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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Apr 2011 /  #361
I crack up when I hear all this BS talk by the dumb young liberals on PF about 'racism'...You want to experience racism?...Come to America, and live in a city run by Jigaboos...Then, you will experience racism.

Here a good Polish joke:

Did you hear about the insurgent missile that hit the Polish Army barracks in Iraq?

Missile knock out the one light bulb in the barracks...

But battalion commander, Major Stas Mokowski, has an agile mind, a quick thinker.

He realize his men will need to relieve themselves, and will have trouble in the dark.

So he gather up all the flashlights from his men, and make a lighted path directly to the barracks kitchen sink!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Apr 2011 /  #362
I crack up when I hear all this BS talk by the dumb young liberals on PF about 'racism'...You want to experience racism?...Come to America, and live in a city run by Jigaboos...Then, you will experience racism.

Here a good Polish joke

Is all this racism of yours against blacks, Jews and Polish people necessary?

You sound like you have the mind of a 12 year old.

Joepsilsudski I doubt you are Polish.

You never really promote or defend Poland or Polish people unless its in the context of attacking Jews or other groups of people.

You just come onto this forum spewing your hatred against various groups of people including Polish people. Anyone with a brain knows these subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people are insults. There is also no reason to make racist jokes/remarks against black people either.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Apr 2011 /  #363
Is all this racism of yours against blacks, Jews and Polish people necessary?

BTW, what media do you watch?

You are silly boy with no sense of humour, or maybe you just have a bad day.

I have no hatred against any groups, but Blacks, I live with them, so I know their culture...African-Americans have a rich culture, but all that is lost now, with the emphasis on 'rap' and gangster identification.

Jews?...I have Jewish friends: I don't care for Israeli gangster regime, and their spies in the USA.

Poles?...I promote whenever I can, especially in the field of arts...But few Poles get any publicity or notice in the media for this...I liked the Wachowski brothers 'V for Vendetta', but they are Jewish, with Polish surname.

Polish foreign policy falls right in line with US/Zio world control plan, so I can't praise Polish politicians.

Racist jokes?...I love them, no matter who is the butt...Why?...They are funny!

Here a good one:

Q Why do Jewish girls hate colostomies?

A Because it is so hard finding shoes that match the bag!
Crow  154 | 9238  
18 Apr 2011 /  #364
What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

assimilation of Poles.... Germanization, Americanization, Judaization, Anclicanization, Arabization, etc +zations
Ogien  5 | 237  
21 Apr 2011 /  #365
Poles?...I promote whenever I can, especially in the field of arts...But few Poles get any publicity or notice in the media for this...I liked the Wachowski brothers 'V for Vendetta', but they are Jewish, with Polish surname.

Their father was a Polish Catholic businessman. I can't find any information about their mother.
22 Apr 2011 /  #366
So tell me, what is the REAL REASON for THE POLISH JOKES !

Polish people :p
George8600  10 | 630  
23 Apr 2011 /  #367

Polish people are here too...
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
23 Apr 2011 /  #368
Their father was a Polish Catholic businessman. I can't find any information about their mother.

They have a Facebook page...It say 'Jewish Polish-American family'.

Of course, someone could have set up a fake account with their name.

They make very good films.

Both look gay to me.
Ogien  5 | 237  
23 Apr 2011 /  #369
^One of them is a tranny lol.
3 Jun 2011 /  #370
its just something people came up with so that they can have a laugh so calm you wiener
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jun 2011 /  #371
Some people give others cause to crack jokes. There is nothing new in this and, simply put, it stems from contact.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Jun 2011 /  #372
Three Poles in a airplane. Engines sieze and pilot takes the only parachute. The Poles panic, one asks the other what do we do? The other says I dunno we are just two Poles in a complex plane!
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
4 Jun 2011 /  #373
I don't think jokes about polish are funny..... Why do people think Polish are stupid???? here are bad jokes same theme that polish are dumb

A Pollack walked into a bar and sat down at the bar, where a news report was on TV. On the news a man was on a ledge outside an upper floor of a building threatening to jump. The bartender, who'd seen the news report before said, "I'll bet you $50 he's going to jump." The Pollack took the bet and put down a $50 bill on the bar. Then the man on the ledge jumped to his death. The bartender picked up the $50 bill but then, realizing that he'd taken advantage of a poor, dumb Pollack, his conscience got the better of him and he said, "Look, I'm going to give you back your money. I have to confess that I saw that news report before." "That's O.K.," said the Pollack, "I saw it before too, but I didn't think he was gonna do it again!"

A Polish man went to a carpenter and asked, "Can you build me a box that is two inches high, two inches wide, and fifty feet long?"

"Hmm..." mused the carpenter. "It could be done, I suppose, but what would you want a box like that for?"

"Well, you see," said the Pole, "my neighbor moved away and forgot some things, so he asked me to send him his garden hose."

A Pole, an American, and a German had a room full of rancid used tampons, and they decided to have a contest to see who could stay in there the longest.

First it was the American's turn. The other two locked him in the room and waited. A week later, they heard him whimpering and pounding on the door so they let him out. "That is the sickest smell I have ever endured!" cried the American. "I couldn't stay in there another minute!"

Next it was the German's turn. After a month he finally banged on the door to be let out. "Oh God, that is the most putrid smell in the world! I couldn't take it another minute!" he cried as he gasped for breath.

Finally it was the Pole's turn. They locked him in the room and waited. A week went by, a month, a year. The German and American heard nothing. Finally they began to worry, so they yelled through the door, "You can come out now! You've won the contest by far!" To which the Pole yelled back, "No, not yet! I'm not done eating the jelly donuts."
Havok  10 | 902  
4 Jun 2011 /  #374
I suspect PF could contribute with new material for Polish Jokes. It's a gold mine.


Question: How do you stop a Polish army on horseback?

Answer: Turn off the carousel.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Jun 2011 /  #375
I don't think jokes about polish are funny..... Why do people think Polish are stupid???? here are bad jokes same theme that polish are dumb

Nothing like some infantile subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles. How old are you? 9?

I suspect PF could contribute with new material for Polish Jokes. It's a gold mine.

Yes Adolf lets turn this forum into a hate through humor forum against Polish people LOL
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Jun 2011 /  #376
MW, I really don't hear any Polish jokes around here. Actually, nothing about Poland at all. Are they really still present in Chicago (I assume, that's where you live)?
Havok  10 | 902  
4 Jun 2011 /  #377
Yes Adolf lets turn this forum into a hate through humor forum against Polish people LOL

Polish jokes are harmless and there are gazillion of other jokes out there about any other nationality. So when you go up in arms about polish jokes you gonna look like a total puckerass every time .. I know that you can't read about this in any media so i forgive you, so take this tip and go with it.

I realize it's not entertaining or funny and really i hate lowering myself to a 10 year old level, mediawatch. but maybe all I can do is to save one or two starfish, but if that's what feels right to me, then I'll go.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Jun 2011 /  #378
MW, I really don't hear any Polish jokes around here. Actually, nothing about Poland at all. Are they really still present in Chicago (I assume, that's where you live)?

Same here. I live on the East Coast and I personally don't hear the so called Polish jokes.

Hollywood and the TV media don't push them like they did years ago, so they're not really in the mainstream like they used to be. Actually all ethnic joke slurs are not in the mainstream. But of course, Polish people like all groups will have their element of detractors that will try to push them every so often. Like on this forum.

Polish jokes are harmless and there are gazillion of other jokes out there about any other nationality. So when you go up in arms about polish jokes you gonna look like a total puckerass every time .. I know that you can't read about this in any media so i forgive you, so take this tip and go with it.


Who said I'm up in arms???? I made a little Adolf joke about your so called Polish jokes and you're the one getting up in arms. Kind of ironic considering what you said to me.
9 Jun 2011 /  #379
I discovered the actual reason for Polish jokes when I moved to Ukraine, which is on the Polish border. Ukrainians don't tell Polish jokes. Neither do Germans, Czechs or Russians. For that matter, neither do English, Australians or Canadians... but Canadians tell Ukrainian jokes.

And that explains the reason why Americans tell Polish jokes.

The Polish were the first large group of white immigrants in America who couldn't learn English easily--just as Ukrainians were the first large group of white immigrants in Canada who couldn't learn English easily.

Every other immigrant group came from the coast of Europe, and European countries with seacoasts had contact with the English language. All these coastal languages were MUCH more closely related to English. You can prove this by looking into the Bible of any country. If, for example, you look a foreign Lord's Prayer, 25-30% of the words will either look like or sound like an English word if you compare it to the English prayer. But in either Polish or Ukrainian, the only recognizeable word is "Amin." (Amen.)

The words are completely different, the pronunciation is extremely different, the sounds are so different you often can't even imagine how the word is spelled, and the grammar is unusually different.

Therefore the Polish and Ukrainian immigrants seemed to be dumb. Because they were dumb, they couldn't get good jobs and stayed poor. Because they were poor they couldn't afford a fresh outfit and a hot bath before work every day so some of them seemed dirty and disreputable. From these facts we get all Polish jokes, and of course when you move to places with different minorities you may change the jokes to match that minority. And once the whole idea of minority jokes was made up, you can look for things to laugh at in that minority--Chinese drivers, thrifty Scots, Jewish genies.

I am a linguist, speak five languages and read four others, so you can take this explanation to the bank.

Roger Kovaciny
9 Jun 2011 /  #380
"Amin." (Amen.)

In Polish it's Amen.

I am a linguist, speak five languages and read four others, so you can take this explanation to the bank.

Sorry Roger but your explanation doesn't convince me at all. I think that for an Italian/Greek/Russian/Spanish etc. learning English is as much difficult as for a Polish person.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jun 2011 /  #381
Early so called Polish jokes were mild. They were jokes about Kielbasa, Pierogi, long Polish names etc.

But the put down jokes that Poles have inferior intelligence were introduced and pushed hard by the Hollywood/media complex. There were only a few TV networks which therefore had a virtual monopoly on the imagery of what the American people saw decades ago. Most of that imagery were the subhuman intelligence jokes of Polish people or related imagery. It was meant to condition the American public to have the same anti-Polish prejudice that the left-wing TV networks/Hollywood had of Polish people.

How do you think Americans who did not live near Polish people or know Polish people all of a sudden had the opinion that "Poles have inferior intelligence" in the 1970's???????

Do you think it was just a coincidence that the "newest Polish joke" in those days in all parts of America including parts of America where there was NO interaction with Polish people, was the same joke that was on national network TV?????
rybnik  18 | 1444  
9 Jun 2011 /  #382
Absolutely! I grew up during that time and it was hard. Lots of bloody noses on both sides.
@ Media: how do you explain the recent relative easing-up on Poles in the media?
legend  3 | 658  
9 Jun 2011 /  #383
I want to answer this too!

Its because the American/zionist Media are completely attacking the Muslims now.
They are busy with the oil quests / bombing innocent people / getting richer $$$.
Since all this stuff picked up after 9/11 the news wants us too pay attention to:

The largest wave of Poles that came to North America for example happened around the time
"communism" died afaik. So its been roughly two decades. Its rare to here it over now.

The only thing I see sometimes is people putting down "eastern Europe" as backwards. Poland has come a long way since then which has greatly improved peoples view of Poland.

Still a lot of Americans point their fingers at Russia even though the cold war is over.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jun 2011 /  #384
It was meant to condition the American public to have the same anti-Polish prejudice that the left-wing TV networks/Hollywood had of Polish people.

Media Watch you sound like an insane person when you claim that there was a left-wing conspiracy to demean the Polish with these jokes. Polish-Americans, like most immigrants from the great second wave that flowed into this country, voted Democratic, so what would be the reason for the Left to want to demean them in the heyday of Polish jokes a few decades ago? If the TV Networks and Hollywood did publicize such jokes for any reason, that maybe considered nefarious, it was not because of politics but rather because many of the programmers were Jewish Americans that disliked Poles because of the slights they believed they, or their progenitors, suffered in Poland before coming to America.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jun 2011 /  #385
Absolutely! I grew up during that time and it was hard. Lots of bloody noses on both sides.
@ Media: how do you explain the recent relative easing-up on Poles in the media?

That's a good question, because I grew up when the media heavy-Polish bashing was starting to decline and there is a huge difference today of the attitude of the American media world towards Polish people then say in the 1970's.

The answer to your question is long and complicated, but since I am limited for time right now, let me just say that the media complex has gotten much bigger and has changed, so its harder for Polish-haters to dominate all of it. Most new media today like conservative radio, internet are neutral on Polish people more or less and don't have the old 1970's Big Left-wing bias of the TV networks and Hollywood (Prejudice today in general against any ethnic group is not seen as acceptable too).

Also the TV networks and Hollywood, despite having a residue of anti-Polish bias, are bigger and more complicated, which also allows for even Pro-Polish shows and movies from time to time.

Also the world has changed. Some of the old media people who saw Poles as their "eternal enemies" have bigger fish to fry so to speak. For example, they see a growing Muslim world that don't like them too much as a REAL enemy today, vs the Polish people who were more of an imagined enemy to them.

I'll have more on this later. Got to go.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jun 2011 /  #386
The largest wave of Poles that came to North America for example happened around the time
"communism" died afaik. So its been roughly two decades.

This is not true Legend. The largest wave was in the late 19th and early 20th century.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Jun 2011 /  #387
You are correct. I stand corrected I was in a rush.
I meant the last significant wave happened then.
9 Jun 2011 /  #388
I am a linguist, speak five languages and read four others, so you can take this explanation to the bank.

You are right and I totally agree with your opinion - that for Poles an English language is more difficult than for those who belong to Roman and German languages group as both have much more in common with English than with Slavic . Nevertheless it shouldn`t be any explanation to say derogatory jokes about common people who were mostly illiterate and uneducated in their native country, but this didn`t mean that they were dumb . The proof of this lies in my short experience with this forum where I can observe that English speaking people who live on Poland can not express themselves in Polish , even though that have been living here for several years .

This is not to offend anyone but serves as a proof that learning English language by Poles is as much difficult as learning Polish language by English .
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jun 2011 /  #389
Interesting theory, but I cannot agree with you that Polish jokes are not told in Germany. The Polenwitze there are actually institutionalised in that TV comedy shows regularly feature them. The Pole is chronically portrayed either as a car thief or as a dirty, stupid drunk living with his livestock in the same cowshed, etc.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Jun 2011 /  #390
Of course, the fact that Russians are portrayed as alcoholics in the Western media, Germans portrayed as Hitler-lovers, Italians as being exceptionally lazy, French as being smelly onion eaters and so on means nothing to you, doesn't it?

Incidentally, there's plenty of stereotypes on Polish TV. No-one complains, because they've all got better things to do than obsess over the slightest insult to them. Heck, Britain is mocked soundly in the Polish media for having ugly women, terrible food, terrible weather and so on. We don't care in the slightest, and why should we?

I do find it amusing though, that most of these DEFEND NASZA POLSKA types can't actually speak Polish.

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