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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #91
The origin of Polish jokes came from Nazi German propaganda.

Any link or evidence for that?

As far as I know there never was a movie called "The eternal Pole" or "Pole Zeus" etc.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #92
Oh stop it. Even though the Nazi Germans were sick human beings they were still human beings and still knew how to tell and laugh at jokes. Especially when they were mocking those they hated.

How do you explain how Germans loved laughing at German movies like the "Eternal Jew" or "The Jew Zeus" where Jews were portrayed as having "rat like" qualities?

Here Hilter and his German audience are having a good laugh when the allies were telling Nazi Germany not to invade countries

Hitler comedy
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #93
How do you explain how Germans loved laughing at German movies like the "Eternal Jew" or "The Jew Zeus" where Jews were portrayed as having "rat like" qualities?

Because they were Jews?
Were there no polish Jew-jokes?

Again...bring some evidence for your ramblings!

And if it was the Nazi-Germans how come the polish joke is kind of international?
Were the horrible Nazis so popular even in GB or the US that the polish jokes thrived even as the hated Nazi regime got fighted?

How logical..

Hollywood pushed the stereotype that Poles have subhuman intelligence in their movies

Yeah...and Hollywood is so german Nazi! :)

The racist stereotype that Poles are intellectually inferior or have subhuman intelligence, originated from Nazi German propaganda and Soviet propaganda.

Any link for that????
Any links for your long ramblings at all at all??? :):):)
Germany was at war with the "subhuman" Russians too..where are the famous russian jokes?

Think MediaWatch...THINK!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #94
Hollywood pushed the stereotype that Poles have subhuman intelligence in their movies. Like recently in the movie "Land of the Lost" with Leftist Polish-hater Will Ferrell. Then there were other anti-Polish movies like "SWAT" and the first "Bruce Almighty". So here it is Poles are doing absolutely nothing yet their being attacked with repetitive big lie propaganda.

Origin of the Polish joke: https://polishforums.com/life/reason-jokes-6419/4/
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #95
Hollywood pushed the stereotype that Poles have subhuman intelligence in their movies.

Why should they do that?

How about that?
Since polish jokes are older than the Nazis...

...On September 5, 1901 son of Polish immigrants Leon Frank Czolgosz shot and killed U.S. President William McKinley. Movies were being made about this incident which brought about much anti-Polish sentiment and stereotypes. During this time also, Polish immigration from the dismantled Polish state was high due to racial discrimination and unemployment on traditionally Polish lands.[3] ...

or this

...Some of the most "provocative critique of previous scholarship on the subject"[6] has been made by British writer Christie Davies in The Mirth of Nations suggesting that "Polish jokes" did not originate in Nazi Germany, but a lot earlier, as an outgrowth of regional jokes rooted in "social class differences reaching back to the nineteenth century". According to Davies, American versions of Polish jokes are an unrelated "purely American phenomenon" and do not express the "historical Old World hatreds of the Germans for the Poles".[7]...

PS: I know about the horse-against-tanks-myth...and it is exactly that a myth or war time propaganda (as every side in this war was guilty of).

Nothing comparable to the enduring polish jokes from before the war and for long after the Nazis were history!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #96
Yes isn't that amazing? Hollywood is against Nazi propaganda EXCEPT for when its against Polish people.

Its just like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were AGAINST each other YET they still had a LOVE affair on somethings like destroying Poland together with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #97
Were are the many anti-german jokes as Germany was the main enemy in two world wars?

You should think logically here....the Nazis didn't invent the jokes, nor does Hollywood care enough to pester the world with it.
Every ethnie has to bear their stereotypes and the jokes coming with it.
Not everything in this world is centering around Poland! :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #98
But there are different kinds of Polish jokes.

The early Polish jokes in the US were along the lines of anti-immigrant jokes that all groups got. The subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles were always popular in Germany (at least the stereotype that Poles have inferior/subhuman intelligence) and was later pushed in Nazi propaganda.

But in the US it was Hollywood that pushed it not the Germans per se.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #99
But there are different kinds of Polish jokes.

You say that because you are a Pole!
(Don't tell me you never laughed when other people were mocked and the victim of some stupid stereotype joke)
Get a grip and laugh at them and don't throw a tantrum every time that makes people only conscious of it and next time they will pester you purposely knowing how much they can hurt you with that.

Stop giving them this weapon and grow up!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #100
Its not so much the "jokes" per se, its the stereotype that Poles have subhuman intelligence. It was propaganda pushed by certain nations and Hollywood which then turned into so called "Polish jokes".

It was obviously used to degrade Poles. And yes the world does not revolve around Poland but WE are on a Polishforum aren't we? The topic is Polish jokes isn't it?

Which begs the question why is a German like you on here all the time? I put up a message and within minutes you're responding to it and I haven't been in this forum in months.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #101
So...which denigrating stereotype you would rather have instead? ;)

Which begs the question why is a German like you on here all the time? I put up a message and within minutes you're responding to it and I haven't been in this forum in months

I can't sleep...:)
(And I have DSL)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #102
Well to be frank with you I might have liked hearing a joke about a terrorist nation or a nation that's against America. I usually just like laughing at people who are Osama Bin Laden like or Nazis since they obviously are bad people. I like laughing at bad people not good people.

But I can see the Nazi German is coming out of you.

You must love that "Schaudenfreude" which is the German word that means taking delight in negative things happening to other people.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #103
But I can see the Nazi German is coming out of you.

Well...fit's somehow with your other ramblings.
All wild accusations, no substance!

You must love that "Schaudenfreude" which is the German word that means taking delight in negative things happening to other people.

See? And do you see me throwing a tantrum over you spouting an anti-german stereotype?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #104
So I guess you feel you have to "keep an eye on those Poles"? LOL

Why would you be interested in a topic on Anti-Polish prejudice anyway?
sadieann  2 | 205  
9 Jul 2009 /  #105
I like laughing at bad people not good people.

A joke is just that. I wouldn't take it literally, it's not a racial slur. I haven't seen 'Land of the Lost' with Ferrell, but when he's funny, he's hysterical.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #106
Why would you be interested in a topic on Anti-Polish prejudice anyway?

I'm not. You calling the Germans as the ultimate culprits is...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #107
Well I was only responding to your cocky answer on #170. Giving you a taste of your own medicine.

By the way NOBODY I know tells me any Polish jokes (or really any ethnic or racial jokes) because they know better. I have always found that when people simply know that they are saying something bigoted, they stop. Just like I wouldn't tolerate somebody demonizing Germans of today who are not affiliated with Neo-Nazis.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
9 Jul 2009 /  #108
Well I was only responding to your cocky answer on #170. Giving you a taste of your own medicine.

What was "cocky" in that post?

By the way NOBODY I know tells me any Polish jokes (or really any ethnic or racial jokes) because they know better.

Then what is your problem? Can't sleep either??? :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #109
Germans of 2009 are not any kind of culprits unless they are affiliated with Neo-Nazi groups.
4 Aug 2009 /  #110
hey im polish and no offence to the people who actually tell the jokes but im real sick of it and nobody wantes to be my friend just becuase im polish!!! Well, im not ashamed of my nationatlity. no friends becuase im polish.... sounds alittle racist. dont ya think?
ona  2 | 17  
5 Aug 2009 /  #111
What's funny is that every nationality has a dumb joke about them. So it's just other people stereotyping others for some reason. Maybe it's because they just don't understand them.

It's annoying as hell but what can you do?
1 Sep 2009 /  #112
Antipolish sentiment, poor hisorical education of American people and manipulation by massmedia serve for the some groups for their own agendas.
Ogien  5 | 237  
26 Nov 2009 /  #113
Some people are so ridiculous with all this anti-Polish sentiment. I once had dinner with three guys who are involved in the adult entertainment industry. They told me how they had a new girl in the business who literally had a tattoo on her butt that read "Pollacks are ugly, they'll never get a piece of this tooshie." All of the guys happened to be Polish so it was only natural for me to ask them how they felt about this. One guy said he didn't care, one of them was offended, and the third guy was just excited at the thought of nailing her in the ass with the tattoo on it.

I'm not. You calling the Germans as the ultimate culprits is...

The Germans did push the jokes about Polish people having subhuman intelligence. I'm not saying it originated in Germany first but it was certainly big over there especially when the Germans killed millions of non-Jewish Poles and targeted the intelligence.
Kowski  - | 1  
29 Jul 2010 /  #114
Could it have anything to do with WWI, when Poland decided to joust on horseback against German tanks?
29 Jul 2010 /  #116
I read somewhere that during the German invasion of Poland at the start of World War II, the Germans rolled in to Poland in TANKS, while Polish troops tried to fend them off on horseback.

Could it have anything to do with WWI, when Poland decided to joust on horseback against German tanks?

Its a myth. Nazi German propaganda to ridicule Polish. Its sad that ppl still believe in that.
The myth has its roots in Charge at Krojanty
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Jul 2010 /  #117
Yeah...that's why polish jokes are still told in the US for 60 years after

Actually it's mostly Jews ,who control the media, that hate Poles, and allow or even encourage anti Polish movies or programs to air. They believe that we are just as guilty as the Germans for what happened to them in WW2. I've had one Russian Jew tell me, "it was the Germans who put us in concentration camps, and you who threw us in the gas chambers" can you believe that? They're alot less frequent nowadays than lets say in the 80's. I've even read a few recent articles by Jews defending Poles, saying that many did in fact help them, telling the truth.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
30 Jul 2010 /  #118
Well....just saying that the polishy cavallery against tank myth was cabled home by an american journo and not so much a Göbbles spin.

And if it was all about Nazi propaganda it doesn't explain the existence of polish jokes BEFORE and AFTER the war.

The Nazis were bad but not THAT bad....;)

I've read the famous William Shirer wrote the first time to a wider audience about it as he was in Poland writing about the german invasion..

I really don't think he tried to mock the Poles (as he had big sympathies for them)...he couldn't stand the Germans (wonder why), so it was surely rather admiringly meant!


Shirer was taken to the battlefield on Sept. 3rd, and shown the bodies and horses still strewn about the area. The Germans had already taken their dead away, so it appeared that only Poles had been killed. Shirer reported the story, incorrectly, and help spread the myth of horsemen charging tanks.


This "skirmish at Krojanty," described in sensationalist terms by journalists like William Shirer, is almost certainly the source material for the fanciful tale of Polish cavalry charging tanks.

Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
30 Jul 2010 /  #119
Polish jokes originated in the Polish American community. Polish Americans poking fun at recent Polish immigrants who would be ignorant about American life. These jokes occur in America because of all the recent immigration and the immigrants are usually the very poor and ignorant!! and let's not forget, Americans joke about everything.

Germans making fun of Poles? Germans are totally devoid of a sense of humor (like many people on this forum).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675  
30 Jul 2010 /  #120
The clear evidence that we are innocent!!!!


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