deal with Polish clumsiness (compering with those 2 other nations) and too high "creativity" in solving simple problems... ;D

Ok, I'm off boys. I must dress my plastic choinka. Bye. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #199
I really wouldn't mind as long as the joke wasn't totally distasteful in the sense of paedophilia or death etc etc. Standard jokes against jokes? I have no problem with those.

I really wouldn't mind as I know what I know about Scots. I don't jump to defend my home country's people either. They can do that for themselves.
Ogien  5 | 237  
11 Dec 2010 /  #200
You hear about the Polish pilot who crashed his helicopter?

He wanted to turn off the air conditioning. ;-P
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Dec 2010 /  #201
Well, the following is not a joke but reads like one. 2 Polish wannabe electricians were forever trying to outdo each other. They were arguing over the voltage measurement of a bell. One was telling the other that it was such a minimal charge and that he'd prove it. He proceeded to lick it, only to get an electric shock more than he bargained for :)

Don't give up your day job Seanus:)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
11 Dec 2010 /  #202
Whats black and crispy and hangs from a ceiling..?

A Polish electrician...!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Dec 2010 /  #203
Thats a very stupid way to put it to be honest. A sign of how great a person can be is their ability to rise above it.

Name some Jews, Blacks and Russians who "rised above" insult jokes about them being animals?

Nice subhuman intelligence joke about Poles. Do you know any jokes about Jews, Blacks or Russians being subhumans?

Thats a very stupid way to put it to be honest. A sign of how great a person can be is their ability to rise above it. It's only a joke for god sake and only Poles would take them to heart. Stop crying about them and have a laugh back. Some of the best comedy ever made was due to the fact that people were about to poke fun at themselves and their peers.

No that's not putting it in a stupid way at all. That's putting it in a realistic way.

These are INSULT JOKES against Poles. Don't you get it? The purpose of them was to CONDITION the American public to believe that Polish people have less than human intelligence and to then treat Polish Americans accordingly. When there were Polish Americans being treated like they had inferior intelligence by non-Polish Americans, the NBC-bosses that started these hate jokes against Polish people were having a big laugh at the expense of the Polish people.

The key NBC-TV boss who was doing this was George Schlatter. The interesting thing about George Schlatter was that he also had Jewish jokes in his TV shows like "Laugh-In", but they were always MILD. No jokes about Jews looking and acting like rats. NOW why do you think that might be? Can you say hypocrite? LOL

But the Polish-Hater NBC-TV Boss George Schlatter got a big kick hearing people on the streets of America repeating the same subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people his TV shows were cranking out.

Nobody is crying about anything. Polish people just don't like insult jokes that put the imagery of Polish people having inferior intelligence into people's mind and then having those people act upon those notions and then treat Polish people like their second class citizens.

So name some Jewish comedians who poke fun at themselves with jokes about Jews looking like rats and acting like rats? Can you name some for me?

Name me some successful Black comedians who make jokes about Blacks looking like apes and acting like apes. Can you name some for me?

Name some successful Russian comedians making jokes about Russians being backward mongols who are the offspring of animals. Can you name some for me?

Name me some great Jewish, Black and Russian people who "rised above" jokes about them being animals??

They don't tell you anything but that the person making them don't deserve your interest. If you are overly offended by them then take issue, but generally it just means that you don't have much self confidence or respect, as people who do have wouldn't give too much of a toss about them.

What a bunch of crap.

Go tell this to Jewish people who don't want to hear jokes about Jews looking and acting like rats.

Go tell this to black people who don't want to hear jokes about blacks looking and acting like apes.

Go tell this to Russians who don't want to hear jokes about Russians being backward mongols who are the offspring of animals.

The few times I have told people telling "Polish jokes" that they are offensive, I always got a positive reaction from them. They respected me for standing up for Polish people. These same people seemed to have no respect for those Poles that don't defend themselves against insult jokes.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Dec 2010 /  #204
What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

The real reason is for people with low Self-esteem to build themselves up at other peoples expense not caring if it's true or not, just like what they hear.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Dec 2010 /  #205
then again, people with high self-esteem don't get upset about stupid jokes and even if they do, they laugh about it to show that they don't care and this kind of reaction usually kills the joke really quick.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Dec 2010 /  #206
Not really cause they might think you're laughing because you're scared to do something about it or are stupid and don't see that you're being laughed at. Either way allowing them to keep doing it. If its someone you know a friend or co worker say of there's my favorite dumb Pollack u'd laugh it off, but if its someone you don't know he's saying it to hurt your feelings or embarrass you, that calls for a nice punch.
George8600  10 | 630  
11 Dec 2010 /  #207
The problem is: why Polish people? All Polish jokes are about an inferior intelligence. When a joke of such nature is made against Black people or Latinos the racist card automatically goes up and high. When in truth, the reverse would make more sense to an extent.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Dec 2010 /  #208
Not really cause they might think you're laughing because you're scared to do something about it or are stupid and don't see that you're being laughed at.

OK, some might think that you're too stupid to know what they're saying and that's why make sure they will know that you understand what they're saying but laugh anyway to show that you don't care or just walk away. Showing your fists ain't going to solve this problem. The most you'll achieve is that you'll give them one more reason to believe that there must be something true about those jokes if you choose to use your physical strength instead to your intelligence. In general words can hurt much more than fists.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Dec 2010 /  #209
The real reason is for people with low Self-esteem to build themselves up at other peoples expense not caring if it's true or not, just like what they hear.


Yes I think any fair minded person knows this.

99% of non-Polish people who tell Polish people that they should "not be offended" at jokes against Polish people, would be the first to be offended at similar degrading jokes against their ethnic background.

There is a good reason why Polish-Hater NBC-TV boss George Schlatter who was one of the first Anti-Polish Media bigots to introduce subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles into the US, NEVER pushed into the US, jokes about his Jewish ethnicity as people who look and act like rats.

Left-winger George Schlatter never put comedy bits or Jewish jokes about Jews looking and acting like rats because he did NOT want this anti-Jewish imagery injected into the minds of the American people.

But imagery of Polish people having subhuman/inferior intelligence was something he had no problem injecting into the American audience that saw his stupid show. Unfortunately in the 1960's and 70's there were only a few TV networks so large portions of the American public had little choice but to watch these anti-Polish shows by the 60's and 70's Anti-Polish Network Media Bigots.

According to the Polish American Guardian Society, George Schlatter admitted that if the American public saw one show after another about Polish people being ridiculed with subhuman intelligence jokes, that that would CONDITION the American public to have a lower opinion of Polish people.

Its not exactly rocket science to figure this out. Anyone with a brain knows that TV imagery is very powerful in influencing the human mind. This is why companies and politicians spend millions of dollars for commercials that shape opinion on themselves.

TV imagery is a very powerful medium in shaping opinions and unfortunately for Polish people, most of the time in the US, it was used maliciously against Polish people.

then again, people with high self-esteem don't get upset about stupid jokes and even if they do, they laugh about it to show that they don't care and this kind of reaction usually kills the joke really quick.


What a bunch of nonsense.

It KILLS NOTHING. A person seen as taking/accepting an insult ONLY sets himself up for more insult jokes.

A person of any ethnic background who acts in such a way where he accepts the ethnic insult joke, is only putting a KICK ME, I ENJOY IT sign on himself. Why would any human being want that???

Why would any human being want to be treated like he is any lesser of a human being just because there are these bigots in Hollywood who maliciously used their media to tell the rest of the public that they are and say that the ethnic group (Polish people) they hate are second class citizens?

Why should people of any ethnic group go along with what the malicious things the media has been saying about them?

First the Polish Haters in the media bombarded the brains of the American people with propaganda that Polish people have subhuman/inferior intelligence and then when they saw they couldn't do that anymore (after Polish people spoke out) they went to PHASE 2 and started to bombard the American public with big lies about

"Polish Death Camps"

Any fair minded person with a brain can see that there clearly was and is a media ANTI-POLISH HATE CAMPAIGN going on against the Polish people so WHY SHOULD any Polish person accept it?

Whether its Media Anti-Polish propaganda about Polish people having subhuman intelligence or that the Polish built the death camps.

Why should ONLY the Polish people be good sports about all this malicious media hatred and bigotry against them??

Would Jews accept this?

Would Blacks accept this?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
11 Dec 2010 /  #210
But....MW....that wasn't meant as a funny joke, wasn't it. That wanted to hurt!

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