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Any Polish pride wallpapers?

weaverwarrior12  6 | 3  
4 Sep 2013 /  #1
I haven't found a good Polish pride wallpaper yet.
Bekki92  - | 2  
4 Sep 2013 /  #2
There's a few if you type in "Polish Pride [Wallpapers]" and "Polska Duma". What kind of things do you want on it? Most of them seem to consist of the Polish flag with the writing over the top.
OP weaverwarrior12  6 | 3  
5 Sep 2013 /  #3
I would like something that glorifies Poland a lot.

Maybe something that consists of something WWII or WWI related.
Bekki92  - | 2  
5 Sep 2013 /  #4
This is kinda cool: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/84/Poland_First_To_Fight.jpg
There's not really much out there that comes as a whole wallpaper. Maybe you could get some pics/quotes together that you like and make your own wallpaper? If you're not a fan of doing that kind of thing, I'm sure there's someone here who's good with photoshop who'd be willing to help you out. I would but I'm not great with tech...

This is nice too; it's a proper wallpaper:

And this one is nice. It says (something like): "Hearts of the Spartans, death and glory, Polish soldiers, the pattern of valor".

I shan't post any more links tonight in case I get in trouble... I'm not sure if it's against the rules or not to post links when helping someone. Happy wallpaper hunting :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Sep 2013 /  #5
I would like something that glorifies Poland a lot.

Something perhaps with the aftermath of Jedwabne?

People who want to "glorify" Poland tend to approve of such events.
5 Sep 2013 /  #6
Anglio ty to zrobilas! is a good one.
England you have done this!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Sep 2013 /  #7
Wasn't that Nazi propaganda? Or Communist?

I forget, but either way, no surprise that Goofy is endorsing regimes hostile to Poland.
czerwonymbarone  1 | 4  
5 Sep 2013 /  #8
It was a nazi propaganda poster trying to make the Poles colaborate with Germany but it was like- Anglie-twóje dzielo, not what you writted.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
5 Sep 2013 /  #9
Why not search for Raclawice and check out the high res images there? It's a hugely famous panorama and there are few parts of it that don't say "Polish Pride".
5 Sep 2013 /  #10
read up about the english pre war politics.
especially good source of information you will find in the writings of Cat Mackiewicz.

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