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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
23 Jun 2011 /  #421
And people wonder why Polish-Americans are stereotyped as being dumb when they take offence at something that no-one else does?

Yeah, Deph you take offense when Polish people badmouth Jews, Blacks, Germans ect.

But, When Polish Americans or Polish people are badmouthed then it is okay?

You are prime example to why alot of Polish Americans feel the way we do.

We see that other minorities tend to get alot of sympathy.

While, Poles are just suppose to stand there & take it.

You are the biggest hypocrite going.

What does Polish Americans not taking a joke have to do with Intellect? Yeah, that makes alot of sense. Anyone who does not like a joke must be stupid.
23 Jun 2011 /  #422
Well...you have to write and publish them yourself then! ;

Here are some a bit more sophisticated :

"what does a foreplay mean for a man ?
a half an hour begging "

An ad in a newspaper :
"Any problems with potency ? Here comes the end of your problems : our high class specialists will do the banging and finish for you, all free of charge ".

" A teenager comes back home early in the morning spinning panties around his finger and saying , mom I don`t know what kind of sport this is , but from now on it will become my hobby "
du a gwyn  
23 Jun 2011 /  #423
Here are some a bit more sophisticated :

sophisticated?? Good grief Monia....

Hey here's a good one...
Q. "What is black and crispy and hangs from the ceiling?"
A. "A Polish electrician"
23 Jun 2011 /  #424
what an awesome cracker of all times !!!! Uhhh , so sophisticated my dear .
du a gwyn  
23 Jun 2011 /  #425
Not my claim Monia, yours. Please tell me what is "sophisticated" about a "a teenager spinning panties round his finger"??
Anyway....I bet my joke raised more smiles than yours..:))
Know any others?
23 Jun 2011 /  #426
du a gwyn

That was very sophisticated for some individuals like you , darling , who spread polish jokes created for fools only . Losers and teenagers is a group bracket designed for you , thats why I placed such a joke in my post .
du a gwyn  
23 Jun 2011 /  #427
Grow up Monia
Actually I think that there are so many Polish jokes because Polish girls are immature, petty and spiteful and sad like you..:)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
23 Jun 2011 /  #428
sophisticated?? Good grief Monia....

Hey here's a good one...
Q. "What is black and crispy and hangs from the ceiling?"
A. "A Polish electrician"

Yes Goebels I'm sure jokes about dead Polish people are your favorite.
23 Jun 2011 /  #429
Know any others?

See , you are not even able to understand the simple idea of my sublimed humour , you can comprehend just dumb jokes .
du a gwyn  
23 Jun 2011 /  #430
you are not even able to understand the simple idea of my sublimed humour

simple, yes...like you:@))
Sublimed?? yeh whatever sweetie.xxxx
23 Jun 2011 /  #431
I think that there are so many Polish jokes because Polish girls are immature, petty and spiteful and sad like you..:)

Oh boy ,I haven`t said any more jokes yet but The champ is pissed off now, LOL.
23 Jun 2011 /  #432
This is not to offend anyone but serves as a proof that learning English language by Poles is as much difficult as learning Polish language by English

Monia, as far as I am informed, from a number of linguist experts, English is the least difficult language to learn of all languages, English is almost a forced second language, as it is the First language of business, the most successful music singers/bands, sing in English - Film, Internet etc. As a English speaker you will always find someone that speaks English in most places in the world, as a Polish speaker, the use of the language is limited, to Poland and other slavic countries, as well as parts of USA, Canada and the UK.
23 Jun 2011 /  #433
I can't believe how many Russian joke videos there are out there.

So true. There has been an uptick in Russian jokes about Russians being retarded, backward, mongol, dimwitted, lazy, uncoordinated, drunk, you name it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jun 2011 /  #434
And why they are offended by something which they haven't even read and clearly do not understand!

Now now, he has to take offence on behalf of Polish people, even when the Poles don't want him to take offence!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jun 2011 /  #435
Two and a half men show.

There was a anti-Polish line on that show, which episode?
Palivec  - | 379  
23 Jun 2011 /  #436
At the current state of matters the answer is simple: JUDENS

Every single attack in US TV can be traced back to it Jewish writers/founders/creators/executive producers etc.

Latest example?

Two and a half men show. Created and produced by Chuck Lorre or better known by Chuck Levy.

But they drink Wernesgruener in the show, a German beer. It must be a German-Jewish conspiracy... uhh, wait. :D
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
23 Jun 2011 /  #437
Remember how Charlie's mother is insinuating that it is immoral to drive a German made car? As a response to Charlies Mercedes?

There was a anti-Polish line on that show, which episode?

Dont remember which episode exactly but when Charlies fiancee's mother from Chicago arives, she meakes a statement: "...you dont have to tell me twice, Im not a pollock..."

Also, he had a girl supposedly from Poland once that was portrayed in bad light as well...
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Jun 2011 /  #438
This is not to offend anyone but serves as a proof that learning English language by Poles is as much difficult as learning Polish language by English

Really stupid statement.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jun 2011 /  #439
Dont remember which episode exactly but when Charlies fiancee's mother from Chicago arives, she meakes a statement: "...you dont have to tell me twice, Im not a pollock..."

Also, he had a girl supposedly from Poland once that was portrayed in bad light as well...

Yea but if the same was done with a Jew or minority it would be prejudice or racist.
RobertLee  4 | 73  
23 Jun 2011 /  #440
Once I watched an episode of an otherwise dull TV series "Criminal Minds":
They said something about "Gypsies, who are known as petty thieves", but that's nothing - the episode was about Romani killing parents, kidnapping children and brainwashing them and it was suggested that this is a "tradition" in certain Romani circles. It is beyond my comprehension how did they ever allowed this crap to be aired.

I couldn't find any info that someone was held responsible for that. Evidently some minorities are more equal than others.
Softsong  5 | 492  
10 Jul 2011 /  #441
Not necessarily....just got this in an email and thought it would fit in this thread perfectly!

The Mother of all Ethnic Jokes

An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Latvian, a Turk, a German, an Indian, several Americans (including a southerner), a Venezuelan, a Fijian, a Peruvian, an Estonian, a Brazilian, a Portuguese, a Liechtensteiner, a Mongolian, a Hungarian, a Canadian, a Virgin Islander, a Georgian, a Belarusian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Belgian, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian and 47 Africans (...) walk into a fine restaurant....

"I'm sorry," said the maƮtre d', after he had scrutinized the group one by one
and barred their entrance, saying- "you can't come in here without a Thai."

29 Jul 2011 /  #442
Check out the documentary film, Polack, which attempts to find the source of the Polish joke in America and shows many examples from television and film. The film can be watched online at polackthefilm.com
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
29 Jul 2011 /  #443
Well the fact it has the anti-Polish slur "polack" in the title, tells you all you have to know about the film and its anti-Polish agenda. Its a movie made by the same Hollywood Leftists that pushed these anti-Polish slurs in the 70's. It says virtually nothing about the Hollywood/TV network hate-campaign against Polish people.

Would you expect a movie called "wopthefilm" to properly explain anti-Italian prejudice or anti-Italian jokes in America? Would you expect a movie called n*ggerthefilm" to explain anti-Black slurs in America? Or Kikethefilm" to explain anti-Jewish jokes/slurs? I would think not.

This movie "explains" anti-Polish jokes/slurs about as good as the anti-Polish show "All in the family" explained them with a token Polish character.

This obscure "movie" I have never seen played anywhere which says something. Its not like the 1970's where it was OK to openly bash Polish people, or pretend to "defend" or "explain" them while actually bashing them.

I wouldn't be surprised if "jimbowski" was the usual suspect anti-Polish troll on this forum.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
29 Jul 2011 /  #444
the anti-Polish show "All in the family"

That show was meant to reveal the stupidity of Polonophobia, and other irrational prejudices, by showing how ridiculous the prejudiced idiot character Archy Bunker was. The problem with the show was that many of its viewers, rather than seeing Archy for the fool he was, saw him as their hero who was unafraid to vocalize all the stupid prejudices that they themselves held.
f stop  24 | 2493  
29 Jul 2011 /  #445
I agree with Des. I believe there were some that picked Archie as their hero, in protest over the equal rights movement that they just could not accept.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
29 Jul 2011 /  #446
That show was meant to reveal the stupidity of Polonophobia, and other irrational prejudices, by showing how ridiculous the prejudiced idiot character Archy Bunker was.

Oh yeah that show "All in the Family" really revealed the stupidity of Polonophobia LOL

My parents and other Polish Americans have always said, it was the basis for at least half of the anti-Polish jokes and anti-Polish prejudice in America which exploded in the 1970's. Especially when people after watching "All in the Family" went up to their fellow Polish Americans and harassed them with the same ethnic slurs Archie used on Polish people. Evidently 80% of America didn't get it that anti-Polish jokes by Archie was prejudice an unacceptable.

The show ran from 1971-1979. Those were the years when anti-Polish jokes and anti-Polish slurs peaked in America. That tells you something.

There were some token episodes where the Polish character and his relatives put the bigot Archie Bunker in his place with his anti-Polish jokes. But other then those handful of episodes, all Americans heard and recalled from the show was "Dumb Polack this" and "Dumb Polack that". The Leftist producer Norman Lear purposely put in a Polish character who was the main character of the show, as the basis of the show to crank out anti-Polish soundbites more then negative soundbites against any other group.

Its interesting the producer Norman Lear never had any slur soundbites about his ethnic background such as use of the word "K*ke". He also never had Archie use the word "N*gger". His jokes about Jews also were mild. Archie never made any Jewish jokes about Jews looking or acting like rats that the Nazis made even though Archie's jokes about Polish people were similar to the ones made by Nazi Germans..

Archie Bunker was also referred to by the mainstream media as a "Loveable Bigot". So basically the producer no doubt wanted the audience to embrace half of what Archie said, while employing the ruse the show was "against ethnic bigotry".

Many Polish Americans feel Archie's anti-Polish jokes reflected the anti-Polish prejudice of the Left-wing producer Norman Lear towards Poles, since Lear afterwards on his own made similar anti-Polish slurs.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2011 /  #447
The Leftist producer Norman Lear purposely put in a Polish character

See, MediaWatch - if you actually knew a damned thing about Poland, you'd know that Poland by nature is "leftist".

From the abuse of "Polacks" - sounds to me as if the producer was actually "rightist".

From Wikipedia -

All in the Family was notorious for featuring language and authentic epithets previously absent from American television, such as "fag" and "fairy" for homosexual, "yid" and "hebe" for Jews, "spic" for Hispanics, "mick" for Irish, "dago" and "wop" for Italians, "polak" for Polish, "chink" for Chinese, "Jap" for Japanese, "gook" for southeast Asian, and "spade", "spook", "jig", and "jungle bunnies" for blacks. In a few instances, "goddammit" was uttered. It was also famous for being the first major television show to feature the sound of a flushing toilet; it became a running gag on the show. As typical of people with a Brooklyn accent, Archie and Edith would pronounce "toilet" as "terlet".

Seems to me as if you haven't actually watched it at all, but rather you're just repeating what you've read in racist Polack newspapers. I mean, it doesn't surprise me - Lear is Jewish, and therefore a good target for anti-semitic Polack organisations who seek to portray him in a bad light.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
29 Jul 2011 /  #448
See, MediaWatch - if you actually knew a damned thing about Poland, you'd know that Poland by nature is "leftist".
From the abuse of "Polacks" - sounds to me as if the producer was actually "rightist".

What in the world are you talking about?? Have you been drinking?

I'm not talking about Poland, I'm talking about America and its media shows.

You don't know a damn thing about what your talking about if you think Norman Lear is not a Leftist and is a RIGHTIST LOL. Even he would tell you that he's strongly liberal.

By the way I have some more examples of how elements of the media in this country is for some reason making your Russians look stupid in a way kind of similar to how the media made Poles and Italians look the same way years before. I guess the love affair between the Left-wing media in this country and Russia is over.

I'll post them in the off-topic section.
15 Sep 2011 /  #449
To learn more about the source of Polish jokes (Polack jokes) in America, watch the feature documentary, Polack, at polackthefilm.com
18 Jan 2012 /  #450
Each nationality makes fun of neighbours/immigrants/collonisers that are relevant to them. In England there are many irish/welsh jokes, in holland the belgium are butt of the jokes while in Brazil we make jokes about the portuguese (the jokes are exactly the same just substituting nationality). There are two main theories about why the Polish seemed particularly picked on. The jokes did originate by Nazi propaganda, and this spread to countries that absorbed immigration after WWII, especially America. Also, because of differences in vocabulary/grammar people of polish descent found more difficult to learn english than other european counterparts, leading to a misrepresention of lack of intelligence. This is the same for other countries like Ukraine, but the Polish are particularly numerous in America- The Ukranians are made fun of in Canada where they are more numerous. We all know that if something is ubiquitous in America (such as polish jokes) it quickly gets disseminated to the world because of global consumption of American media, so now it has travelld back to Europe...

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